Your heart is all I own

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Linden was excited. Today couldn't have come fast enough. He had been thinking about marrying Casper seriously m for over two years but as a concept for way longer than that from not long after they had started dating. Today, he was finally doing it. They had worked together on the overall plan though cas had been the one to bring out the details and make the little ideas come to life. And as he walked into the glade, they were getting married in his breath caught. It was stunning from the lights to the decorations to all his family and friends there. He was glad he had told cas he had wanted something low-key. Knowing That low key would more than certainly become more in his fiancés hands.

They had each picked the colour for the other to wear but had picked their own cut, which was why he was now dressed in a dark green suit with a light gold tie and handkerchief to match his groom's outfit as he greeted the guests as they found their seats. They were both greeting guests but at different parts of the venue so as not to see each other before the ceremony because that was apparently tradition. It had been hard waking up this morning at his parent's place and not having Cas there beside him or downstairs making coffee or art. hr had been so close to going over to where cas was staying to see him, to make sure he was okay, nd just to see him. Unfortunately they had so much to do ad . He was inside then cas would make his entrance. And oh how he was looking forward to seeing it. He said hello to his parents and classmates, colleagues and cousins, and a lot of other people. Before, he had a tap on his shoulder and was told to get to his place. He knew he was not meant to look, he shouldn't look, but he couldn't help it. He turned and saw Martene and cas making their way towards him, with basil and ash as his groomsmen. He couldn't help but smile and tried not to cry ”Love you” he mouthed before the man who hadmuch to him was there beside always been so him.

OOCOut of Character:
this is Lin and Caspers wedding. let his family and friends post in the ceremony first. I will let you know when you can post.
-godmod approved-

Casper thought he was going to lose his mind- he'd never planned anything like this before, and as the day drew closer all he could do was think about the details. The three tiered, buttercream frosted cinnamon cake with icing flowers and greenery wrapping along the sides in a winding snake over the white frosting with its the log cut base, the fitted suits, the lanterns hanging from the trees and the tealights along the aisle.

The long wooden tables with the thick, lush trail of greenery serving as a centerpiece and hanging off the ends of the tables with the long white floating candles just above it. The lights were a big part of it- hanging in thick vines from the branches, strung between trees, candles everywhere. Dusk had fallen after they'd greeted their guests and the entire clearing was lit in the warm, golden glow of the lights, setting the perfect, romantic vibes for a wedding. It was so cozy, so warm, so earthy, it had all come together beautifully. It was natural, gorgeous, thick with mother nature. It was perfect- and if Casper stopped thinking of all these details, focusing on how every little thing looked, he may just panic and collapse. How had he thought this was a good idea? They should have eloped, taken off somewhere with just the two of them.

And yet somehow he was standing out of sight, fidgeting with his suit and trying to keep his breathing under control, not stilling until his mothers hands covered his own. He looked up through his somehow always mussed honey bangs to meet her eyes, smiling shyly. "Sorry, mom," He murmured, shutting his eyes and leaning into her touch as she brushed his hair back into place.

"Shhh," She soothed him, her hand falling to his chest. "You're beautiful, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you, I'm so happy for you, you're perfect for each other. Breathe, mon ceour, and lets take you to your love, hm?" She encouraged, lacing her hand in the crook of his arm.

He took a deep breath, giving her another shy smile. "Of course, mom, thank you," He murmured, dropping a kiss to her temple. He let her lead him, trying to focus on her warmth and ignoring the crowd, listening to the soft sound of the music as Onyx Derouin played- and for a brief moment he was thankful to Asher for his cousin knowing a violinist. But even as his mind still whirled, focusing on the details of the ceremony rather than the crowd or the attention he was so terrible with, suddenly Linden turned and all thought ran from his mind, escaping with the breath from his chest as their eyes met. He felt himself flush, and he stumbled a little, but his eyes stayed on Lindens as he moved forward, feeling hsi heart both still and stutter as he moved up the aisle to his love.
The music started playing, one of Ashers friends on violin the music was perfect, the atmosphere was perfect. Linden couldnt believe how lucky he was. Casper was there walking towards him with martene, dressed in a light golden suit that caught the light and made him radiant. like a some mythological god or hero. His casper. His husband.

