Closed Basking in Self-Doubt

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Minor Nuisance | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
Bea was still trying to forget about her Charms class the day prior. She had embarassed herself in front of the entire Ravenclaw and Slytherin second years, having fallen on the floor on someone's Scourgify charm and then by getting hit with someone's spell. She hadn't even gotten the chance to practice the spell in class because she was trying so hard not to cry as Maggie tried distracting the Slytherins snickering at her.

The Ravenclaw, already feeling envious by the rest of the twelve year olds who had hit a growth spurt over the break, took to the antiquted lavatory to look through a book of spells she'd acquired from her cousin who had stolen it from her mother's private library. It was sent by owl, and Bea was hoping there was something that could make her look older, whatever that might look like, to give people one less thing to make fun of her about. As she sat on the floor, she realized that the floor was wet from a pipe leaking nearby, and she could feel her pants start to soak through with water. Sighing, she put her face in her hands and started to cry.
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Kanako was in a sour mood. She usually was, but today she was in a particularly sour one. Other students seemed to be getting along with each other and it bothered her. She was jealous - but she'd never admit that. Never, not to anyone. Secretly when she felt like this she liked to go to the antiquated lavatory to be by herself and regain her composure. Composure was important after all, never show weakness, always be on point in appearance and demeanour. At least she tried to do that.

Kanako rounded the corner and almost walked into a student. She was small, but Kanako recognised her from some of her classes - in fact, just the other day she remembered this particular girl failing spectacularly at the cleaning charm. What was she doing? Kanako registered with disgust that she was crying. How dare she. This was supposed to be a private place for Kanako, not for others to flaunt their own...whatever was going on. "Ugh, couldn't you do that somewhere else?" Kanako said with evident contempt, then felt a sudden rush - a sudden need to take out her own pain on this girl. She noticed the book, peering to look at it and a smirk appeared on her face. "You trying to make up for that embarrassing display in charms yesterday? That must have been so humiliating for you." There was an entire lack of empathy in Kanako's voice - only faux pity and clear enjoyment.
Beatrice could feel herself attempting not to sob when she heard footsteps and a voice. Gasping, she looked up to see one of her classmates. She knew Kanako was in Slytherin and just remembered her name from attendance, but she didn't know the girl at all - and now she was being mean to her. The Ravenclaw pushed herself off the ground, trying to hide the fact that her pants were wet from the floor and stared at the girl. "No," she mumbled. "No, it was not.... it wasn't my fault. Someone else didn't do their spells right," she said, wiping away tears from her eyes.
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Kanako raised a delicate eyebrow. The girl was probably right, but acknowledging that wouldn't get Kanako anywhere. "Blaming others for your own failings? How juvenile," Kanako said, almost word-for-word repeating something her own father had said to her. She recognised the words once they left her mouth and they only added to her frustration. "Ugh, did you wet your pants?" she then asked, noticing Beatrice's trousers and recognising it was probably from the wet floor. Yet Kanako decided to act like it was for an entirely different reason. "You know, you should have grown out of that by now."
Beatrice didn't understand why Kanako was being so mean for no reason. It had just been an accident, after all, right? What if Kanako had been part of the reason she fell in the first place? Bea tried not to think about it too hard and quickly reached down to grab her book. "You're the juvenile one, being a bully," she said was as much meanness as she could muster, which wasn't a lot between the tears and snot. She awkwardly tried to hide her pants even more, holding tightly to the book in her other arm. "Why.. well, why... I just wanna go," she said, trying to walk past Kanako to get out of the lavatory.
Bully? The word echoed in Kanako's head for a moment. She couldn't figure out how she felt about it. Did it empower her, or lessen her? It was perhaps too complex a problem to sort through for the moment, so Kanako shook it off. The real question was whether she'd let Beatrice leave. Kanako blocked the way, standing right in Bea's path. It was a fake-out, the next moment stepping aside. She just wanted Beatrice to know Kanako could stop her if she wanted to, but Kanako was satisfied enough with the exchange. "Run away then," Kanako said triumphantly, eyes glittering, "I'll see you around anyway."
Beatrice tried to be patient as she wondered what Kanako would do next. The Slytherin moved in her way, and Bea held her breath, gripping the book tightly and hoping she could just crawl back into bed, pretending this was all a bad dream. Thankfully, the girl moved, and the Ravenclaw slipped to her side, but not before hearing Kanako's threat - or was it a threat. Bea didn't know, and she didn't really want to find out right now. She sped down the hall towards the staircase, hoping no one noticed her still crying.

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