Jess Again

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
I'm looking for plots! Here's what I need :p


James Michaels
James is 36. The twins don't spend a lot of time at home anymore and Jordie is in school now, leaving James home alone most of the time with his boyfriend Colin. He's happy, if not a little sad that all his kids are growing up.
Friends open Enemies open Final taken

Evelyn Lockwood


Evelyn is 39, and married to librarian Corbin Lockwood. She has three children, all in school. She's reconnected with her twin brother, Avarian, and they're slowly mending bridges. She could use some friends.
Friends open Enemies Open Final Taken

Chalcedony Michaels


Chal is 54, twin brother to the Matriarch of the Michaels clan. He's a little odd and spends most of his time taking care of his gardens. He loves his gardens, and has a small shop that Ruby recommended he open where he sells ingredients. Chal needs- well, everything.

Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Cassielle Bonetti


Cassi is 38. She doesn't really live in any one place, spending most of her time traveling around the world. She's a master of several different forms of self-defense, both magical and muggle, and travels a lot to judge and compete in different contests. She's open for friends, and maybe some flings, though isn't looking for anything too serious romantically.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings Open (for now)

Brayden Moriarty


Brayden is 45, the current owner of the Hogs Head. He was a retired Auror, and bought the Hog's Head on a whim. It's proved to be a great decision, as he loves his new job and the staff he's hired. He doesn't have much yet and could use friends and possibly a serious relationship.

Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Lou Prindeou


Lou is 42, and he spends most all of his time on the farm he and his sister Bettie own. He's only close to Erik Drage, and could use new friends. He doesn't need anything romantic.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Emily Michaels


Emily is 39, and she helps design and runs the ships for her mother-in-law's company. She's an irish spitfire, stubborn and full of life. She's happily married with three kids, but she needs friends.
Friends open Enemies Open Final Taken
Ember Michaels

Ember Michaels is 22, and she's an independent musician. She's dating Morwen Orlando, though their relationship has been very slow. She's bold and carefree and isn't afraid to knock sense into you if you're being dumb. Her best friend is Atkin Graveyson. She's open for more friends, though.

Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken
Damien Gates

Damien is 22. He works at a fashion shop full time, and works as a fashion blogger part time, supporting his wife Danielle and his twin daughters Angel and Airen. He's bubbly, happy, and a bit dramatic. He needs friends.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Professor Mallory Corrins

Mallory is a new Professor at HNZ, teaching Charms. She grew up in Russia and has a little bit of a crush on an old friend. Mallory is very soft and sweet. She's always open for student plots and more friends.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings Open (for now)

Annika Corrins

Annika is 20 and ready to party. She's a rich girl running around with daddy's credit card and enjoying life.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings Open (for now)

Celeste Rabson

At 21, Celeste is bold and vibrant. She's currently a university student studying astronomy, strong-willed and independent. She's majoring in both Astronomy and Teaching, hoping to double the degrees into a solid career as a Professor somewhere.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings Open (for now)

Dimitri Korrinov

Tri is 24. He's from Russia but currently has a small apartment in New Zealand. He's a musician but isn't looking for fame or a career, he's just having fun with life. He's currently pursuing Ares Jeffreys and has thus taken up a recent interest in Quidditch. Dimitri has never really had any friends and is thus a little socially awkward, but be that as it may he is still very bold, impulsive, and vibrant.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Asher Beckett

Asher is 26, and is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the band Ashes. They aren't a household name but they're doing well for themselves. Despite popular assumptions, Ashes is not actually Ashers band, it was started by the drummer Vera and lead guitarist Leo long before Asher found them. Having run away from home at 19, Asher found his way to the band and has stayed with them ever since, jumping from show to show and enjoying life as a rock star. He has very few friends outside the band, and he's developed a soft spot for the bright Archie Renner. Asher sleeps around and never tends to stay in any one place long.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings Open

Tyra Wolf-Gates

Tyra is 30, the owner of the Wolves inn, married to Jason gates and the mother of triplets. She's bright and bubbly and loves tending bar at the Inn. She's a complete fashionista. Tyra loves life and loves her family.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Kameron Taylor


