Old School Week Yuleball Dancing

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Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; dejected
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (14)
Fraser arrived at the ball wearing a suit, not sure if he should dance or grab snacks.
Anisha had already lost Raafe, that had to be record time. She spotted a nearby first year and stopped. "Have you seen a boy that looks like me except he's a boy and wears glasses?" She asked him.
Anisha sighed at the boy's response. "Alright." She said, looking around with a frown.
"Maybe he's over there?" Fraser offered pointing in the direction of a table not too far off. It was a bit darker there, so harder to see.
Anisha followed his gaze, frowning. "Maybe." She said, but instead of going over there to look she kept on scanning the crowd.
Fraser glanced about looking for the person she described. "Want to go over?"
Anisha shrugged. "I guess so, but maybe he'll spot me if I stay here." She said, unsure if the boy was offering to go with her.
"Cool," he replied, before holding his hand out. "I'm Fraser,"
Anisha shook his hand. "I'm Anisha." She said. "I'm a second year." She guessed the other boy was a first year, and it was smart to establish that she was older than him early on.
"1st year," Fraser replied. "Is the boy you're looking for also a second year?"
Anisha nodded. "His name is Raafe, he's my cousin." She said, in case the boy knew him.
Fraser nodded too. "Did you say to him that you'd meet him at the dance or are you just hoping to spend the time with him?" he asked.
Anisha blinked. She hadn't considered that Raafe might have other plans. She was sure he didn't. "Oh, we do pretty much everything together, it was implied." She told him.
Fraser nodded. "Then I'm sure he'll be here,".
Anisha nodded. "Are you waiting for anyone?"
"Kinda," he said, "My brother's supposed to be coming, but I haven't spotted him. But I'm also not looking for him...really,"
Anisha frowned. "Why not?" She asked him. She considered Raafe like her brother, and she was definitely looking for him. It wasn't any fun without him.
"He's my brother, and I love him, but he might wanna hang out with someone else, and I might get sidetracked and go ice skating," he explained. He wasn't looking for him, but would spend the time with him.
Anisha blinked at the boy's explanation. "Is he a lot older?" She asked, thinking of her own relationship with Indi.
"No, he's a second year," he said. "His name is Zerrin," Fraser added in case she would know him.
Anisha nodded. 'I think I know him." She said, remembering the guy vaguely from her classes. "You should hang out with him. You'll be sad when he graduates." She said wisely, thinking of Indi again.
Fraser nodded, not too surprised that she knew him. "Yeah, I will, but I have plenty of time to spend with him."
Anisha nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Graduation is still a while off." She said, feeling a bit silly for the comparison suddenly.
"Yeah! Plenty of time, and we hang out at home together," he said. "Since we're, you know, brothers,"
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