Absolutely Nothing of Any Interest

Charlotte Bell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ava OᴥO
It was one of those days when it looked like it was going to rain, but didn't. On days such as these, Charlotte would be where she usually was, regardless of the weather: in her dorm room. But she wasn't in her dorm room. Lulu, however, had not left the dorm room when Charlotte had. Charlotte had barely noticed. She ignored Lulu more often than not nowadays, something that she knew Lulu found upsetting. Charlotte wasn't the kind of person who liked to explore, which explained why she hadn't been outside very often. She hadn't been the the lake front very often, only once or twice since the beginning of the year.

Charlotte liked the lake quite a lot. She liked watching the water. She wouldn't dream of actually swimming in it, especially not in winter. Charlotte probably wouldn't even swim in it when it was warmer. Charlotte wasn't the hugest fan of swimming, but she was perfectly happy just sitting by the water and watching it. Dive! Charlotte ignored Cressida's voice. She had a feeling that Cressida wouldn't like that very much. She knew was right when Cressida began screeching in the way that only Cressida. "Shut it!" Charlotte growled. Her head hurt. Her head hurt a lot. And Charlotte knew the only way to stop her head hurting would be to do as Cressida said. Which was how Charlotte found herself in the freezing cold lake. Ha ha. Cressida's annoying laugh echoed in Charlotte's head as the small girl came up for air. Thanks, I totally needed a bath. Charlotte thought, irritated.
OOCOut of Character:
Yeah, I totally failed to read that she was in the lake. One massive edit,coming right up. I'll save the rest for later.

Ah winter. Gil hated it. The cold forced him to spend most of the time inside, stuck squished between the other gryffindors in their common room. And winter also heralded exams. Gil absolutely hated exams. Sitting still for an hour was not something he prided himself at. Still, at least he'd managed to catch a break. Gil let out a sigh, aiming his wand at a rock. “Wingardium leviosa” he mumbled, concentrating as the rock wobbled then floated upwards. With a quick flick, Gil flung it into the lake, watching as it splashed into the cold water. Hopefully it wouldn't hit a mermaid. He grinned as he imagined the entire mer-colony coming after him in a frenzy. That would be fun. Scary, but awesomely fun. And he'd get a dragon and fight them and... Getting to his feet, he stretched and looked out across the lake. “I'm so bored” he yelled, listening to see if it echoed.

“Shut it!”
Gil jumped in surprise turning to stare at the person behind him. “Um...Sorry” he mumbled, smiling sheepishly at them. It was a girl, about his age, with bright red hair and a look of irritation on her face. “I didn't realise anyone was here” Gil added quickly, running his hand through his hair uncomfortably. He hated it when people were angry at him. Didn't happen often, thankfully. Maybe she was studying for an exam. God, what if she was a Ravenclaw? They were very tetchy about their grades, couldn't relax at all. As she began to move towards him, Gil instinctively went for his wand, prepared for some highly complex spell to come flying at him. Instead, the girl stomped right past him and into the lake. While still wearing her clothes.

Well. Gil was speechless. The water must be freezing. Not that it stopped him from going for a swim, but just because he'd annoyed her? "Are you alright?" asked Gil, peering over her. Maybe he should go in too and help her out. There really could be annoyed mermaids in there. "Exam stress not getting to you, is it?" Dumping his wand on the bank, he tromped forward, edging into the water. "Do you need any help?" called Gil again, stopping when the water was half way up his ankles. It was cold. Winter, he reminded himself. Spoiling the fun for every swimmer in New Zealand.
Kate was bored she couldn't find any of her friends she had wandered all around the grounds but she couldn't find them.So Kate had had time to think about the past year of how far she had come since first arriving here.She found herself wandering towards the lake a place she liked a lot she always wondered what was in there she was to much of a wimp but she would mind swimming there as long as she was near the edge.

