Open Y34 Club Fair

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley put the finishing touches on the set up for today's event. She liked the club fair, liked seeing the enthusiasm that often came with the start of the year. There was promise in the air and a measure of nervousness at how the year might turn out. There was possibility all around them. The woman placed a small bouquet of flowers on each table, not roses, as she didn't want to mess with the school's rose population ahead of Valentine's day. No, these were wildflowers arranged in a bouquet that she felt was indicative of the club it was meant for. She'd also arranged for a small sign that could not be removed from the table without magic, just in case the club forgot their own. A table well in the back with pitchers of juice and plates of snacks finished off the yard.

With those last touches, the woman removed the keep out sign she'd set up as she began. The club leaders had been given notice of the event and she had asked all of her fellow heads of house to assist in posting notice in their common rooms. The professor hoped for a good turnout today.

OOCOut of Character:
This is the club fair. Students and staff are welcome to enjoy the day's events
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Wendall has spent a good portion of his time with Olive talking about what clubs were available. Since there was no electricity at the school he was very nervous he was going to be bored, unable to watch any of his favourite films for months. When the time came for the Club Fair, he had a good idea of what he was now looking for, and so made his way down to the courtyard confidentally, careful not to fall down the stairs on the way. He made it outside in one piece, and once again he was taken back by how pretty this area of the castle was. Hogwarts seemed very keen to make sure they did everything they could to set up an event and have it dressed for the occasion, and the Hufflepuff began his curious search around the stalls on offer.
Kauri couldn't help being sad as he entered the courtyard for the Club Fair. This would be his final year running the Brotherhood, and his final Club Fair welcoming new members to the club that had meant so much to him. It was a plus no longer having to share this duty with Tristan, but he wasn't enjoying all the reminders of how quickly this year would pass. Kauri did his best not to think about it as he greeted Professor Kingsley with a wave and began to set up the table that had been assigned to the Brotherhood. He had brought a few things to entice people to the club... a bowl of lollies, and a couple of the more impressive lego creations and art projects from last year's meetings, hoping to showcase the kinds of things people could look forward to as members of the Brotherhood. With a signup list in hand, Kauri waited at the table, excited to see who would be joining them in the Brotherhood this year.
It was Alistair's final year as club president for the SDA, and he intended to make this one count. He didn't want to fall back on just the usual dueling tournaments - the D stood for defense, and there was a lot more to that than casting spells, which was something he would have liked to showcase, so as he set up his stall he made sure to include an offer of a couple of hex-deflecting house ties he'd charmed. They weren't particularly strong, and he doubted they'd last longer than a year, but it was something both useful and meaningful to the club and its activities.​

'Stair spared the bouquet of flowers on his stall a quizzical glance, unsure if they were meant for him or mistakingly misplaced from the Wild Patch, but shrugged his shoulders after noticing all of the others carried their own flora. Like the year before, the lycanthrope included a few moving photos taken during prior dueling tournaments, focusing in particular on the creative spell uses, or just plain funny reactions. Across the front of his table he hung a banner to highlight each year groups reigning dueling champion, and sat back with a pleased smile.​

Note: First Years can sign up for the Student Defense Association this year, but are still unable to compete in the dueling tournament
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Lysander was crazy excited for the Club Fair, with so many different groups and activities, he was sure it was going to be difficult to choose where to start. He didn't know a lot about what they all did, his knowledge mostly from snippets of information and the occasional stories, but what he did know was that they all sounded like a lot of fun, so he was keen to see it all for himself. Tugging Ellie and Spencer along, the boy bounded into the courtyard with a bright grin, catching sight of the stalls as their finishing touches were coming along. He waved to Alistair, not realising that he'd been in charge of his own club all this time, and made a note to go say hello to him and sign up after he'd had a proper look around. "Hey look, that one has lego!" Sander pointed out to the other two, walking on ahead to get a better look at the stall. He could recognise the boy standing there from the tours he'd done around the castle, and the fact that he was the...Top boy? Head boy? It was something important like that. "Hi!" Sander chirped brightly. "What's the Brotherhood? Aren't they from X-men?" He inquired. From memory, the only other time he'd seen the name somewhere was from Magneto's group of mutants, but they were all supposed to be evil, and Lysander didn't think Hogwarts would have an Evil Club. Not one that played with lego, especially.
Athena had been admittedly surprised when October had decided to pass down the role of Heta Omega president down to her and Emilia, but she was relieved she wouldn’t have to take on the responsibility all by herself. She wasn’t that sociable, that she knew for sure. The blonde was almost finished setting up the stall in the courtyard, waiting for her fellow co-leader to join her before all the younger (or older) students rushed in to ask them all sorts of questions. Athena wasn’t looking forward to that part, but recruiting more girls was definitely in the plan. What club wouldn’t want more members each year, after all. There was a sign that read ‘JOIN THE SISTERHOOD, WE HAVE COOKIES!’ She didn’t think that it would work one hundred per cent, but it had to catch attention, right? There were flyers on the table too, and Athena was holding some as well just in case.
It was the lollies really that caught the Hufflepuffs attention, and he headed over to the candy, eyeing them up and quietly picking out which one he wanted just in case he was offered one. The table looked very inviting and on further investigation he saw it was for the brotherhood, one of the clubs he really wanted to join. He liked the idea of being with a group of like minded students that would be able to support each other. “Excuse me?” He called out to a boy who looked a lot older than him, and hopefully was running the club. “How do I sign up?”

