Recent content by Gilbert Williams

  1. G

    Idea-big, big thing.

    Awesome! Yeah, I vaguely thought about suggesting Gil as X', but there is no way in hell he fits your description. The instant I read the words 'girl magnet', I thought 'No. Just No.' Anyway, the conclusion of Y's part will provide a nice step into something I plan on doing, so thanks! How long...
  2. G

    Idea-big, big thing.

    I don't know how well this suggestion will go down with you, but Gil could possibly be the Y position. He's a nice person, even if he isn't a genius, and I think he gets along with Sara. I could see him developing a crush on her, comforting her when Z dumps her and asking her out, only to get...
  3. G

    An Irish Ceili

    I thought I'd wait for Jake to reply, but as it's been five days, I'll post now. “Oh, he will?” Gil repeated, grinning, “Awesome! It'll be great getting to play with everyone. Plus I don't know who the Slytherins are, so I won't be breaking the rules by being on the same team as them.” Somehow...
  4. G

    A "Welcome to your new home" party

    Sorry, I only just noticed my inbox flashing at me. Question: where in the Uk is their house? I'm assuming London because Kate said about buying balloons in london. Gil was late. It seemed to be something of a habit. First he was late to the birthday party, now he was late to the house warming...
  5. G

    Galleon related question

    Hey, I was wondering if second years need to request their annual allowance through some process or will it be allocated automatically after sorting is done? I checked the galleon system which suggests it IS automatic, I just want to confirm that this is indeed the case.
  6. G

    Absolutely Nothing of Any Interest

    Gil stopped calling when he finally realised the girl was beginning to wade back into shore. “Yeah exams” Gil replied, grinning as she approached, “As insane as it sounds, some people actually revise for tests. For all I know, you could be suicidal over one E. You're not, are you? Because that...
  7. G

    Absolutely Nothing of Any Interest

    Yeah, I totally failed to read that she was in the lake. One massive edit,coming right up. I'll save the rest for later. Ah winter. Gil hated it. The cold forced him to spend most of the time inside, stuck squished between the other gryffindors in their common room. And winter also heralded...
  8. G

    An Irish Ceili

    I feel like pointing out that Gil is an idiot (in case you didn't realise this) and none of his opinions are my own. Besides, he's too young to have learnt the truth about British imperialism. If he knew, he wouldn't be calling it awesome. :correct: “Who doesn't love chocolate?” Gil agreed...
  9. G

    An Irish Ceili

    Gil stiffened when Sara hugged him. Like most boys his age, he wasn't a huge fan of physical affection. Not beyond a punch to the shoulder between mates. Relaxing, he gave her a friendly pat on the back, watching as she opened his present. “Yeah, I should've got you a book” Gil admitted with a...
  10. G

    An Irish Ceili

    Shopping wasn't Gil's favourite sport and he'd gone with the basics. Kate and Sara were girls, therefore chocolate. A bit boring, but at least chocolate was edible. And the two large balls of chocolate weren't just any chocolate. Oh no. They were in the shape of Snitches, made to scale and...
  11. G

    Avoiding homework

    Yay! I didn't even realise we could rp mermaids. Gil's reaction is basically :woot: Edit: Sorry that my post is annoyingly long. I'll try and shorten if it really is a hassle to read (one of my friends on another rp site often tells me off) Gil grinned. “I'll do my best not to laugh” he...
  12. G

    Avoiding homework

    “I guess it does sound like a fish” Gil agreed good naturedly, “Still, way better than Gilbert. Makes me sound a hundred years old!” He made a face and rolled his eyes with a grin. “Skyler's a cool name. Sounds like the sort of name a superhero would have. Way too cool for a Ravenclaw.” He...
  13. G

    Avoiding homework

    Hey, you play Georgiana, right? I'm sorry I ended up abandoning the roleplays I was in. I had internet issues then problems at home. I did think about replying to them, but I think they're probably a bit out of date now Gil let out a yawn, leaning back against the ground. Free from lessons and...
  14. G

    Avoiding homework

    Gil stretched and let out a huge yawn before strolling towards the lake, a spring in his step. Free! Free from his lessons for the day! After a term, the novelty of doing magic had worn off and now Hogwarts was just like his old school. It may contain moving portraits, house elves and magic, but...
  15. G

    No internet atm

    Hey, I'm not going to be on for a week as we have no internet. I've managed to sneak a uni computer purely to write this, as I've already had to go 4 days with no connection. It's very distressing.# I play both Gilbert Williams and Maria Selwyn, so please excuse their absence from lessons. :(...