Recent content by Miranda Dawes

  1. Miranda Dawes

    Heta Omega

    Miranda Dawes Ravenclaw Fourth Year
  2. Miranda Dawes

    Hogwarts Monthly

    Miranda Dawes Ravenclaw Fourth Year Co-Editor
  3. Miranda Dawes

    Fourth Years

    Miranda Dawes Ravenclaw
  4. Miranda Dawes

    HM meeting is up here! (OOC meeting is also up, staff please check it out when you have the chance!)

    HM meeting is up here! (OOC meeting is also up, staff please check it out when you have the chance!)
  5. Miranda Dawes

    HM Meeting Y48 S2 - Very Important Office Morning Tea

    Honestly, Miranda was a bit stuck for ideas on what to do to make paper meetings more exciting. She had caught herself feeling more and more resentful as time went on, and she hated that side of her. But it was addictive - once you started, it was very difficult to stop. Cathy was a very nice...
  6. Miranda Dawes

    Dueling Match #13

    Miranda was not a fan of dueling as she thought it was quite barbaric, in all honesty. Sometimes she wondered why wizards loved such violent entertainment, and it made her less surprised that her father had decided to live more like a muggle. But she had a duty to go to events for the paper, and...
  7. Miranda Dawes

    Open The Writing Circle

    Miranda listened to the poem with a placid smile. She couldn't help but wonder if this girl - Lilith, apparently - had either found a boyfriend, found Jesus, or fictionalised a boyfriend in the way young songwriters often did. According to her dad, anyway. Or maybe had complicated feelings for a...
  8. Miranda Dawes

    Open The Writing Circle

    Miranda wondered if mentioning she worked on the paper would give any of the writers pause. She did recognise Eoghan, however, so it wasn't like it was a great secret. Probably who her mother was was more daunting, but Miranda never lead with that. "Hi, I'm Miranda," she said simply, thumbing...
  9. Miranda Dawes

    Open The Writing Circle

    Miranda needed to branch her writing out from just writing for the paper. She wanted to write some more creative works, but in her role as co-editor she couldn't exactly focus on her own creativity. Her job was more to facilitate everyone else's and get the facts straight. So seeing a writing...
  10. Miranda Dawes

    Closed Historical, Theatrical

    ((shows up a couple of weeks later with starbucks whoops)) Miranda had kind of lost track of time and place, idly looking through different works of poetry. Her father always talked it up, but Miranda felt like she'd never quite got it. She had to get it, though, if she wanted to improve her...
  11. Miranda Dawes

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Miranda was in a bit of a rhythm, she figured Hugo was pretty busy but she had things under control. Still, she was grateful he showed up to help, as plenty of students wanted to join. "Hey, sure thing! Just put your name down here and we'll handle the rest," she greeted one of them, handing a...
  12. Miranda Dawes

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Miranda thought the animal care thing didn't sound too bad, a lot of students had pets (she herself had an owl that was an olive branch gift from her mother) and were taking care of them for the first time. She made a thoughtful noise and scribbled down a note, thanking the boys and girl who...
  13. Miranda Dawes

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Miranda was in the midst of signing one person up when another boy - a Ravenclaw, she had seen him in the dorms she was pretty sure - asked to join as well. "Yeah, absolutely!" she said, cheerfully, handing another sign up sheet over. There were some quills available on the table as well as...
  14. Miranda Dawes

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Miranda's yelling must have paid off, as a boy came up to join almost immediately. "Oh, for sure, we'd love to have you aboard!" She handed over a sign up sheet to the boy for him to write his name down with an encouraging smile and nod. "Anything particular you'd like to write?" she asked...
  15. Miranda Dawes

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Miranda was working on a project for the paper, try and use her powers for good. But to keep the paper running and allow her enough capacity to add this to her workload, they'd need more people. The booth was set up with some old editions of the paper, and she had a bunch of surplus muggle pens...