Muse found

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Hello all.
Okay, so I know I had a lot of RP's that I have probably fallen behind on. And as much as I would like to say, it is because we had OSW and roses in quick succession. Actually, think that my muse has gone on holiday
but it looks like she is back. if we had a plot going that I needed to reply to. Please poke me.
Otherwise, here we go
also; feel free to message me with any suggestions or ideas. Happy for plots


Professor Elvera Le Fey
Divination, inner eye owner, Seer - 49​
Selene Le Fey
Muggle history teacher, Seer - 23​

Rhiannon Archer (McGowan)
Healer, mum. - 37​
I think everyone knows Elvera. She is a professor but also runs the divination supply shop. She is a friendly professor; there is always tea brewing and something sweet and/or homemade to eat, she always has her office and shop door open to those who need help or just a chat.

Looking for friends, students that want (or need) help, people to come into the shop for tea etc
Currently based in Salem, USA, Selene has finished college (studying teaching and archeology) and is now teaching muggle history. Which she isn't really enjoying it. She misses the wizarding world and home; she covered the odd shift at the eye

Looking for friends, seer plots, and potential for romance (but will be a little while away)
Rhiannon works in St mungos as a healer specialising in obstetrics and paediatrics (which ironically have become the two areas I work in too) though she still covers shifts elsewhere if needed. She is happily married and mother to two children, Fiona (almost 5) and Evan (1 and a half)

Looking for friends, other mums, patients,

Willow Cullen
Auror - 26​

Linden Cullen
Magizoologist - 20​

Ivy Cullen
Unsorted (sorting y46), scout - 9​
Too much work and no play makes Willow a dull girl. Since she graduated and she needs a little more adventure and fun in her life. She is bubbly and a bit (okay, a lot) of an adrenaline seeker.

Looking for romance (M), adventure buddies, gym buddies, drinking buddies, and work buddies
Since graduating, life has been going well for Linden. He has landed his dream job and is well and truly in love with and living with his Casper. But he hasn't done much more than that.

Looking for friends, co-workers, adventure, open to suggestions
I had to keep the Cullens together. Ivy is a typical 8-year-old. She is full of energy and likes being outside and playing, going fast, and is rather fearless. She adores all her older siblings. She still has a few years to go until sorting.

Looking for friends, adventures

Harmony Niamh "Sky" Eriksen
Hufflepuff 6th year, CAC leader, Honeydukes employee - 16​

Hugo Stark-West
Second-year Ravenclaw - 12​

Briar Rowan-Cullen
Werewolf, Head of the department of magical creatures - 46
Centaur in the forbidden forest. loves hanging out with students - 44
While Sky should be worrying about her OWLS, she is just the same as always. I sort of picture her floating through life, not really a care in the world. She marches to the sound of her own viola or whatever instrument she can get her hands on and is also starting to explore sketching, painting and other art.

Looking. for friends, romance (and gender)
Hugo is my first year. And I haven't done much with him. is fairly quiet and loves reading. Though he is starting to come out of his shell now, he is at school with a lot of other wizards. He didn't necessarily have the best childhood, with a lot of tension in the home.

Looking for friends, suggestions, and male role models/father figures may be good too.

Alyce Brown
Bar manager of the hogs head - 47
Leigh West
Owner of Book and Bean, a bookshop cafe based in Dunedin, Hugos mum - 46
Melody Wilde
Music teacher, northern southern lights witch. Niamh's mum - 42

Edit: updating school years and a couple of the (age dependant) ages
Last edited:
So I don't have a lot at the moment especially with the last stretch of college so some of these can be on ice for a bit but some options:

I have an idea for Elvera but it depends a bit on an application but I will message you about it to see if you're interested :r

Renata and Sky should do something, I don't know what specifically but they should do something fun, maybe celebrate after OWLs? Sky isn't worried but Renata totally is and is trying not to be.

