Closed the things we do

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
Eoghan hated flying. In fact it was his worst subject the year prior because he hated the idea of being up high, nothing but a piece of wood between him and a drop to his death, and the balls flying around the pitch so fast they were designed to knock you out. Going into the forest was forbidden but to hell with Quidditch being too dangerous for students. The only reason the Ravenclaw found himself now out on the pitch that morning was because Lili had made the house team. They'd watched one game together last year, and it had surprised Eoghan to hear that she'd tried out at all, although he supposed it was his own disinterest that distracted him from it the first place. He'd offered to help train with her now though so that she was more accustomed to finding the snitch during the games, given that it was one of the hardest and most important jobs. Eoghan also thought it would be a good idea to do what he could to make sure Lili wasn't about to get hit by bludgers, so practising her dodging techniques would have been a smart move no matter how much he hated being in the sky himself. "I think you need a new broom for Christmas," he mused, glancing at the broomstick she held in her hand. Technically, he already had her Christmas present sorted despite how early it was, but that didn't stop him thinking she could do with something special to make the occasion.
Lilith had braided her hair back nice enough and tight, but without a doubt by the end of the training session she was about to have there'd be some loose pieces hanging around as evidence of the battle with the wind. She was so excited she could hardly contain her need to jump up and down, had even kept from jumping at Eoghan's neck when he had offered to train with her. She appreciated it more than he would ever understand, she knew he hated flying but he was doing this for her and it made the second years heart beat just a tad faster.

Lilith frowned at the mention of her broom and cast a look down on it, yeah she supposed she could use a better one. "I'll ask Sirius, he'll be well he'll figure it out. Or maybe Vega will, either or works." She spoke wondering which one of them she could talk into buying her a new one. "Ooh maybe I'll ask Vega's parents, they are visiting us this Christmas!" That was a wonderful idea because by the look on Eoghan's face and tone of his voice he was planning something else, something that Lilith did not like. "Shall we start? Alternate or not I don't think standing around will do me much good training wise?" The Ravenclaw jokes and pushed the boys arm playfully. "But if you don't want, we don't have to do this you know they have training sessions with the team too. I'll be fine." She most definitely would be.
Perhaps Eoghan shouldn't have mentioned it, because now she was going to try and ask her parents for a broom instead. Oh well, even if they did, he could still get her some things to go with it. "They're coming here?" he asked, just to make sure he'd heard her right. "They've not been here before have they?" he added, wondering if they were going to want a tour of the areas they could show them. Even though Eoghan had met her parents (and her whole family) before it was still a little uneasy knowing that he would have to watch what he said. It wasn't even that he thought they would be judgemental, but he wasn't used to feeling like he was being observed, or perhaps it was just that he assumed adult would assume the worst in him as they usually did. His own grandmother would never come to visit, and she'd made it very clear that Eoghan was to return home at least once during the holidays, no matter whether that was at Christmas or another point in the year. "You know I would offer to show you where I live too, but I really don't think you'll want to see that," Eoghan said honestly as his train of thought left the station. "I know it would be fair to, but my grandmother isn't the easiest person to meet," that was an understatement, "and we don't exactly have a lot of space." In fact Imogen was delighted when Eoghan had left, meaning she no longer had to share her room as was now referred to.

"Well go on then," Eoghan nudged Lili in the side with soft end of his broomstick, before mounting it and kicking off into the air. He really did hate this sensation, but he would do his best to ignore it for as long as he could. "I didn't come all the way out here and fish out my flying robes just for you to turn around and only practise during team sessions," he yelled over his shoulder with a smirk on his face. The second year paused in the air to call back down to Lili, "Let out the bludgers," he told her, the bat in his hand switching from one hand to the other. Despite being right-handed, he often found his left arm to be stronger and while he knew he'd have to be careful with his aim, he'd have a better chance of defending Lili from the bludgers for as long as possible if he could smack them far away. In the pocket of his robes he pulled out the small snitch, waiting for his girlfriend to take to the skies before releasing it for her to start seeking.
Lilith looked at Eoghan, slightly tilting her head sideways. "Yes, they figured it'd be easier they visit me here than me going all the way to Valtimo for the break. They won't be long though, a few days staying in Brightstone or Obsidian Harbor not sure yet." She explained shrugging, maybe her complaining about having to always go to them instead of them coming to her had worked. She wanted to spend Christmas here this year, see what it was like. "Oh no, it's okay truly. You don't have to explain nor justify yourself to me. I don't mind, everything on its own time." Her tone turned softer immediately, she didn't want him to feel bad he wouldn't show her his home, not at all. Lilith was more than happy to share these parts of her family without getting the same in return and she wanted him to know it too. "I once told you I don't expect the same in return about the nickname thing and such, well I don't expect it here either. You take the time you need and when you are ready I would be more than glad to face your grandmother." Giving him a small smile.

