Zhefarovich Manor

Arnost Zhefarovich

Ghost / Ex-Death Eater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Widow (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Formerly BlackOak/Ebony Mix 15" Core of Vampire's Blood and Bloodwood 14" Essence of Acromantula Web
Arnost paced the foyer of the Zhefarovich Manor, and debated on going back to the room where Asparuh resided now. The Death Eater folded his hands behind him, his black robes flowed about his mysteriously and dangerously. Arnost had his hand bowed. Deciding that now was the time, Arnost turned and walked for the seemingly long hallway and saw the large double doors. Arnost narrowed his wand and used wandless magic to open the doors as he entered. Arnost eyed everything around the room. Taking note of the roaring fireplace, the flames dancing wildly. Around the fireplace, the bricks had shadows that danced wonderfully and giving it off an ancient and enigmatic appearance.

Above the fireplace hung the huge Zhefarovich Family Crest like a banner or a flag of some sort. The mighty Ivaylo had made it, from hand, and it had stayed. Bowing his head in respect for the man who was indeed a genius and powerful. However, there was no doubt in mind that Asparuh surpassed Ivaylo’s power. Arnost lifted his head, his black eyes lacking any sense of emotion. He entered the room a bit more, and turned to see his brother in the armchair. Arnost greeted, “Greetings. Thorine sends her regards to you.” Arnost went and sat in his own tall black armchair identical to Asparuh’s. He awaited for him to speak.
Asparuh kept his eyes ahead of him. He was receiving a bad feeling. His arm was leaning on the armrest, his hand touching his face, in a thinking demeanor. Asparuh had just murdered two people, two women in his family. Yet, there was something dreadful in the rising. Asparuh wasn’t happy with this development, and had no clue on what it was anyhow. Asparuh’s eyes were staring into the fire, and he did not hear his brother enter. Not like he cared. Arnost had been gone for days before and Asparuh did not even worry over it. He had much more important things on his mind. Though they worked like a team, it still did not mean that he would have to treat his brother any more special than anyone else.

Asparuh did not move, not a muscle flinched. The flames gave him shadows as well. It made him look just eerie. His pale skin, almost white blonde hair, and over all young appearance. Asparuh was not one to interfere with. Asparuh had such a huge temper, though he was working on that. Asparuh did not look at his twin. It was like looking in a mirror, but the mirror’s image would be smirking back. Asparuh narrowed his eyes, the first sign of movement, and he spoke in a low, cold tone, “You went to go see Miss Dolohov, and now using her first name to refer to her by. Are you dense, my brother, for we are not to make friends. I thought you knew that…” Asparuh wasn’t unhappy or mad, he was just a little astounded.
Arnost relaxed in his chair, sitting upright and staring at the fire. A single house elf brought him a cup of warm, unsweetened tea. Arnost took the cup, and beckoned the elf away. Such stupid creatures, and servants. He took a sip of the tea, allowing it to warm his hands and his throat. How he loved unsweetened drinks and foods. Arnost let out a sigh, and he heard his brother speak. Arnost thought, Who thought I was making a friend? Arnost shook his head, and responded, “She is nothing but a comrade. I reflect the fact that it would be a terrible loss to lose a Dolohov.”

Arnost took another long sip of the tea, enjoying it fully. His eyes closed, and he leaned his head back. He continued, “How rare it is, seeing a Dolohov about. Especially here, and it is relieving that she is a pureblood still. One with great potential. You know how she is, you’ve known her more than I.” Arnost doubted though that he had spent enough time with Thorine to really know her. Arnost smirked, remembering the exciting night fully. A night without any consequences, and his brother had no clue of it. Arnost’s eyes traveled to the wall with the original family tree on it, the one Ivaylo had made himself. Something was different about it, but he did not look hard enough.
Asparuh wondered if Arnost had developed some sort of feelings for the Dolohov woman. Asparuh respected her and all, but he never would get emotionally involved with her, or anyone for that matter. Asparuh murmured, his voice in monotone, clearly that the words did not matter to him, “Indeed it would be somewhat tragic to lose the Dolohov woman.” Asparuh knew Antonin, quite well. He respected the man, and now he was dead. This hit hard to the Death Eaters, the ones that had been around for as many years as he had. After all, Asparuh was close to Jaken’s age when he joined. Asparuh missed those days. And now, he was just staring into the fire.