Once Casper reached him he smiled "Hello my love, fancy seeing you here." he whispered before he greeted his mother thanked her and then took Caspers hand in his. giving it a squeeze. He tried to listen to the officiant, but the witch only took half his attention; the other half was taken by cas and smiling he must be the luckiest man in the world.
Soon it was time for the vows. He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a bit of paper before holding it in one hand, not wanting to let go of cas. ”Casper Jason Beckett. There are so many things I could stand here and say to you, but you know you would accuse me of too many pretty words. So let me start with the three simplest and easiest words I can say. I love you. Casper, I love you so much and have loved you in so many ways I never thought it possible to love someone. right now, I am standing here as the luckiest man in the world.” he paused for a second as his voice caught in his throat. ”I am the luckiest man because in a minute, I will get to be your husband, and we get to spend every day unravelling this puzzle called life together.” he said. I don’t know if you remember years ago when we just started to date, maybe three or four months into it, you told me one day I would find the perfect man and marry him; I told you I already had, and I intended to somewhere in the future, and you make me promise not to make you a promise I couldn't keep. I didnt promise you anything that day even though i knew this is where we would one day in some vague future end up.” he paused and looked at his very nearly husband “Casper, Cas, buttercup, Baby, I am going to make some promises to you now that i know i will be able to keep. I promise to love you every minute of every day, I promise that you will never face problems and fears alone. Cas, I will be there beside you. I promise to be by your side and hold you safe no matter what comes our way, health and illness, good times and bad. I promise to always be your biggest cheerleader. I promise that you will always be my best friend he paused again for a second. Smiled at Cas I love you, every part of you, your light your dark the way you see so much joy and wonder in the world. You are my choice, and you always will be. I love you” he said the last few words almost a whisper around the lump in his throat. He looked up at casper then and smiled at him trying hard not to let the tears overspill from his eyes.
Casper took Lindens hand, smiling at his mom again, before looking back to Linden and letting himself be drawn in. He tried to focus just on Linden, listening idly to the music and the witch talking. That faded away quickly though, as Linden started talking... and talking... and talking. Casper wasn't agaisnt it, exactly, but it was an overwhelmingly sweet speech- perfectly Linden in every way. Whatever words he might have had fled him, and his ears burned. Cas shifted, peeking at Linden through his bangs (which had stubbornly fallen back into his eyes) and putting a hand over his face- half covering his lips and cheek.

Cas couldn't help the few beats of silence that followed after Linden spoke. Casper wasn't good at words- he'd never been. So instead of speaking (his voice surely lost by now anyway) Cas just leant in and kissed Linden, his hand falling from his face and pressing over Lindens heart. He lingered a moment before pulling back, meeting Lindens eyes again. "I love you, too," He managed softly. "I'm not good at words..." He tried.