Oz could potentially meet Aspen? He'd probably just be checking out trees on the outskirts of the forbidden forest and obviously given his nature he wouldn't even blink at meeting a centaur and honestly probably just think she's really cool. I don't think he'd be going to the forest out of any sort of foolhardiness probably just curious about the trees.

And I thought Michael and Hugo got along pretty well despite their different interests, maybe not quite role model but someone slightly older he can chat to? Michael kind of wants guy friends (and also male role models/father figures of his own), don't have to do anything specific rn though. Also Oz and Hugo as well but Oz is not that sociable so probably not very interesting to hang out with. They could encourage each other out of their shells, though?
Yay. Camilla.
Elvera and secret idea: yes as per discussion off site
Renata and sky: yes. They are cute friends and I am always up for friend plots. Did you want to wait until post owls or do something before?
Oz and aspen. Yes all the way. She is always up for friends. And someone else walking in that being area (although technically centaurs are beasts by choice) would probably be good for both of them.
Michael and hugo. They did get on better than I expected. I wonder how that will go outside of a set time and place.
Oz and Hugo. Even not socialising I think it would be cool if one of them is sitting in the library and the other comes to sit next to them because all the other desks have people on. And they aren’t really socialising. Just sitting together studying. With maybe the odd did you get wormwood for question seven or you did charms last semester what is the rule for this.
Mia, hellooooooooo!

Rhiannon x Cassiopeia - Seeing as they are both healers, maybe they know each other from work. Cassi works in creature-induced injuries and would love to have more friends, especially from work.

Willow x Noelle - They should catch up now that Noelle will be a dad soon.

Willow x Alexis - Alexis is training to be an animagus and seeing as they are both Aurors, they should definitely bump into each other at some point.

Would love to offer Willow romance at some point. :lol:

Linden x Noelle - These two should also catch up seeing as they actually maintained a good friendship.

Hugo x Irene - Seeing as Hugo loves reading, maybe he frequents the library. If so, I have Irene who is a mother of three. Maybe Irene ended up recommending some books to him or helping him find some books and they ended up talking? She is not exactly a male role model but could possibly be an adult he could open up to at some point.

There is also Noelle who is surprisingly patient and understanding and with a kid on the way, he has become more in tune with his father instincts.

Angel x Hugo - Both firsties and I'd say opposites? I wonder how they would interact and if friendship is a possibility.

Alyce x Rhi - A chance encounter with a former boss? :lol: I'd love to see some interaction between people who once worked together at some point. That is if you are up for it. Just some light plot.
Arle. :woot: nice to see you

Rhiannon x Cassiopeia - always up for healer friends for Rhi.

Willow x Noelle - this could be interesting. i wonder how they will react to seeing each other. and seeing them both having reached their goals.

Willow x Alexis - yes they probably would. what is she like, and does she know what animal?

Willow romance. I'm listening. though both me and her are picky with what we want.

Linden x Noelle - yes i still think they would hang out .

Hugo x Irene - I am not sure about this. Hugo already has enough mother figures in his life it was specifically a male i was thinking about.

Hugo x Noelle - we could see how that goes. it would be interesting figuring out where they meet. as noelle doesn't take first year classes and hugo isn't the kind to randomly socialise with teachers that he doesn't know. .

Angel x Hugo - again it would be interesting working out how they meet. but we. ould try them and see how they go

Alyce x Rhi - how would rhi act with alyce leaving to go to a direct competitor? if it makes any difference she has recently moved in with her girlfriend in Auckland
Definitely down for something with Oz and Aspen and Renata and Sky to start with, I guess it's close to the end of school year so idk if you want to wait until after the exams and we can start something set early next IC year for Oz and Aspen and then something over the holidays for the girls? I don't have a lot of ideas right now while I'm mentally flatlining but I don't want to leave you hanging. :lol:
@Aine Thompson Sorry for being slow on this camilla and leaving you hanging. I suppose we are past the girls doing something pre exams. Did you want to maybe have them hang out over the holidays.
For oz and aspen. I am still keen for them to interact. Have something set at the start of the next year.
In the reverse of our usual, I could offer Stefan here as a listening ear for Hugo? If the boy likes reading and is about the library, i can see stefan offering tea etc.

