Recent content by Gwen Owens-Lee

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  2. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed Meeting One Another

    Gwen's eyes widened as the man said his name was Apollo. It definitely rang a bell. He was a beater, wasn't he? "It's nice to meet you, Apollo. Do you play quidditch?" she said, unable to refrain herself from immediately asking the question. "There's no need to apologise, I'm okay." She smiled a...
  3. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed Meeting One Another

    Gwen was glad to be back at New Zealand, despite enjoying her time in foreign countries. She knew she needed a break from it however and to find something more consistent for a steady income. Cadell had been helping her try to find something, but truthfully she didn't like most of what he...
  4. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed You've Caught My Eye

    Gwen had gone to Japan many times before, but if there was any excuse to travel, she wasn’t going to knock down the opportunity. When Cadell said he was going back there to see a friend, she was quick to tag along, hoping that it would be fun and give her something to do. The woman had been...
  5. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Ridiculously Large PD 2: The Revenge

    Here's a thread for Gwen and Bijoux! Also, that's all good, I'll make sure to write down the other RPs too so we don't miss them.
  6. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed Tourist Troubles

    Gwen had been travelling for a while lately and she wasn’t sure when she would ever try and settle down. Her mothers had been telling her that she should. After all, paying for accommodation in some places was a little pricey, and Gwen couldn’t just camp outside with her trusty tent everywhere...
  7. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed A New Family Member

    Gwen couldn’t be more excited about the visitor that was coming today. In fact, it wasn’t a visitor at all and was actually her very first nephew. She was delighted meeting baby Aiya for the first time. A niece seemed like a great idea, but she was barely any fun yet as she was still a baby and...
  8. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Clear My Mind

    Gwen found it cool that Nell seemed interested in where she wanted to travel. Traveling was Gwen's favourite thing and she really couldn't wait to finally conquer the world and discover things that she had never discovered before. She would definitely come back with lots of stories. "I've...
  9. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Clear My Mind

    Gwen couldn't be more happy in her life at the moment. She had so much planned since graduating from Hogwarts and couldn't wait to start her journey of a lifetime. She had mastered Apparition and was using it a lot more frequently now, especially since leaving school and being able to use magic...
  10. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Y36 Graduation Ceremony

    Gwen had been waiting for this moment ever since she started Hogwarts in her first year. She had always wanted to grow up and leave school and no longer be treated like a child. She wasn't sure where it would take her, she would figure that out as she went, but she was just glad to finally be...
  11. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed Thankful for you

    Gwen shrugged as Zennon politely refused the sweets, before reaching for one in the bag and popping one into her mouth. Her favourite - lemon! She chewed it as they spoke. "It's so good to see you too! I've been well. How about you? I'm so excited that this is our last year, can you believe...
  12. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Closed Thankful for you

    Gwen was so very close to finishing school and she had to admit that she was really excited. She wasn't sure where she wanted to go after graduating, but was just excited to finally be free again and do anything that she wanted. Her youngest brothers were starting their first year at Hogwarts...
  13. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Apparition 3

    Gwen had tried her best to practice apparating throughout the week, knowing that she could get really good at it. It was working very well and she was very excited about getting to do another lesson. She lined up with the other people in her year group and waited her turn to apparate. It wasn't...
  14. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Apparition 2

    After the first Apparition lesson, Gwen was keen for another. She was still slightly scared of what might happen, but was confident that she would eventually get it. The instructor told them to stand next to a hoop and apparate inside of it, and Gwen took a deep breath as she did so, hoping...
  15. Gwen Owens-Lee

    Apparition 1

    Gwen didn't know how to feel about her Apparition lessons. She was excited for them, but also suddenly nervous. Her mums told her to be careful because it was easy to splinch, and so this is what made Gwen weary for them. She had apparated with her mums before, but this time she was going to...