Open wicked

Victoria de Lacey

⚡ lightning mcqueen ⚡ zoom zoom 💨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Tori couldn't believe it. Honestly, of all the things for Demi to do, she didn't understand why she hated her. She didn't even care, because this was the reason right here why Tori had never liked Demi from the first moment. It had been a couple of days since she'd found out what she'd done, and she'd only gotten angrier and angrier about the whole thing. She hadn't been uncomfortable or truly upset with Demi prior to this, but now? At this point? Yeah, Tori was so over the whole thing. She didn't care if she got into trouble for this but she blamed Demi for what had almost just happened with two people she considered her best friends now, and she wasn't going to just let that go. "Demi! You b*tch! I knew there was a reason I didn't like you!" She cornered her as she came out of the Ravenclaw tower and before she could even think it through properly, she'd pulled her arm back and aimed a punch right at Demi's face. "You're an awful person, and you don't deserve to have friends!"

*godmod approved
The moment the common room door opened, Demi felt as though she’d walked straight into a wall. Her nose and her eyes and cheeks were throbbing as she took a couple of steps backward, hand flying up to the face to make contact with something wet and warm above her lip. “What the..,” Demi peered through narrowed eyes at Tori who was shouting profanities in her direction, “Oh my god why would you do that?” Demi cried, tears welling up in her eyes from physical pain. Tori barely knew anything about her, and while Demi didn’t really like the Gryffindor considering she would normally poke her nose into situations that didn’t concern her, this was the more striking of cases. “What’s wrong with you, are you insane?!”
Nope, Tori wasn’t taking the blame for Demi’s poor behaviour. She didn’t think she had been so angry about something in her whole life. Tori still didn’t have a lot at school or at home that she could appreciate or that she felt like she was part of, given her less than poor relationship with her dad and her brother just abandoning her, not to mention how hard she’d had to work recently to keep her friends, her classes were hard and she didn’t understand them and then here was Demi trying to talk away one of the only the few good things about school. No, it wasn’t happening. It wasn’t even really about her, she was angry that Demi had almost broken a hard earned trust between the three of them. “You’re a damn liar, Demi! You had no right to say those things to Lili! You almost broke up a friendship because you do nothing but lie!”
Demi in truth had a little knowledge of what Tori may have meant, but she wasn’t about to let the Gryffindor get one up on her. For all her screaming and punching, Demi was determined to show her that she was the one in the right. “Rich coming from you, calling me a liar!” She yelled back, hand still clutching at her bleeding nose. “I was the one looking out for Lili, because that’s what friends do!” She did her best to wipe the blood away on the back of her sleeves. “You’re the one who doesn’t deserve any real friends, considering you’re perfectly happy to get between someone and her boyfriend. Don’t come crying about it to me when I’m the one who fixed your stupid mess. Maybe if you hadn’t been snogging Eoghan in the first place, Lilith wouldn’t have needed to be told what a spiteful person you are!” Demis voice was now raised quite high, and she didn’t care who heard it.
Now Tori was even more confused, was this girl actually this delusional? "When was I snogging Eoghan? Kissing is gross!" She thought that especially when she saw her dad and Uncle Lani, ew. "If you were really her friend you wouldn't have said all those lies! Eoghan and Lilith are my best friends and there was no need to get between us like that! Lili was your friend and she gave you a special name and then you went and threw that in her face by making up a horrible lie about two of her other friends that hadn't even spoken to you!" She was trying very hard not to address the comments about them being a couple, because she now knew that was actually true, and she also now knew that Demi was probably making up a story about the whole thing. "I've never lied about anything!" Okay that wasn't totally true, but it was true about this! Maybe this is why Uncle Lani had hit Lyra in the head with a book, maybe she friggen deserved it if she was like this back in school.​
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Demi tilted her head back and laughed, “Oh per-lease, you can’t fool me Victoria, I saw you,” It wasn’t strictly true but anyone that may have heard her didn’t know that. As Tori went on to say that Lili had given her a special name but she’d thrown in back in her face, a heavy frown appeared on her own. “How dare you, you’re not the one who shares a room with her, you obviously don’t even know her!” Lilith was her friend, that’s why she was even doing this in the first place! Demi’s nose was still throbbing, but she was done arguing with someone who wouldn’t take responsibility for her actions. People like that would never change. Demi had three siblings but even they had never been so disrespectful. “You’re nothing but a home wrecker so why don’t you just turn around,” Demi grabbed her by the shoulders, making most of being a good half a foot taller and forcing the girl to turn 180 degrees, “and leave us smart students alone, yeah?” she added, giving her a forceful shove in the right direction.

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It took her almost a full three seconds to fully process what she was saying as she was saying it. Saying she didn't know Lili was ridiculous, as if she hadn't spent a large amount of time with her, and yet somehow what Demi was saying was also true, she didn't share a room with her, and realistically Lili could say anything about her she wanted in the confines of her dorm room with Demi and Ondine and Rhea, Adelaide, she was sure they wouldn't, but what would she know? It wouldn't have been the first time Lili had done something behind her back. No, they'd promised her that the only reason she didn't know was because they hadn't told anyone, if Lili wanted to say something to Tori, she would have said it to her face and she knew Eoghan, she knew about his family, his home life, his past, he wouldn't have done this to her either, there was no way. Demi was being cruel, but why? "Why are you lying? Why are you trying to hard to get us to hate you? Did you think we wouldn't talk? She'd just believe you without checking her facts?" Maybe Demi thought she was higher up on her friends list than that, but if Tori had said this to Lili instead of Demi she knew Lili would have had the same reaction, to clarify. She was that sort of person.