Also always up for more Niamh and Leo.
Hey Mia! I have Harper, a brand new auror-in-training. She's 19, a former Gryffindor, and is generally a pretty laidback and friendly person. Interests include transfiguration (and related magic), most muggle sports, and dueling.

Willow and Harper - I'd love some kind of auror-related thread! Harper can help Willow with some boring administrative work or shadow her or whatever it is they make trainee aurors do. Or they could run into each other in the evidence room, at the gym, in the break room, etc.

Linden and Harper - I've always thought these two could be friends! Harper's always down for an adventure and is generally interested in magical creatures. Also, I saw that Linden works with winged creatures, and Harper can talk to birds since she's a falcon animagus, so there could be some plot potential there.
Yes I think Stefan would be a great father figure for Hugo. I am keen for them to meet.
Yes. I am always up for Harmony and Leonardo. would you like to do something during the holiday or wait for school to start back up?

I think harper and Willow would be fun. I don't know what they make trainee aurora do. all the above sound feasible. which one would you like (we could always have them do a couple of above activities)
maybe have the harper willow thread first. and willow can mention her brother somewhere. as a lead in to harper and Linden. it would be fun to have one thread lead indirectly into the other.
I could offer Agnes here for Selene or Willow?

She’s been having a tough time and while she trained as a healer (her parents more or less told her she had to) she’s left that career to pursue illustration in memory of Elsie.

She’s disowned her family and her friends haven’t changed since school so she doesn’t really get to meet new people, and i’d love to develop the next bit of her life! She may have been in the same year as Selene? Otherwise she also has connections through Geo :claire:
That's okay! Things have been busy, I swear the last couple of weeks have been a total blur. I am happy to start a thread for Oz and Aspen and will add it to my list to be done. I am down for the girls to interact over the holidays if you were keen! Renata will probably be a little sad about OWLs but they could have a picnic or something with a whole heap of candy and make plans for the future and stuff :lol:
Yes I think Stefan would be a great father figure for Hugo. I am keen for them to meet.
Yes. I am always up for Harmony and Leonardo. would you like to do something during the holiday or wait for school to start back up?
Yeah! That would be fun.
For Harmony and Leo, maybe out of school, leo has a thread in the zoo, maybe we could have them interact in that?

Would you want me to start the thread for Stefan and Hugo? Maybe it's getting close to curfew and he spots hugo?
I think harper and Willow would be fun. I don't know what they make trainee aurora do. all the above sound feasible. which one would you like (we could always have them do a couple of above activities)
maybe have the harper willow thread first. and willow can mention her brother somewhere. as a lead in to harper and Linden. it would be fun to have one thread lead indirectly into the other.

Starting with Willow/Harper and having it lead into Linden/Harper sounds good to me! Maybe we have them do some boring paperwork so they can talk to pass the time? Do you want me to start it or do you want to?
Your turn to get maybe a jumbled mess that probably won't make much sense so here we go:
  • For Willow: I can offer either Killian again if she wants to deal with someone with a tree up his rear, or she can meet with his brother, Kaelan, who actually likes to have fun, smile, work out, etc. Kaelan works as a healer and enjoying what NZ has to offer.
  • For Ivy: I have Saturday Weeks. Sorting Y46. I don't know much about her yet so we can find out?
  • For Briar: I can offer Isabella. They went to school together (no idea if they were in the same year) but they can be nostalgic?
In my head there was more, but I guess not xD
I could offer Agnes here for Selene or Willow?

She’s been having a tough time and while she trained as a healer (her parents more or less told her she had to) she’s left that career to pursue illustration in memory of Elsie.

