You've got to reach out and grab it.

Mark Finnigan

Well-Known Member
Mark Finnigan peered out of his two story home, looking at the beautiful weather that he had before him. Today was the perfect day to have a house party. It was a nice Saturday and everyone would be willing to come over to his place for a party. Mark quickly walked over to his night stand and sent mass messages to his friends. Within a few seconds he got millions of yes' and some no's but he was ok with that. Maybe with all of this inviting her would find a lover tonight? You see, Mark finds it very hard to like or in fact love someone, it has to be from the heart and he has to mean it.. hence him not having a proper girlfriend before.

Mark Finnigan had enough food to feed a village and enough alcohol to make the whole Europe drunk. So he was set, only a few minutes to go until his party, and the brown haired boy was excited.
Blair was assigned by the muggle companies to work in London, of course it was a broadway company. At first she rejected them, but after being persuade by the boss, Blair agreed. After all it was only one month and then back to New York. Working was pretty exhausting and fun, Blair hadn't had enough sleep lately and the jet lag was killing her. This explained why she had light dark circles. She finished working around mid-day, the girl then walked back to her apartment and slam herself on the bed ready to sleep. But then she remember about the party that was going to be held in Europe. `Why not make new friends?` She thought. She took her wand and place it in her pocket and grab her purse and apparate to Europe.

