Recent content by Elijah Edogawa

  1. Elijah Edogawa

    Dueling Match #43

    Current Points: 150 A shame, honestly, since Eli did like a bit of chit chat, but shouldn't be surprised his roommate wasn't about to be for it. After all, he was neither Lilith, or Tori. He blocked Eoghan's spell before casting "Expelliarmus!" Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10...
  2. Elijah Edogawa

    Open Herbology Lesson 2: After Susie!

    Eli had been trailing behind a little, just making sure that everything was right with his Mandrake before he’d headed out, so he missed as little of the conversation until he heard someone mention that Susie had died, which he didn’t think was right. He jogged to catch up and was about to offer...
  3. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed No Escape

    Eli let her hold onto him, breathing shakily as his fingers tightened slightly where they rested. He hated that she was seeing him like this because he tried not to show this kind of emotion around his family. They were a big emotional family, that was true, but that often meant that Rose and...
  4. Elijah Edogawa

    Elijah Edogawa's Category of Professors

    Below is the category Eli uses to determine whether he considers a Professor someone he deems worthy of being listened to. Please note these can and will change as his opinions change on them. Eli's categorisation of his professors is mostly based on his personal respect for them, which is often...
  5. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed lost in the pages

    Eli looked over at the girl as she peeked at his book and he leaned away so she could see it properly, incase she was interested in it. He didn’t know much about Imogen, he hadn’t spent a lot of time with many people outside of those in Ravenclaw, and even then. He definitely thought he needed...
  6. Elijah Edogawa

    Astronomy 2:3

    Eli headed into Astronomy and took a seat as the lesson started, taking notes as Professor Zumwalt continued on with her lecture. Eli tolerated the professor because the subject she taught was useful, eventually. Maybe not right now, but it was certainly getting there. Knowing about planets was...
  7. Elijah Edogawa

    Second Years, Lesson Three

    His conversation with Professor Pirrip had not necessarily gone as he would have liked, but it was better than nothing, he supposed. Especially when it could have been a conversation that would have become more of a problem. Still, the professor knew he was interested in it, and that could only...
  8. Elijah Edogawa

    Second Years, Lesson Three

    Well, Eli was glad to see Susie was okay at least. He didn’t know her very well outside of classes though he believed she was a friend of Eoghan and Lili’s. He was at least glad to see she wasn’t dead, which could have certainly been the case if last week had been anything to go by and not being...
  9. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed Seeking you out

    ELi’s grip on his quill tightened slightly, though he did his best to keep his eyes on the textbook in front of him, trying not to let the guilt settle in too deep at hearing her voice. Looking at her would just be worse at this point. He hadn’t meant to completely avoid her, but he found it so...
  10. Elijah Edogawa

    Y48 Elective Fair

    Going to the elective fair felt a bit like cheating when he was mostly going to see his dad, but he supposed he could just pop in to see how everything else was. He wasn’t sure what electives he wanted to take, but he did want to take some, all of them, maybe, he couldn’t say for sure. He wasn’t...
  11. Elijah Edogawa

    The Stands

    Eli was here to support Lili, since none of his siblings were playing in this game. Well he was sort of here to support Rose and Lili both, since neither was playing, except before the game started it appeared that the starting seeker Savannah, wasn't playing, and they'd swapped out Lili...
  12. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed More than a passing fancy

    It felt like he was being patronised, at least a little bit. Shouldn’t everyone who was in a school have ambition? Why was it so strange that he would have ambition? It took him a moment to let what the man was actually saying sink it, and Eli had to pull himself off of hit soap box. Of course...
  13. Elijah Edogawa

    Astronomy 2:2

    Eli stared at his notebook as Professor Zumwalt started the lesson. He tolerated her, she was better than Professor Waldgrave or Grayveson and that was important because he didn’t like them very much at all. He appreciated the reminder to take notes, not that he needed to be reminded and he made...
  14. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed More than a passing fancy

    Eli nodded as the Professor told him to take a seat and quickly sat. Now that he was in the room and about to speak, he didn’t feel as nervous. He’d frequently found himself in the office of a professor when he was back in Mohoutokoro as a day student because he was always interested in learning...
  15. Elijah Edogawa

    Closed More than a passing fancy

    Eli didn’t know a lot about the new Transfiguration Professor and that was a bit daunting because it meant he didn’t really know what category to put him in, since all the Professors at the school had a category in his mind and he put them firmly in there when he could. There was the “Actually...