Closed two birds

Victoria de Lacey

⚡ lightning mcqueen ⚡ zoom zoom 💨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
"Okay, so who is Nicolas Flamel and what was he famous for?" Tori asked, raising an eyebrow at him. She liked her little study sessions with Eoghan because it got her to actually focus. She hated having to read textbooks and get the answers like this but Eoghan was good at pressuring her to pay attention, and he didn't even really need to force the issue, his presence alone did that for her. She flipped the page, leaning back against the couch slightly and pulling her legs up to sit lightly in Eoghan's lap. It was more comfortable for her and she didn't like being leaned over a desk when she was studying for anything because it made her feel like she was getting stressed. She didn't like studying in a classroom setting which was why she wasn't doing this in the library in the first place. Everyone studied in the library and she really didn't see the point. Not to mention she just didn't feel like it. She missed Rory and she missed her mum and she was thinking about a lot of things. She also sort of was still thinking about what she and Eoghan had discussed in the kitchens before, and that was making her spin too. She didn't really understand it, but something was going on. She wouldn't force this issue but it was certainly making her think and giving her pause for a number of reasons. "And what is his association to Paracelsus?"

@Eoghan Blyth @Lilith Ilves
If someone was to ask what his relationship with Victoria de Lacey was like a year ago, Eoghan would probably have called her nothing more than an annoying classmate. The day they'd met, Eoghan was quite glad not to have made Gryffindor as it would mean space to himself without the likes of Tori (And Susie and William) invading his space. However much like many other aspects in his life, Eoghan had come to realise the value of those around him and now called the brunette one of his closest friends. He would look back to himself with shame at times for the way he felt he treated some of the students around him, and he could only now vow to do better for himself when it came to future first impressions.

Sat on the couch with a book open, balanced snuggly in the space between Tori's shins and his torso, Eoghan felt as though he were right back at home with his sister albeit this girl actually knew the difference between a college and a university. Studying with Tori was also incredibly rewarding as it meant Eoghan could both spend time with her while feeling as though they were making use of the opportunities to better themselves while they were at it. "He was the alchemist who made the philosophers stone," that was easy, even a first-year would know that. He shot Tori a frown at her next question, debating whether or not she was trying to trick him. "Paracelsus believed in Alkahest," he started, trying to think of whether the two had any real connection beyond their scientific interests. Paracelsus thought the stone was made from this element but the smile crept onto Eoghan's face when he was confident the two had never actually met. Stone or not they lived in two different time periods for one. "I think you like making my head spin" he joked, turning a page on his lap to find another question for Tori.
It had now been a few days since Demi had made her comment about a rumour of Lilith's best friends well one of them was her boyfriend now too so that added fuel to the fire. Lilith had lost some sleep over it, the first night being the worst. She was so ashamed that comment had sent her head spiraling in the wee hours of the night, it wasn't like her to trust someone else's word of someone else's actions. Lilith had been spiraling and albeit she'd never really admit it, she had pulled herself away from the people around her. She went to lessons and meals, but then she'd return to her bed with her cat to study or to just daydream for hours on end. Another reasoning for that had been the writing circle, she had thought it to be a good idea, to share her writing but had come to discover it was the farthest thing from a good idea. She hated sharing her writing, not only because it opened a window for the others into her world but because it opened the window for judgement and her own anxiety. In other words the second year had been socially drained for the past few days.

That morning though, Lili had decided for it to be enough. She'd put herself back out there and if nothing at the very least go find Antares and Asterope, if only to get a peace of mind herself and give them the chance they deserved to tell her what was going on. After the initial hours of despair and confusion, Lilith had come to a conclusion that it had to be no more than a silly rumour from someone who quite disliked Eoghan. Lilith walked into the student lounge, feeling as nervous as she had during her first days at the castle. As soon as she walked in her eyes fell on the duo she'd been looking for, to her horror they seemed to be very close. Almost in the exact position Demi had described them to be in. No, do not go there Lilith. You know better than this so get a grip and get it over with. The Ravenclaw internally reprimanded her brain for going there, this was nothing more than two best friends just as she and Eoghan had been, but then again there that was. She and Eoghan had started this way too, what was to say Tori and him weren't headed that way too. Realizing she had been stuck in the same spot for a few minutes Lilith took a few steps towards the two and involuntarily found the comforting surface of her locket.

