Inspired to rplay again

Sandalio Moreno

Active Member
OOC First Name
Twisted Cut Mahogany of 15 1/2 inches and Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Hello everyone! :frantics:

I'm Eleana and decided to become from a guest an member unsorted student of this site after hours of lurking and get to know the rules.

I'm actually surprised that the site is still well-operating even though the movies are over and there's nothing else to keep the fans going . Most roleplaying sites on Harry Potter are nowadays inactive or just not very organized.

After looking around, reading a couple of threads and being persuaded by a couple of friends, I decided to refurbish my roleplaying skills if there are any left. :correct:

I guess I'll see you all around. Gosh, I'm not sure where to start from or what I would like to be my very first character :doh:

Anyway, glad of becoming a member of this big family xD

p.s. I forgot to mention that I love these emoticons :geek:
Hey there Eleana!

I'm Teigan, welcome to HNZed. It's true, we are one of the more well developed Role Playing sites, but it is only because of our two wonderful Admins. Nicolas King and Professor Cyndi Kingsley. All their hard work is what makes this site so great. Hope you stick around and if you ever need any help, feel free to pm the above, or any of these people.

Hi Eleana :)

I'm Kate, and this site is EPIC! It seems to continue because of the community spirit and that fact that the Harry Potter series are legend! I have respect for you for spending time as a guest - not many people seem to do that! Sorting is brilliant fun and I'm sure you enjoy it :p

I would suggest just starting with a character, making a character development, getting them sorted, doing some roleplays and getting involved in the community! Then, if you have time, you could consider creating another character etc (Try to have more self control than me when it comes to making lots of characters :r )

The adminy people stroll around in dark purple suits and the global moderators patrol in lighter purple suits. They are the best people to go to if you need someone - they know lots and lots and lots and love to help!

I'm here if you want to pm someone or want to do a roleplay sometime!

It was lovely to meet you ^_^


Oh and yes, :correct: the emoticons are brilliant! :teehee:

:drat: :tut: Teigan beat me to it to it I see ^_^

Thank you both for the warm welcome and your advices :hug:
Hullo! Welcome to HNZ!
My name's Arty. Looking to forward to [possibly] roleplay with you!
Hi, I'm Kelsey! Everyone's done a great job of directing you to helpful places, so I've got a few more boards in line that you'll definitely want to visit.

This is where we keep our news and updates. Everything currently posted there is very relevant and worth reading, especially if you're going to get right into it. We chat quickly in the shoutbox (bottom of the front page of HNZ) and in Final Spamnation, which is a massive throwback to old "Spam" threads. It's basically just us gabbing on until the cows come home. If you're bored or you just want to catch up on the IRL news, you'll find it there.
While you're here, let us know how you found the site (for statistical purposes). Everything on the Off Topic Board is good for a laugh (especially Nick. Mostly to laugh at.) Everyone's usually playing a forum game or taking new pictures.

One thing you'll definitely want to see is our graphics area. We have some very talented photoshoppers in HNZ who will cobble together a signature for your character to show off. Making a request is easy since usually everything on HNZ has a form to fill out, making it fast and simple for you.

I hope that's helped!
Hey there, Eleana. Welcome to HNZ. :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm glad you found our little piece of the Internet and were pleasantly surprised that we're still around.
I hope you enjoy your time on the board and come to be a key member of our community (make sure to talk to us in OOC areas and stuff).
You can pretty much ignore Kelsey Ruth, too. She's an unreliable source of information. For example: People aren't laughing at me - they're laughing with me. :tut:
Thank you guys! :)

I'll definately check the OOC area to get to know you.
Welcome to the site, Eleana! I love your name by the way. :)
My name's Cyndi, and I'm one of the admin on the board. I see that several other people have provided you with extremely useful information about the site. Since you've been on as a guest for a while, I figure that you know a lot of the stuff already, but if you have any questions, I'm just a PM away. :)

Hope to see you around!
Welcome Eleana! :)
I'm glad you decided to join, I think you'll have a lot of fun once you settle in and get a hang of everything. Thinking up your first character can be difficult... but it can also be a lot of fun! Just let your super-duper creative side flow and you'll be amazed a what you can think up.
Oh yeah, you can call me Tenilee, by the way, :lol: and just to let you in on a little secret... I like these emoticons too.

See you around!
Nice to meet you Jessye, Cyndi and Tenilee. You are all so kind :hug:

Can someone tell me please where I can change from an unsorted student to a member for example?

Orientation isn't my strongest point :oy: even when we are talking about websites =))
I would strongly recommend that you go through the sorting process if you're just starting out on HNZ.
But, if that isn't your cup of tea, there are various group change options on the Applications Page and the "Standard Group Change" app will have options like "Members" group, etc.
Hello Eleana. :hug:
I may be a little late as everyone else has already welcomes you and told you everything you need ton know so welcome to HNZ. I am Mia. If you ever want to RP, have and question or just want to chat about something shot me a PM.
Thank you Mia! :hug:

By the way, you have an awesome signature :woot:

Wolf is my favorite animal.
Thank you. I think it is one of my best ones to be honest :r
wolves are growing into one of my favourite animals too.
Then you have a fantastic taste as well xD

I have a huge crush on Marlon since I can't remember when :wub:

What's the name of your character that is played by Marlon?

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