Closed Historical, Theatrical

Miranda Dawes

HM Editor | Aspiring Author
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
14 (28/05/2049)
It was never not going to be awkward for Miranda in History of Magic, what with her mother teaching the class and all. But she was just going to have to get it together this year and cope with it. Things with her mum weren't so bad now, at least, not great but better than they were. She figured she'd get ahead of the game by looking up some Greek mythos, at least knowing they were to be learning a little bit about the Labyrinth of Crete. Miranda was usually pretty good at navigating the library, and she knew exactly where she was supposed to go. But she found herself a little distracted, heading towards the poetry and plays section instead. If anyone asked, it was inspiration for the paper. Before long, she was crouched on the floor taking up an entire aisle as she found herself rather lost in thought.
Kyousuke wanted to open his options. He had enjoyed his detour into Oscar Wilde, but he wondered if he should go back to the classics. Shakespeare he was familiar with, but what about his contemporaries? Kyousuke was deep in thought as he traversed the library, making his usual beeline for the section with plays. It wasn't usually a busy area - Kyousuke knew well enough by now that people tended not to be too interested in drama at Hogwarts, much to his chagrin. He paused as he turned the corner, momentarily surprised to see someone sitting in the aisle, taking up the space. A slight flicker of annoyance passed through him but it was replaced with curiosity. Maybe there was someone who appreciated good theatre. Still, they were in the way, that couldn't be denied. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, do you mind?" he asked politely enough, but his eyes were straying to try and see which books the girl was going for.
((shows up a couple of weeks later with starbucks whoops))

Miranda had kind of lost track of time and place, idly looking through different works of poetry. Her father always talked it up, but Miranda felt like she'd never quite got it. She had to get it, though, if she wanted to improve her own writing as well as manage the paper well. She stumbled over in surprise at the intrusion, looking up at Kyousuke with an embarrassed smile. "Oh, hi, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise I was...ah, please," she quickly shuffled to the side, taking up as little space as she possibly could. "...I can grab you something from down here, if you wanted?" she added, awkwardly gathering up the books she had picked up. Apparently the top of the pile was a book of 20th century poetry.
((all good!))

Kyousuke came closer, looking at the book pile and noticing the twentieth century poetry book. That wasn't really his thing so he promptly ignored it. "Is Christopher Marlowe down there?" he asked, peering downwards to the lower shelves. "I'm looking for Doctor Faustus," he informed Miranda. Curiosity got the better of him, however. "Are those all poetry books, then?" he decided to ask further. He really didn't know much about poetry beyond a few Shakespeare sonnets and maybe some traditional haiku.

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