She was awoken from her thoughts when she heard someone shout shut up.Kate new it was directed to her as she was not saying anything but like always she was curious to find out.She heard another voice it almost sounded familar.She walked over right to the edge of the lake were she saw Gil and she then saw a girl standing in the lake.Curious she walked down "Hey Gil"She said smiling she had seen his little hiccup a second ago but had decided not to mention it.She looked over to the girl in the water "Hey are you sure you should be in the water its quite cold outside"Kate said a bit concerned for the girl it was freezing outside and if she didn't go in soon she would get the flu
Kate was bored she couldn't find any of her friends she had wandered all around the grounds but she couldn't find them.So Kate had had time to think about the past year of how far she had come since first arriving here.She found herself wandering towards the lake a place she liked a lot she always wondered what was in there she was to much of a wimp but she would mind swimming there as long as she was near the edge.

She was awoken from her thoughts when she heard someone shout shut up.Kate new it was directed to her as she was not saying anything but like always she was curious to find out.She heard another voice it almost sounded familar.She walked over right to the edge of the lake were she saw Gil and she then saw a girl standing in the lake.Curious she walked down "Hey Gil"She said smiling she had seen his little hiccup a second ago but had decided not to mention it.She looked over to the girl in the water "Hey are you sure you should be in the water its quite cold outside"Kate said a bit concerned for the girl it was freezing outside and if she didn't go in soon she would get the flu
Kate was bored she couldn't find any of her friends she had wandered all around the grounds but she couldn't find them.So Kate had had time to think about the past year of how far she had come since first arriving here.She found herself wandering towards the lake a place she liked a lot she always wondered what was in there she was to much of a wimp but she would mind swimming there as long as she was near the edge.

She was awoken from her thoughts when she heard someone shout shut up.Kate new it was directed to her as she was not saying anything but like always she was curious to find out.She heard another voice it almost sounded familar.She walked over right to the edge of the lake were she saw Gil and she then saw a girl standing in the lake.Curious she walked down "Hey Gil"She said smiling she had seen his little hiccup a second ago but had decided not to mention it.She looked over to the girl in the water "Hey are you sure you should be in the water its quite cold outside"Kate said a bit concerned for the girl it was freezing outside and if she didn't go in soon she would get the flu
Kate was bored she couldn't find any of her friends she had wandered all around the grounds but she couldn't find them.So Kate had had time to think about the past year of how far she had come since first arriving here.She found herself wandering towards the lake a place she liked a lot she always wondered what was in there she was to much of a wimp but she would mind swimming there as long as she was near the edge.

She was awoken from her thoughts when she heard someone shout shut up.Kate new it was directed to her as she was not saying anything but like always she was curious to find out.She heard another voice it almost sounded familar.She walked over right to the edge of the lake were she saw Gil and she then saw a girl standing in the lake.Curious she walked down "Hey Gil"She said smiling she had seen his little hiccup a second ago but had decided not to mention it.She looked over to the girl in the water "Hey are you sure you should be in the water its quite cold outside"Kate said a bit concerned for the girl it was freezing outside and if she didn't go in soon she would get the flu
Kate was bored she couldn't find any of her friends she had wandered all around the grounds but she couldn't find them.So Kate had had time to think about the past year of how far she had come since first arriving here.She found herself wandering towards the lake a place she liked a lot she always wondered what was in there she was to much of a wimp but she would mind swimming there as long as she was near the edge.

She was awoken from her thoughts when she heard someone shout shut up.Kate new it was directed to her as she was not saying anything but like always she was curious to find out.She heard another voice it almost sounded familar.She walked over right to the edge of the lake were she saw Gil and she then saw a girl standing in the lake.Curious she walked down "Hey Gil"She said smiling she had seen his little hiccup a second ago but had decided not to mention it.She looked over to the girl in the water "Hey are you sure you should be in the water its quite cold outside"Kate said a bit concerned for the girl it was freezing outside and if she didn't go in soon she would get the flu
Charlotte's face turned completely red when she noticed that there were people around. Fantastic. Thank you so very much, Cressida. she thought in annoyance. Hey, you didn't have to listen to me. Charlotte ignored Cressida as she had more important things to think about. She stood up and made her way to where the boy way standing. "Exams?" Charlotte almost laughed. She wasn't exactly the most studious person in the world, to say the least, and was perfectly fine with failing every single one of her classes. Charlotte really didn't mind whether or not she did well at school. There were more important things to think about - like making Cressida shut up. Charlotte wondered how she was going to explain the reason she had just jumped face-first into a freezing lake. It posed a slight problem, seeing as Charlotte wasn't the kind of person who was willing to admit that was crazy. It certainly didn't help that the rest of her family thought that crazy was the norm.

