My titles sound like a song written by Fall Out boy by Panic At The Disco

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking) (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Stop okay I thought this title was so clever I giggled for at least five minutes. Anyways I'm in need of some plots. Things in my schedule have cleared WAY up since I will be taking a break from school. So I have students that I want plots for hopefully, and this time I'm gonna try not to overwhelm myself, but also plot with everyone I can!
Morrigan Freecss
Ravenclaw 3rd Year

Morrigan is a perfectionist, and a bit high strung. She is often thinking of the worst case scenario for everything. She wants to do something in medical research as an adult in the magical world, and has a fair bit of ambition. Beware, she's made friends with Cassius Styx.
Ainmere Pendleton
Hufflepuff 3rd Year

Ainmere, Monty's Granddaughter and Rion's older sister. She is a recent orphan and is seemingly handling it very well (I.e only showing emotion when she's alone because she feels like she has to be the adult now). Ainmere is going to fall into the wrong crowd soon and start doing things like sneaking out and stealing from her grandfather in the coming years - so anyone in the "wrong crowd" please apply.
Snowdrop Chase
Gryffindor 3rd Year

Headstrong, passionate, and a protector of the weak. Snow is a bit self righteous and not afraid to be on her high horse. She was recently introduced to Muggle video games and has a blast playing them in her family's secluded home. She is an enemy? of Cassius Styx, so anyone else who isn't his biggest fan can totally come be her friend.
Ophelia Dragonova
Ravenclaw 2nd Year

She's kind of a sociopath? IDK if that's the right word but she's fairly unemotional when it comes to most things. She hates that her mom - you know, the hot nurse Isabella - is dating, and one hundred percent will not be nice to anyone who brings it up. She also isn't very excited by much, as evidenced by a student who thought her name was the coolest and she had little to say on the matter.
Melinoe Chase
Hufflepuff 2nd Year

Melly is a shy, soft spoken girl, quite a stark contrast to her older sister. Melinoe often feels like she's living in Snow's shadow because she doesn't have a righteous cause like her sister (her sister is pro-werewolf rights). She is very sweet but not one to strike up a conversation and not very social at all, but hey those kinds of people need friends too.
Veronica Mhilton
Slytherin 3rd Year

Ahh... Vern. Stuck up, shallow, fashionable. She doesn't have very many redeeming qualities. She is impeccably loyal though to people she likes, and forms strong bonds with those around her if they have common interests. She's friends with Wednesday Weeks and Cassius Styx so far, but could use some more like minded people.
Kellen Corvus
Slytherin 2nd Year

Kellen's personality hasn't developed much beyond edgy pre-teen who hates quidditch and thinks her parents put too much pressure on her to be like her mom. I could use some more interactions but be cautioned I don't know how she is going to react.
Thursday Weeks
Hufflepuff 3rd Year

Thursday is a quiet type of effervescent. She is extremely kind, and finds herself drawn to the "weirdos" as she herself is a weirdo. She will make friends with anyone, but beware she talks about bones a lot.
Wednesday Weeks
Gryffindor 3rd Year

Sustainable fashion is all this girl cares about. She wants to make fashion more accessible to those without and will one day run her own company, she's so sure. She is fairly kind, but also headstrong. She also can't stand the way her brother is too over-protective.
Faye Harlow
Gryffindor 1st Year

Faye is bubbly, excitable, and quite friendly. Everything seems to come naturally to her but she gets bored with that. She wants a challenge, so once one in presented to her then her determination really comes out. She's super bummed she didn't get the green house because Rainbow Boas are her favorite animal, and green is her favorite color - so if you're a Slytherin beware that she might just ask a billion questions on what it's like.
Arcadia Glashaus
Ravenclaw 1st Year

Arcadia is the oldest of several siblings, and more on the way (think 19 kids and counting kind of muggle family). She is the first magical presence in her family and finds a lot of pressure to keep her siblings in the know about things so they're well prepared. She is the mom friend to the max, and loves to take care of people (until she feels exhausted by it but that won't be for years)
Dusk Lao
Slytherin 6th year at HS