@Kauri Tipene
Leda hadn't been a part of a club until her fourth year, but she'd found it very rewarding to be part of a team. She loved the Hogwarts Monthly, and loved being given the opportunity to write for it every semester, but she also had a second group she enjoyed working with. The Slytherin headed over to Alistair, popping up beside him as he was setting up the table, "Are you going to have another meeting at the Three Broomsticks this year?" she asked, hoping for more outside activity. It had been a success last year, and she was all for expanding horizons and making new friends outside the usual environments.

@Alistair Lancaster
If Emilia was honest, she had to admit she was pretty terrified about the Club Fair today. She still wondered if October had made some sort of mistake in asking her to be president along with Athena, who was in the year above her. She also felt guilty, because she knew the other Athena, her cousin in Gryffindor, was not very happy that she hadn't been picked instead. Emilia could only guess her new confident personality had fooled October somehow, but she wasn't sure if that meant she could actually do it. Emilia had fussed over her outfit and hair before heading to the courtyard with her basket of bracelets. She had made them in preparation for the club fair to hand out to new members, feeling a bit embarrassed about the quality. They were very simple. She remembered Evelyn had once passed out very expensive looking bracelets, but she hadn't thought to try to arrange anything beforehand. Instead, she had made these herself. She hoped Athena wouldn't think they were stupid. She found the older girl at the Heta Omega booth and was a little disappointed that the older Slytherin had beaten her to it. She quickly gave her her usual smile. "Hi! I guess we'll be working together. I like the sign." She paused. "Do we have cookies?" She asked, wondering if it was literal. "I did make these," she added, holding up the basket with bracelets, "for any new members, if they want them."
Alec had wanted to wait until her new dorm friends were ready to go down to the Club Fair together, but curiosity was getting the better of the young Gryffindor who had taken a detour outside instead of back to her common room. It was already buzzing with activity, and with so much going on she wasn't sure where to look first. She heard someone shouting about cookies and made her way over - It had been a while since breakfast after all. A second girl managed to get there just before she did, "I hope you do," she replied to them both, looking around for the bake goods sections. She wasn't quite sure what this club was, her eyes couldn't focus on anything else except bracelets and cookies. "What do you do?" she asked the older girls, glancing from one to the other.

@Athena Rey-Martinez @Emilia Manning
Isla had been keeping herself to herself ever since the incident in the library with some older girls. She hadn't meant to start an argument, but if the Hufflepuff thought she didn't have any friends, she certainly didn't now. She floated around the Court Yard, trying not to directly look at anyone in the eye, but see what they had on offer. In all reality there weren't that many clubs to pick from. Where was the divination club? Surely something like that would actually be helpful. The third year drifted past a few stands she thought pointless, feeling as out of place as a sock in the fridge. Why did everything at Hogwarts have to be so complicated? Isla spotted a bunch of girls lingering around, and while she didn't know who they were, the girls jewellery certainly looked pleasing.

