Because...temptation and I'm a glutton for plots

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
So, was going to do this last night, but I went to sleep instead (see shouty). I have 17 characters, so I am going to list them all. I am also in the market to make 3 more because I hate having an odd number, and 20 seems good. But so was 10 and I lost that battle. Anyway, I have an idea for Beau's younger brother so it might only be 2 Might be a Dylan O'Brien I don't try to kill off/maim.
Oh right, the actual characters:

Year 3 • Muggle-born


Needs: Friends, young love, enemies, final is taken
Monday is the oldest of the Weeks. Quite eccentric really. He has a good memory, so he is perfect to study with. He can be a little sarcastic from time to time, but he has two different directions. He will either be lawful good, or lawful evil (going by his own morals of what he views is right or wrong) depending on how people treat him. He was bullied for his name during his time at Hogwarts Scotland. Oh, he is a transfer too. So, he can interact with anyone from HNZ or HS.
Year 1 • Pure-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, crushes, final is taken
Larissa is the youngest of the Baros clan, of her side of the family anyway. She has 2 older brothers and 1 older sister. So, she is literally the baby. I aimed for her to be cold, sarcastic, and distant, but she turned into someone who loves everything and is just a very sweet girl. She is a little young for love, but crushes are always welcome. She will turn out to be lesbian down the road, but that is still a little bit aways. She loves magic, muggle stuff... She just does not tolerate bullies.
Year 1 • Pure-blood


Needs: friends, enemies, final is taken
Cassius is... well, he is a bit of an a**hole. To put it bluntly. He is as prejudice as they come, and nothing can change his mind on who is the best and who is not worth the air they breathe. Cass is not shy to let others know exactly what he thinks, or where he comes from. He is super prideful and has a hair-trigger temper. He thinks everyone should know who he is and where he came from, though it isn't always the case. So, he's a colorful character indeed.
Year 1 • Mixed-blood


Needs: friends, enemies, final is taken
Terror lives up to his name. Let's leave it at that. If anyone remembers, Terror's dad was Chaos Zhefarovich who tried to murder a muggle-born by setting him on fire. He is also the son of Alana Finch, who's father is the leader of the Potions Scit. So, Terror is doomed from the start to be a bad guy. He does have a brother named Horror. Might be a twin, might not be, still on the fence on it. Anyway, he loves messing with people's heads to see how they tick.
Year 3 Beauxbatons • Half-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, temp loves, final is taken
Vincent is the alternate seeker in Beauxbatons Quidditch. He actually lives in New Zealand but is a foreign exchange student because his parents pulled some strings and made him attend a school that has a lesser body count in the amount of time the school was open. Vincent longs to attend HNZ but his parents say no. He is a little weird, and collects taxidermy things. He loves stuffed birds as his favorite. He is a bit of a weirdo, but he loves it.
Year 4 Thunderbird • Half-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, love interests
Amaya is my newest girl. She just transferred from Castelobruxo because her older brother moved her from a bad area. So, she is a sassy girl that loves all things manga and anime. She even wears cat ears from time to time. She has a bit of an attitude problem, but she is a good, lovely girl when she opens up and has friends. Amaya might try to join the Quidditch team next year, but it all depends. She does speak Spanish and English, and is enjoying the new school.
HNZ Nurse (44) • Pure-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, students to heal, final is taken
Isabella is a nurse at HNZ. She specializes in injuries. She used to go to HNZ a long time ago, and was a Slytherin prefect, and Quidditch captain. She has 7 kids, and is a bit of a stern mother. She thinks of her kids first, and career second. She is a bitter divorced woman who is starting to get the hots for a professor. However, she needs people to talk to and maybe help her get over her failed marriage so that she can open up to her possible new beau.
HoM Prof 5-7 (24) • Part-Giant


Needs: Friends, enemies, past stuff, final is taken
Killian is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. I love grumpy guys I guess. A real stern man with a sailor's mouth. He is the oldest of his triplet brothers, and doesn't have a lot of life experiences. He is a very jealous guy and is overprotective of his girlfriend who is now a nurse at HNZ. He also drinks vodka any chance he gets. I guess I need people to bring him out of his office for a change. He does love hiking, fighting, working out, anything outdoorsy.
"Private Investigator" (21) • Pure-blood


Needs: Almost everything, final is taken
Hades Styx the Third is a bit... Well, he is a lot like his grandfather Hades. He is great at finding information on people, and is working on becoming a dark priest. He is a lot more expressive than his dad, and his smile is often creepy. He is an arranged marriage, and following after her and keeping an eye on her before their vows. Hades did attend HNZ at some point, was a prefect and a Hufflepuff. He is pretty loyal, but he doesn't talk to many people at all.
Borgin & Burke's Owner (20) • Pure-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, etc, final is taken
Daemyn here is the prodigy of Hades' kids, and among the best in the family - compared to those around his age. He owns Borgin & Burke's and is working on his professional duelist career. He is originally a Styx but he changed his last name so that he could build his career and life on his own and not leaning on the family. Daemyn is sort of a loner, and doesn't trust people since his trust was betrayed in school. He can be a worthy ally once someone gets through his walls.
Potions Master (20) • Pure-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, exes, final is taken
Wolfgang is a little eccentric. He is a potions master and the oldest of the Baros clan (Larissa's oldest brother). In fact, he takes care of her while the family remains in the states. Like her, he was raised without prejudice. He attended Durmstrang and is one of Daemyn's friends. He isn't a good guy or a bad guy. He does what he can to earn a living, and overall thinks more about how to make his life better, opposed to the greater good or evil. He doesn't care much about the Scits either.
Tattoo Artist (20) • Mixed-blood


Needs: Friends, enemies, past stuff, final is taken
Kade might be a Scitorari member but he isn't actually that bad of a guy. He does have a temper, and is a bit on the tall side. He does have a hatred for the Aurors and the Ministry, as he believes that they are responsible for his father's death. Kade has a love for the ocean and its animals, so he is attending a college for marine biology. He is also only doing that part time while he manages his own tattoo shop. He takes special care in his artwork, as he is an artist after all.
Curse Breaker (19) • Pure-blood


Needs: Almost everything, final is taken
Kanos Styx the Second is like his dad. A curse breaker. He knows all about curses, spells, everything. Kanos is a bit of an awkward fellow, serious, but can open up to the right people. He likes dealing with shady crowds. Kanos can be found in New Zealand and Australia, though the latter is where he lives. Kanos is also the youngest of his family members, and doesn't keep up with the majority of them. Kanos is branching out on his own.
Zhefarovich Heir (19) • Pure-blood


Needs: Almost everything, final is taken
Kalif Styx the Second is basically Styx but younger. He is mainly in Bulgaria, but he will venture out to New Zealand from time to time to check on family in that area. He is the next in line to take over his massive family, so he has a bit of a reputation to uphold. He isn't as prejudice as other members in the family, and will talk to muggle-borns. See Leia Hume. He only talks to people he will find worthy in the end, since blood status doesn't matter with him.
Flourish & Bott's Asst. (18) • Part-Veela


Needs: Almost everything, final is taken
Beau is a former student from HNZ who was a Ravenclaw. He is a good kid, and currently works at the local book store. He is deaf and is learning at a muggle college to be a deaf teacher as well, just like his parents. Beau is a sweetheart, a bit of a nerd at times, but overall a nice guy. He can be a little oblivious to his surroundings though. He never took up Divination like his dad, and tries to make up for it in other ways. Beau, overall, needs more people.
Unsorted Y43 (10) • Pure-blood


Needs: Everything
Hans Drage is the twin brother to Hilde Kvalheim. He is being raised by his uncle, Erik Drage. So, his upbringing was not all that happy because his mother did not want him because he was a boy in a matriarchal family. So, he was dumped off. He doesn't know his dad, but it is assumed that he is dead by his mother's hands. Hans is protective over the family he has now, but is ultimately finding himself because he is missing his other half. He does love outdoors stuff.
Unsorted Y44 (9) • Pure-blood


Needs: Almost everything, final is taken
Dante here is Cassius' younger brother. While that might be a bad thing, Dante is not like that. He can be a little rotten, but he isn't prejudice like his brother. He doesn't care. He loves to run around, eat sweets, and make new friends. He is a good child at heart, but may turn bad one day. That is because of his father and mother. Sort of nuts. Dante, for now, is just a child who wants to have connections by the time he goes to HNZ to learn his craft.

I swear, I have the most fun coding and making these. Anyway, that is everyone! I mean, technically, there is Styx, but it is almost impossible to reach out to him. If anyone wants to learn Occlumency and Legilimency, they will need to contact his wife who can reach out to him. Otherwise, he won't be coming out unless I am enticed enough.
I'm not fussed on who wants to thread with who, and I'm not expecting everyone to be used, but as long as I get more things, I'm good. So, yeah, that's everything!
Hey Kaitlyn :woot:

I can offer my character Ignacio Morales as a friend for Killian. Ignacio is a groundskeeper at Hogwarts and since Killian is a professor I imagine they would definitely already know each other by face at least if not also by name. Ignacio is also very outdoorsy and loves working out and hiking as well, so this could lead them to be work out and hiking buddies and friends? and they can go on hikes and spot each other as they work out and talk about their lives at the same time.

Ignacio is more of a whiskey and or rum drinker, and he does drink wine when with his family, but it could be fun for Killian to try and get Ignacio to be a vodka drinker and they can always have a bit of banter about which alcohol is the best. I think Ignacio definitely needs a proper male friend in his life so let me know if you're also down for this idea!!
Hey Kaitlyn :woot:

I can offer my character Ignacio Morales as a friend for Killian. Ignacio is a groundskeeper at Hogwarts and since Killian is a professor I imagine they would definitely already know each other by face at least if not also by name. Ignacio is also very outdoorsy and loves working out and hiking as well, so this could lead them to be work out and hiking buddies and friends? and they can go on hikes and spot each other as they work out and talk about their lives at the same time.

Ignacio is more of a whiskey and or rum drinker, and he does drink wine when with his family, but it could be fun for Killian to try and get Ignacio to be a vodka drinker and they can always have a bit of banter about which alcohol is the best. I think Ignacio definitely needs a proper male friend in his life so let me know if you're also down for this idea!!
Killian just became a prof so he wouldn't know all the staff just yet. But Killian does need to venture outside of his office and meet up with his peers. I think he only met the other HoM so far.
At least if Ignacio fails to lift something super heavy, Killian can just lift it off of him with one hand. Other than that Ignacio sounds like a perfect fit for a male buddy! (His brothers all drink different alcohol so the banter is real and will bring back memories)
Kaitlyn, I have some ideas!

Vincent + Malik: So for Beaux kids I have Malik who had just transferred this year. He's currently a fourth year and has been brought up pretty sheltered because of the fact he's quarter-giant and his father was heavily bullied and outcasted for being half, so of course, he's tried to protect his own son from it as well. It's a lot of drama. But ANYWAY I could offer Malik as a friend possibility even if he is a little awkward at first because he's not used to actually being at school around a lot of other people.

Kade + Eoin: HERE ME OUT but Eoin has dreams of being a Marine Biologist when he graduates, and his father is also in the field, which is where the love comes from. His love for marine biology and the amount of time he spends in the lake is basically half of the kid's character (the rest of it is hating magic) S O we could maybe come up with something. Maybe Eoin is attending an open day ay the college and bumps inot Kade and has q u e s t i o n s or something it's an open idea but it's something

And as for your firsties, I could offer Finley for any of them. He's my anti-social, apathetic, orphan hufflepuff who doesn't really care about Hogwarts and thinks that no one actually wants him around. Whoever you think would be more interesting/want to actually thread would work for me.

(And if you do want more characters I have IDEAS about Derrick's kids who may need someone to rp them for drama O<O)
Killian just became a prof so he wouldn't know all the staff just yet. But Killian does need to venture outside of his office and meet up with his peers. I think he only met the other HoM so far.
At least if Ignacio fails to lift something super heavy, Killian can just lift it off of him with one hand. Other than that Ignacio sounds like a perfect fit for a male buddy! (His brothers all drink different alcohol so the banter is real and will bring back memories)
Aww yay I am glad you like the idea. I am happy to start a roleplay with them. Do you think we should have them talking in the staff room at first or something and they end up talking about working out and hit it off? or should we rp them already working out/being friends?
Kaitlyn, I have some ideas!

Vincent + Malik: So for Beaux kids I have Malik who had just transferred this year. He's currently a fourth year and has been brought up pretty sheltered because of the fact he's quarter-giant and his father was heavily bullied and outcasted for being half, so of course, he's tried to protect his own son from it as well. It's a lot of drama. But ANYWAY I could offer Malik as a friend possibility even if he is a little awkward at first because he's not used to actually being at school around a lot of other people.

Kade + Eoin: HERE ME OUT but Eoin has dreams of being a Marine Biologist when he graduates, and his father is also in the field, which is where the love comes from. His love for marine biology and the amount of time he spends in the lake is basically half of the kid's character (the rest of it is hating magic) S O we could maybe come up with something. Maybe Eoin is attending an open day ay the college and bumps inot Kade and has q u e s t i o n s or something it's an open idea but it's something

And as for your firsties, I could offer Finley for any of them. He's my anti-social, apathetic, orphan hufflepuff who doesn't really care about Hogwarts and thinks that no one actually wants him around. Whoever you think would be more interesting/want to actually thread would work for me.

(And if you do want more characters I have IDEAS about Derrick's kids who may need someone to rp them for drama O<O)
Vincent x Malik: I like this idea! Vincent doesn't know a lot of French but just enough to understand and get around. Vincent is the least judgmental person on the planet so he wouldn't mind that Malik has any giant blood.

Kade x Eoin: Hmm those two meeting would not be too bad. He can complain about HoM since Kade's older brother teaches it xD Kade wouldn't mind answering questions and stuff regarding marine biology! Most of his tattoos are actually animals, with an octopus on his shoulder. Hopefully he doesn't try to recruit him into the Scitorari.

Firsties x Finley: Let's see, Cass could probably just reaffirm his belief that no one wants him around but would get bored with him if he doesn't react. Terror would want to pick him apart and Larissa would shower him with kindness and generosity. It depends on how you want Finley to be.

Derrick's kids: It really depends on the ages, since I did pick up someone for the Vale family xD

Aww yay I am glad you like the idea. I am happy to start a roleplay with them. Do you think we should have them talking in the staff room at first or something and they end up talking about working out and hit it off? or should we rp them already working out/being friends?
Would Killian even fit inside of the staff room? Yes, please start something. Trying to think of how Killian would work out because he could probably bench press a tree. xD (although walking up to someone bench pressing a tree is making me giggle) We can start them on an already know names basis. Probably not too close yet since Killian is pretty much the Great Wall of China with how guarded he is.
Vincent x Malik: I like this idea! Vincent doesn't know a lot of French but just enough to understand and get around. Vincent is the least judgmental person on the planet so he wouldn't mind that Malik has any giant blood.

Kade x Eoin: Hmm those two meeting would not be too bad. He can complain about HoM since Kade's older brother teaches it xD Kade wouldn't mind answering questions and stuff regarding marine biology! Most of his tattoos are actually animals, with an octopus on his shoulder. Hopefully he doesn't try to recruit him into the Scitorari.

Firsties x Finley: Let's see, Cass could probably just reaffirm his belief that no one wants him around but would get bored with him if he doesn't react. Terror would want to pick him apart and Larissa would shower him with kindness and generosity. It depends on how you want Finley to be.

Derrick's kids: It really depends on the ages, since I did pick up someone for the Vale family xD

Would Killian even fit inside of the staff room? Yes, please start something. Trying to think of how Killian would work out because he could probably bench press a tree. xD (although walking up to someone bench pressing a tree is making me giggle) We can start them on an already know names basis. Probably not too close yet since Killian is pretty much the Great Wall of China with how guarded he is.
I mean Ignacio is the groundskeeper, he could very well see Killian bench pressing a tree on the great lawn/by the forbidden forest =))

Maybe he approaches and asks if Killian needs help or where he should put the tree so its away from the students :p
Killian just starts breaking it for firewood after he is caught. That would be quite a sight really. xD Killian would probably do it next to the forest since kids never go there safest bet to work out alone without hurting others.
Killian just starts breaking it for firewood after he is caught. That would be quite a sight really. xD Killian would probably do it next to the forest since kids never go there safest bet to work out alone without hurting others.
Looks like we have a roleplay then :p did you want to start?
Vincent x Malik: I like this idea! Vincent doesn't know a lot of French but just enough to understand and get around. Vincent is the least judgmental person on the planet so he wouldn't mind that Malik has any giant blood.

Kade x Eoin: Hmm those two meeting would not be too bad. He can complain about HoM since Kade's older brother teaches it xD Kade wouldn't mind answering questions and stuff regarding marine biology! Most of his tattoos are actually animals, with an octopus on his shoulder. Hopefully he doesn't try to recruit him into the Scitorari.

Firsties x Finley: Let's see, Cass could probably just reaffirm his belief that no one wants him around but would get bored with him if he doesn't react. Terror would want to pick him apart and Larissa would shower him with kindness and generosity. It depends on how you want Finley to be.

Derrick's kids: It really depends on the ages, since I did pick up someone for the Vale family xD

Vincent + Malik: well Malik doesn't really mention the fact he's part giant at all. He's just tall but not tall enough for it to be too obvious and plays it off with a shrug XD But the French isn't a problem, Malik is only half french, he also speaks fluent English just with an accent.

Kade + Eoin: I mean he probably wouldn't complain about it out of being nice, but he found out they were related he'd probably start acting nicer just because lool. But yes he has a lot of questions, most of which are answered by his dad, but he would still have questions probably about college and things as well. (I mean he can try)

Firsties + Finley: Yeah Cass might not work then because Finley probably wouldn't react. Terror could be an interesting one. Fin would probably get annoyed with Larissa being so nice and think she's just faking it. Which one of them do you want more threads with?

As for the kids, honestly, age is up for debate. They don't even have names yet. Derrick is 35 so like, any age that would make sense honestly. But if you're not feeling it then dw, it was just a suggestion :cool:
Vincent + Malik: well Malik doesn't really mention the fact he's part giant at all. He's just tall but not tall enough for it to be too obvious and plays it off with a shrug XD But the French isn't a problem, Malik is only half french, he also speaks fluent English just with an accent.

Kade + Eoin: I mean he probably wouldn't complain about it out of being nice, but he found out they were related he'd probably start acting nicer just because lool. But yes he has a lot of questions, most of which are answered by his dad, but he would still have questions probably about college and things as well. (I mean he can try)

Firsties + Finley: Yeah Cass might not work then because Finley probably wouldn't react. Terror could be an interesting one. Fin would probably get annoyed with Larissa being so nice and think she's just faking it. Which one of them do you want more threads with?

As for the kids, honestly, age is up for debate. They don't even have names yet. Derrick is 35 so like, any age that would make sense honestly. But if you're not feeling it then dw, it was just a suggestion :cool:
Vincent x Malik: Oh that is good news for Vincent! I think they would make some good friends anyway, as far as I am aware. Vincent is just a little odd so hopefully Malik doesn't mind it!

Kade x Eion: Well, sometimes you need a third party to answer your questions because then they would be unbiased! Kade would probably answer everything that Eion would want want to know, and if he couldn't, then he would find it out for him.

Firsties x Finley: I think the one that has the least amount of threads right now would be Terror since I think he is only in one. He definitely needs more.

I have a few face claims in mind but that is as far as I have xD
Vincent x Malik: Oh that is good news for Vincent! I think they would make some good friends anyway, as far as I am aware. Vincent is just a little odd so hopefully Malik doesn't mind it!

Kade x Eion: Well, sometimes you need a third party to answer your questions because then they would be unbiased! Kade would probably answer everything that Eion would want want to know, and if he couldn't, then he would find it out for him.

Firsties x Finley: I think the one that has the least amount of threads right now would be Terror since I think he is only in one. He definitely needs more.

I have a few face claims in mind but that is as far as I have xD

Vincent + Malik: So do you want to go ahead and just throw a thread together for these two? Because I agree they would probably get along well and be friends. Malik certainly doesn't mind people being odd, he's hardly 100% normal

Kade + Eoin: This is true and he is someone who likes to do an annoyingly insane amount of research and look at all options so he would totally grill Kade just a little, haha.

Firsties + Finley: Well in that case we could do something with Terror? I think Finley would probably have questions if he found out someone had literally named their kid 'Terror' xD

Well, the general gist of it is Derrick was an absentee father when he was younger because he was a professional quidditch player and didn't really have time (and didn't really want) to be a dad. So his wife left him when the kids were still little and took them with her and she left. Now he's older and retired from pro quidditch on the player level so has moved out here to try and make up for lost time and be a better father. That's the general idea I have in my head anyway but like I said, no pressure.

But for threads, I think the Eoin x Kade one can probably wait. Holidays or something would make more sense. So that leaves the other two. I could start one and you can start the other perhaps? I have no preference as to which
Vincent + Malik: So do you want to go ahead and just throw a thread together for these two? Because I agree they would probably get along well and be friends. Malik certainly doesn't mind people being odd, he's hardly 100% normal

Kade + Eoin: This is true and he is someone who likes to do an annoyingly insane amount of research and look at all options so he would totally grill Kade just a little, haha.

Firsties + Finley: Well in that case we could do something with Terror? I think Finley would probably have questions if he found out someone had literally named their kid 'Terror' xD

Well, the general gist of it is Derrick was an absentee father when he was younger because he was a professional quidditch player and didn't really have time (and didn't really want) to be a dad. So his wife left him when the kids were still little and took them with her and she left. Now he's older and retired from pro quidditch on the player level so has moved out here to try and make up for lost time and be a better father. That's the general idea I have in my head anyway but like I said, no pressure.

But for threads, I think the Eoin x Kade one can probably wait. Holidays or something would make more sense. So that leaves the other two. I could start one and you can start the other perhaps? I have no preference as to which
So, for the threads, there will be a pause for Eoin x Kade because school resumed. Holidays/break would be best and give more time for them. Plus he'll be going into his final year and will need info regarding secondary education!

For the other two, I can start one with Terror if you start one with Malik. I'd have mine done within a few days.

I'll keep thinking about it, and try to do my bios and stuff for the other ones before I take on another character. Feel free to ask me about it again in a couple of weeks otherwise I might will forget.
A thread for @Vincent lmk if it's okay ^-^

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