Alternate RP Too many words

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
Set in the Break before Y48 school year

Elio knew it was time, especially after he'd had to race around to figure out what he'd been missing when he was working out his schedule, there were too many classes and he didn't want to do them anymore. He had no idea what he wanted to do for a job yet, and that was probably going to come back and bite him in the ass if he decided on something he might need a certain elective for (which is why he'd been doing them all in the first place), but now he was so sick of them, he didn't want to do them anymore, so really he'd just shot himself in the foot. He was sitting on the floor of Kael's bedroom, he'd have to leave in a couple of hours before his mum had now banned him from staying the night after she found out they were dating, but he had some time to kill for the moment. So he spread his schedule out in front of him, having broken it up into pieces and placed around so he could actually see how much time each classes taking up, how much extra work he had to put into them for his grades, what his grade currently was, and what he wanted it to be and where he was at for homework.

It was something of a miserable sight really, because it was then broken up into which he enjoyed, those he disliked and the ones he was indifferent about. He hesitated with Ancient Runes and with Arithmancy, because he sort of didn't really enjoy either of them, but he wouldn't have said he'd hated them either until towards the end. Eventually he dropped Arithmancy into the indifferent category and then pushed Ancient Runes over to the disliked category along with History of Magic. He already knew he would probably be keeping all of the core classes, because they felt especially important, but most of the electives, all of them really, were up for deletion from his schedule. He pulled his knee up to rest under his chin and leaned against it, staring - if only he could figure out what kind of a job he wanted, that would make this a lot easier.
Hinata was at home, trying to figure out how to tell her parents her own career plans.
Mikael had forgotten how busy a household could get with an infant in the house. Granted, he'd been much younger the last time his mum had given birth. He'd just been about to turn seven when Annika was born, so his parents didn't really count on him much to help back then. He could remember Jai and Tiziano helping with Eurydice and Annika back then, though. With his two older brothers now living outside of the manor and barely visiting, he was now apparently the oldest sibling in the house. And he didn't remember holding babies to be nerve-wracking when it was Eurydice and Annika, but nowadays, he was quite aware of just how fragile Henry and Rhian were. It was crazy just how used his parents were to handling them that they were even going to be bringing them on a business trip with them. He'd seen them off after nodding along to their reminders that he should check on Eurydice and Annika, review this and that, and that they'd be back in a couple of days. All regular things.