Lilith shook her head letting out a laugh. "Alright bossy-boy." She called out as she was getting on her broom, just before she could he called out another order. Sigh, the things she did for him. Releasing the bludgers she gave them a stern look, willing them to hopefully not bruise her too bad. The Ravenclaw then mounted her own broom and shoot up to the sky, feeling the wind on her face felt amazing, but she soon noticed the snitch being released. Giving one last grin to her boyfriend she began to seek for the little menace. Keeping an eye out for her surroundings Lilith looked for the glint of gold, the little thing had managed to slip somewhere. Her eyes were scanning everywhere all the while trying to keep in mind there were big bad balls out for her blood, she trusted Eoghan yest, but she wouldn't bet on his aim. Mostly because she had never witnessed it. Catching a glimpse of gold in the distance Lilith leaned into her broom, allowing her to go faster and began her chase for it. There was a spot of brown and she all but yelped before only just managing to dodge the thing. "I'll feed you to my dogs." She muttered to herself, locking back in on the golden ball in the distance.
Eoghan knew it was likely that if her parents were coming to the harbour, that he'd be seeing them again soon. Did her parents already know they were technically dating? Neither Eoghan nor Lili had really put a label on things yet and they weren't exactly telling anyone who didn't ask right now, but surely her parents would have fallen under the category of those she would have told because she was close to them? If Eoghan had been home, he wasn't sure he wouldn't have been able to keep the news away from Imogen either, but in this situation would it mean that her parents would want a word with him next time they met? What would happen if they didn't want him dating their daughter, and they tried to convince him to break up with her? It had been one thing when he'd met them as her friend, but entirely different if they realised he was her boyfriend. "Your parents, they liked me didn't they?" Eoghan asked, trying not to get too sidetracked from the task at hand, but telling himself too that it was important not to just drop topics he thought were important to mention. He was glad he didn't have to justify his own reasonings about his family, although he was fairly certain Lili also already knew why.

The Ravenclaw grinned as Lili shot off to start her search for the snitch, and in turn, he did his best to fly after the bludgers, bat in hand. He'd hated flying as a first year and it wasn't much better now either, but at least knowing his job right now was to protect Lili as she came up against a real threat made his time up here feel worthwhile. He swiped at a bludger just in time to send it off course and out of the brunette's way but rolled his eyes when she shot him a retort. "Focus on your own job and trust me," he called back, not wanting her to get into the habit of worrying about the bludgers when she needed to focus on the snitch.
Lilith was both excited and anxious that her family would be visiting Obsidian Harbour for the holidays. She'd get to show around but also she'd have to show around and that was stressful. The Ravenclaw shot a weird look up at her boyfriend now asking if her parents had liked him. "Yes? I am pretty sure, Vega at the very least absolutely adored you and Imogen. Sirius though well I never really know what he is thinking, as you saw he isn't the most.... talkative, honestly a typical Finnish man, stubborn and quiet." She let out an exasperated sigh to be dramatic.

Lilith still remembered her first time flying, the time she actually flew instead of crashing the broom instantly, it had been nice. She had never been a natural born talent at it but she had learned to enjoy it whenever she could and right now chasing the snitch she did feel a sort of freedom she rarely felt when her feet were touching the ground. Glaring at Eoghan the second year stuck her tongue out at the retort before laughing and refocusing on her task. Of course he'd look after her, still didn't mean she wouldn't be making his job a tad more difficult with her dramatics.

