Open Trying new


Hogwarts New Zealand Poltergeist
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A flower covered kettle.
"Ooooh, look at you, all neat and prim,
Trying to act so proper and grim!
Tuck your shirt and comb your hair,
Vex'll fix that – beware, beware!

Pranks and jokes, I’m on the prowl,
Rules are boring, hear me howl!
Tick and tock, the clock will chime,
Mischief’s coming – it’s Vexie time!"

The nonbeing danced through the corridor singing at the top of his lungs at way too early in the morning.
Lilith was minding her own business, taking a walk around the castle. They were well into the first semester already and time felt to be flying so the second year did everything to enjoy every moment. Her thoughts were interrupted by a menacing voice singing about... Something? She thought she recognized the voice but was not sure from where, as she rounded the corner her eyes fell on the poltergeist that had cause ruckus at that unofficial club meeting. "Isn't it too early to be causing mayhem?" The Ravenclaw called out to the menace of the castle. The sound of his voice sent chills up and down her spine, both at the same time making it all that much worse.
Matt was an early riser and tended to enjoy the quiet of the castle before most of the students were around, hurrying to class. It wasn't uncommon for Matt to take a little wander through the castle before breakfast. What was uncommon was that someone was singing loudly and badly. Matt let out a soft sigh before looking up slowly at Vex, who was floating and dancing through the corridor. A young girl called out to him and Matt winced, he always thought it was safest to ignore the poltergeist, but it seemed like not everyone agreed on that strategy. He was aware he shouldn't be worried about the creature technically, Matt was in charge of the place after all. He just expected that Vex didn't care about that one bit. "Good morning, Vex." He said tiredly, hoping vaguely that he might draw his attention away from the young Ravenclaw if he was going to cause mayhem here.

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