Kami is 37, married to Avarian Lockwood. She is the mother of his three sons, the twins still toddlers while Arthurian is in school with Ians two daughters, Emily Hastings and Avaria. Kami went to school to be a nurse, and worked as one for several years before taking over her grandfathers book store. She passed the bookstore to her sister Karissa and is now a stay at home mom raising the twins.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Killian Taylor


Killian is 37, Kami's twin brother. He is a widower, the father of two sons in school, and a sailor for Michaels shipping company. He's a bit awkward with women, though he tries to play it off. He won't admit that he's grown fond of his sisters' suitors, and enjoys having a beer on occasion with Avarian and Mitchell.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Karissa Taylor

Karissa Taylor is a historian and has been all over the world during her studies. At 31, she's published several books and is a respected figure in her field. She's taken to running the bookstore, living with Professor Mitchell North and her cat Milo in the apartment above it.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Sapphire Michaels

Sapphire is adjusting to life outside of school, working as a photographer capturing pictures of magical animals in their natural habitats and selling her photos and notes to magazines and magizooligists alike. She's in brightstone every weekend to see her family and put her work together, but she travels a lot the rest of the week. She's a little on edge worrying about her twin brother and his latest relationship, and still hurt over the falling out with both Noelle Maxwell and Frankie Ruis.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken...ish Flings Open

Onyx Michaels


Onyx is recovering well, and slowly has regained the majority of his memories. He's in a solid relationship with the French Quidditch star Jamie DeRoiun, though they aren't technically a couple. Onyx is still struggling to find his place in the world, and he drinks too much in a misguided attempt to try and bury his emotions.
Friends Open No Enemies (Soft boy can't handle that right now) Final very Taken

Kira Wolf
Kira is due to be back from her travels with Arcturus in a few months, and is enjoying their last little bit of freedom before they commit to going to school again.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Cooper Gates

Cooper is 19, freshly graduated from Beauxbatons and is attending a culinary college in Japan. He's focused on his career as a chef, and he would love to make other culinary friends or Japanese friends while he's in Japan.

Avaria Lockwood
As their last year of school draws to a close, Ava is getting ready to travel the world with Vader Hume.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final... unsure Flings Open

Amethyst Lockwood

Amaya is sure of her life after graduation and plans on being a dance instructor while writing in her spare time.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings open
Note: Amaya is looking for a room mate.

Zeke Carnahan

Zeke is an alternate on the Ilvermony Quidditch team. He's confident and sporty.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance currently unavailable

Jasper Michaels

Jasper is prepared to go into his final year. He's ready to take on an apprenticeship under his grandmother after graduation in preparation to take over the family business.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Lily Lockwood
Lily is working on her confidence. After a very tumultuous love life, and feeling overshadowed by all of her closest friends, Lily is just starting to come to terms with being herself and with being alone. The romantic in her has been tucked away as she tries to work on herself during her final year.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance is... open for discussion, but I make no promises.

Ren Lockwood
Fifth-year Ren Lockwood is a lazy artist, who loves cat naps and lounging in comfortable spots around the castle. He's a Gryffindor because he's brave enough to skip even Styx's classes if he wants to nap. He's also a romantic and spends a lot of time thinking of ways to make his girlfriend Samantha Jacobs feel special.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance Unavailable

Emily Hastings


Emily has recently returned after a stint at the original Hogwarts Scotland. Shes British, and loves horror. She's serious but friendly and eager to go into sixth year with a new outlook on life.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance Open for discussion but no promises

Arthurian Taylor


After a falling out with his best friend Apollo and no idea why his friend is mad at him, Arthur has been fairly alone since the beginning of his fourth year. He's hoping to be a bit more proactive in his fifth year.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Rose Lockwood

Rose is a punk rock guitarist, her idol is bassist Delaney Hollis from the band Ashes. She's got anger management issues and has made very few friends while in school, and almost every crush she's ever had has instead liked her elder sister Lily instead, with the exception of her last crush Apollo, who she believes only pretended to like her so that he and her cousin Arthur could prank her.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance Open for Discussion But No Promises

