Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
In a bizarre twist, it had actually been Emery who convinced Rāwhiti not to give up his role as captain. He had profoundly and thoroughly failed his team last year, and his first instinct had been to resign in disgrace and give up his Quidditch dreams entirely. But Emery had talked him around, and Rāwhiti was determined. This year would be different. He had come down to the pitch early before tryouts to practice, and by the time last year's team and this year's hopefuls started to arrive he was already sweaty, snitch in hand as he touched down to greet people.

The whistle hung even heavier around his neck this year as he blew it for attention, once it seemed like everyone who was coming had congregated. "Alright team, whakarongo mai!" He called out, trying to stay determined under so much scrutiny. "Welcome everyone, thanks for all being here today, I'll be brief. Gryffindor is a team that works hard, and if you thought last year was intense, it's got nothing on this year. We're going to be giving a hundred and ten percent at all times. That means total dedication from everyone on the team. If you're signing up, you're signing up to work hard, and to push ourselves back up on top. Last year may have been a wash, but this year the trophy's ours." He said, hoping nobody would think too hard about why last year had been a wash. "So let's get going, I wanna see your absolute best today. Team, you guys can take to the air and put this lot through their paces, show them what the real challenges on the pitch are all about. Newbies, when it's your turn step forward and state your name and which position you're trying for, then show me what you've got!"

*Whakarongo mai - listen up - a common knowledge phrase for anyone raised in aotearoa nz

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
BeaterAurora Archer
BeaterSantiago Torres
ChaserSoren Gates
ChaserJoshua Lynch
ChaserSenna Overby
Alternates3 Slots Open

OOCOut of Character:
Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not allowed to try out unless there are still spaces that need to be filled. If you have a first year that's interested shoot me a PM.
Quidditch ran in Veronica's blood so trying out for the house team as soon as she was able to without special permission had been a given. She had worked all winter long to prepare for the tryouts at the beginning of the new semester and headed down to the pitch eager to show off her skills and earn her place, even if she had to start as an alternate, her dad had been an alternate after all and things had worked out pretty well for him.

Veronica stood among her peers with her broom in hand, she hated waiting and began to bounce with nervous energy. She wanted to start, she wasn't nervous about how she would perform, she knew she would do well once she eventually got her chance. "Veronica Walden-Cade, trying out for Keeper again," She announced when it was finally her turn.

Mounting her broom, Veronica made her way up to the set of hoops she was assigned and waited for the chasers to start taking shots at her. She was glad to finally get to stretch her muscles and show just how good she could be. She went early when the first chaser took a shot and she initially went the wrong way but she was just quick enough to recover and get her fingertips to the quaffle, unable to catch it, it tumbled to the ground but that wasn't her problem, it hadn't gone through the hoop. The second shot went through the center hoop after a very convincing fake from one of the more senior chasers, well she was exceptional but not perfect. She was however able to save the remaining three shots that were thrown at her and Veronica felt very good about her efforts when she returned to the ground and thanked the captain.
Last year Teddy had played as Alt. Seeker for the team and although he was kind of annoyed that alts had to tryout again, this was also an opportunity to try something new and make the full team. And yes, he loved seeking, but he didn't enjoy being benched all the time. He knew what he was going to do when he arrived at tryouts. First he listened to Rāwhiti with a smile on his face, happy his captain had fire back in his belly. Then he headed up to announce the position he was trying out for, "Teddy Pirrip, trying out for Keeper," the words felt somewhat foreign, but he was okay with that.

Teddy mounted his broom and headed to the hoops, ready for the quaffles to come his way. He circled in front of the hoops, watching the play between the chasers. When the first quaffle came hurtling towards him, Teddy reacted instinctively, lunging to the left hoop to block it with his hands outstretched, he caught the quaffle and threw it back out to play. For the next save, he could see the quaffles trajectory and lunged forward, deflecting it with the end of his broom and sending it veering off course. He was enjoying it so far, seeing the game from a whole new perspective.

Positioning himself in front of the middle hoop next, Teddy prepared for the next save when a flicker of gold caught his eye. His attention was momentarily drawn to the snitch as a quaffle soared through the hoop behind him. Feeling annoyed at his lapse in concentration, Teddy focused back on defending the hoops. He managed to intercept two more goal attempts before the end of tryouts. He'd surprised himself at how much he enjoyed trying out as Keeper and hoped he'd done enough to make the team. Teddy headed back to the ground to find out how he'd done.
Aurora really really wanted to win the cup. Though she had no high aspirations of playing quidditch professionally, she did really want to win this cup. She arrived at the pitch and smiled easily at the teammates and those now trying out. She was eager to get started on it. She got on her broom and into the air.
Fraser felt exceedingly nervous about this. Mostly he knew that the disappointment of not making the team for a fourth year in a row would be pretty devastating. He liked quidditch, he knew he could do it, he had wanted to be just like his dad, but all of the signs pointed to the fact he just wasn't going to be. He'd end up doing something else, at this rate it would be photography but it just wasn't quidditch. Perhaps he should've listened to Zerrin and joined the monthly, opting to write about quidditch. But it didn't matter he was on the pitch again and ready to try out. "Hi, me again, Fraser Fergusson, for chaser," he said as he thought of the younger hufflepuff boy who'd tried out for all positions.

