zsiwtzen burg

Elizabeth stormed through the corridor. She was in a fowl mood and was looking for either a befl or a partner in crime and evil stuff. She flicked her shiny silky hair behind her and started to search the room with her green cat like eyes.
Leah Winters had been hanging out in the Fifth Floor and had noticed a young girl storming through the corridor. She rolled her eyes, when she saw that she was a Slytherin. She hated how most Slytherins made other houses think that they were angry all the time.
Lzi noticed a girl watching her she noticed it was slytherin perhaps a partner in crime and stuff. she how the girl would want her to be like so she looked at the girl and nodded to say hi a shoulder shrug and head quirk to say what your name and a eye roll to say so bored what are you doing.

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