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- Emzies
- Wand
- Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Imogen had gotten ready for the Dance as slowly as she could. Immy didn't care much for how she looked she jut didn't want to spend all that much time at a dance she'd be going to alone. Immy had never really cared about who she hung out with. But it would be nice to spend the Dance with a few friends. But then she thought that she might see them at the ball. She might see Lauren, or Vanessa, or Taylor. Any person. Imogen reached over to her bedside table and picked up a necklace which she put on. After a few moments Immy finished with her hair and left the dorm room, Hoping that she might meet someone.
The Dance was already in full swing by the time she arrived. Imogen brushed down edge of her black dress and walked carefully to the table to get some food. Her steps were met by the dulled out sound of her black heeled shoes hitting the stone floor. The music was loud. She didn't know why she'd come, but the blue eyes darted around the room desperately hoping to see someone she might know. The food table was laden with lots of varieties of food, Imogen's pale skinned hand reached out and took a small green apple from a bowl of apples. Immy's comfort food was apples. Not chocolate, she liked the stuff, but she didn't impulsively eat it. Imogen brought the apple to her lips and took a small bite, the deep blue eyes, still darting about the room. Anyone.