"It sounds like you're the one who doesn't know her actually, you're just a hurtful spiteful person and I hope people tell you how ugly you are," she meant emotionally, of course, but with the blood all over her face, well, if the shoes fit. The problem of course was that Tori did feel all of those things about herself too. She did feel like a home wrecker and she did feel like she wasn't smart, though maybe not in the ways that Demi was trying to make them sound. It hurt her to hear those things thrown at her without a care and because she couldn't stop herself, she whirled around and punched her again. Clearly one just wasn't enough. She felt her knuckles crack under the weight of her hand colliding with Demi's face again, "you don't even know what you're talking about so why don't you just shut your stupid mouth!" She'd had enough of feeling like no one wanted her around, like her family barely tolerated her, like she couldn't even handle her classes and like her friends hardly cared about her. Demi was stepping on every single nerve she'd had and she'd had enough of it.​
Conan rarely had reason to head to the Towers, even when he was a student. He didn't really write home when he was a student, and if he were to hang out at the North Tower, it would be to hang out with Raziel. He didn't like Astronomy, and he didn't take Divination at all. Today though, he was making his way to Ravenclaw since Eli had left behind a book in his office, and Conan wouldn't want him to stress over trying to find the book innocently sitting in his office. So he was going to ask a Ravenclaw to drop the book off in the dormitory for the second year boys. He never really got to that part though since there was a lot going on outside. He arrived just in time to hear the Ravenclaw girl call Victoria de Lacey - a girl Conan had met the previous year - a homewrecker. Which was quite honestly a surprise. Were twelve-year-olds supposed to know what a homewrecker was?

He really should have rushed though when he heard there was an argument, he didn't quite expect the Gryffindor - he really should have - to turn around and punch the Ravenclaw. That would have to hurt. "Miss de Lacey!" he called out, mostly because hers was the only name he had and that should at least get both of their attention. "I am most disappointed in both of you," he reprimanded as he crouched to their level. "Let me see your face," he turned to the Ravenclaw first as he pulled his wand, conjuring an ice pack. "What's your name and is there any dizziness?" he waited for a moment before holding his hand out to Victoria. "Your hand." He'd seen that punch. There was no way she did not hurt herself with that stunt.
It was pretty funny to watch Tori look up at her and search for the words that might have made Demi feel guilty but it was a fruitless effort. Demi knew she wasn’t ugly, and she knew that the reason she’d done it was for her friends own benefit. If nothing else Lilith should have actually been thanking her for it, but given that Tori hadn’t actually denied Demi’s claim that the Ravenclaws were now dating, Demi was frustrated her plan had backfired. And that, would now be Liliths problem. Demi hoped she’d see the error of her ways sooner rather than later because while she didn’t approve of her friends, she quite liked the girl herself.

Demi was almost ready to leave again when Tori turned once more, fist flying toward her face for a second time, a small crack ringing in her ears when her knuckles made contact with the bridge of her nose. “You horrible little witch!” Demi reached out with one hand, grabbing a chunk of Tori’s hair and yanked downward as hard as she possibly could, just in time to realise a professor had come round the corner.

“Get her away from me!” She swatted the man’s attempts to help her and ignoring his questions, “She’s crazy, she won’t stop attacking me,” more fresh blood was now running down her face and it was made worse by the way the professor seemed to think them equal, when Tori was the one who needed to be locked up in prison or something if she couldn’t control her anger.
She screeched when Demi reached for her hair, twisting away painfully as she pulled. All Tori wanted was for Demi to shut her mouth and she probably would have turned around to punch her again, honestly, if a professor hadn’t come around the corner. Dammit, why was it always Professor Edogawa who caught her messing up? She cradled her hand, glaring at Demi. “And you’re just a black-hearted vulture who has to pick up the scraps that someone else leaves you because you can’t make friends on your own.” She noted Lumos slowly trying to slink up to the group that had formed and she turned on him, “And you! You’re friends with this lying witch?” Well, no friend of Demi’s was ever going to be a friend of Tori’s. “It’s too bad you and Nox are identical because now I have to look at your stupid face whenever I see him.” She called out to him as she turned back to the professor. Her hand tightened painfully into a fist again as Demi tried to say she was crazy, as if she hadn’t been constantly provoking her this entire time. The ache throbbed through her whole hand and she didn’t want to open it incase it hurt more. She did refuse to give her hand to the professor though, “I wouldn’t have attacked you if you could learn to stop spreading vicious lies!”
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Lumos had been on his way to meet up with Demi when he’d heard there was something going on up there that was involving a Ravenclaw second year and a Gryffindor second year and honestly, somehow he just knew. He ran faster, arriving in time to catch Tori throw a punch to Demi’s face, and he was about to try and jump in when he was Professor Edogawa beat him to it. Suddenly Tori was rounding on him and yelling at him and he wasn’t quite sure how he was involved in this, but he wasn’t about to argue with her, instead quickly rushing to Demi’s side as she now had blood rushing down her face. “Should I take her to the hospital wing professor?”

“Oh yeah, you would side with her you bloody traitor,” he heard Tori hiss at him as he stood by Demi’s side.​

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