Keeping her eyes trained on her surroundings for any possible glimmer, she couldn't help but notice Eoghan at times too. Perhaps it was distracting practicing with him because he was getting more comfortable with flying, or just distracting himself with the task of trying to keep her safe, which made Lilith very happy and proud. She had to admit, it was kind of cute too that he sacrificed his own comfort to help her out, she needed to figure out how to thank him. Maybe she'd share a poem with him as an expression of her gratitude, she never shared those so it might not happen but it was a thought. "You look rather comfortable with smacking the bludgers around!" Lilith yelled over the wind. As soon as she was done with the sentence there was a glint of gold and she forgot all about Antares
and whatever he was up to as she focused on chasing the menacing thing.
Eoghan had to resist reacting to the way Lilith described her dad, knowing it was a jab at him too but not wanting to fall into the distraction. "Okay." He as glad she thought they liked him and his sister, but surely things would be different now, or when they found out? As an older sibling, he also wasn't sure that they'd know how her parents would react to her dating until they were already faced with the issue. "Did you tell them.. about us?" he asked, careful to make sure they were still alone on the pitch before calling out across the distance between them. Perhaps it was silly to be worried about something like that while on the pitch but he was doing his very best to speak him mind if not only to her.

"I hope I look more comfortable than I feel," he remarked, feeling as though he was going to pay the price on his arms and legs in a days time when the muscle pains kicked in. "You have to be strong to play Quidditch," Eoghan wasn't sure he had the right build for it. He was too tall and lanky and this body parts had a hard enough time supporting themselves at the best of times let alone high up in the air precariously balanced on a stick. And that was before you considered getting hit by a bludger. At least Lilith just needed to be streamlined and faster than the other seeker on the teams, perhaps it was just the beaters that would come away with the majority of bruises and aches.
Oh... So this was about him being nervous about their newfound situation of whatever it was, dating-but-not-actually-dating-as-in-telling-everyone-but-still-like-dating? He was nervous they wouldn't approve, she was glad he spoke to her about it though. "No not yet, I think it is something I best say to them in person or I'd soon receive a howler one way or another my mum would get one." With the temper of Audrey Ilves, there was no way their muggle facade was going to save Lilith from receiving a howler had she told them she was dating someone through a letter that an owl brought them.

Lilith smiled at his words about not feeling as comfortable and needing to be strong for the sport. "Perhaps you need to start working out then with me." She joked, still keeping her eyes on the winged ball. She got closer and closer, but not quite close enough as the snitch suddenly disappeared in the blink of her eyes. No blinking then. Letting out a frustrated huff she got back to trying to find it, it couldn't have gone far.
"Your mum would send you a howler?" Eoghan paused in the air mid-flight to look across at Lilith with concern across his face. Was their situation really that bad that her parents would be disapproving, even if they liked him? He couldn't judge it from his grandmother's perspective, since it was always so warped to begin with he wouldn't trust a word out of her mouth, but Lilith's parents were different. Was their situation of dating such a bad thing that they'd be disappointed in Lilith for it? In-person or not, maybe they were better off saying nothing at all.

"What do you think I'm doing?" half a smile across his lips, Eoghan felt like this was the work out he needed. He wasn't about to start working out on the fields but wasn't being up in the air enough to make a start on becoming stronger? Eoghan watched as Lilith went after the snitch, remembering his task and realizing the bludger was headed her way, darted quickly after it. "Go left!" Eoghan suddenly shouted, a few feet away from Lilith as he tried to cut toward her, smacking the bludger off course before it could make contact with the back of her broom.
Lilith laughed at the question. "She would if I told big life updates such as my first boyfriend over a letter." She replied, her parents wouldn't disapprove she didn't think but her mum wanted to know these things personally, not through words on a parchment. "Before you go further down that rabbit hole, no the howler would have nothing to do with you but with me deciding to tell with a piece of parchment instead of face to face. Mum can be dramatic..." That was putting it lightly.

