
Jonathan Holland

Well-Known Member
It was after break and Jon was most glad he was back at school. One of the reasons being able to see Zehava once again. He had missed her and wished she had gone to visit him. Maybe it was to soon to had invited her over, next time he will think twice went to rightfully invite her. He was leaning against a tree just outside the castle dressed in his school robes. He had just finish having his lessons, dark arts being extremely difficult subject he looked a little tired out. Yawning briefly as he covered his mouth, he thought about how he sort of cut his visit with Zauk short. He reminded himself that he would write to her soon, when he saw Zehava walking out of the entrance of the castle. "Hey Lovely" he smiled.
Zehava smiled when she saw Jon. God he's so... hot, she thought, trying to think of an adjective that would fit how he looked. She didn't know what to call him back. He had called her lovely, but she would feel embarassed saying something like that back.
'Hi Jon.' She blushed stupidly. Walking over, she began to see him more clearly. She remembered how amazing he looked, and could kiss him right there and then. Instead, she interwined her fingers with his and waited for him to make a move, whether it was talking or kissing.
Jon smiled as she grabbed a hold of his hands. They felt gentle and delicate within his hands, he tried hard not to yank her forward. Eventually he lean forward to press his smooth lips against hers, it was their first kiss so it didn't last long. It felt great in those few seconds, his head tilting to the left, before parting. "Wow..." he felt himself say so dumbfounded. After anticipating for a while to finally have done it, felt everlasting.
Zehava's eyes were wide. She hadn't actually expected him to kiss her, but she felt great all the same.
She squeezed his hands, enjoying the short moment. When she pulled away from him, he spoke. She giggled nervously. Not only was it her first kiss with him, it was the first kiss she'd ever had. She felt his urge to pull her forwards again, but they were in view of everybody. Instead she put her lips against his once more, enjoying herself. Her lips were warm against his, and she felt dizzy with excitement. She wondered when they would stop.
Kissing her again, was more than Jon could asked for, he even held her waist this time. Her lips trembling against his, he felt a sensation going up his torso. He wanted so bad just to carry her away, and take her somewhere a little bit more private. He felt nailed to the ground though, so he remained planted but his fingers would travel along her petite form, it felt great. "ah...." he parted from her lips, feeling embarasssed as younger student started to stop and stare. "Maybe we should go somewhere else and talk." he laughed trying to cover his cheesy expression with his big hands.
Zehava nodded, feeling slightly embarrased as she had never been close to a boy before and didn't know what to expect. She wondered whether him moving his hands over her was normal, but it felt so great she didn't care.
'Sure.' She said casually, gesturing to a quiet spot in between two walls. She walked over there, hoping he would follow. She turned round and took hold of his arms, pulling him towards her. She preferred it when he started the kissing, as she felt she was pressuring him.
Walking right behind her, it was a close section of the school, no one could see what they be doing behind there. Jon felt her grabbed for his hands, the cheesy smiled remain, but in some sense he felt a little rush. He didn't show it though, he felt calm and collective as their lips pressed again. He wasn't sure what this will lead to, but he felt his hands again wondered to her lower back side, inches away from her lady lumps. He didn't want to be rude, and just start feeling on her, so many compliacted feelins were spiraling inside his mind. He couldn't think really, how could you with someone as beautiful as Zehava kissing him the way she was. It felt like his taste buds was exploring were exploring something new, and addictive at the same time, his tongue slipping into her soft pouty lips. He hadn't ment to do that, but it was to a little, he was finally REALLY now exploring her mouth.
((it's alright at the moment but not too graphic please I'm young xD))

Zehava felt exhilerated. She never thought that she would feel like this for someone. Suddenly she wanted to be with him forever. She pulled away even so, frightened he would do something more.
'Sorry.' She apologized. 'I'm not used to this stuff.' She hung her head, feeling embarrassed.
'I shouldn't be so...' She waved her hands around trying to find the right words.
((No its okay x,x I don't like being detail lol))

"Its..Its okay I understand." Jon let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't all that ready to give his all to Zehava, at least not yet. "You don't have to explain anything to me." he smiled at her giving her a kiss on side of her cheek, lifting her chin as he do. "Let's go sit at the bench over there." he smiled as he took over her hand, and began to walk with her. "There no rush for anything Zehava, I'm just glad I'm with you."
((Good good :D))

The last comment made Zehava blush.
'I'm glad I'm with you too.' She said, just loudly enough for him to hear. She started to move towards a bench with Jon. She sat down, trying to avoid the bird poo.
When Jon sat down next to her, Zehava wrapped her arms around his back, sliding them up slightly. She moved her hands slowly towards his face and cupped it before leaning forwards and kissing him again.
'Do what you want.' She said, and meant it.
Jon felt her arms glide up against his shoulders, resting so easily he felt her kiss again. "Not its okay.." he smiled after they have parted, her kiss was desireable, he sucked in his bottom lips to devour her taste more. "I can wait for a while really Zehava." he meant every word as he held her close, though he did something unthinkable, he moved his lips down to kiss her neck. There he softly kissed her a couple time, than parted as he teased her by blowing a little breath of air, looking back at her he grinned. "That I had to do." he chuckle.
Zehava Laughed, her hair flying back in the wind. Her face was close to his, as she breathed in his lovely smell. She was grateful to him for being able to wait, as Zehava didn't like rushing into things in a relationship.
She was enjoying him kissing her neck, but he stopped. She didn't act dissapointed.
She put a finger to his lips as he spoke, and then kissed them tenderly.
'I should get going.' She whispered, stroking his face. 'But I don't want to.' She giggled. 'I like being with you.'
She hoped her comments would make him feel how she felt about him.
Jon kissed her deeply, than looked down at her as she spoke. "Aww so soon, you just got here." he sounded disappointed but in a playful way, Jon understood if she had to go. Being a drumstrang students wasn't easy at times, he nuzzle her face softly, as he kissed the side of her lips. "I mean if you have to go, its okay but can we meet later at least?" he asked Zehava.
'I wish I didn't have to go.' She said sadly. 'I was thinking...' She paused, feeling embarrased. 'No, no, I should go now.'
She knew he was question her, but tried to escape it. She wanted to be closer to him than this, without him thinking she was a weirdo.
'Maybe I could come to... Your house some time?' She suggested, flinging her school bag onto her shoulder. 'When your parents aren't there.' She laughed, and turned away from him. 'See you.' She said, and dissapeared into the building.
Jon was confused as she left, she wanted to come over. He tried to get up and run after he would have caught her but than he stopped. So guess he had to talk to her some other day. He was about to tell her yeah sure if she wanted to, but Zehava was extremely shy around Jon. She still hasn't gotten used to being close to him, it was a bit of a weird relationship but he didn't mind it. She still was beautiful, as shallow as that sound, she made him smile as well. He smirked, as he stride slowly towards the castle to crash in the common room for a while.

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