William Morte

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Japaneses Maple with Veela hair, 8 1/2 inches
William could smell the sea around the field and knowing what that can be or should say who that can be. DYMPNA!! She is his friend and mother like being. But he knew he is looking for a flower for his fair drusilla. he could see the flower of dark beauty but he know it was going to be a hard run because of Mommy dearest. William starts to run to the flower of greatness, so he can show his love for his wife. when all of a sudden there was dympna. she looked like a sea witch and he knew he had to say something but what....
Dympna could see William and all she could feel is betrayed by him for he left her alone to have a wife and how she looked. YUK! she knew she had dealt with the problem before but now here the problem again. she had to stop him and drusilla from being together but again how? " William, you stop here and now, and talk to me or you will have to pay. i love you as my close friend and like a son, but you will have to pay for it if you can not....." she could see him start to run away....
Drusilla had been lead here by the pet that she had gotten on one of her travels. It was an adorable little thing though most people would not call it little. The fur was a firery red and it looked nothing like a normal dog but she loved it far more than most of her other pets. Drusilla would never say something like this to anyone though. Why her wolf like dog brought her here she didn't know but she saw the man that she had met on the mountan. She had seen the memories. She had tried to remember what had happened during that time but she there where way to many things blocking her. Drusilla saw the other woman. Dear Zedd was bowed over and growling. He didn't like the woman and Drusilla was not feeling so great about it when she saw Willam running.
william saw the fire wolf he gave to his love and he knew that she was near. he kept running away from Dympha, knew she would cause some problems. he called to his ice wolf to ran and slow down dympna if needed and to see where his dearest is. he could feel his heart turn to ice at the thinkings of dympna hurting drusilla. he could now also feel drusilla is getting nearer. he can see drusilla now and blow her a kiss and... well you will see.......
Drusilla watched as the man came closer to her. She had seen some of the memories. She knew his name and what they had maybe once had but she still didn't remember him. It was as if someone had placed more than one block on her mind so that even if a part of her remembered the rest would still say a total blank. Drusilla kept a tight hold on her Zedd even if he was pulling on the leash with all his might.

He blew her a kiss and Drusilla lifted her hand to catch it. She may not have remembered him but she could somewhat fell how much he cared for her. Drusilla only hoped that she could rediscover the same kind of feelings for him. If the blocks ever cleared that was. "William." She said more to herself.
william ran straight to Drusilla and grabbed her, pull her down to his level because of her height and put his lips on hers. he could feel some part of her release and knew the part was the repressed memories. he could see in her eyes after he let her go, that she could see him for real and knows everything. he saw dympna dashing towards them and knew they had a few to get away. he grabbed dru's hand and pulled her with all his might.......
All at once the memories came back to Drusilla. About the man that had captured her heart so many years ago. It felt like an eternity though it had only been a short while since she had been kissed like this. Drusilla cupped his cheek as if that alone could get her beloved William to stay with her. All of a sudden she was blown back by a force far greater than any dragon she had ever faced.
Dympna saw her most valuable possession running towards the thief that was trying to take him away from her yet again. She had clapped her hands to make a whirlpool that would take the little slut away from her William. Before she could do more damage the fire wolf jumped on her while the ice wolf seemed to be creating a casket of snow. It would take more to get around Dympna though.
William was running and seeing the wolves slowing down Dympna. he still had dru's hand in his and he took dru with him to somewhere away from Dympna. it was the small clearing where he had found the wolves as pups. it was outside a small snow village in the far north. but ever there he could feel dympna follow and he knew the wolves can hide and take care of thmeselves. he knew that him and drusilla need to hide.
It was all happening so fast. Drusilla barely had the time to gather herself from the attack when William was pulling her along. With her permission of course. All she needed to do was dig her heels into the ground and he would have had to stop physically. Magically she remembered that William far out ranked her. There was something she could do. Looking back at her dear Zedd she remembered where they had first found the pups. "Hang on tight." She said as she waved her wand and transported them out of this mountain range and to another.
there was the vacuum feeling again. there they were in a different mountain clearing but one down south near antartica but still on new zealand's south island. william leaned over and kissed drusilla again but this time he knew she felt the love too. they knew they were safe for a few minutes and so he told drusilla that dympna been using dark magic to change somethings she just thinks needs to be molded right. remember she loves to mold young children's mind. " where should we go?" said william.
Drusilla kissed him back lovingly while cupping the side of his face. He was shorter than her but she loved him. She remembered that she loved him now. There was something missing though. She could tell that there was still something missing in her memory but she couldn't really tell what.

She remembered the mother-in-law from hell too. Dympna made it quite clear all the ways that she was not the right woman for her son. If William was really her son. Drusilla could not believe that someone like William was blood related to someone like Dympna. "I know the mountains like the back of my hand, we could hide here until all this blows over." She suggested. It wasn't overly heard life living here Drusilla was somewhat used to it.
"where do we go, my sweet love" said william. he knew drusilla would know where to go. " i love you"

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