She’s disowned her family and her friends haven’t changed since school so she doesn’t really get to meet new people, and i’d love to develop the next bit of her life! She may have been in the same year as Selene? Otherwise she also has connections through Geo :claire:
that sounds fun, I could also suggest Rhiannon. if she had tried in NZ then they would have been at st mangoes and maybe became friends. it is up to you as to which one you want to pursue.
That's okay! Things have been busy, I swear the last couple of weeks have been a total blur. I am happy to start a thread for Oz and Aspen and will add it to my list to be done. I am down for the girls to interact over the holidays if you were keen! Renata will probably be a little sad about OWLs but they could have a picnic or something with a whole heap of candy and make plans for the future and stuff :lol:
dorm picnic? and planning and lamenting over holidays etc?
Yeah! That would be fun.
For Harmony and Leo, maybe out of school, leo has a thread in the zoo, maybe we could have them interact in that?

Would you want me to start the thread for Stefan and Hugo? Maybe it's getting close to curfew and he spots hugo?
ooh I will jump into the zoo thread this evening it will give memotervation to do my dishes even if we don't have much time for it. but will also be happy to do an in school thread.
as for Hugo and Stefan I was holing that you would suggest that. would you like me to start something in the library?
Starting with Willow/Harper and having it lead into Linden/Harper sounds good to me! Maybe we have them do some boring paperwork so they can talk to pass the time? Do you want me to start it or do you want to?
that sounds good. would you like to start? willow certainly isn't a paperwork fan. she would much rather be doing something practical.
Your turn to get maybe a jumbled mess that probably won't make much sense so here we go:
  • For Willow: I can offer either Killian again if she wants to deal with someone with a tree up his rear, or she can meet with his brother, Kaelan, who actually likes to have fun, smile, work out, etc. Kaelan works as a healer and enjoying what NZ has to offer.
  • For Ivy: I have Saturday Weeks. Sorting Y46. I don't know much about her yet so we can find out?
  • For Briar: I can offer Isabella. They went to school together (no idea if they were in the same year) but they can be nostalgic?
In my head there was more, but I guess not xD
hmm, maybe try willow and Kaelan I enjoyed Willow and kilian. but leaking sounds more like her kind of person. (I actually basically did what willow was doing when they met when I was in new Zealand. and I was like this is such a willow thing to do

I am always up for something for Ivy but maybe we should get the other one started first.
and maybe wait as well for Isabella.
Okay sure though I might be a bit lazy/efficient with it and open it for Maria to join on Molly as well because I know Maria wanted to do something so 2 birds etc (sorry for being slow on the ice cream thread it was a pretty awful few days with work/exhaustion)

Selene/Jordie, I believe we talked about this.

Rhiannon/Abby. Abby's had two kids in two years, I feel like they could be buddies?

Willow/Charlie. I think they could be fun friends! Tho he is a bit younger

Linden/Tara. When was the last time she bothered him?

Lorelai/Ivy. I think they could have a fun playdate or something?

Xinyi/Sky. He's embracing more of his artistic side, maybe they could get on?

Amodeus/Aspen. It could just be- absolutely amazing if Amodeus wandered into the forest and Aspen found him.

Alyce/Brayden. I feel like they could be chaotic friends.

Alyce/James. I feel like James and Alyce became buddies after Onyx's drinking binges when he was younger and James had to swing by to pick him up
Okay sure though I might be a bit lazy/efficient with it and open it for Maria to join on Molly as well because I know Maria wanted to do something so 2 birds etc (sorry for being slow on the ice cream thread it was a pretty awful few days with work/exhaustion)
Absolutely. I am happy to make it a group hang out @mollly Burke what do you fancy doing?

Selene/Jordie, I believe we talked about this.

Rhiannon/Abby. Abby's had two kids in two years, I feel like they could be buddies?

Willow/Charlie. I think they could be fun friends! Tho he is a bit younger

Linden/Tara. When was the last time she bothered him?

Lorelai/Ivy. I think they could have a fun playdate or something?

