Recent content by Calliope Cartwright

  1. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Sunday Studying

    "I guess I don't need to," said Callie. "But I still want to. Anyway, it's not like I have much choice. What am I going to do, fly home?" Actually, if she got better on a broomstick, that might not have been impossible. But she really did want to learn magic. It would be useful around the house...
  2. Calliope Cartwright

    Open and we knocked six times

    Callie moved around to Nia's side, realising that neither behind nor in front of her were sensible places to stand. "You look like a ghost sticking your head through a door," she said. "The flowers make it less spooky. I like them, though." She glanced around at the various drink and snack...
  3. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Sunday Studying

    Callie grinned. She was definitely taking muggle studies, if only to point out any mistakes in the syllabus and get an easy outstanding grade. The boy must have really enjoyed maths if he was willing to study it in his spare time without really knowing what he was going to do with it. Maybe he...
  4. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Sunday Studying

    Callie moved her books to make room for the boy to put his own down, if he wanted to stay. "Thanks," she said, "but I already asked one of the professors. It's actually the study of muggles and their habits, not muggle subjects. But you can tell me anyway. I bet they've got all sorts of things...
  5. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Sunday Studying

    "Oh!" Callie's face lit up at the sight of the statistics books. "Do they teach maths in your year?" Discovering first years weren't allowed to take muggle subjects had been devastating. Yes, she was a witch, and that was amazing, but what if she still wanted to be an oncologist when she grew...
  6. Calliope Cartwright

    Open Spying On the Prefects' Meeting

    Callie linked her arm through Nia's, feeling even more confident with her best friend by her side. The fact the older Gryffindor was encouraging them helped a bit, too. But Kael, if that was his name, didn't seem so interested in entertaining them. "A trouble-maker?" said Callie. "But we're not...
  7. Calliope Cartwright

    Open Spying On the Prefects' Meeting

    Callie was struggling to come up with a good retort when suddenly Nia materialised to supply one for her. Nia! Her timing was perfect in more ways than one, for Callie had intended to go and look for her after her eavesdropping session. She grinned, raising her brow at the Slytherin prefect and...
  8. Calliope Cartwright

    Open Spying On the Prefects' Meeting

    Callie stumbled back as the door opened into her. A look of guilt crossed her face, until she remembered she had a right to be here and frowned. "What?" she said. "I was just listening. That's not against the rules, is it?"
  9. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Sunday Studying

    Callie struck a line through the entire page and looked up. "Yeah," she said, heat rushing to her face. He wasn't going to make fun of her, was he? He wouldn't be the first. "It's algebra. Did you need one of these books? Sorry - you can take them."
  10. Calliope Cartwright

    Closed Sunday Studying

    The library was surprisingly busy for the time of day. Callie supposed she should have guessed people would bring their lunch here. It was the perfect place to eat - warm, and peaceful, if a little less peaceful for every person who had the same idea. Luckily, she'd managed to secure herself a...
  11. Calliope Cartwright

    Open Spying On the Prefects' Meeting

    Callie pressed her ear up against the door to the prefects' common room. There was a meeting in progress, she'd heard, and what better way to find out what being a prefect here entailed than to listen in? She wasn't doing any harm. Unfortunately, the wood of the door was thick and she couldn't...
  12. Calliope Cartwright

    Perfect Match

    Lilith and Eoghan!!
  13. Calliope Cartwright

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    MATE :hug: Edit: still mate but less enthusiastic
  14. Calliope Cartwright

    Open and we knocked six times

    Callie had had some private reservations about Nia's costume idea; it was a bit silly, really, especially as nobody would understand the reference except the three of them taking part, and perhaps Professor Cade. But as she didn't have any better ideas, she'd soon agreed, helping as much as she...
  15. Calliope Cartwright

    Happy Birthday Mika!!!!

    Happy birthday, Mika!!! :hugs: :party: