Closed Every Day Our Love Finds A New Way To Grow

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
Ten years. It was hard to overstate the significance of that. Looking herself in the mirror, Ainsley felt at once a lifetime away from the person she had been that night, and exactly the same way. A bundle of nerves, thrilled and terrified all at once about what lay ahead, tumbling headfirst into uncertainty. Her perspective may have changed with time, her certainty in her feelings grown stronger, but deep down Ainsley didn't think she would ever fully grow out of being that lost young girl, grappling with a world she never fully understood.

But Amber was her guiding light; she always had been. However tumultuous life became, Amber was there. Through the pain of graduation, the struggle of finding their own niche as adults, the chaos of owning shops, Amber and Ainsley had been one another's constants. Even in the hardest of days, they would always have the comfort of coming home to one another's arms. The garden of their love blossomed bright, as they cared for one another day to day. There was no doubt in Ainsley's mind that she wanted to spend the rest of her life tending that garden, and she knew Amber well enough to know she felt the exact same way.

And that was what had given Ainsley the courage to buy the contents of the small box in her pocket. As their former classmates had gotten married around them Ainsley had often thought of her own wedding, but it had never felt urgent. Rather, their marriage felt like an inevitability, a fixed point in time they were travelling towards. Of course, she and Amber would get married. But there had never been any rush to do it, they had all the time in the world. It was only when Amber began talking about their ten year anniversary that Ainsley began to lay more concrete plans. She had let Amber organise the anniversary celebration itself, both of them knowing well enough who was better at scheduling events. Ainsley tended to plan things far more based on whims, which didn't always make for a guaranteed successful date. Amber was the clear choice here.

But Ainsley was certain about the plan she had made, despite the nerves twisting her gut. She knew the timing was right, knew Amber would say yes, but the asking... it was terrifying. Amber had been the one to make the first move on their first date so long ago, and Ainsley was determined to take her own turn making a big step now. She had dressed similarly to that day, in a floaty green cardigan and patterned blouse over dress pants, and had taken pains to braid her unruly hair around her head. She knew Amber thought it looked nice tied up, though in the years she didn't think she had gotten all that much better at it. Pushing a final bobby pin into her braided crown, Ainsley smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she saw Amber over her shoulder, entering the bedroom. This was it. "I think I've had a style upgrade since fifth year." Ainsley teased, turning to face her girlfriend and taking one of her hands, lacing their fingers together and praying that Amber couldn't hear her heart thudding in her chest. "I want to give you your anniversary gift now, before we leave..."
Amber had been tidying up in the apartment all day, full of nervous energy about the special date today. It was her and Ainsley's ten-year anniversary, and it just had to go perfectly. She re-adjusted the pillows for what had to be the fifth time, sighing softly to herself. It was hard to believe it had been ten entire years since she and Ainsley had first gotten together at the yule ball, she could still remember it so vividly. It had been both absolutely terrifying and absolutely wonderful. It had been the start of her relationship with Ainsley, which had been amazing. She didn't think she would have been the same person if she hadn't been with Ainsley, she felt entirely at home with her. That was why she was planning to ask her to marry her tonight, on this special day. She had it all planned out. After a nice anniversary dinner at a restaurant, Amber would suggest they go on a walk. Then, in a very nice spot she had already picked out, she would go down on one knee and ask Ainsley. She was fairly sure the other woman had no idea it was coming, which was a bit nerve-wracking. She knew Ainsley wasn't always the best with surprises, but surely she would say yes?

Amber moved over to the mirror to adjust her hair, running her hand through it. She sometimes wondered if she should let it grow again, but it was very easy this way. She was wearing a teal dress she had recently bought and was adjusting it as well while looking in the mirror. She hoped this was a special enough outfit for today. She couldn't worry about it for long, as Ainsley spoke and entered the bedroom. Amber smiled and turned to her, taking her in for a moment. "Definitely, and I take full credit." She teased, before squeezing her hand. But her talking about the gift made Amber nervous. "Oh, I... wanted to give mine after dinner." She said nervously, fidgeting with her hair. "Would that be okay too?"
Ainsley giggled lightly at Amber's comment, giving her hand a gentle squeeze in response. "The credit is all yours." She agreed, hoping Amber hadn't noticed how sweaty her palms were with nerves. She was surprised to see her own nerves echoed from Amber, wondering if her own energy was that contagious. "Oh no of course, that's fine!" She smiled awkwardly, taking a moment to collect her thoughts before she started speaking.