"And a lot of the time I'm not sure there's much of anything I'm good at..." He took a deep breath. "But I'm getting better... when I'm with my family, my friends... and I know all of it is because of you, possible because you've never left my side." He smiled shyly. "Even before we figured out what was going on with us... before anything else, Lin, you're my best friend... and you always will be." He swallowed hard, his words trailing off, and he looked away, blushing furiously and trying not to let the feeling of being inadequate take over as it twisted at his gut.
Linden watched casper the world narrowing down from the ceremony, the guests and everything to being just them. was the speech too much? had he overdone it? it was hard to tell. was he embarrassing his husband before he even officially became that?
He didn't expect cas to kiss him. not then. he was so on the edge of holding his emotions together that Caspers lips on his and hand on his chest over his heart was the final straw and he felt a few stray tears rolling down his cheek. This and everything was so perfect. he started to reach up to cup Caspers cheek in his hand but before he got there cas was pulling away and speaking. Casper's vows were so Casper he listened to him and shook his head slightly as cas said he was too much he was good at. he could kick himself for not saying how talented cas was in his speech and vows. but it was too late now. he listened as cas finished talking. Trying to burn this moment into his memory forever.
Once Cas was finished, he reached up and brushed the hair out and off his face before he leaned forward . "Casper, you are always amazing and so, so talented" he whispered before he kissed him lightly on the cheek. He turned around and gestured to Ivy to come forward for her big role in the proceedings. She took the box off her and turned back to cas, reciting the words by heart "I give you this ring as a token of my love. That it has no beginning and no end. May it bring comfort in times of worry and remind you of how important you are" he said as he slipped the ring onto Casper's finger.
Casper shut his eyes, smiling softly and leaning into Lindens touch automatically. It was easier to focus on just Linden, and not the many people he knew somewhere in his mind were staring. He took the other ring from Ivy, giving her an easy wink, before straightening. The ring Linden slipped onto his finger felt... right, like a little piece of him being slipped back into place. He couldn't help the soft smile, and copied Lindens gesture, slipping the other ring onto the mans hand. "I give you this ring as a promise- to spend the rest of my life loving you, turning to you for comfort, and trying my best to support and encourage you for as long as we shall live." He offered in turn, knowing his words were a little quieter. He took both of Lindens hands in his when their rings were in place, his heart skipping as the officiant spoke.

"I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the groom,"

Cas leant in, kissing Linden sweetly and lingering a bit. He brushed his fingers along the mans cheek, and after a few moments they turned to the crowd. He moved his eyes to his mother, smiling warmly and watching for her reaction as the officiant spoke again.

"I present to those gathered, Mr. and Mr. Kinnek."
Linden still couldn't believe this was happening. he knew he had been thinking about this day for years planning it with cas for a year and a half, but there was still something that felt like a dream as casper took his hand and slopped a ring over his finger. he felt like a cas was giving him a little bit of himself to keep with him forever. he couldn't help but smile as he looked down at their hands clasped together rings and all and then looked at casper, his best friend, his right hand man, his other half, and, as the officiant pronounced them married, his husband.
He lent forward, meeting cas half way, the kiss was sweet and gentle, somehow feeling like a first kiss, and in some ways it was. he lifted his hands to Caspers shoulder and leant into his hand on his cheek. closing his eyes as he felt Caspers nose brush against his. it wasnt a Long kiss and soon they broke away. they defiantly needed a proper kiss, and while right now his world consisted of just him and the man besides him there was somewhere in the back of his head that reminded him that there were people somewhere past his awareness and maybe the proper kiss should be somewhere wth a few fewer eyes trained on them. "hello Husband, I love you" he whispered before giving hims another quick peck of a kiss before they were presented to the audience as Mr and Mr Kinnek. and they walked to the back of the glade hand in hand and leaning into each other. Once they reached the back of the glade he put his arms around cas and held him in his embrace enjoying this moment of 'them' and looking forward to spending the rest of his life with cas.
of course the rest of a life was going to start with a party. but he was too happy hugging his husband and smiling at his friends and family to notice as willow and basil waved their wands moving the chairs to the edges around tables and making room for the dance floor in the middle of the glade.

OOCOut of Character:
it is now time to party. all guests are welcome to post watching the ceremony, and joining in the party. guest include any of linden and capers family, Friends, colleagues, and if you are not sure if your person would be there just contact Jess or myself.
Willow had known this day would come for ages. Even early on in their relationship Linden and Casper had been close. Even before they were dating there was something between them. After all he had had them running around the country one winter to find his missing best friend, and since they had started dating she was pretty sure they both seemed to just be getting happier every time she saw them. She was happy for them, she really was. They were adorable together, and as much as she teased them about it, she was happy that her little Pipsqueak was happy.
She had spent the morning getting ready, doing her and her sister's hair and makeup. Glad that casper had picked green to be their colour. It was a colour that suited them both, unlike the golden hue that lin had picked for cas thankfully she was glad the only things she had in that light gold were her shoes and flowers.

