Open Ahoy Mates!

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Theodore Harper

"theo" 🎸 eldest harper 🎸 laidback 🎸 alt chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Chestnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
12 (09/2051)
If Theodore was being honest, Halloween was definitely one of his favourite holidays. He liked the idea of dressing up and doing all the different Halloween activities. They were fun! Theo quickly dressed up in his pirate costume already gleaming at the idea he was wearing a pretty cool costume. The Ravenclaw quickly made his way down to the great hall. Once he reached the great hall, he couldn't help but stare at the place with awe. The whole place was so cool! The pirate decided to make his way to the haunted tent. Theo had been to a few halloween kid friendly haunted houses before so he hoped it was no different. There seemed to be a small line of getting into the haunted tent, so he decided to wait in the line as he waited for his turn.
Cyrus hadn't tried very hard on his costume, he could admit. He just couldn't really let himself go all out. The idea of showing up in a full big costume embarrassed him, even though he knew it was what most of his classmates did. He hadn't spotted any of his friends yet. He wandered over to the tent, curious. He didn't think he had gone in the past few years, but maybe it was worth checking out. He spotted a familiar face at the back of the line and he smiled at Theodore. "Hey." He said, greeting his teammate. They were both chasers for Ravenclaw, with Theodore being an alternate. Cyrus thought it was really cool that he had made the team as a first year. Cyrus himself hadn't managed it until this year. "Cool costume."
Despite winning an award last year for the most traditional costume, Demi was in a very un-costume-like mood this year. She didn't really see the point. Perhaps as a first year it was a good ice breaker but now the Ravenclaw was just excited about being able to get a night off from her school work and enjoy the atmosphere with her classmates. Friends was becoming too strong of a word, especially where some came to mind. She felt as though she was making more enemies than friends the longer time went on, and at this point she was already feeling as though she was better off avoiding most of those she'd spent last year with. Except Lumos. Lumos was cool.

Demi had been lurking around the Hall, drink in hand and looking for someone cool to talk to that wasn't about to make her feel bad about herself, when her eyes landed on the boy she'd met last year in the stands, talking to one of the newer Ravenclaws. "Hi," she approached them both with a grin. They were waiting for the haunted tent by the looks of it, and while she had no intention on going through it herself, that didn't mean she couldn't wait with them. "Did you make it onto the team yet?" she asked the older boy, recalling the notes he'd been taking last time they spoke.
Theo watched as the line got closer to the entrance of the tent, but not by much. He whipped around when he had heard a voice, the sound of his fake earring making noise as he turned around. Theo grinned at Cyrus' costume. The boy was a few years older than him and was a chaser on the Quidditch team, which Theo thought was pretty cool if he was being honest. He pretty much looked up to the older players already. "Thanks man, I like yours too!" Theo says, giving the guy a compliment back, though if he was being honest, Theo wasn't exactly sure what Cyrus was, but he didn't want to put down the boy's spirit. "You thinking of going to the haunted tent too then?" Theo asked Cyrus, though it hadn't been long until someone else had joined them, she didn't seem too much older than him. Theo didn't know who this person was but Theo waved to her anyway.
Cyrus hadn't noticed Demi approach and was a bit startled when she talked to him. He had forgotten they had talked about Quidditch before, but he appreciated her checking up. Mostly because he had something good to say. "Oh, hi. Yes I did." He said with a smile. "Chaser, starting this year." He gestured to Theodore. "This is Theodore, he's also on the team." He told her. He then turned to Theodore to answer his question. "I think so, should be fun right?"
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