Recent content by Sebastian Kaimarama

  1. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Closed Surprise Reunion

    Sebastian had known his friend would be upset, but to see him backing away from him like this, like he didn't trust him anymore, was more than he could stand. Seb wanted nothing more than to hug him and tell him it would be all right, but that wasn't what he needed right now. Lucas' words hurt...
  2. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Closed Surprise Reunion

    Returning to Hogwarts was inevitably a bittersweet time for Sebastian. He loved Hogwarts and learning magic and the friends he'd made there, but he hated leaving home and his parents. And the Fletchers . . . Seb was painfully aware that Lucas in particular hadn't really forgiven him for leaving...
  3. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Open Seeking Respite

    Seb let himself cry for a while, glad that Poppy was here, glad that no one else was. One of the few things he hated about Hogwarts was how hard it was to get any privacy, unless you went into the forest, and he didn't really like doing that without his siblings. He was acutely aware, even...
  4. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Open Seeking Respite

    Sebastian didn’t even notice Poppy until she greeted him, and he was still distracted by trying to work out whether she was a close enough friend to be allowed to call him Seb when she walked over to him and started rambling. “Hi Poppy,” he said belatedly, quite content to listen to her and let...
  5. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Open Seeking Respite

    Sebastian couldn’t stop thinking about Lucas. His best friend - he’d tried to stop himself thinking of Lucas as his best friend when he’d left for Hogwarts, when he’d had to leave him behind, but now . . . Now Lucas was here, at Hogwarts, and this should be the happiest of times, the most...
  6. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Closed Mates and Meetings

    Sebastian wasn’t sure whether to be excited or nervous about this. Both? Probably both. It had always been the way that his older siblings had made friends and then brought him into the group, and when they were little that had been great. Seb certainly wasn’t any good at meeting people on his...
  7. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Old School Week Among the Flowers

    Seb chuckled as the girl gave a little curtsey, and attempted a bow in return, though it didn't work very well from his sitting position. "Same to you," he said, smiling, and going back to his weeding as she did. "Yeah, it was great. My siblings both got to Hogwarts before me, so I see quite a...
  8. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Roses Among Siblings

    Inside the school was too much for Seb today. There were so many people moving about with the rose deliveries, making the crowds even bigger and more chaotic than usual as they shouted people's names. His siblings' attitudes made more sense now; of course Maddy would enjoy this overwhelming...
  9. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Open Bothering Brothers

    Sebastian had been helping to grow the roses as part of the Wild Patch Club, of course, but he hadn't really paid much attention to the whole thing beyond that. He knew Maddy was really excited about it, but Maddy was really excited about everything, and Wills had seemed quite grumpy about the...
  10. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Old School Week Among the Flowers

    Seb nodded awkwardly as the girl came over to him. "Yeah, I thought I recognised you. You're a Ravenclaw, right?" Those were the classes he'd seen her in, weren't they? He hesitated for a moment, terrified that he'd got it entirely wrong, and tried to remind himself that it didn't really matter...
  11. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Old School Week Among the Flowers

    Sebastian looked up abruptly as a voice came from nearby, then shook his head at himself for being so jumpy. Of course there would be other people here, on a day like this, though he was a little surprised he hadn’t noticed her. The girl looked vaguely familiar, probably from other Wild Patch...
  12. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Old School Week Among the Flowers

    The holidays were still a bittersweet event for Sebastian, though in a very different way than they had been before. Now he was finally a Hogwarts student, finally together with his siblings again, but sometimes he missed home and his parents and his muggle friends and the familiar forests so...
  13. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Closed Long Awaited

    Sebastian wasn’t completely sure about this. Of course he was overjoyed to get to be together with his siblings again, to no longer be always left behind after every holidays. And of course he was excited to be going adventuring with them somewhere new and different. But the fear lurked in his...
  14. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Open Y34 Club Fair

    Sebastian smiled shyly at @Norton Gillespie the boy who seemed to be in charge. “Thank you!” he said, taking the sheet and writing his name on it, then awkwardly repeating himself when the boy gave him a flower crown. He looked at the crown curiously, wondering whether these were flowers the...
  15. Sebastian Kaimarama

    Open Y34 Club Fair

    Sebastian knew Maddy was right about this, and he did want to sign up for the Wild Patch Club, but he really, really didn't want to go to the Clubs Fair. He knew that there would be far too many people here - there were far too many people everywhere at Hogwarts, and here they would be...