Lilith just shook her head with a small smile, well she supposed this was workout enough for both of them. "My bad good sir, I shall keep that in mind next time." Lilith blew an air kiss towards him while laughing before continuing her task. She had just enough time to dodge when Eoghan told her to, letting out a sigh of relief when the bludger missed. Lucky for her that had caused her to turn towards the snitch and she didn't miss a moment before chasing it down. This is it you can do it. She told herself as the golden snitch grew closer, closing her fist around it Lilith let out a scream of delight. "I got it! I caught it look!" She yelled showing off the ball to faraway Eoghan.
Eoghan raised his eyebrows, his mouth forming a silent "oh". He hadn't realized she'd meant her mum would hate to hear about news in a letter although he supposed that made sense too. Still, he hoped her parents would approve of him as more than just her friend. Even if he didn't want them or anyone to know just yet, he could still hope that when they did it would go smoothly.

It was a good job they were so high up in the air when Lilith blew him a kiss, since it would have been harder for those looking up at them to witness it. It also meant no one could see his cheeks turning crimson. As Lilith moved to the left and escaped the bludger, the blond looked up to see that she'd caught the snitch and was proudly showing him with the ball clutched between her fingers. "Well done Lils," Eoghan grinned, although the smile wasn't on his face for long. "Don't stop flying, the bludgers are still after you," It would be even more relative in a real game, since the other team would be aiming for her and they may not have hit their target yet. He was proud of her for catching the snitch, but he didn't want Lilith getting hit the moment she let her guard down. He flew a little closer toward her, closing the gap and reaching out with his free hand to gently ruffle the top of her head. It was the most he could do without holding on to his broom. "Let it go and try again," he grinned, getting more confident too in his own ability.
Lilith was so happy with the catch she forgot about the bludgers for a moment, until Eoghan reminded her. Right those damn things. She kept her eyes on Eoghan closing in and then narrowed them as his hand made it's way to her hair. "Only the wind is allowed to ruffle my hair, I spent fifteen minutes braiding it." She spoke with a hint of laughter to make the joking obvious. She raised her eyebrow at his comment about releasing the snitch, of course he'd want to go again it was smart but still she could have used a little stretch. "Will do captain." Lilith saluted Eoghan before letting the snitch go and flying away to turn around and start her search again. "Don't expect too much, I fear I might have used my beginners luck already!" The second year warned shaking her head, god she hoped it wasn't true.
Lilith didn't seem too annoyed about him ruffling her hair which was good, because usually it was something he'd do to his sister when he was feeling affectionate. Eoghan chuckled at her joke, not telling her that the wind was more likely to ruin her braid than he was after all. He hadn't meant to boss Lili around to the point of her calling him Captain, but he wasn't going to be soft on her if it meant that she was more likely to be hit by a bludger. He said he would train with her and that meant doing everything he could from where he flew to make sure she was ready for the games. "You're only just getting started love," he smiled, confident that she would be able to keep up her streak. The more she knew what she was looking for the easier it would be to catch.

"Are you nervous?" Eoghan asked, flying alongside Lilith for a moment. "For the real games, I mean. Not because of your position but because of the audience?" If he was playing he knew he would be paying more attention to the fact the whole school was staring at him waiting for him to catch the snitch. If anything it would have been a relief to be knocked out the game so he didn't have to deal with their eyes, although he wasn't sure if Lilith felt the same sentiments.
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Lilith had actually liked Eoghan ruffling her hair, but she wouldn't admit it. It felt like a show of affection and she'd take all of those with open arms. Her cheeks flushed an embarrassing shade of pink at his words, did he just call her love.... Surely the wind had messed with the word and turned into another and she was being delusional, but god did she hope she wasn't. Because in reality that was one of her new favourite nicknames she supposed, maybe falling off of a broom would knock some sense into her, she debated letting go for a moment but realized the snitch needed to be caught. Eoghan's next question brought her back into the reality, out of her head and circling thoughts. "Oh...well yeah I am very nervous, I mean I am scared they put me into play and then everyone looks at me and I fail and then everyone thinks I am waste of an alternate seeker position and then there's the possibility of just getting nervous about the stares and what if I slip into one of my daydreams and get hit with a bludger because I am a fool, though maybe they could smack me right on the head so that could knock some sense into me." Actually that was a great idea, maybe Eoghan could help her test that theory.