Asparuh removed his hand from his mouth, and turned his head to stare at his brother. Asparuh gave him an odd, suspicious look. Asparuh rolled his eyes, and muttered, “I guess so.” Asparuh killed with Dolohov, and had to admit, they did make a rather notable team. A force to not be reckoned with, Zhefarovich and Dolohov. Zhefarovich and Dolohov… Asparuh glanced toward the family tree. Odd that night when he did not kill that Sedgwick woman, Arnost did not return home so soon. Asparuh stood up and made his way across Arnost’s path and to the wall. The original family tree, made up of cursed material that would tell them exactly what they wanted out of every member. Asparuh’s eyes followed the lines down his side, and went to Arnost’s name.

As if he had known all along, he followed one line out to a woman that had strikingly blonde hair and piercing green eyes. A stunning beauty, and her name, like every other name, was written above the picture. The name, like every other one, looked as though it was written in black blood, so eerie looking yet beautiful all the same. The name read: Thorine Dolohov. Asparuh knew why she was even on there. For someone’s name to be on here, plus a picture, it could only mean one of the two options – they were married or she was pregnant. Asparuh knew damn well that Arnost wasn’t married. Asparuh’s blood boiled, his pale face flushed, and he turned his head to look at his brother. Asparuh snarled, “Get a good look at the tree, Arnost.” Asparuh stepped to the side, so he could very well see the damage.
Arnost sipped at his tea again, nothing could upset him. Even his brother’s lack of concern for Thorine. Arnost wasn’t emotionally attached to anyone, not even his own son. Well, not now. Arnost made sure that he was not attached to anyone many years ago after he got out of prison. Arnost finished off his tea, and summoned a house elf to get him more. The stupid creature, standing outside the doors waiting to be summoned. Did the Manor not need cleaning? Of course not, not with Asparuh here. He kept it clean, whether he used the creatures or magic to do so, Asparuh kept the area absolutely spotless. Soon, his glass was filled again, and Arnost was delighted to indulge in more. Arnost waited curiously as Asparuh crossed his path.

Like a black cat that brings death rather than bad luck, Arnost smirked to himself, as he raised the glass to his lips to drink. Asparuh was more than likely using the tree to spy on someone. However, this was not the case, and Arnost was not seeing it. He took another long sip, before stopping. Arnost heard his twin snarl, and Arnost rolled his eyes. “What now...” Arnost turned his head to look at the tree. He could see it from where he was at, but something was added. He stood up and approached to stand close to his twin, while gazing at the pictures. Arnost snorted, “Why is Thorine on…” His smirk vanished, and his eyes widened slightly.

There was no humor in this. Thorine was pregnant? Now how did that – Arnost did not finish it. He was smart, but the shock alone caused him to drop the glass. Shattering, the glass filled up the silence with its harmony. Arnost shook his head in disbelief, “Thorine has my child…” Arnost backed away from the tree. He was not much of a children person, and never ever expected to have another. One was just fine with him. Arnost’s face was twisted with distress and confusion. He completely forgotten about Asparuh. Just the tree in front of him was the only thing there. Arnost just about forgot to breathe. He was about to have another child. With a woman that he did not view as anything more than a comrade. Arnost mused, “I wonder if she even knows…” Arnost knew what was coming. Arnost was about to hear an earful.
Asparuh’s glare was hard, and his hands were itching to wrap around the throat of his little brother. Asparuh may have been just a few minutes older, but he was the Head of the Zhefarovich family, and that alone was a huge responsibility. Making sure that the family would stay noble and not get tainted. Though the pureblood line was already tainted by Tsvetanka, and then again by Arnost’s late wife. However, the pure line did continue with the necessary affair with Liyla, and then spread further by Rosaline, the woman who married a mudblood and seduced Chavdar. Asparuh would have done off with them a lot time ago, but they were pure… And that was all that mattered.

However, Thorine’s and Arnost’s baby, despite the purity and splendid mix of blood, should not have happened. Asparuh’s anger grew, and grew. He could not remember when the last time he was this mad. Asparuh gritted his teeth together, and spoke dangerously, “You irresponsible idiot.” Asparuh cursed. Despite how silent it was, Asparuh knew that he had to allow his anger to come out, or he could very well kill his brother. His own flesh and blood. Not that it would bother him, but Arnost’s a worthy Death Eater. Or was… If looks could kill, Arnost would be dead a thousand times over. Each death becoming more painful than the last.