Lucas Ames


Lucas is fourteen, bullied by his older brothers, and is both excited for and nervous for the new school year. It will be his first year away from his brothers, with Dawson finally graduating and leaving school. He's upset to think he can't rejoin the quidditch team now that Adam and Eli are in charge, both of which have never seemed to care for or believe in Lucas. His closest friend in the world is Einar Hanes, but Lucas has slowly been letting other people in, including the other chaser Hyun and the old captain Dominic. I think it could be fun if someone were to develop a crush on Lucas, though it would be one he wouldn't return.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken

Kia Sorens
Kia is an orphan, taking care of herself. She learned from Kalif that she's a pureblood, but the information has done little for her. She has been focusing on her fighting and her wand work.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance Open for Discussion but No Promises

Allison Beckett

Allison is a rambunctious, stubborn, energetic Gryffindor, loyal and strong willed. Her best friend in the world is Stanislaw Kurek, a werewolf. She knows his secret and will do anything to protect him. She's twin sisters with Addison Beckett, and absolutely despises being mistaken for Addison.
Friends Open Enemies Open Romance Open for Discussion

Addison Beckett


Addison is an awkward know-it-all, and her best friend is Augustus Westwick. She had a crush on him for the longest time but is slowly starting to accept its one-sided and is trying to move on. She is filled with useless facts to spout on every occasion and is trying to be a bit more girly.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Taken Flings Open

Casper Beckett

Casper is struggling. He was adopted to be his father's heir and is expected to go into law and marry a nice girl. The only problem is that Casper has started to come to terms that he is gay and an artist. One of these things his parents might accept, but not both. He used to cuddle the boys in his dorm, but as they've grown older Casper has stopped crawling into their beds, and has honestly cut off a lot of his contact with most everyone. He's a little awkward and shy, but he sees the best in everyone. Cas is lonely and desperate for any attention.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Amelie Deroiun

Amelie is the thirteen-year-old cousin of Jamie Derouin, attending school at Beauxbatons. She is confident and energetic. She loves Quidditch and trains daily so that she can try again at the next tryouts. She's made friends with two of the chasers on the team, and even if she never makes the team, Amelie has learned to be happy with what she had.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Aubrey Miller

Aubrey has kept mostly to herself. She acts very confident and put together, but she's very soft and shy inside. She wants nothing more than to make her brothers proud and is currently staying with her middle brother Thaddeus.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Openish

Jordan Harris

Jordie is the youngest Michaels child. He might be adopted, but that hardly matters to him. He is outgoing and friendly. He has learned the best traits from both of his older twin siblings- He's strong and fearless like Sapphire, and soft and sweet like Onyx. Jordie is a huge cuddler and tends to forget other people actually have personal bubbles. He has seven best friends, a crush on his classmate, five friends he's determined to make best friends, and he always has time and energy for even more friends. He wants to be Quidditch Captain and Head boy, but he struggles with his grades as he struggles to understand his studies.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open

Charlie Helkovaara

Charlie is an only child, and has lived his whole life in New York with his father. He's very close to his dad. They love sports and Charlie loves watching sports with his dad. His dad is a sports journalist so it's natural for them to bond over it. He's nervous about going to school, and his dad has agreed to send him to Hogwarts New Zealand so that he can still see his dad over the holidays.
Friends Open Enemies Open Final Open
So I have some thoughts outside what I was already pitching to you.

Firstly, this might be tricky since I know Steven's pretty busy, but I thought it might be fun if Ryan gets suspicious about there being a werewolf in the school and could mistake Allison's protectiveness as reason to believe it's her?

Secondly, I'm not sure who might be a good fit, but Elliot's dad Oscar could use some more muggle friends who are in on the whole magic thing. He's trying to be more open minded about getting involved with it all but it's still a lot to deal with for sure.
Hey Jess,

So I have a few ideas I figured I'd throw out.

