Identity Fraud

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Sloane Halliwell

Owner of L.U.M.O.S
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Mixed Blood
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Curly 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Birch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Hey all,

So I don't know how or why or when, I don't even know who, nor do I know how long this will be in effect, but, apparently I am currently the victim of Identity Fraud and as such am working to recover all of my things. My bank is pretty fast acting, but I'm not currently in the right frame of mind right now to be focusing on HNZ. I hope to get this resolved as soon as possible so I can get back here, but only time will tell. I might still lurk about, but don't be surprised if I'm missing for a couple of days because I really want to get this sorted asap. I hope this doesn't last too long, but you know what happens in these things.

Thanks all,
Teigan I'm so sorry that this has happened to you :( Take all of the time you need off the site even though I'll be missing you :cry: Hopefully everything turns out alright in the end and whoever is doing it gets caught :hug:
Oh no Teigan :( This is really scary! I hope it all gets solved soon :hug: take all the time you need, we'll be waiting for you when everything is solved!
Here for you Teigs! -_- Take the time you need and I hope all will be sorted out soon! :hug:
Oh my gosh identity fraud?? that sounds crazy :o hope it all gets sorted out!
Wow that sounds awful, hope it gets sorted soon. :( :hug:
Good luck getting everything resolved.
Hey guys!

So I have a new bank card now and they've unfrozen my account so I can atleast access my funds again. I have some of the money that was taken back, but they're still investigating what actually happened. Thanks for the moral support guys, I appreciate the skype messages too!

I should get back to roleplaying really soon!
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