With his parents and the twins out of the house, he finally went back to his room where he'd left his boyfriend just an hour ago. He didn't expect that he would have been gone long, but apparently, Mikael had been gone long enough that Elio had decided to splash parchment on a section of his bedroom floor. Lots of parchment. And Elio was just staring at it blankly - or what Mikael assumed was a blank stare anyway. He waited to see if Elio would notice that he'd returned as he leaned against the door to just stare at his boyfriend - he still couldn't believe that sometimes. His patience didn't last long though, it usually didn't anyway. "You're going to set the manor on fire with how hard you're glaring at all the parchment."
Elio didn't even notice Kael enter the room and so he startled when he spoke, looking up from the glare he'd been aiming at the parchments as he sighed. "Maybe that's what I'm going for?" He said sarcastically, as if he wasn't entirely aware of his entire future potentially up in the air. He can't even properly articulate how annoyed he is that he doesn't know what to do with everything, there's just something about the way this has all played out that is driving him insane. He moved one of the other parchments to the right, near the Ancient Runes and History of Magic, though he didn't really know what he would do about this. He knew he probably wasn't going to drop History of Magic, but, Arithmancy? Care of Magical creatures? As much as he enjoyed those classes, sometimes you just had to do something for yourself. "I'd never be so crass as to burn a hole in your floor."
Mikael raised a brow at his boyfriend's sarcastic tone: "An Incendio would be a lot quicker than glaring." Elio was very prone to sarcasm around him, but usually, it was because he'd said or done something wrong without him noticing. He couldn't have done anything wrong yet, though, because his parents had called him not long after Elio arrived, and he'd literally just gotten back. As his boyfriend started shuffling the pieces of parchment around, Mikael decided to walk away from the door and towards his boyfriend so he could look at whatever was bothering the Gryffindor, though he already had an idea. "Well, a little control would be appreciated for when you finally decide to burn the parchment," he said as he gestured towards the scattered pieces on his bedroom floor just as he sat behind his boyfriend, legs on either side of Elio. It was nice sitting close like this. Mikael had never been one for public displays of affection - had never been one for touch either. While the former still held true for him being the one to initiate it, he'd never shied away from reciprocating. The latter, well, Elio had always been the exception to all of Mikael's rules. This, in the comfort of his room in Nightray manor and away from the prying eyes of Hogwarts students, he didn't mind initiating physical affection. He reached over and grabbed a single piece of parchment, examining the contents. It was a very detailed... something... about Elio's classes. Calling it a schedule would be an understatement. And there was one for every class taught at Hogwarts? "You have too many classes."
"Yeah well, glaring makes me feel better," he said, defiantly. He wasn't actually trying to pick a fight though, so he sighed after making the comment, rolling his eyes more to the situation than to anything else. He didn't know why everything was so difficult, only that the more he thought about it, the more confusing it came, which wasn't helping his situation any. "I'm not going to burn it, calm down," he said, waving at him as he put them all in a row again. They made sense lined up, but there was so much, and the schedule just barely fit together. He wasn't sure how he was going to keep it up. The problem was that Mikael was right and that he really did have too many classes, and he didn't want that many classes, but he didn't know which ones he wanted to stick with. What would he need in the future, he didn't even know what he wanted to do in the future, only that he didn't want to be a healer anymore, and wasn't sure he ever wanted to be one. That was what his mum had wanted for him, but it wasn't him. Rhys would be joining the school soon and he wanted to be an example for his brother, not a failure. "That's my problem, I don't want this many classes," he said, voicing his concern as leaned back heavily into Kael for a moment, before sitting up again. "I know I need to drop some, but... which ones?"
It wasn't like Mikael particularly cared about Elio burning some parchment in his room. It would be a bit entertaining though, since his boyfriend wasn't particularly one to lose control that easily. Or maybe he was. In any case, it wasn't like Kael had managed yet to reach the point where he got Elio to pull out his wand and cast spells out of frustration - unless that practice for non-verbal casting counted. The Slytherin still maintains that was a necessary exercise. Especially since the Gryffindor obviously needed a push every now and then. Just like how he needed one right now in Kael's opinion. "Drop half of them," because looking at whatever this mess of a schedule was laid on the floor, Elio either needed an additional six hours every day or an additional three days every week. He looks at the list of classes Elio had again to get a better idea of what his boyfriend could realistically drop. Defense, Charms, and Transfiguration were classes that were better off not dropped. Potions as well - Kael could admit that even if he was subpar at the class, much to Felicita's amusement. The electives, most of them could probably be dropped. "Drop Muggle Studies," his uncle would probably pop a nerve once he found out that Kael said that. "And History." Hinata said she enjoyed the class, but Kael didn't think attending class was strictly necessary to learn History. "Any visions of the future recently?"
"You said those really fast," Elio said, looking back over at his list again, and messing around with it a little bit. The papers were starting to look more and more like a mess, and less like a schedule, which he supposed was not at all helping this situation in the slightest. "And I don't want to drop history, I feel like history is important," even if it's a stupid class. He didn't say that part out loud though, because it would only make Mikael more determined that the should drop it. Professor Borisyuk he was sure had it out for him ever since the day in his office when he'd had the nerve to ask about something that the professor mentioned in class, but apparently curiosity wasn't allowed in a class about said curiosities. And besides, it wasn't like he was the only one. Anisha had asked too. He wouldn't have been surprised if she went into some field of magical research, or even an Auror. He'd be a little annoyed if it turned out she was interested in the Department of Mysteries too, because he didn't intend to have a rival in every aspect of his life, thanks very much Anisha. "And I don't want your Uncle coming for me when he finds out I dropped the class. I mean I don't need it and I really couldn't care less about muggle things anyway, it's not like I intend to live there. If I decide to live there, then I'll worry about it." Admittedly though, he was probably right about Divination. He quickly pushed the paper with Divination written on it, to the side and then pushed Muggle Studies away too. After a little more thought, he picked up Ancient Runes and Arithmancy and pushed them aside. "I definitely think I want to drop Runes and Arithmancy, I don't hate the classes, but I don't love them either and it's just more work.
Of course Mikael said them really fast. He didn't see Elio being interested in a career related to muggles. His boyfriend loved playing with magic too much to deal with non-magicals for very long. And if his taking the class was merely interest, the NEWT professor was Kael's uncle. It would be easy enough to approach his uncle during the school year. And then there was History. The answer was easy enough. "You can read up on History," he said flatly. "The professor's job should be to engage you in critical thinking with regards to History. You're smart enough to do that well on your own, and you'll have more time to research if you're not wasting time sitting around in class." There were enough books on history in the Hogwarts Library as well as in Nightray Manor that Mikael had never felt the need to perform well in class. The professors usually merely spout events and dates from the books, and a lot of time could have been saved if they'd just been told to read, and then they could have a discussion on the events in class. "Show Uncle this ridiculous amount of work, and he'll tell you to drop classes and just offer to tutor you if you really want to test for the NEWTs without going to his class." His parents and their classmates weren't really known for their exemplary NEWT records. As far as he knew, it was only his mother that had more than three NEWTs. His mother had eight. "You might as well drop Care if you're not going to be doing anything creature-related," he said as he looked at the mess of parchment left. "You know what. Drop all the electives. I don't see how you would need any of them anyway."
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"But if I'm going to bother learning history, I might as well do it from the classes, even if I hate Borisyuk, well, actually he hates me because I took him up on his offer to talk about the Horcruxes and you know I'm actually still really pissed about that? Like I didn't even say anything wrong, and he's just over there on his f*cking highhorse like, yeah well you shouldn't be so curious that's super suss, as if it's my fault they give the bare minimum of information." He said, rolling his eyes. "Critical thinking doesn't exist at school you know that, all they do is ask you to memorise stupid dates, there's no creativity there," he lamented. Why was he at the school again? Regardless, he'd come this far, he might as well try to at least finish it out. "I really do enjoy them, but you're probably right about them," he said, flicking them to the side. "Besides, History of Magic is a core class and I want to make sure I have options because the world is big and picky and I still am not 100 percent on what I want to do." Except about not being a healer. He'd managed that much. "And if I drop history we both know I won't put that extra time into studying it on my own." He looked up at him then. "So, prefect?" Why would Mikael try and keep something like that from him?
Mikael certainly had no interest in attending the part-giant's class. Hinata seemed to like it well enough, but he had a sneaking suspicion that his cousin was more fascinated with the professor than what the professor was teaching. Still, he wasn't about to call her out on it if that was the case since it was harmless enough. Hearing that his boyfriend had issues with the History professor only made him even more sure of his decision not to attend class. It seemed like both professors for History had vaguely the same personality and approach to teaching, so Mikael was definitely not interested. He could learn well enough about history in the family library. It wasn't even like he needed NEWTs in classes to work in the Nightray company. "It's certainly not the best school, but then again every school has its problems," he said. Attending Hogwarts Scotland had been an option for him and his siblings at some point but his mum hadn't felt comfortable sending them to school with some of their other cousins. There was sure to be a language barrier - a rather large one - in attending Beauxbatons. He wasn't sure why they hadn't considered sending him to Durmstrang - he certainly had no issues with it. He supposed attending Hogwarts New Zealand had been one of the only better options then for him.