For Mallory I have Yvonne, they're both new professors and I think would get along quite well. She would be down to listen to Mallory talk all about her crush.

Then for Cooper I have Simone, who also graduated from Beauxs so they might have some passing familiarity. She currently traveling around at the moment so they could definitely run into each other in Japan.

For Emily I have Simon, he went to Hogwarts Scotland for his first two years and is also British, so they already have a lot in common haha. Might be fun for them to meet and see how that goes, he can be charming when he wants to.

Lastly for Amelie I have Gemma, whos an alternate on the team. She's also social and would be glad to find a new friend.

Let me know what you think!
So I have some thoughts outside what I was already pitching to you.

Firstly, this might be tricky since I know Steven's pretty busy, but I thought it might be fun if Ryan gets suspicious about there being a werewolf in the school and could mistake Allison's protectiveness as reason to believe it's her?

Secondly, I'm not sure who might be a good fit, but Elliot's dad Oscar could use some more muggle friends who are in on the whole magic thing. He's trying to be more open minded about getting involved with it all but it's still a lot to deal with for sure.
First of all, yes, I would love to have Allison completely pretend to be the werewolf and have a plot where it just pisses Ryan off when he realizes she's lying.

As for Oscar, how old is he? He would probably get along with any of the Taylor siblings.

Hey Jess,

So I have a few ideas I figured I'd throw out.

For Mallory I have Yvonne, they're both new professors and I think would get along quite well. She would be down to listen to Mallory talk all about her crush.

Then for Cooper I have Simone, who also graduated from Beauxs so they might have some passing familiarity. She currently traveling around at the moment so they could definitely run into each other in Japan.

For Emily I have Simon, he went to Hogwarts Scotland for his first two years and is also British, so they already have a lot in common haha. Might be fun for them to meet and see how that goes, he can be charming when he wants to.

Lastly for Amelie I have Gemma, whos an alternate on the team. She's also social and would be glad to find a new friend.

Let me know what you think!
Somehow I love that you two posted togetherish, lol.

Mallory and Yvonne would be awesome, maybe a meal thread with the new school year? Or out shopping between years?

Cooper and Simone could be fun, does she speak Japanese?

Emily and Simon could be interesting, lol, it'd be fun to see what happens.

And Amelie and Gemma could be fun, either she's going to end up on the team eventually or just be the cheerleader that tries out and fails every year
Mallory and Yvonne would be awesome, maybe a meal thread with the new school year? Or out shopping between years?

Cooper and Simone could be fun, does she speak Japanese?

Emily and Simon could be interesting, lol, it'd be fun to see what happens.

And Amelie and Gemma could be fun, either she's going to end up on the team eventually or just be the cheerleader that tries out and fails every year
Both of those sound great for Mallory and Yvonne. Back to school shopping sounds fun.

Simone can't speak Japanese. Only English and French.

I'd be happy to start something for Gemma x Amelie some. And we can probably wait till the next school year for something with Simon and Emily??
Both of those sound great for Mallory and Yvonne. Back to school shopping sounds fun.

Simone can't speak Japanese. Only English and French.

I'd be happy to start something for Gemma x Amelie some. And we can probably wait till the next school year for something with Simon and Emily??
so maybe do a mal and yvonne thread when break starts.

Cooper speaks both too, maybe over the next break to spread these out a bit?

I'm in agreement, so Gemma/amelie now, yvonne/mal over break, simon/emily when school starts again, and cooper/simone the next break?
I have Jenna Jusantrea and mayby we can be friends with her with Ren Lockwood? Jenna is to big artist and dragon lover :)
I have Jenna Jusantrea and mayby we can be friends with her with Ren Lockwood? Jenna is to big artist and dragon lover :)
Hey, sure. Ren could use more friends
That would be grate
I can start. Where he always going some place?
He likes to nap in the towers usually
First of all, yes, I would love to have Allison completely pretend to be the werewolf and have a plot where it just pisses Ryan off when he realizes she's lying.