@Emilia Manning
Since coming back to Hogwarts, Elio had been put on a secondary mission to help his little sister fit in more at school. Isla was making more enemies than anything else, so it was important she try to push herself and stop stealing from others, and give more instead. The Gryffindor found her eyeing up the Heta Omega table, which at least would have been a good start. "Go on then," he whispered from behind her, jabbing her in the back to make her move forward and talk to them instead of just staring. Elio himself however had his own ideas, and he wanted to make sure the Brotherhood knew exactly who he was this year after his previous absence. He jogged over to the boy who he was pretty sure was now the Head Boy too, and grinned proudly. "Elio Zephyr. I can join this club right? I am a boy!" That much was obvious, but it was more just incase he'd come to the wrong stand.

@Kauri Tipene
Last year, Tres had had an amazing time at the school, and she was very pleased to be back for her second year and out of the grasp of her mother. Her brother had tried to make her do a lot for him back at home, but after threatening to set him on fire, he'd left her more or less alone. Now that she was back, Tres was keen to make the most of it, and excitedly headed out to the Club Fair to see if there were any others that she could join asides from Heta Omega. She'd enjoyed the sisterhood and it was so good to feel like she had a bigger magical family, and she hoped more first year would join too. She waved towards the girls, hoping that they would recognise her. Tres had been quite shy in settling in last year but the twelve year old did want to try harder to make friends. She was about to wander round the other stalls, before realising Athena had cookies at their stand. "Can I have one?" she asked the Slytherin, hoping they weren't just for show.

@Athena Rey-Martinez
This was the third time Sophie would be here at the club fair to represent Hogwarts Monthly. It would also be the last time, and that saddened her. The head girl badge on her robes still made her feel a bit unsteady, but her role as Hogwarts Monthly editor was one she was confident in. She had found the table, surprised at the flowers that had been left there. They suited the club, oddly enough, and she had decided to keep them. On the table she also placed several old copies of the paper. Sophie didn't think the club needed anything else to advertise itself. They were a club with one simple goal: publish a paper each semester. She wondered if anyone would join this year. She hoped so, Sophie would have liked to make her final year as the editor one of the best years the club had ever seen.
The clubs at school still left something to be desired in Sydney's opinion, and while she'd been reasonably content with her time spent with the newspaper last year, she had one particular in mind to join this year. "It's about time that you're letting first years in, though I still think you should let them duel," Sydney said haughtily, approaching the SDA booth. Sydney couldn't help but suspect her scathing article about last years tournament might have helped encourage more pressure for first years to join the club, though she doubted the club president would ever admit it. She spotted Leda Layton there chatting to the club president too, but when it seemed like she just wanted to chat about club social events, she continued on with her own agenda. "Now that I can finally duel, I'd like to sign up." She said simply, looking forward for the chance to actually put some of the spells they'd learnt to some practical use that required more thought than just route repetition for exams.
@Alistair Lancaster
Ilija was always nervous to come down to big events like the Club Fair. What happened if he was asked questions as to what he was doing there, especially by any younger students? He might have bumped into someone he knew, or didn't find himself confident enough to talk to. He had to remember that being in uncomfortable situations was getting him out of his comfort zone though and that was always going to help him. He had at least one new club he wanted to sign up to, although just the thought of doing so made him feel ill as he knew it would put him in the presence of a particular Hufflepuff more often. Deciding to start of easier, he headed across to the Brotherhood table, hoping to put down his name officially.
Eric hadn't bothered showing up at the club fair last year when he had heard the club that organized the duelling tournament wouldn't let in first years. It would be a waste of his time without that club, as all the other ones were stupid. Eric made his way over to the booth quickly, but was still beaten there by two girls. One of them was Sydney, and Eric immediately scowled at the sight of her. He roughly elbowed her aside. "I'd like to sign up." He said to the boy, then glared at Sydney. "Don't think you're going to actually win anything." He sneered at her. Only then did he register what she had been saying, and he looked at the older boy running the stand. "First years can sign up now?" He asked with a frown. "What will they do if they can't duel?"