"Hi, I'd like to talk to you two about something. If that is fine by you of course if this is a bad time I can just we can do it some other time." The brunette spoke out with a shaking voice and wandering eyes. She refused to look at either of them in the eye, not from the fear of what she'd find there, but of the fear what they'd see in hers. That they'd see the internal battle she had with herself, the shame she felt for letting herself spiral for a moment. They deserved more than that and Lilith had failed the two in spiraling. She should have sought them out right away instead of hiding away with her own preexisting problems, but she really had been too tired. Her green eyes landed on the floor staring at a certain spot, waiting whether they'd turn her away in hopes of spending time together or if she could finally figure out what had been going on and apologise for letting Demi's words affect her in anyway.
Tori laughed lightly, whenever they were studying, she liked trying to trick Eoghan because she felt like he was smarter than she was, and so she liked to give herself a bit of an edge sometimes. It helped a bit that she grew up in the magical world a little more than Eoghan, not much though since both of her parents were muggle-born, but her only real exposure to magic as a child was when she spent time with Uncle Lani, since her dad was never around and her mum didn’t use it much and Rory wasn’t allowed to outside of school. “You’re right, he was, and he did,” she said, grinning at him. He was one of her best friends and she wasn’t about to let him get away with not being teased all the time - well maybe not all the time, but certainly enough times. “You’re right, I love it,” she said, reaching out to poke him lightly before she heard Lilith’s voice.

She turned and blinked in surprise as Lili approached, her usual light-hearted greeting dying on her tongue as she caught sight of the nervous tone in Lili’s body and voice. She hadn’t expected anyone to interrupt their study session, let alone for something that sounded so serious. She exchanged a quick glance with Eoghan, tilting her head slightly as if to silently ask, What’s this about? since he spent more time with Lili than Tori did she hoped he might have some idea. “Hey, Lili,” she said, shifting her legs from Eoghan’s lap and sitting up straighter. Her tone was warm but curious, the kind she reserved for someone who clearly needed reassurance. “Sure, we can talk. What’s up?”

She patted the spot next to her on the couch, her face softening as she noticed that her friend was clutching her locket. Something was bothering her clearly. She was usually the one reassuring Tori, not the other way around, so Tori wanted to help ease whatever she was feeling. “Is everything okay?”
Eoghan was pretty relaxed by the time he looked up to see Lilith walking towards them, clasping at her locket. He lowered his eyes, nervousness overcoming him all of a sudden although he still smiled when Tori poked him, the Gryffindor not yet aware of who was coming over. Eoghan hadn't spoken to Lilith since the day she'd read out her poem, and while he knew he needed to he hadn't wanted to approach her just yet. Tori had told him to take the time he needed to process how it had made him feel and that was exactly what he'd been doing, so as Lilith approached him he was feeling a little trapped in the corner.

As Lili asked to speak to them, Eoghan looked back up at the Ravenclaw and knew immediately what she was going to say. She was better than he was when it came to their communication and he knew she would want to close the gap. She was likely anxious that they hadn't spoken, properly picked up his mood shift the moment she'd finished reading her poem. She knew him too well to avoid it. Then again, if Lilith was here to talk to them both, perhaps he was in the clear. Maybe she just wanted some advice about something else entirely? "What's going on?" he asked, happy to let Tori take the majority of the lead in the conversation, and hoping he wouldn't have to explain his feelings in too much detail just yet.
Lilith swallowed, her throat feeling too thick and like nothing was getting down. Her eyes wandered around anything and everything but the two on that couch, she sat not beside them but across, needing the little safety space in case all hell broke lose. Clearing her throat she felt like a traitor, Tori's kind and reassuring voice seemed to yell at her that she was stupid for believing a word out of Demi's mouth that evening. Though she was preoccupied with her own nerves, Lilith did notice the discomfort her boyfriend seemed to be in currently, had it all been true? No surely not. "I-" She began but her words failing her on an instant, how was she going to say this. Why was it so hard to speak, why couldn't she speak her mind like she did normally, why did it feel like she was suffocating.