Soon she was in the glade welcoming guests and showing them to their seats. She chatted with some, her family, and friends who she hadnt seen in ages but who lin now worked with and had invited. She really did need to make more of an effort with them. Soon everyone was seated and she saw the signal from Basil. She tapped linden on his shoulder ”Okay Pip, it’s time” she said gesturing him to the front. She stood besides her little brother as Marlene and Casper walked towards them looking ethereal, the colour of his suit complimenting his skin and hair. behind him was Basil it was a shame Tara wasn't also there. she missed her sister. and had considering setting up a search party for her to make sure she attended today. but her mum had said no which was some advice she had almost not listened to.
She did listen to the ceremony. it was sweet she promised herself that she wouldn't cry. she made it through Lindens vows but when casper leaned forward and kissed Lin after his vow she couldn't help it. they were so devoted to each other. she would say she hadnt seen two people look at each other like that before, but it seemed like everyone in her family found someone like that before they hit adulthood. we'll everyone in her family except her.
she forced her attention back to the ceremony and listened to capers vows glad she was close as he was talking so softly and watched as ivy stepped forward all meaning smile with the rings for her brothers which they exchanged with once again very sweet words to each other. then they kissed, and it was the kind of kiss that happened in fairy tales, one that would surly break an evil witches spell, but one that also made her feel like she was intruding by watching.
Willow knew that she should not be taking bets on her brother's relationship. but there was something about cas and lin that just asked for it. from betting when they would get together, to who would propose nd when, they were the few times she was genuinely happy to loose. today was no exception there was a pool on who would change their names. unsurprisingly no one had voted that they would both become beckett, there were a couple of votes for double barreling cullen beckett or beckett cullen, though most bets seemed to be for them joining the cullen clan. when the officiant introduced the married couple she couldnt help glancing over at basil with an brief experession that said 'did you know' and 'i didnt want you to be right' before she joining in the cheering for her brother and brother-in-lar, the new Mr and Mr Kinnek. and following them towards the back of the space and the end of the formal proceedings. she turned to the back of the audience before joining mr and mr kink past everyone to the back before she and Basil took their wands out and changed things to party mode clearing the rows o eats and assign time for shift workers.
Merlin, it was weird to be here. Lucas was happy to be invited and he was obviously happy for his friends, but it was weird. First of all, to Lucas, it seemed impossible to imagine getting married. He hadn't dated anyone seriously in years, just a few flings here and there. He chalked it up to being busy with Quidditch, but something about the idea of seriously settling down unnerved him. It felt way too grown up. Then there was the fact that Linden was his ex-boyfriend, though that was a long time ago. He remembered feeling bitter about Linden and Cas at first, but as he watched them now he knew they belonged together. He could never have been that for Linden, and Linden couldn't be what he needed either. It was for the best.