Xinyi/Sky. He's embracing more of his artistic side, maybe they could get on?

Amodeus/Aspen. It could just be- absolutely amazing if Amodeus wandered into the forest and Aspen found him.

Alyce/Brayden. I feel like they could be chaotic friends.

Alyce/James. I feel like James and Alyce became buddies after Onyx's drinking binges when he was younger and James had to swing by to pick him up

Selene and Jordie: yes. Let me know when things are ready to get moving.
Rhiannon/Abby. Sounds good. How old are the kids? Rhis are 5 and 1.5
Willow/Charlie. I am not sure about this one. He may be a bit young. Isn’t he still at school or am I thinking of the wrong person?
Lin/Tara. Too long ago. But we’re we going to do something with willow and Tara too?
L’Oréal/Ivy. We can see. But maybe not a priority
Xinyl/sky. We can see. Were you thinking anything specific?
Asmodius/aspen. If he wonders into the forest he may happen to come across her. But it is winter and she may be busy getting food etc.
Alyce/brayden what do you mean could be? I thought they were friends already.
Alyce/james. Maybe. What are you thinking the relationship would look like outside of her calling him to pick up his onyx?

There are a lot of suggestions there. And I would rather stick to one or two threads with each person so I do t get overwhelmed and things move at a decent pace. Would you like to pick one each and go from there?
Selene and Jordie: yes. Let me know when things are ready to get moving.
Rhiannon/Abby. Sounds good. How old are the kids? Rhis are 5 and 1.5
Willow/Charlie. I am not sure about this one. He may be a bit young. Isn’t he still at school or am I thinking of the wrong person?
Lin/Tara. Too long ago. But we’re we going to do something with willow and Tara too?
L’Oréal/Ivy. We can see. But maybe not a priority
Xinyl/sky. We can see. Were you thinking anything specific?
Asmodius/aspen. If he wonders into the forest he may happen to come across her. But it is winter and she may be busy getting food etc.
Alyce/brayden what do you mean could be? I thought they were friends already.
Alyce/james. Maybe. What are you thinking the relationship would look like outside of her calling him to pick up his onyx?

There are a lot of suggestions there. And I would rather stick to one or two threads with each person so I do t get overwhelmed and things move at a decent pace. Would you like to pick one each and go from there?
Rhiannon/Abby: Floraidh is 3 and Holly is 2
Willow/Charlie: It is, but he dropped out of school so he's 17 and in New York. I was thinking a just friends sort of thing
Tara will take all the siblings lol
L'Oreal XD
Xinyi/Sky: Not particularly, lol
Alyce/Brayden: Lol i know, I just meant it could be fun to explore their dynamic more
Alyce/James: I just figured they could be friends, it might be a dynamic we'd need to explore a bit

if we're going with two... hm. Maaaybe my pick could be... maybe Xinyi and Sky?
if we're going with two... hm. Maaaybe my pick could be... maybe Xinyi and Sky?
perfect. do you want to start something.
My pick will be Tara and sibling of your choice.
hmm, maybe try willow and Kaelan I enjoyed Willow and kilian. but leaking sounds more like her kind of person. (I actually basically did what willow was doing when they met when I was in new Zealand. and I was like this is such a willow thing to do

I am always up for something for Ivy but maybe we should get the other one started first.
and maybe wait as well for Isabella.
Not going to lie, forgot what I put so it took me a hot minute to remember. xD
So, we start Kaelan x Willow and then later, a possible Saturday x Ivy and Isa x Briar? Making sure I am following

Tesla x Willow could be gym buddies because Tess is in the gym fairly frequently as she doesn't do much else. Tess is a bit older than Willow but what does that matter currently.
Kylie x Rhiannon could be friends who maybe met through their kids. Kylie's son is 5 and her daughter is 3 so their eldest are the same age. Maybe they met through a wizarding lamaze class or something and just got on like a house on fire. IDK let me know!

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