Like every time before Fraser shot up into the air and began flying around. He grabbed the quaffle when it was tossed to him and made his way to the hoops. Fraser continued to be a good flyer, he was able to move with ease in the air, like it was second nature to him to do so. He continued to move quickly, dodging other players and bludgers alike. He tried to score and was pleased that it went in. He made a concious effort to pass to the other chasers, to catch the quaffle when tossed to him. The gryffindor played well, but Fraser's major issue now, was that there was only so much practice he could do without being able to be on a team. He had no way of improving beyond where he was because couldn't. But Fraser kept trying, flying around, attempting to score, scoring, doing all he could until the try-out was over, and though he felt it had gone well, he was already assuming he hadn't made the team.
Joshua had enjoyed being on the Quidditch team, and he was glad he had managed to be on the official team last year. The boy made it to the pitch, ready to practice with his teammates, as well as possible new teammates. When Rāwhiti had finished speaking, Josh mounted onto his broom and flew up in the air, making sure to practise as well as help out those who were trying out.
Milo stretched as he got out onto the pitch, scoping out the new and familiar faces of the team and other prospective tryouts. There were still no new openings on the starting lineup but after last year, Milo had a plan and a thing or two to show their captain, especially with Teddy trying out for Keeper this year. He barely held but a comment at Rāwhiti's speech and mention about last year's season. Maybe their captain would be more open to his advice this year, but Milo had to get back on the team first.

"Milo Frogg, here to play seeker," he said as he stepped up, pointing a smug look towards Rāwhiti. He'd gotten in a lot more practice since his tryout last year in between the holidays and practice over the school year so Milo was more than confident as he got into the air. He'd watched more than enough games to know how to critique a seeker, it couldn't be that much harder playing as one. Not to mention he'd gotten enough practice flying with one hand as a beater so now he just needed to find the snitch. Easy peasy.

It was different flying without his bat, Milo felt off balance at first, but at least his beater experience meant Milo was on the alert for bludgers from the get go, especially knowing how Aurora and Santiago tended to play in practices. He wasn't common seeker build either, but he was still pretty small, which made him a harder target for sure, committing to sudden drops and height changes to dodge bludgers as he scanned the pitch. For awhile. Bludgers were so much easier to see but the snitch was a mission to spot with everyone moving. Milo could feel frustration creeping in, especially after he'd spotted the snitch what he thought was a few times only to give chase and loose sight of it immediately. Finally, legs starting to ache from gripping his broom tightly, Milo saw it lurking near the Southern hoops. He went into a steep dive, hoping to come in from above and scoop it up without losing track of whichever direction it darted. It was a rough catch, Milo nearly eating the pitch as he tried to pull out of his nose dive, but the snitch was in his hand and he held it up gleefully. "I got it look, I got it! Easy!"

(edit approved by Rowan lol)
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After last year being less than ideal for Basquiat with him getting no air time during games, he really hoped that this year he could. He didn't want anyone to get injured but if it had to happen, please Merlin let it be one of the chaser's. He had done as much practice as he could prior to the school year between work and watching Zora and had gotten a few practices in before the tryouts so he hoped that maybe he could be in a positive position this year. Bas walked up to the field and again, used one of the school provided brooms as he couldn't afford his own, his job hadn't really provided him as much income as he had thought it might.

"Hey, uh Bas Jackson trying for Chaser..." Bas started then quickly added, "or Keeper... I just wanna play man," he admitted to Rāwhiti with an awkward chuckle, partially as a joke with a light tone but he really would be wherever they could put him. He was naturally built more like a chaser than a keeper but again, he wanted air time. With that in mind, he went up and during the faux game play he managed to be part of an assisted goal but also get a few himself. He somehow avoided a bludger with some luck as well. Once all was said and done he had gotten a few scores, a few assists. It was proof that his practice was paying off.
Santiago wasn't exactly thrilled with how their last season had gone. He wasn't sure he could do anything about it but he was eager to get another shot at knocking some bludgers around. He arrived to try-outs with the rest of the team and only partially listened to the captain's speech. He knew what he needed to do so when everyone took to the air he joined them with a bat in hand. He flew around and quickly found a bludger and didn't hesitate to aim one right for Milo. If the other boy made it on the team there would be plenty more where that came from. It almost made him want to cheer for him. But he didn't. Santiago focused on the bludgers and made quite a few hits and even blocked a couple before time was up and they returned to the ground. He shot the captain a lazy solute before heading out.
Aroha had waited for this for a whole year. Admittedly she'd been pretty disappointed to not make it on the team during her first year, but that was all in the past. She'd make it this time, even if it was just an alternate. Aroha was confident she'd make a good player. Last year had been disappointing for the Gryffindor team but she'd turn things around, she just knew it.