Asparuh pointed at the tree, but approached his brother, shouting, “You dared to conceive a child with a woman that could be your granddaughter! Do you know the shame you put on my family? The ignominy you put on me?” Asparuh grabbed Arnost by the front of his robes and shoved him into the seat. Asparuh roared, “YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS MAKES ME LOOK OR THE ZHEFAROVICH NAME!” Asparuh had half a mind to pull out his wand and just end him the uncomfortable feeling of the throat after he stopped yelling. Asparuh was not done yet. The ancient Death Eater, was calm and collected just moments ago now riled up and pissed off, was just getting started.
Arnost was still trying to figure out how he got her pregnant. He knew how… But how? No good action comes without a consequence. And this one was one long consequence. But was it a good thing or a bad thing? Two families mixing, two very powerful families. Was it not a good thing? Of course it was, but Arnost knew that Asparuh wasn’t going to take it like that. No, he would see it in the worst way possible, and that was not something Arnost looked forward to listening to. If Asparuh wasn’t a stone cold killer, Arnost would just shrug and say, “I just found out I got a woman pregnant, lay off.” But if those words escaped his mouth, he wouldn’t live to see another day.

Arnost stared at his brother, the heartless glare. Arnost had the ability to give it out when he was mad, but never had he seen it given right back to him. He made him tense up, and he prepared for the worst. Arnost kept thinking, how did he manage to do that? Could he even produce another spawn? Of course he could, he just proved it with Thorine. Arnost dared to look at his brother again, and heard the first insult. Arnost muttered, “Three…two…one…” And he felt himself being shoved into the chair, and thought, Right on time too. Arnost would have smirked or snickered, but half of his mind was still in shock over the whole ordeal.

Arnost released a sigh, and shrugged. He spoke, after Asparuh finished yelling for the time being, “Asparuh, look, it was a one time thing. Big deal. So there is a baby coming out of it, but at least it is a pureblood child! And look at the bloodline. Zhefarovich and Dolohov. You can’t get much better than that without mixing our blood with the blood of the Dark Lord’s. Asparuh, I was not thinking of the precious name we have. In case you haven’t noticed, it isn’t that good anymore. Not many have led on the legacy of Ivaylo and Shanaos. Just calm your ass down, and actually appreciate what is coming out of this.” Arnost added, “And some of our family acquaintances might think it is a good thing that I can still spawn, and getting a woman that young at my age.” Arnost suddenly felt like he just entered the shark’s lair. He leaned his head back and released a sigh. It was coming, and he knew it.
Asparuh paced the room, his face expression fierce and his jaws hard. His hands were clinched into fists, and arms folded over his chest. Asparuh could not even look at his brother. He was disgrace, almost as low as maggots that Asparuh would gladly kill just to do the world some good. Asparuh kept his eyes ahead of him, as he continued pacing impatiently. His brother, Arnost, was pissing him off even more just by staying there. If he would just stay silent, then there would be no trouble to be caused. He would calm down, and speak like a normal person. Asparuh could not handle this, not calmly. The Zhefarovich name was a proud name, and he was determined to keep it that way. Or else the tainted would be removed. That was just the way it was.

However, it was impossible for Arnost to keep his mouth shut. Asparuh closed his eyes, the soulless black vanishing for a moment, before opening again, back in full rage. Asparuh shot a glare at Arnost as he continued to speak. Arnost was ignorant, and just idiotic, Asparuh’s opinion. Asparuh stopped pacing in front of his own armchair, his wrath unleashed as he knocked it back, the wood snapping and breaking. It sounded oddly like bones, and Asparuh could just hear him snapping his brother’s neck. Asparuh yelled, “I WOULDN’T HAVE CARED IF IT WAS SOMEONE REMOTELY CLOSE TO HER AGE!” Did Asparuh have to beat some sense into his twin? Surely he was smart than that?