As for Oscar, how old is he? He would probably get along with any of the Taylor siblings.
Nice! We can see about getting the ball rolling for Ryan and Allison maybe over the holidays or early next IC year! (I also wouldn't mind getting in touch with Steven just as a courtesy too)

Oscar's in his 40's, so a little older. He's a bit awkward and timid, especially around magic (he's trying), so maybe someone like Killian who's a bit more outgoing would be a good match?
Nice! We can see about getting the ball rolling for Ryan and Allison maybe over the holidays or early next IC year! (I also wouldn't mind getting in touch with Steven just as a courtesy too)

Oscar's in his 40's, so a little older. He's a bit awkward and timid, especially around magic (he's trying), so maybe someone like Killian who's a bit more outgoing would be a good match?
Lets do next ic year, Ive been meaning to pm Steven anyway so it gives a second to talk with him about it. And Oscar and Killian could be fun, Killian is the Taylor fed up with magic, the girls are both really into it.
Last edited:
Im still looking for a few plots if anyone is interested :3
Jess we talked about a bunch of plots already but it's probably a good idea to put them here so we don't forget.

We talked about Iris and Rose, Natalia and Kia and Aubrey and Ivy. Also maybe either Ivy or Emma as someone for Allison to butt heads with :r

Additional ideas I have:

- Jordie and Louis could be friends!
- Charlie and Louis too, though I feel like they're a less natural fit (because Charlie is shy, Louis is more likely to ignore him.)
- Lars and Lily in the new year, we talked about that too a bit but I love their friendship
Jess we talked about a bunch of plots already but it's probably a good idea to put them here so we don't forget.

We talked about Iris and Rose, Natalia and Kia and Aubrey and Ivy. Also maybe either Ivy or Emma as someone for Allison to butt heads with :r

Additional ideas I have:

- Jordie and Louis could be friends!
- Charlie and Louis too, though I feel like they're a less natural fit (because Charlie is shy, Louis is more likely to ignore him.)
- Lars and Lily in the new year, we talked about that too a bit but I love their friendship

So we have:

Iris x Rose:
Natalia x Kia:
Aubrey x Ivy:
Ivy/Emma x Allison:
Jordie x Louis:
Charlie x Louis:
Lars x Lily:

I vote three this semester, four next. Out of the above ideas, I'm thinkinggggg.... Iris x Rose, Lars x Lily, and maaaaybe..... Jordie x Louis? I'd rather wait for Natalia x Kia and Charlie x Louis for next semester. Thoughts?

So we have:

Iris x Rose:
Natalia x Kia:
Aubrey x Ivy:
Ivy/Emma x Allison:
Jordie x Louis:
Charlie x Louis:
Lars x Lily:

I vote three this semester, four next. Out of the above ideas, I'm thinkinggggg.... Iris x Rose, Lars x Lily, and maaaaybe..... Jordie x Louis? I'd rather wait for Natalia x Kia and Charlie x Louis for next semester. Thoughts?
Sounds good! I'll add them all to my list so we don't forget them. We should probably figure out who gets into a fight with Allison :p

Are there any you want to start?
Lemme think on it and I'll message you
Hi Jess,

I would love to continue Kiara+Jordie friendship! It would be really cute!!

Then I can also offer Kiara+Arthurian. They are in the same year and I feel like they'd get along pretty well. They can be friends (since she really loves making friends) or they can be romances or even finals.

And I would love to try Kiara+Rose again. Kiara can count her as a friend already and in new year can hug her and talk with her like they are old friends that leaves Rose confused. That'd be charming!

Then we can try friendship between Casper+Blair. She is transfer from Koldovstoretz and has strong Russian accent, is moody, but pretty warm to people. Only real reason why she can really badly snap is after mentioning her dad or Italy.

Then we can try again Charlie+Parker. i am still really sorry that I forgot to post in these threads, i'm deeply sorry!!!! But they got along pretty well so to him Parker will be sweet.

Charlie+Jules. She's a Gryffindor and really loud, daring and friendly one. She is protective over her friends and I feel like their friendship would be really interesting.

