Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y48/S1

Theo thought he was doing decent, he circled around the pitch as he waited for one of the other chasers to have a turn with the quaffle.
Ouch, bludgers hurt more than Cyrus expected. He winced, rubbing his side. After a while, he grabbed the quaffle and flew off with it.
Lilith let go of the snitch smiling at one of her captains cheering and then began her search again. It was now 2-0 for Lilith, the snitch stood no chance though it had now disappeared again, le sigh.
Audrey was getting into a groove again, deciding to hit another bludger towards @Lucy Holland . She could handle it.

Theodore Harper - 2x
Lillith Ives - 2x
Savannah Walters - 2x
Lucy Montague - 1x
Magne Kleos - 2x
Lucy Holland - 2x
Audrey Beauchamp - 1x
Violet Owens-Rosemary - 1x
Magdalene Grey - 1x
Cyrus Thorne - 1x
Lilith didn't catch the snitch, but it was okay.
Theo quickly followed the older chaser as he had possession of the quaffle
Lilith failed to catch the snitch, oof.
Theo got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into play, he circled around the pitch before heading back to the hoops.
Lucy kept an eye out on everyone, then circled back to follow Theodore with the quaffle.
Lilith was enjoying the practice as she saw the snitch again, surely she wouldn't catch it the third time she thought but there she went after it. Catching up to it was always difficult, the damn thing liked to swerve and what not but as she got closer and reached out her hand she managed to catch it. This time she blinked and made a full stop, not believing she caught it already again.
once theo was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the middle hoop, completely missing...
Maggie zoned out for a while and then came back to it, ready to hit another bludger.
So did Audrey, really, daydreaming about handsome beaters.
Maggie started to daydream about Professor Waldgrave's curls and then wondered if he had even played quidditch.
Lilith never knew little flying balls were such a pain to find.
Audrey swung and missed at a bludger. Lilith was doing a lot more than Savannah, she wondered if the captains would have to make a tough call for the upcoming game. Then again, Savannah was a duellist and might curse them. Audrey didn't want that to happen.
Lucy retrieved the quaffle, going towards the goals to make her throw.
Lilith failed to catch a snitch but she didn't mind, she was enjoying the feeling of the wind on her skin and others playing around her.
Audrey searched for another bludger to hit.
Lilith thought that maybe three catches was too much already but she still kept going.
Audrey went back to thinking about hot Quidditch players. She hoped the next issue of Talking Quidditch came in soon cause it was supposed to have a poster of the Indian team and their keeper was extremely handsome.
Lilith didn't catch the snitch, not that she was surprised by this by any means.
Lilith gave a thumbs up to her roommate, making a mental note to talk with Maggie about how boring Quidditch could get between catches and scores.

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