The ceremony was beautiful but also somewhat sappy. Lucas had to bite his cheek to stop from smiling as Linden called Cas a bunch of sweet nicknames in his vows. Casper's vows were shorter but not less sweet. Lucas felt a little relieved when the ceremony was over and the party began. It was a more familiar setting to him. He stood up and walked over to get himself a drink. He would congratulate Casper and Linden a little later, giving their families some time to do so first.
Today was the day. Ivy was excited. she was being a bridesmaid for her brothers wedding. no she corrected herself, not a bridesmaid, there is no bride, you are a groomsmaid. it didnt matter. it meant that she got to wear a pretty dress and watch her brothers get married. well she knew Cas wasnt her brother. not really but he had always seemed like it. he had been lindens best friend since she was a kid and basically been part of the family fro as long as she could remember. and he was Taras brother, and tara was her sister. so in that way he was her brother. the morning was fun getting ready with willow. her sister brushing and styling her hair and even putting makeup on. She knew she would have to lean how to do it herself soon so that one day she could be as good as willow. But it was nice letting her big sister do it. Wills was often so busy with her work they didnt get much time to hang out just them. and she would be going to school soon and would miss her time with her siblings most.
they made their way to the glade and she helped greeting people and showing them to their seats not that there was specific seats for anyone other than their parents. there wasnt even a grooms side and a grooms side as nearly all of their friends were mutual. but she got to greet people at one stage she went over to her sister tapped on the arm and whispered "Is that the warriors seeker? really here at Lins wedding". she asked. slightly starstruck that one of the players from her favourite team was soon her sister gestured to her and she got to stand at the front with a small bunch of gold flowers and watch her brothers getting married. they were so sweet. she didnt cry, why would she be sad, besides she didnt want to smudge her makeup. especially when she had her job to do. She stepped forward with the box inside sat two rings she opened it and let linden take one and stepped out of the way so people could see him putting it on Caspers fingers. she stepped forward again this time cas took the other ring what he said was quieter and she was glad she was close to hear it. She cheered as they kissed. and she hoped that some day she would find someone she loved like lin and cas loved each other. and as they were introduced as mr and mr Kinnek she cheered again. before following them down the aisle ready for the party to start.

once the party had begun she found her brothers and gave them both a big hug. "Congratulations it was a wonderful wedding" she said. not that she had any to compare it to. but it was wonderful. she gave them another hug each and if she had been younger she would have been embarrassing and lingered around them but she was nearly eleven and needed to be cool so so left and went to the bar feeling very mature as she get herself a drink even if it was just lemonade. she wandered around a little bit before she saw the person that she had spotted earlier standing alone in a corner. "Hello are you Lucas Fletcher? as in the Seeker for the Warriors Lucas Fletcher?" she asked trying to play it cool. "I am a huge fan. I went to the game against the kea the other week and that catch, it was amazing" she gushed aware that she wasnt playing it quite as cool as she had hoped. but at least she hadn't yet admitted she had a poster of him, well the whole team but he was on it, in her bedroom, or that she had his action figure somewhere though she wasn't sure where.

@Lucas Fletcher
He'd never admit it to anybody, but the thought of being old enough that his schoolmates were getting married was... it was scary in a way Finn hadn't realised things could be scary before. It felt like yesterday that they'd been hooking up at school dances, and now Linden was getting married. Like some kind of adult. Finn had barely even moved out of his mum's place, and he still spent half his time there anyway. Though that was a financial strategy as much as a personal one - art school definitely didn't pay the bills.

But while he had been bumbling his way through uni, Linden had been building a life, and now Finn was at his wedding. He didn't really know Casper all that well, but from everything he had seen, he and Linden seemed perfect together. It was cemented by their vows, and even though the idea of being stuck to one person forever seemed a little bit horrifying to Finn, he had to admit the sweetness warmed his heart. They seemed perfect for one another, and certainly seemed to want the same kind of future, and that was all that mattered in the end. So Finn bit back his own personal unease at the whole concept of marriage to be happy for them, smiling and applauding as the newly married couple were announced. With the ceremony over Finn knew he needed to go congratulate Linden at some point, but for now he hung back, letting closer friends and family have the first turn. He spotted Lucas nearby and gave the Hufflepuff a cheerful wave, but a girl Finn didn't recognise accosted him before Finn could head over to say hello. Well, that was another conversation he could always have later as well. The idea of getting to catch up with so many classmates lifted his spirits, and Finn looked around to see if he could spot any other familiar faces.
Lucas sipped his drink and looked around. He spotted Finn and smiled, wondering if he should go over and catch up with the former Ravenclaw. But before he could, someone spoke to him in a familiar tone of voice. Lucas hadn't expected to meet fans here, but it wasn't unwelcome. He looked down, smiling as he saw that it was Linden's younger sister. His smile grew as the girl said she was a huge fan and had seen his game. "Yes, that's me, I'm Lucas. Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it." He said. "I used to be Linden's roommate- Cas' too actually. Did he tell you?" It was oddly flattering that this girl liked his playing so much. He searched his brain for her name. "You're.... Ivy, right?" He remembered both sisters were named after plants, and this definitely wasn't Willow.