Another girl came up, and Charlotte felt even more idiotic than before, if that was actually possible. Wringing out her wet hair, Charlotte adopted of an expression of someone who was not entirely insane. At least she hadn't inherited the family gene of absent-looking blue eyes. "Um." Charlotte wasn't great at talking to people, as was apparent. Neither of the voices were saying anything at the moment. She almost felt lonely. "Yeah... I had a headache." That was true enough. Charlotte paused for a second, her mind furiously trying to think of a non-crazy explanation. "My mum says that cold is good for headaches?" The questioning tone at the end of her sentence wasn't extremely obvious, at least she didn't think so. Delani had indeed told Charlotte that cold was good for headaches. The fact that she had been half-conscious and under medication at the time probably had nothing to do with it. Probably. Charlotte bit her lip, waiting for a response from the other people.
Gil stopped calling when he finally realised the girl was beginning to wade back into shore. “Yeah exams” Gil replied, grinning as she approached, “As insane as it sounds, some people actually revise for tests. For all I know, you could be suicidal over one E. You're not, are you? Because that would be totally lame.” Judging from her laughter, she wasn't actually upset over some poor exam result. Great! She didn't look much older than him anyway, so it wasn't like she was taking any important exams. Gil glanced around as he heard someone calling his name, giving the shore a cursory glance. He grinned when he saw it was Kate. “Hey” replied Gil, lifting a hand in acknowledgement. “I love a swim as much as the next person, but you know, if you have a headache, the hospital wing is just up there” Gil teased, pointing up towards the castle, “No need to go getting wet over it.” Gil chuckled then stuck out his hand friendly. “I'm Gil, by the way. First year, practically second year” said Gil, smiling at her, “Oh and in case you can't tell, I'm a Gryffindor. Brave and bold, etc, etc. And you are?”

Gil glanced down at her uniform and his eyes widened in surprise as he registered the Slytherin insignia."The enemy” Gil exclaimed with a grin, reaching to his pocket for his wand. He frowned when he discovered his pocket was empty and looked down in dismay at the water flowing listlessly around his ankles. “I can't have dropped it” Gil muttered in a panic, bending down and scrummaging through the dirt. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. “Oh sh...” he mumbled, running his hands through his hair as he turned around on the spot. “Please don't tell me I've lost my wand. I'm not that stupid. No way” mumbled Gil, closing his eyes, “Come on, think!”. Wait. He froze, thinking back. His gaze jolted to the lake's edge. Didn't he leave his wand on the bank?! Turning his back on Charlotte, he trudged quickly back to the shore, running up it to where he'd been sat before. His face brightened as he saw the battered twig of a wand sat perched on the ground, safe and sound, and he snatched it up, hugging it to his chest. Oh god. If he'd lost his wand...

“Panic over” Gil declared triumphantly to Kate and Charlotte, grinning as he twirled his wand between his fingers like a baton. “No worries. Oh right. Where was I?” With With a grin, he raised his wand, holding it like a sword towards Charlotte“En guard, Slytherin Scum!” Gil declared, jabbing it at her.
Kate looked curiously at the girl it almost looked like she was having an argument with herself but Kate dismissed it saying to herself it was just her eyes playing tricks on her "Nice to meet you again"She said smiling and shaking his hand.She turned towards the girl "Well I'd prefer a cold to pnemonia"She said walking towards the water and smiling she didn't want the girl to feel embarressed."Whats your name"Se asked smiling while she saw Gil frantically looking for his wand she had seen him drop it by th edge of the water but she decided not to say anything after all it was a funny site seeing him look for it.She rolled her eyes when he started the whole Slyherin and Gryffindor are enemies thingy "Don't listen to him"She said glancing at Gil she wondered was there anybody who was so biased on the other houses "My names Kate by the way"She said smiling and putting out her hand towards the girl

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