Tears began to well up in the second years eyes as she fought against her doubts and finally spoke, staring into the distance letting her mind drift away so she would not have to physically be in the situation. That was what she was best at, failing those around her in any way she could. This time it was by escaping her own discomfort into the back valleys of her mind. "After the thing by the lake, Demi approached me, I am assuming what she said was a lie but I am ashamed to admit my head for a moment did spiral and I did fall for it for a few hours and for that I am sorry, you both deserve more." Her own voice sounded like a distant wind from shore when she was stuck in the middle of a never ending sea. "She told me that she saw you two very close, asked me if something happened between me and Eoghan because apparently Tori was in his lap like a week ago and she just thought it should have been me considering our closeness. I don't know why she would say such things. She seemed convinced there was something more between the two of you and for a second so did I, but the next morning I realized I had been silly and knew you wouldn't do that to me, but if by chance it is true please tell me now so I don't have to wait for my heart to break any longer." She needed the clarification, needed to know whether there was something to the rumour. If they were together, if that made Eoghan happy she'd let them go but she did not want to be made a fool, though everything within her was telling her it was just a rumour all three of them deserved to be on the clear.
Tori blinked, her eyebrows furrowing as she listened to Lili’s words. The sudden shift in conversation threw her completely. She hadn’t expected any of this, and the whole idea of someone thinking there was anything between her and Eoghan was a bit ridiculous, since they were just friends. It didn’t make any sense. They were friends and nothing more and she’d worked hard to be his friend. She couldn’t understand why anyone - least of all Demi - would care enough to make a weird rumour like that. She also didn’t understand why it should matter anyway, there wasn’t anything going on. So she sat up straighter her face falling into a frown as she tried to process Lili’s words. her initial instinct of course, was to laugh it off, but Lili seemed serious about this and she didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

She suddenly felt a pit in the bottom of her stomach that had nothing to do with her own discomfort, or with Eoghan’s. Something was happening here, something she’d clearly missed. “Lili,” she began gently, her voice soft but full of concern, “I’m not sure I understand. I… Eoghan and I are just friends. We’ve been studying together. That’s it.” Her eyes locked onto Lili’s now, and then she swung her head to look at Eoghan, expecting to see him looking just as confused as she was, “I don’t know where Demi got that idea, but there’s nothing more to it.”

She didn’t know why it should even matter, if there was something going on, her best friend would tell her right? That’s why you did with best friends, you told them things. Something made her move away from Eoghan a little, something in the way Lili was talking, the way she asked if there was something between them so that her heart wouldn’t break. “Wait… hold on a minute,” she said, holding her hands up to try and figure this out, the threads very slowly coming together but not making a lot of sense to her. “Hold on, so, wait, so… are you two… like…” she was afraid to say anything, wondering if it would break the bubble of illusion she would have with them being her actual friends. She didn’t care if there was something between them, only that this is the way she found out about it - and how did Demi know, and not her? Why would she have bothered to bring it up if she didn’t know? Demi was roommates with Lili and close, right? So she told her friend, but Eoghan didn’t consider Tori a close enough friend for her to be told?

No - surely that wasn’t it. Eoghan liked her, right? Lili liked her, they had both told her things before, so… why? What was going on? “I’m… so confused…” the hurt in her voice was unmistakable.​
Eoghan was almost motionless as Lilith started to describe what happened. Demi had apparently seen Tori in his lap a week ago? Obviously that wasn't true, and while Lilith did what she could to tell them both that she hadn't meant to believe it, it did hurt a little that she'd trusted Demi enough to think it was true to begin with. He knew that Demi didn't seem to like him, knew that Tori and Demi seemed to have some sort of issue too although he didn't really understand why, but that still didn't mean Demi had to start spreading rumours about them too. As Tori started to peace the parts together, holding up her hands as she darted between the pair, Eoghan shuffled to the edge of the couch so he could rest his elbows on his knees.

