Open Yule Never Guess

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Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
((open after Lovi posts please))

Jacob Kingsley had never asked anyone on a date before, but Kengi had been quite agreeable to it which left Jacob wondering what the big deal was. It had been such an easy task. The thought only remained in Jacob's mind for a very short time though it had resurfaced as he went about his preparations for the party. It was easy enough to get in the suit his mother had insisted he wear ("First impressions are important, Jakey"), and even though her reason had made little sense, he'd relented. Much like his father and brother, Jacob had found over the course of many years and many suits that they suited him nicely. He'd passed on the tie, however, no amount of cajoling from his mother going to make him wear one. He didn't want to seem like he was trying too hard.

Waiting in the lobby, since Kengi was from a different house and there were other Hufflepuffs he'd rather not see or they'd destroy his mood, Jacob nodded to some friendly faces and admired some of the fashions. The Yule ball was always the event of the year.
Kengi Smile had been ecstatic when Jacob asked him to the Yule Ball. He did not think that he had shown so much emotion in his entire school career. Of course, he already had a suit ready because his father expected him to take pictures of him with his date. The Yule Ball was, in fact, the event of the year. He needed to be prepared for it, which his father had made sure he was. Kengi walked to the lobby and spotted Jacob. He waved at the boy and walked up to him, but not too close because he had boundaries. "Hey, Jacob! You ready to head in?" he asked happily. Kengi was ready for this.
A grin crossed Jacob's face as he spotted Kengi and then returned his wave. He nodded enthusiastically at his friend's words. "Yea, let's do it" he added, turning to make his way into the ball with his date. The room was decorated nicely, as was usual for this event, but Jacob didn't spend any time discussing the decorations. His eyes did zoom for the snack table, where all manner of snacks were set. From his position, he could already see snowman and elf cookies and a pile of brownies. But then a song came on that he really liked and he immediately began to nod to the beat. "I love this song" he gushed, grabbing Kengi's hand and giving it a tug as he moved towards the dance floor. "Let's dance" he urged, hoping Kengi would find that agreeable. Jacob was not a good dancer though he managed. He made up for his lack of skill and finesse with an enthusiasm and confidence that came with being a Gryffindor.
Kengi was surely not a dancer, but he was willing to try it as long as he was with Jacob. He was okay with embarrassing himself in front of his friend. He held Jacob's hand tightly as he was lead to the dance floor, which packed with students having fun and, well, dancing. Kengi was not confident by nature, but he always was comfortable around Jacob, which was a feeling that he liked. It was why he liked Jacob. He still had yet to actually tell his peer and not run away after. He needed to stand his ground and be confident, like a Gryffindor. Kengi slowly started to sway with the beat, pulling Jacob closer to him. "Jacob, I think it's a little obvious, but you know that I like you right?" he asked taking the boy's other hand.
Jacob allowed himself to be pulled in closer to Kengi as he mouthed the words to the song and danced along with everyone else on the dance floor. No one was really paying attention to them, so caught up in their own affairs. It helped him feel even more comfortable just moving. "What?" he asked, realizing that Kengi had been talking to him and he hadn't been listening at all. That was rude of him, and he blushed slightly. He was supposed to be on a date here and knew he needed to pay more attention. "Sorry, the song was distracting me. Now whaddya say?" He hoped his friend would repeat himself. Kengi always had fun ideas and if he didn't want to dance anymore, Jacob would be fine doing whatever else.
Maggy wasn't sure what to do, she hadn't planned to come to the Yule Ball with anyone but she also didn't see any of her close friends from the dorm nearby as she entered the Yule Ball. She could see Kengi and Jacob heading towards the dance floor. She was jealous, both of them were so open about their feelings in that moment. She could hear Kengi telling their classmate he likes him. She looked around not seeing Acacia or Analei, they were probably her closest friends. So she stood awkwardly watching different couples dancing wishing she felt more open about herself. It would help if her mother wasn't there always watching over her. She felt so restricted to how she could behave. She even thought Acacia was pretty cute but she didn't think she was allowed to feel that way when her mother always asked if there was any certain boy she might like. She didn't feel that way, she felt how Kengi felt for Jacob but for Acacia. She couldn't tell her friend that though.
There were times the Kengi was easily frustrated. This was close to being one of those times, but he knew Jacob well, and there were times that he was like this. Therefore, he just let the fact the Jacob did not hear him roll off his shoulders. Kengi simply smiled and put his arms around Jacob's waist, pulling him closer. "I like you a lot, Jacob, and I want us to be like a thing." he said confidently. "I think we mesh pretty well, and I want you to be happy." he continued and looked his friend in the eyes. He wanted to be more than that though. He felt they both could help each other if they were together.
This time, Jacob was listening. It would have been difficult not to, not with how much closer he now was to Kengi. He wore an amused expression on his face, one that froze when Kengi continued to talk. He'd always suspected that Kengi liked him, more so after their talk about roses last year. It was Kengi's talk of happiness that bothered him, triggering his own still unresolved feelings about his parents and their divorce. He'd thought they were happy too until they weren't. His feelings were further complicated by his own feelings about Kengi. He liked Kengi, had for a long time but he wasn't sure that he wanted a relationship with him...or anyone. So, in a move that didn't even make sense to Jacob, he quickly moved his face forward and kissed Kengi without a word or a nod or any solid acknowledgement that he'd truly heard his words, though of course he had. It was quick and he was wriggling out of the boy's grip before too long. "Come on. Let's grab some snacks before they're all gone" he tugged on his hand, attempting to pull him through the crowd.
Kengi waited patiently for some sort of response from Jacob. However, it seemed like he was thinking. Kengi had already done his fair share of thinking about this, and he felt it was only courteous to give Jacob the same time. Then it happened. Jacob kissed him. Kengi was not expecting that at all. However, he did not hate it. He was kind of glad when it was over because he wanted an answer, but Jacob did not seem to want to give one just yet. Kengi was okay with that. He did not want to rush things, so he let Jacob pull him through the crowd to the snack table. He looked at the variety of snacks before looking to Jacob. "What is your favorite?" he asked.
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