She listened to the captain, taking what he said seriously. Quidditch was serious business after all, even if it was fun. "Aroha, trying out for seeker," Aroha said, and got on her broom to take to the skies. She'd practiced during the break as well as during school in her first year so she was on her best game. Aroha searched somewhat fruitlessly for a while, but eventually the glint of gold caught her eye and she pushed forward fast, catching the snitch easily in her hand. Aroha grinned, and made her way back to the ground, hoping that was good enough to get her onto the team.
Miro had been looking forward to the chance to try out for the Gryffindor quidditch team the entirety of his first year. As he returned to school for his second year and arrived to the quidditch pitch the day the try outs were open, he was itching to get into the air, impatiently tapping his feet and running on the spot from an excess of excited energy. He had practiced all throughout his first year and managed to get a good grade in his flying classes - his only good grade of that year - and he felt he had worked hard to become a better flyer, hopefully one that was good enough to make the team and help his house win the quidditch cup.

Smiling as the captain greeted them, Miro listened intently to their words, nodding along and knowing he would give the effort the captain needed. Flying and quidditch was really all he cared about because his classes had been such a disappointment, he was sure if he didn't make the team he would at least show effort in attending the games and cheering for Gryffindor to win. When it was his turn to step up and introduce himself he squared his shoulders, puffing out his chest in an effort to seem confident, and more grown up than he was. "I'm Miro Morales-Albertson. Trying out for beater." Miro announced, smiling as he took off on his broom with a beater's bat in hand. He had mulled over which position would be best for him to try out for; happy with anything that allowed him to fly fast at first but soon settling on the idea of being a beater. He thought it was fun to chase the bludgers and whack them accordingly with the bat, whether it be away from his team or to someone in an opposing house. Spotting a bludger, Miro chased after it, unable to keep the smile from his face as he reached to whack it away from one of the other players. He watched the bludger fly in the opposite direction before curving back with a vengeance. Miro chased it again, deciding to keep his mark on the same bludger so he could keep tabs on where it was. He managed to reach the bludger again, mustering all his strength and hitting it with his bat as far out of the pitch as he could, laughing excitedly at how far it had flown.

When the try outs were over Miro felt proud of himself, touching back down to the ground with his head held high. He smiled again and thanked the captain before leaving the pitch, returning his broom to where they kept the school brooms as he did so. He was happy with his flying, knowing from his practice he had improved from his first year. He hoped he had flown well enough to make the team in some capacity, but regardless he was happy with himself and would continue flying as often as he could in between classes.​
Last call! Tryouts will be closing in approx. 24 hours.
OOCOut of Character:
Posing approved by Rowan

Ivy knew that first years were not meant to try out for the house teams. Ivy also knew that first years generally hadnt grown up with a broom between their legs from when they were tall enough to clamber onto a toy broom, been taught how to fly by family members who had all excelled at different positions on their house team. She knew she probably wouldn't make the team. but she knew she had to try out, even if it was just to get her name out there for next year. She went down to the pitch her new firebolt in hand, and stood near the back of the gathered group of Gryffindors listening as the captain introduced themselves and the try outs. once most of the other people were in the air, she went over to the captain. "Hello. I'm Ivy Cullen, would I please be able to try out? I dont mind what position, I have practised chaser and seeker before, but will be happy to play something else" she asked. mentally adding so long as I can please please be on the team she was glad when the older Gryffindor said she could try and mounted her broom flying a lap enjoying the freedom of the wind in her hair before turning towards the pitch. She fell into flight with the chasers flying with them up the pitch and she cheered when one of them got a goal. on the way back she had an open shot at the rings "I'm open" she called pleased when the ball was passed her way. even more pleased when she managed to catch it. She flew towards the goal now all she had to do was get it in. This was something she had practiced a lot with her brother. or rather She had practiced shooting so that her brother could train keeping. as she got closer she tried to focus. but the person infant of the hoop wasnt lin encouraging her on what to do. and there were other people watching her. bigger people who she needed to impress. As she got closer she focused aimed and threw. she could tell it was going to go wide as soon as she let it go. sailing straight towards the edge of the hoop if the keeper didnt get to intercept it first. she tried not to let it get her feel down and turned to fly back with the other chasers trying to tell herself to just enjoy the flying and playing with the others no matter what the outcome of the try outs was.
Even though Fiona was sure she wasn't gonna make it on the team, she wanted to at least try out to see what would happen. The second year made her way to the pitch and stood with the rest of those who were trying out. She nodded her head to everything the captain said, and it wasn't long before they had to call out their names. "Fiona Burke, trying out for beater!" Fiona said happily before she flew up into the air with the rest of the group. As Fiona was up in the air she tried a few different things like defending players as well as trying her best to hit other players as well, though she felt bad for doing so. She also managed to hit a ball a few times, as well as miss a few balls and hitting players, but overall she thought she did well enough.

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