"Though, I do like to think that having a task such as searching for the snitch will be enough to help me concentrate on the present, but you never know. I just really don't want to disappoint the captains, our entire house or well you. You are training with me despite not really liking flying and if I fail I'd be really sad that I wasted your time." Voicing her doubts would have been scary, had it been anyone else hearing them, but not with Eoghan. It was never scary because she knew he'd be there to support her.
When Eoghan had asked Lilith how she felt about the game, he hadn't expected to hear more than a sentence or two. As the words came tumbling out of her mouth in a neverending streak, Eoghan paused in the air beside her to listen as she told him of the fears that would creep into her head about the game. He knew that it was likely Lilith had some anxiety about it, it would have been foolish not to have at least been a little apprehensive. As the second year continued to talk about the way she thought others would view her, it hurt him inside to know that she thought other students could ever think of her as a waste of a player, or that she shouldn't have put her time into doing something she liked because the outcome could have been a disappointment.

Eoghan's eyes flickered between Lilith and the bludger that was now coming straight toward them as Lilith continued to speak. Pulling his wand out of the pocket of his robes, aiming it in front of him. The bludger was on track to hit Lilith in the back and he wasn't about to break away from her to try to swat it with the bat, either. Spells may not have been allowed in a game, but luckily for them, this was nothing more than a practice session. "Repello," he said clearly, watching in satisfaction as the ball immediately came to a halt before shooting off in the opposite direction. It would buy them enough time for now. With his free hand, Eoghan reached out to take Lilith's chin gently with his fingers and leaned across the small gap between them to place his lips against hers, cutting off her train of thought. He remained there for a few seconds, eyes closed and appreciating the moment for what it was. They'd kissed once before, last year, but this time things were different. In that moment he didn't care if another student on the field saw them, only that he wanted Lilith to know that she wasn't a waste of his or anyone else's time.

When he pulled away a few inches, his fingers remained under her chin as he looked back into her face. "You've worked hard for your position, just like everyone else on the team. You deserve to be playing because you care and you take the time to better yourself," he said, not moving his eyes away from hers. "If you get hit by a bludger then it's because the beaters didn't protect you. You are doing your job in catching the snitch." Sure Lilith would need to be aware of where the bludgers were, but the beaters needed to keep her safe too. "You're here because you want to be and that's enough. You don't have to win to prove yourself to anyone that you can do it, and ultimately this is supposed to be a game, that is for fun."
Lilith had forgot to breathe in between her rant about being nervous and she barely noticed the bludger that was coming at her but Eoghan was fast and cast a spell on that thing, which was enough to almost stop Lilith's rant but not quite. However what brought her to a full stop was his hand on her chin and the next thing she knew he was kissing her. Or was he? Was this a daydream, surely had to be no way he'd do that out in the open. They were supposed to be a secret after all, but no she wasn't daydreaming it was all real probably. Lilith's head was still reeling when he leaned back and began speaking, his voice all too gentle and words echoing of comfort and safety. The Ravenclaw just stared at him, her mouth slightly open still surprised by the whole thing and half convinced she was dreaming it up. She had no idea how to respond, how could she thank him for the words she had not realised she had needed to hear.

"I will never regret naming you Antares," Lilith finally spoke, trying to gather her thoughts together. "I suppose I just need to start believing in myself the way you do and others do, I'll also work hard because I think it is fun and I enjoy the chase so I just need to keep proving myself to me more than worrying about proving myself to others." Clearly she had gotten the place on the team and that had to mean something, as well as Eoghan believing in her so much, that also had to mean something. "Thank you, for believing me when I doubt myself." She spoke with her voice much more gentle now, wanting him to hear her appreciation for it. "Beautiful Repello you did there by the way," she added appreciating the well cast spell. Leaning to give a slight kiss to him she smiled and then turned her attention back to the task. "Now let's get back onto the practice, I doubt kissing will be much use for me in a real game." Lilith threw Eoghan one last grin before shooting off, with newfound determination to find the snitch.

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