"Maybe start figuring out all the things you don't want to do then we can narrow down what you want to do," Kael suggested to his boyfriend. He'd never not known what he wanted to do. For the longest time that he understood that he was heir to the Nightray family, he'd wanted to take his father's position. And he'd started working for it. There was a time that he thought his chances were so slim, back when Jai was still actively training to take over. And then he'd taken himself out of the running and suddenly Mikael didn't think it was so impossible anymore. His thoughts were cut off when Elio asked about his recent school development which made the Slytherin scowl. "Found the letter then?" he asked. The letter had arrived just a few days ago carrying a prefect badge that he immediately wanted to throw into the nearest fire or just send back to his Head of House. What Castillo had been thinking making him a prefect was beyond him but it had seriously annoyed him. What's worse was that his parents had been there when he got the letter so his mother had seen the badge immediately and knew what it meant. She'd summoned it before he could throw it away. "Mum grabbed the badge before I could send it back to Castillo," he grumbled because she was definitely not letting him send a howler to his Head of House. Or not letting him return the d@mn thing.
Elio didn't care all that much about his classes honestly because he knew he would figure it out eventually, but he was surprised about the prefect badge. He was proud of Mikael of course, but he was honestly a little surprised his boyfriend hadn't mentioned the badge sooner - until he mentioned having wanted to send it back. Elio couldn't understand that because if he had been offered a badge, he... no, actually that was a lie he probably wouldn't, have wanted it either if he was honest. However he did have a bit more respect for Professor Cade than he sometimes felt like Mikael had for Professor Castillo. "Yeah, I was a bit surprised to be honest, I wouldn't have thought they would give you a badge, no offence, but I'm also surprised that the fact you would have sent it back. Isn't this just recognising the effort you've been putting in?" TO be honest, he wasn't sure he relished not being able to see him as much, since he wouldn't be able to see him on patrols, but maybe that was okay, and he would like to know that Mikael was making friends without him. Terror and Horror or whichever twin was his roommate didn't count. "Would you have really sent it back?" They could deal with his classes at another time he hoped.​

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