"Okay, um, I just... before I give it to you I just... I wanted to say..." Ainsley had run through the words she wanted to say a thousand times, but now that the moment had come all of the speeches she had mentally practiced were trickling from her brain. She took a sturdy breath to steady herself and tried again, struggling against the instinct to let go of Amber's hand and flap her own around. "I wanted to thank you." She said, softness smothering most of the anxiety in her voice. "For... being my home. Whatever else happens in the world, you've always been... the person I can come to, the person who keeps me safe and steady. You're... kind and patient, you're funny, you're beautiful, you're smart, and strong, and... so many other things I love. Our love, the life we've built, it's all... the best thing that ever happened to me, and I can't wait for our future together." She took a shaky breath, trying to ignore the pricking at her eyes as she released Amber's hand to reach into her pocket, fumbling slightly to get the tiny box out. "It's... I was thinking, and now just felt like.... the right time to ask." Ainsley sank to one knee, holding up the box and opening it to reveal the ring she had spent weeks choosing. "Will you marry me?"
Amber smiled and squeezed Ainsley's hand back, reaching up with her other hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. "Good... I was thinking we could take a walk after dinner." She said, trying to sound casual. But then Ainsley started to speak and Amber frowned slightly, trying to understand. Ainsley seemed to be very nervous, why? Amber smiled slightly when Ainsley thanked her, looking at her fondly. Her words were very sweet, and Amber couldn't help blushing. Her heart beat faster, and she only felt more sure about her decision. Ainsley kept on talking, and then to Amber's surprise, she pulled a box out of her pocket. Amber was stunned, frozen in place as Ainsley sank to one knee. Amber's hands flew to her mouth, letting out a shocked laugh that she quickly stifled. "Oh, Ainsley." She said, tears filling her eyes. Another giggle escaped her, but she didn't want to give Ainsley the wrong idea. "Yes! Yes of course!" She fumbled, reaching for her small bag. "Wait, hold on-" She said, before pulling out a small box, she smiled sheepishly as she showed it to Ainsley. "I... had the same idea." She said with another small giggle.
Ainsley could hear the thudding of her heart in her ears as she saw understanding bloom behind Amber's eyes. Her face split in a bright, hopeful grin at the look on the other woman's face. She had known, of course she had known Amber would say yes but hearing it... there was no feeling like this on earth. She gave a helpless laugh of delight, surprised to realise that she was crying too and wasn't sure when it had started. She reached for Amber's hand to put the ring on but withdrew slightly when she reached for her bag, watching in disbelief. "Oh!" Ainsley laughed, covering her mouth with her free hand, ring box still clutched in the other. Of course Amber would have had the same idea. She had planned the whole evening, of course this was part of the plan. "Oh, wow..." Words abandoned Ainsley as she stood up, not even resisting for a second when the instinct struck her to hug Amber. "I love you." She whispered into her fianceé's hair, pulling back after a moment. "I should have realised you would plan something." She giggled, wiping her eyes with the heel of her hand. "I bet your plan was better than mine. You can - you should still do it, I mean, if you want..." She rambled, unable to stop talking now that words had come back to her.
Amber couldn't stop giggling as Ainsley pulled her into a hug. She clung to her, shedding a few tears as well as she held onto her fianceé. She shook her head, wiping at her eyes with the heel of her hand as Ainsley pulled back. "No, I don't need to-" She said, letting out another hug. "It's alright, this was perfect." She said, finally looking up at Ainsley with a bright, slightly teary, smile. "Wait... Here, this is your ring." She said, shakily opening the box as she realized Ainsley hadn't actually seen the ring yet.
Ainsley giggled slightly when Amber turned down the opportunity, though she couldn't help quietly wondering what the other woman had had planned. They could always talk about it at dinner - they would certainly have a lot to talk about. Her eyes widened as Amber revealed the ring she had picked out, looking at it in disbelief. "Oh, it's beautiful..." Ainsley beamed. She had never really understood fine jewelry, but the leaflike design was so undeniably her, and the stones shone so beautifully. "Oh wait, I should - here..." She pulled the ring she had bought out of its box, reaching for Amber's hand. "Can I...?"

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