On the one hand, he wanted to start with his response to Lilith. Obviously the things Demi had said were a lie but where had she gotten it from? On the other hand, he could see the gears turning in Tori's head. Tori, who had no idea they were even dating in the first place. After all, why would Lilith mind how close he and Tori were if there wasn't something else going on? Both girls sounded hurt, and he swallowed for a moment as he tried to think logically about what the hell had happened.

"A week ago, after the lake," Eoghan was trying to remember what he'd done with Tori if anything, that Demi could have witnessed, "Tori found me in the kitchen and we talked about what happened there," he felt no reason to hide what Demi must have seen, although she'd certainly elaborated, "I hugged Tori because we're friends and she helped me," he continued, looking across to Lili and trying not to be too nervous about the rising tension beside him. "The part about her being in my lap? That's not true. We sit here sometimes for our studies but we're not close like that, not like us."

Eoghan glanced to the Gryffindor who was visibly confused and upset. Was she asking if they were more? "I..technically, yes I think so," Eoghan confessed quietly before glancing between both girls and hoping that Lilith wasn't going to tell him there and then that he'd misread the signs. "We've not really said it specifically, it was just something that grew between us," Eoghan was becoming increasingly aware of the other students around them, "The more students that know, the more likely it is that someone tries to get between us, that's why we haven't said anything yet," he hoped that Tori would understand, given that she knew why he was so private about information in the first place, "My only guess is that Demi was looking for a way for you to dislike me," he knew his name was written multiple times on Demi's list of Boys to Avoid, and it wouldn't have surprised him to see someone like Demi use whatever she could to get Eoghan to leave her friend alone.

Eoghan had never meant for Tori to feel hurt because of their relationship, but he could see it now behind her eyes as she tried to put the pieces together. "I trust you," he told the Gryffindor, "but if you'd known too then we would have been more comfortable to express ourselves around the school and in front of you too, and then there would be a.. snowballing effect. Right now we have reason to keep it to ourselves and that means it's less likely to get out." He wanted to give Lilith a hug right now, but he wouldn't given the chance there would be other students around to see them too.
Lilith let out a shaky breath hearing both of their words bringing her back to planet earth. She was thrown off balance completely by everything there was so much to process and seeing Tori hurt by it the tears finally escaped. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you but like he said we tried to keep it between us for this very reason but if I were to tell anyone it would have been to you, Asterope. I figured Demi had something against Eoghan all along, I just didn't realize she had been ready to hurt me in the process to get to him and that I almost let her." Lilith spoke quietly, suddenly her feeling of safety in her own room breaking to pieces. If this was how her friends were to treat her how was she supposed to live with them for all these years. Worst of all she had let Demi in on her naming habit, had given the girl one and she had gone and stabbed her where it hurt the most. Worst of all was that Lilith had believed it, for a split second.

"After the lake, I was out of it you know just going through the motions completely absent so when she approached me with this my whole world fell apart, I didn't sleep that night but as soon as the fog cleared I knew you would not do that to me and Tori, the intention was never to hurt you by not telling you." The Ravenclaw finally brought her eyes to the both of them, getting up to her feet and taking the Gryffindors hands in hers, hating the hurt flashing through her friends face. "Besides Eoghan you are my closest friend in this castle and outside of it, I would never do things to hurt you, it has been just well new to both of us too I think and we are trying to figure it out on our own and tell others when the time is right, but you would have been the first person I would have told and I trust for Eoghan too." She gave a gentle squeeze to her hands before needing to sit down again, the emotional toll all of this had on her was overwhelming and threatening to snatch her away from the moment, she returned her hands to her necklace trying to fight the fog off, why were things so complicated sometimes. "I feel stupid, for letting my brain spiral even for a minute and I hope you can forgive me, both of you." Lilith spoke quietly, wondering if she had created a rift between them with her own inability to see reason in those initial moments. "There is no friendship between me and Demi anymore, that one is a given. I just wish I didn't have to share my room with her." At least she had Kuu, maybe the cat would be a comfort.

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