@Ivy Cullen
Weddings and marriages had never been part of briars culture growing up. they had never been something that she had seen the benefit of. That was until her sister had got married, and then soon after Dederick had proposed to her and they had got married on their twentieth anniversary, which had been over eleven years ago now. while it had seemed like such a unnecessary formality in her youth, she had to admit that she did like being married. and if she had known how much more settled it had made their relationship she possibly would have suggested it sooner as she had known from relatively early on in their relationship Dederick was the person who she wanted to spend her life with especially once Willow came along even though things had been tough in those early days.
She hadn't been particularly surprised when Linden and Casper announced their engagement, especially since Casper had been to visit her a few months prior. While he had not specifically asked for her blessing to propose, the whole conversation about being married, her and Dees' relationship, Casper and Lins, and the ring Casper had brought to show her were all major indicators of his intentions.
all of this led them to here. in a woodland glade near her farm watching her son and her practically-a-son get married. The ceremony was so sweet and intimate and as much as she tried to she couldn't hold back the tears as cas kissed Lin after he had said his vows. It was just so them. then came ivy's big job. the job she had been talking about for weeks. giving them the rings. she could see her daughter beaming from the seats. And willow of course maid of honour looking so proud of all of her siblings real and found, it was just a shame tara hadnt made it. she ad head from her a couple of weeks ago. and there was a letter for Casper and linden but she didnt open it. she bought it here for them today as per the directions.
once the ceremony was over. She watched her sons and then made sure to try and talk to the guests. she had been talking with Madlyn and Chayton when she saucy hanging out near one of the boys' friends by the bar. she had just got in earshot when she heard her daughter say "Yes he did, but it sort of didnt seem real that Lindens Ex dorm mate was Lucas Fletcher." she said. She could see the girl blush as Lucas remembered her name "you remembered my name? can I have a photo and autograph". a couple of moments later Ivy was running towards her a photo and slip of paper held tight in her hand. showing them off. "wow. ivy aren't they cool. I hope you said thank you. why dont you give them them to Dad to put in his jacket pocket where they will be safe" she said. Watching her daughter go off to find her dad she smiled and nodded nd mouthed a thank you to Lucas before going to greet a few more of the guests.

@Lucas Fletcher
((godmod approved by Daphne))
Martine had been to a good amount of weddings in her time, but none filled her with as much love as that of her son's and Linden's. Martine had been there at the top of the aisle for him, and had reassured him as best she could. There weren't two people more suited to each other than this pair. She knew in looking at how they were with each other that they were soulmates. Proper soulmates. Two halves of one whole. She couldn't help but cry softly in joy throughout, only doubled by the end where they were presented with her surname, with the name she had taken when she'd gotten married. So much of her life had been marked by the misery of loss, of mistakes made when she'd been at her lowest point. It felt wrong almost that her son was honouring her and his father like he was. But it felt perfect. She didn't want to approach them, letting their friends do so, and just weeping softly, quietly, openly. Her heart had never been so filled with joy.
-godmod approved-

Casper let Linden lead him, falling easily into his side. "I love you right back, husband," He countered, letting himself be sappy with Linden. He lingered a moment, resting his head for a moment on the mans shoulder. He wanted to keep close, but he could see his mother had broken down. His brothers were occupied, so he excused himself from Linden with a quick kiss before slipping through the crowd to the woman. "Mom," He breathed, catching her up in a hug and leaning his cheek against her hair. "I love you, mom," He whispered, voice breaking, tears in his eyes as well. He managed to keep them back, but only barely. @Linden Kinnek @Martine Kinnek

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