@Sydney Townsend @Alistair Lancaster
Agnes had actually been one of the first to arrive at the Club Fair, but given she'd been sitting out of sight of most of the students, she had been easily overlooked. Upon hearing one of the younger Slytherins complain about letting first years join the SDA though, she'd jumped up from her position on the grass and headed over to the stand. "Don't be ridiculous. First year's don't even know any spells, and half of those won't learn any until the second half of the year. How can you expect them to duel?!" she asked the girl, bemused at why she thought they could stand a chance at all. Agnes didn't really like duelling herself, it was pointless and unnecessary, much like these girls comments.
Athena noticed that a few much younger students were already making their way around to have a look at the different clubs that they had. She was more than relieved when Emilia joined her and she couldn’t help but smile at her question. "Yep, they’re actually right here," she said, deciding now was the time to place them on the table just in case it would attract hopefully-new members, of course not lying about it. She wasn’t that cruel. She glanced at the bracelets, her eyes lighting up. "Actually, that’s a brilliant idea! They’re lovely, thank you," she said, but couldn’t say much else as a young student approached the pair, followed by another two, though one didn’t exactly say anything. "We, uh, we’re the sisterhood. We basically get together throughout the year and chill, there’s events too, like, board game nights, or pyjama parties. Um, we also look out for each other," she added, then looked at Emilia in case she wanted to say something too. The third girl to approach them, now realising that it was Tres, asked if she could have one and the sixth year raised her eyebrows, but nodded. "Sure, you can have one, just leave some for any new recruits."

@Alec Tricity @Tres Bear II @Emilia Manning
Alec listened as one of the blonde girls told her that the girls looked out for one another. "Cool! How do I sign up? Is it here?" she asked hurriedly, grabbing for one of the pens. The first year was so eager to be part of something that she was oblivious to the other students, although she was a little sad some of her friends that were boys weren't allowed to be part of it too. "Is there one for the boys too?" she asked, not looking up from the table as she did so.
Isla did not appreciate being jabbed by her brother, but it certainly did the job. The Huflepuff shot forward and before she had a chance to pull out, she was right under the noses of the presidents. She sighed, guessing she may as well sign up to something while she was here, even if it was something as lame as a group that had pyjama parties. Isla was still transfixed however by the basket that one of the girls was carrying. As she waited for another to sign up to the sisterhood, Isla, as carefully as she could, sneaked one of her hands into the basket to grab the first bracelet she laid her fingers on, tucking it into the pocket of her robes before anyone could talk her out of it.

Theft approved
Tres grinned when Athena said she could have one of the cookies. Momma never let her have processed sugar at home, so it was always a treat when she came back to Hogwarts. She was half tempted to save one for Uno too, but her sister might have come by herself later and she didn't want to burden them with cookies. "Thanks!" she said, before munching on it and turning to see who else was going to be part of the Omega. "Did you make the bracelets yourself?" Her attention was caught by some movement, and after looking over to the Hufflepuff's basket, realised how pretty they were.

@Emilia Manning
Sydney had barely had the chance to look for a quill to sign up with when Holland was elbowing her out of the way. Of course he couldn't go two seconds without throwing his weight around. Standing firmly, Sydney elbowed him back, trying to keep her rightful spot at the booth before that idiot had shown up. "Sorry, Eric, I don't think this club is for you. You actually have to cast spells in duels, not use your fists," She said snidely.

"I probably knew more than enough spells to beat you," Sydney said dismissively to the older girl who butted into the conversation. "I could beat both of you," She said, directing that at Holland. "Dueling's not just about how many spells you know, it's how you use them, obviously." Sydney rolled her eyes. These amateurs would probably just spam the same 3 spells until they got lucky or the proctor died of boredom and called it a tie.

@Eric Holland @Agnieszka Norgaard
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Taerin had never bothered to come along to one of these club things before. She'd managed for four years to do everything by herself so it seemed a strange desire to want to join something now. Then again, knowledge was her power, and if she wanted to learn to blend in to a scene then it wasn't a bad place to get involved. It was immediately obvious as to which clubs were most popular though. The poor Head Girl was currently standing around by herself, but a couple of other stalls had a few others. Knowing that she was more likely to blend in with a crowd if she followed the herd, the youngest Kendall-Wu moved across the cobbled stones towards the gaggle of girls, hoping to slide in somewhere with a gap.
Agnes raised her eyebrows at the arrogant Slytherin who thought she was capable of beating both herself and the other kid. "Obviously you're going to do poorly if you just throw them around, but the older you are, the more spells you know." Agnes' Uncle had just become the new Charms Professor too, so she was pretty sure she knew what she was talking about. She gave a fake smile to the other boy though, "Using your fists does work though; catches them off guard." With a pat on his shoulder, the brunette moved past him and tried to find something else to involve herself in that was actually worth her time.

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