Europe was worse than London, it was a complete disaster. She had no idea where she was and she wasn't even sure how to get to the party. She walk a little further to the north and see if she found the address. She stopped and twist herself to the East and found a two story house. She walk toward the door and knocked at it hoping that she wasn't late. If the party had ended then she would just go back home and hit the sack.
Mark was super happy that everyone was having a good time at his house, it was like a party central. Although there weren't that many people. He was expecting a few hundred with the size of his property. No matter, they would all come with sweet time. He had a few fridges and freezers around holding all of his alcohol. Mark quickly went to go grab himself a cooler, before answering the door. Popping the cap off, Mark opened the door. " Hello, you here for my party?" He asked the pretty girl infront of him. " I'm Mark by the way." He smiled, putting his hand out for her to shake.
Not too long after that, a man opened the door, probably he was the owner of the house. "No I'm here to deliver Pizza" Blair was usually the one who brought pizza to her friend's party since she lived near the restaurant."I'm joking, yeah I'm here for the party" She smiled and shook his hand "Blair" She then let go off his hand. The house was filled by a lot of people, she could see some of them were drunk already. Blair had no idea how many guests were in Mark's house at the moment.
Mark laughed when she said she was here to deliver pizza mostly because that was something that he would say. " It's nice to meet you Blair, I'm sorry that you're going to have to deal with Europe's drunkest tonight." He said closing the door behind her, taking her on a bit of a tour. " The drinks are in the freezers around, you can usually spot them, the drunks keep going to it." The brown haired boy laughed as he walked around with her." Do you know anyone here?"
Blair followed Mark everywhere he goes, because then she didn't want to be alone especially around these drunk men. She laughed when he mention about these drunk Europeans, soon she could be one of them if she drank too much. "Well not really. I was born in London but then I moved to New York when I was young, at least younger" She laughed and continued to speak "So how can I know anyone from here?" She said with her New York accent. "Is it alright if I stay?" After all Blair didn't want to interrupt him, if this was a private party then she would just leave the house immediately.
Mark laughed, he knew what she meant. " I see, I moved from Ireland to Bulgaria and then to London. I just really like traveling I guess yo could say." The brown haired boy laughed, before taking a sip of his alcoholic drink. " Of course you can stay, this is a 'come one come all' type of party." Mark smiled at her. " But I'm just curious as to how you found out about it." He gave her a mischievous smile.
"Well moving isn't that bad... I guess" Blair shrugged and smiled at him as she looked around the house trying to find out if she could spot Meredith. "Actually, my sister told me about the party, she might be a friend of yours or a friend of your friends" She laughed and took the drink from the table. She had no idea what it was, after taking a sip, she finally had an idea what drink was it. "Firewhiskey? These are good" She took another sip of it. "Her name's Meredith, if you don't know her then she should be a friend of one of these people" Meredith was just like these drunk people, she was `wild` and never home. "You must be well-known huh? Till you can invite all these people here"
Mark shook his head, he actually liked moving around because he could make new friends as well. " Oh Meredith is your sister? I know her.. She's actually outside near the pool if I'm not mistaking." Mark said happily, Meredith was a friend of his. " Firewhiskey's are the best." He stated, he really loved them. " I guess you could say that, " Mark chuckled. " I own a law firm, so I know a bunch of people." Mark added ot his sentence. He rested against a banister, " So what do you do?" He asked her curiously.
Right after Blair heard that Meredith was out in the pool, she took a few steps away from Mark and look at the pool through the window and no she couldn't spot her. Probably it was the other Meredith? Or probably Meredith wasn't there but somewhere around the house? "I don't know, maybe she's somewhere around" She shrugged as she took another sip on her drink. "It is, although I don't really have time to drink it a lot but I do love it" She had been working all day long so she had no time to chill. "Me? Well I'm a Daily Prophet journalist, and I work with a muggle company, the broadways. Do you know what it is?" She asked wondering if he had any idea what it was.
Mark nodded along with her, her sister was somewhere around the house. Mark tipped his drink back and finished it all, he wasn't light weight at all. He could drink for ever and still not get drunk, it was a good thing her thought. " Ah yes, they make the day go better." He laughed, as he reached over and grabbed another can of beer. Mark knew what the Daily Prophet was, but for sure had never heard of the broadways, " I'm drawing a blank, you're going to have to tell me what that is." The brown haired boy laughed.
Blair had never really explain to anyone what Broadway was since a lot of them act as if they knew what it was so she was quite confused. "Well it isn't a hard job, what you have to do is sing and act and sometimes dance at the same time with a lot of people." Just then she heard someone scream from the backyard. "Dear Merlin, do you not want to kill them?" She closed her ears and laughed right after that. "By the way... How do you know my sister?" She asked curiously, probably Meredith slept with him when she was drunk back then. Well that is if this guy is someone like Meredith.
Mark listened, dancing wasn't really his thing but acting was. He couldn't sing for the life of him, but would never say no. " Well some days I think that I'd rather do that than be a lawyer." Mark laughed, looking through the windows. " No, not yet." The brown haired boy continued to laugh. " Oh I've been friends with your sister for atleast a year or so now, she hangs out with some of my friends and I met her, and we hang out and go to parties sometimes." He smiled, sipping his drink.
"Fair enough" Blair had never imagine herself being a lawyer, those were tough jobs. "How do you keep yourself alive in the middle of the riot" She said now a little serious as she saw some people starting to act `wild`. `Too much alcohol isn't good` She thought as she narrowed her eyes looking at those drunk people and then ignore them. "Hmm... I never really spend much time with her, we're not that close" She shrugged, Meredith was too $luttty back then.
Mark laughed, looking around, there were some crazy people around the house but then there were others that literally had done nothing at all. He shrugged his shoulders, " I just stay in my own little corner I guess you could say." He looked around to make sure that everything in the house was in shape. " Oh, I see. I'm close with my siblings, all five of them." He didn't mention his sisters who passed, who would mention that?
Blair couldn't hold it any longer when she saw to guys pointing their wand at each other. She quickly plastered on her sad face and walk toward them pretended as if she was drunk. "You!!" She pointed at the man in front of her. "You've promised me" She cried and broke down as she cried a little more. "NOO!" She screamed, drawing attention from everyone. Then, the man left the room, probably because he was embarrassed. Right after she saw them away, she stood up and dried her tears and walk back to the host. "Sorry I couldn't help it, I don't like seeing people fight and burn the house down" She laughed and took her drink and drank it all. "Well that's awesome, I wish I can be close with her, but ahh well" She shrugged and smiled.
Mark just watched Blair act, she was a really good actress and a pretty one too. " Very good acting right there, perfect lines may I add." The young man laughed and filled up his drink again. " If they burnt the house down.. you don't even want to know what I would do." he shook his head, giving a small smirk. " That's alright. There's a time and place for everything." He shrugged his shoulders.
Blair held her head high and grinned "Thank you" She laughed and lowered her head. "Hmmmm" She pretended to think, placing a finger on her chin, tapping it as she took out her wand. "I'd like to see what happen if I cast Incendio and Confrigo" She looked at him innocently and smirked right after that. She pointed her wand at the ceiling ready to cast the spell but then right after she opened her mouth, she stopped. "Nahh... I don't want to be killed by you" She laughed. Blair couldn't comment on the sibling thing, she had never experience a good talk with Meredith, she was always yelling at her sister.
Mark looked at what she was going to do. " Oh no, those two spells don't go well by me." He shook his head in laughter. The brown haired boy sipped on his drink. Why did some people really go all out at these parties? " Don't you even think about breaking that!" Mark yelled at a guy who wanted to break a vase. He shook his head as the guy walked away, " Some people really are idiots." Mark sighed and rubbed his forehead.
Blair laughed after looking at Mark's reaction at the man who was going to toss the vase. "They are... They are" She plastered her serious face and nodded her head, followed by laughter after that. "So... Shall we do something? Oh wait... I'm not the host... I should really shut up" Blair pretended to pull the zipper on her mouth and be quiet but in a minute, she started laughing. She could never be quiet.
Mark sighed and rubbed his head, people these days were true idiots. The brown haired guy laughed. " Well seeing as there's no space go even move, we can't really do anything." He smiled and took her to the couch, it was easier and he could see better from that view.
Blair followed Mark and sat on the couch beside him. She looked around, still trying to find Meredith but she couldn't spot her. She wanted to yell at her so bad, she never really liked Meredith. But then Blair decided to forget her. "Oh well, at least we got to laugh at those people" She chuckled as she looked at drunk people in front of her.
Mark laughed, it was true about the drunk people. It was there fault that they got drunk in the first place too. " And we got to meet eachother too." The brown haired boy smiled and finished his other drink.
"Hmmm... True... And it's a privilege for you to be able to meet me, I'm a busy person" Blair pretended to be a snob and laughed after that. "I can't stay here as long as those drunk people, I probably have to leave in a couple of hours, I have to go back to work" She said after being informed that one of the performers couldn't come. Obviously, her tone showed that she was disappointed. Who wants to work on weekend?
Mark laughed, they both ha busy schedules. " Yeah, I'll come preform with you on Broadway. I'll play Peter Pan and wear green tights." The man laughed and took a sip of her drink. " That sucks, I wish that you could stay longer." He made a sad face and stuck his tongue out.

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