Dusk is a serious and sarcastic Slytherin, how original. She Is nearing the end of her school and still has no clue what she wants to do with her life. She has a pen pal at Hogwarts New Zealand and sometimes visits the country staying with her Aunt Luna. She's all around pretty friendly, as long as you can handle a joke or two.
Orion Freecss
Slytherin 3rd Year

Orion likes bugs and hates most other things. He wants to study magical insects when he gets older. He is friendly so long as the person is interesting by his standards - no I don't know what those standards are don't ask me. Anyways he needs friends and maybe enemies.
Iris Zephyr
Hufflepuff 1st Year

Iris is baby okay? Talk too loudly, she's gonna cry, be even a little sarcastic with her? Cry. Look at her the wrong way? Cry. She's in general kind of a mess. But she is super sweet! She needs friends and enemies as well. Would love for someone to bully her honestly.
Free space in case you get bingo!

I have adult characters too, such as a nurse (Amethys-Rose Kuznetsov) and a "mermaid" you can hire for kids parties. So feel free to look through who I have!

Thanks a billion!
You wanted me to be the first, so here I am, on the clock, doing as you so wished xD
  • Morrigan x Cassius: They should have another thread developing more of their friendship and stuff
  • Ainmere x Terror: If you really want her to into the wrong crowd, Terror is your man, but he also made her sister cry...
  • Snowdrop x Terror/Cassius: Always down for more of both sets honestly. No idea what either would do, but yeah. I know Terror's bad side is starting to show because Cassius and Horror are not hiding it
  • Ophelia x Isabella: Could do a mom/daughter topic with daughter expressing how much she hates her mom dating.
  • Melinoe x Artemis: 1 year difference don't matter much, but Artie would love to be her best friend. She wants all the best friends.
  • Thursday x Vincent: Letter threads, enough said
  • Wednesday x Chaos II: Let's make Monday go crazy and have Chaos II interact with Wednesday. Same house and all, and he would like how headstrong she is. Just hide her blood status from him.
  • Faye x Dante: Annoy him with all the questions
  • Arcadia x Artemis: She knows a lot about having a lot of siblings, and also muggle-born, so I can sense some nice friendship here
  • Iris x Artemis: Another strong friendship sense here. But if you want someone to be mean to her, Dante would probably take over that aspect as well.
I didn't think I'd have a lot to offer because we already have several threads but the ideas kept coming so here you are, here's options for plots!
@Professor Killian Borisyuk
Okay so to narrow things down and so we don't get too overwhelmed let's start withhhh

Morrigan x Cass
Melly x Artemis
Iris x Artemis
Ophelia x Isabella

And then do the others in the following semester/year?
Sera x Ainmere
We need to do something for these two, maybe I could have him go pester her at the Hufflepuff table or something?? :3 I could start that if you fancy starting something for Michelle and Monty at some point? :wub:
"Would love for someone to bully her honestly." :cry:

I feel like Ten would be too over the top for Iris but that would be interesting. If you wanted a friend though, either Amauri or Niall could be friendly with her :3
@Professor Killian Borisyuk
Okay so to narrow things down and so we don't get too overwhelmed let's start withhhh

Morrigan x Cass
Melly x Artemis
Iris x Artemis
Ophelia x Isabella

And then do the others in the following semester/year?
We can do that. Do you want me to start these or shall we split them off?
Sera x Ainmere
We need to do something for these two, maybe I could have him go pester her at the Hufflepuff table or something?? :3 I could start that if you fancy starting something for Michelle and Monty at some point? :wub:
I agree! and I absolutely can!

We can do that. Do you want me to start these or shall we split them off?
We can divvy them up!
"Would love for someone to bully her honestly." :cry:

I feel like Ten would be too over the top for Iris but that would be interesting. If you wanted a friend though, either Amauri or Niall could be friendly with her :3
Okay but Ten overwhelming Iris so she cries? A+ material right there. But yes, either can be her friend I'm non-plussed with who! Though imagine her best friend being a guy and Aion being super protective since he was once just Cyan's best friend lolol.
Wooo! Also happy to throw Ned in to accidentally make Iris cry if you want xD
We can divvy them up!
Let's see

Morrigan x Cass
Melly x Artemis

Iris x Artemis
Ophelia x Isabella

I can start the ones in bold if you want to do the ones in italics? Or vice versa?

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