Asparuh was infuriated, and was shouting as loud as he possibly could now. “How dare you, you insignificant fool! If you were not such good use, you would be dead right now! Don’t you dare think that I wouldn’t do that task as soon as you prove to be no longer necessary, Arnost! What gives you the right to tell me to calm down! The legacy of the Zhefarovich name will continue to live as legendary, because I will see it that it does! You underestimate the power I have on people! Underestimate it again, then you will end up in the grave.” Asparuh paused, taking a few breathes. Out of anger, he had knocked over an end table without realizing it. Asparuh spared a glance down at it, before his eyes tore into Arnost’s. He continued, speaking in a hissing tone behind clenched jaws, “You have no idea what disgrace you have done. Your sins… They are revolting, and to think that you are related to me, not just related, but my twin brother!” Asparuh stopped pacing, stopping yelling, and just stared at him.

I don't like putting all caps, so his yelling is in bold.
Arnost frowned, and he received the glare as a warning to prepare himself. Naturally, as a brother, he knew Asparuh like the back of his hand at times. However, sometimes Asparuh proved to be unpredictable. It was hard to detect what Asparuh would do now. Arnost watched with mild interest as Asparuh took out some of his anger out on a chair. Arnost sighed and murmured under his breath, “You would think something didn’t have to die just because he is angry.” Arnost did not bother murmuring a repairing charm, thinking it would be rather useless until Asparuh calmed down. Arnost shook his head, and did not say anything.

Arnost was not the one to set his brother off like this, but there was a first time for everything. As Asparuh threatened him with his own life, Arnost gave him a stern stare, one that was almost equal to Asparuh’s but not quite. Arnost did not move, and waited for him to finish. Once he did, Arnost inquired, “What do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? I can’t take back what I have done. It was not like she was not willing anyhow. It was the heat of the moment, where we did not kill, and all that craving went somewhere else. Though I must ask, are you upset with the baby, or me? You have to admit, the mix of our blood with the Dolohov will make a child very ruthless.” Arnost was trying to speak some sense into his brother.
Asparuh began to pace back and forth, attempting to keep his anger at bay. Asparuh kept his eyes fierce, and his jaws were still hard. What could he do to not keep himself from killing his brother? It would take a lot, and Asparuh chose something. He had to go seek advice. For the first time in his life, he would have to go to a comrade of his, one of his respectable stature, and ask what to do. He had to, or else the baby would end up without a dad. And thus, Asparuh would have to be there in its life. And he sure as hell would not, no matter how much the child made sense. Asparuh stopped pacing and stood in front of his brother. Asparuh’s utilitarian eyes met his brother’s once more, clearly that he was still very infuriated.

Asparuh realized that Arnost was now asking questions and finally explained himself. Asparuh still would not find the explanation nothing short of dismal. Asparuh shook his head, and answered the questions one by one, his voice now lower than a shout, but still raised, “I want you to stop acting like an imbecile and come to terms with what you have done. I will have to confront the Dolohov woman, and see what will happen next. You are not to get around her until I say.” Asparuh needed to get out of the Manor, and needed it now. Asparuh would not travel by floo. He found that often too dirty, and such a pointless way to travel.

Asparuh headed toward the rack by the door that held his robes and cloaks. Asparuh slipped on his travelling black robes and a cloak overtop. Asparuh told a house elf to send an owl to the Drage residence to his old comrade Valcan that Asparuh will be by within two weeks and to be expecting.
Arnost sighed, and stared at his brother. Asparuh was pacing back and forth again, and that in itself was not a good sign. Arnost folded his arms across his chest, and closed his eyes in thought. He heard Asparuh’s answers and muttered, “I don’t plan on going to see her until I have come to realize that I will be having another son or daughter.” Arnost knew that Asparuh, as the Head of the family he would have to speak to her himself. Arnost could only sit there. Perhaps Asparuh was right, like he normally was. Best not to go against him, or else that would be suicide. Going against his brother was not a good thing.

Arnost knew that it usually worked both ways. After all, Arnost himself was strong. Arnost heard footsteps again, and his eyes snapped open. Arnost watched Asparuh’s every move and saw that he said something to an elf before the elf departed. Arnost inquired, though it was more like a demand, “And where are you going, Asparuh?” Arnost was turned around in his chair to see Asparuh’s reaction and his expression. There was no way that he was suddenly calm.
Asparuh turned to face his brother. How dare he speak to him! How dare he question where he was going! Asparuh growled, “Out.” Asparuh adjusted his robes and shoved the doors open, walking down the hallway before heading outside, leaving Arnost to sit there wondering where he was going. Asparuh made sure to put a charm on the manor to ensure that Arnost stays. Asparuh turned and apparated.

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