Then Aubrey+Blair as friends/best friends.

Let me know what you think!!!!
Hi Jess,

I would love to continue Kiara+Jordie friendship! It would be really cute!!

Then I can also offer Kiara+Arthurian. They are in the same year and I feel like they'd get along pretty well. They can be friends (since she really loves making friends) or they can be romances or even finals.

And I would love to try Kiara+Rose again. Kiara can count her as a friend already and in new year can hug her and talk with her like they are old friends that leaves Rose confused. That'd be charming!

Then we can try friendship between Casper+Blair. She is transfer from Koldovstoretz and has strong Russian accent, is moody, but pretty warm to people. Only real reason why she can really badly snap is after mentioning her dad or Italy.

Then we can try again Charlie+Parker. i am still really sorry that I forgot to post in these threads, i'm deeply sorry!!!! But they got along pretty well so to him Parker will be sweet.

Charlie+Jules. She's a Gryffindor and really loud, daring and friendly one. She is protective over her friends and I feel like their friendship would be really interesting.

Then Aubrey+Blair as friends/best friends.

Let me know what you think!!!!

Kiara/Jordie: Yesss, I love these two. Maybe they can start this after the yule ball?
Kiara/Arthurian: Kiara and Arthur could be interesting, we could start this one and see how they interact?
Kiara/Rose: This could be an interesting friendship.
Casper/Blair: Casper could use some friends, they could be interesting.
Blair/Mallory?: You know I was thinking, if Blair is Russian, so is Mallory. Mallorys office is always open.
Charlie/Parker: They could definitely meet up again and talk about how strange school is.
Charlie/Jules: This could be an interesting idea.
Aubrey/Blair: This could work, Aubrey wants to be more open this year and make new friends.

I'm thinking there are eight threads, maybe four this semester and four next?

Kiara/Jordie: Yesss, I love these two. Maybe they can start this after the yule ball?
Kiara/Arthurian: Kiara and Arthur could be interesting, we could start this one and see how they interact?
Kiara/Rose: This could be an interesting friendship.
Casper/Blair: Casper could use some friends, they could be interesting.
Blair/Mallory?: You know I was thinking, if Blair is Russian, so is Mallory. Mallorys office is always open.
Charlie/Parker: They could definitely meet up again and talk about how strange school is.
Charlie/Jules: This could be an interesting idea.
Aubrey/Blair: This could work, Aubrey wants to be more open this year and make new friends.

I'm thinking there are eight threads, maybe four this semester and four next?
Yes, I love this all!!! I also love that Blair/Mallory idea, I feel like Blair would search for something that would keep her connected to Russia, so she'd definitely come to her!!

Yeah, four and four sounds good. For next semester I think we can keep Kiara/Jordie, Charlie/Jules, Casper/Blair and maybe Aubrey/Blair, what do you think? Or maybe I just called pair that you wanted to do this semester?

For Kia and Arthur, I was thinking that she just joins him in breakfast (if he is eating breakfast instead of skipping it) and starts conversation with him even without knowing him.

For Charlie and Parker I was thinking about Student Lounge and Parker despiritely trying to understand history of magic world and school, and then just admitting to Charlie that he doesn't understand this world and about him finding it weird, and Charlie giving him the same energy.
I love this! I can start Arthur and Kiara, and blaire and Mallory if you want Kiara/rose and charlie/parker?
I love this! I can start Arthur and Kiara, and blaire and Mallory if you want Kiara/rose and charlie/parker?
Yes, perfect!!! I will start threads tomorrow!!
Hey hey...

So Leya is a new character and honestly, I am not sure where she fits in exactly but I do know a bit about her personality... You can Let me know If you would like to pair her with any of your characters...

Leya Blakely - 25-year-old who just loves music. She's carefree and bubbly. Always smiling and tries her best to help people out. She's not so much of a pushover though. She will sometimes speak out when she doesn't agree with something but most times just keep quiet. She has one major secret that she regrets and is why she doesn't want any relationships with anyone. She's down for fun times and all that might entail.

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