You're sooo Beautiful

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Elijah Tine

musician | <3 Kynleigh
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
4/2013 (34)

Elijah was unsure as to why he had even bothered to come to this ball. He had come the year before with Hils but he had no idea where she was now. Eli had lost track of most of his friends during the space of half a year. He had become very musically involved. Not even bothering half the time to makean effort to go to classes. He'd fallen out of the rythym of going to class. He hadn't even bothered with the exams. Elijah would put it down to the fact that his summer holiday had been anything but a holiday. Today however he had made an effort. He'd washed for longer than 20 minutes. He'd combed his short rough edged hair. And had put on his aftershave. One that was lightly scented. He couldn't stand the smell of those that were overly strong. He'd put on the same black suit as the year before, because suits were expensive, and he used one once a year. But that was the only thing that remained of the Elijah of the last ball. For one it had taken him ten minutes to decide to not take his guitar to the ball with him. As it would almost appear as though he was busking for money. Eli sighed to himself as he walked to the hall. His hands felt bare with out the guitar to hold on to. But he would find a way to enjoy himself.

It was a magnificent thing the great hall. So perfectly done up. Eli felt in awe. It had such beauty. Something that muggles would never be able to build. Well not now a days anyway. It was grander, than anything he'd ever seen. The old normal hall that he remembered from breakfast was completely different. Elijah walked around the side of the hall. His eyes staring into the crowd of people dancing. He wanted to see Hillary, but it didn't seem as though she had appeared. Hils was always so pretty to him. It was odd. Since when they had been together all they had really said was through music. Eli's palms were growing sweaty. He felt nervous without his guitar or some form of music. It seemed odd since the hall was filled with music. But to Elijah it was completely different. He made music. He didn't listen to music much now. But iPods didn't work. So Eli had no other choice as to what he did. Elijah stopped and leaned against a wall. His eyes skirted the dance floor over and over. Dancing. He wasn't a fan. He was a terrible dancer. He did sudden movements with his hands and feet. It was as he glanced away from the ball itself that he noticed a girl. Older than him. And more beautiful than life itself. He felt his jaw drop. Elijah had never seen anyone so beautiful.
Riley had no idea what had compelled her to come to the Yule Ball this year. The thought of seeing her boyfriend dancing with somebody else made her sick to the stomach, the fact that it was none other than Hilde Lindstorm made it even more repulsive. But Hilde had won Sam in the auction fair and square and there was nothing the fifth year could do about it. For once Riley had worried about her appearance, she had fretted for an hour over her hair and makeup, things she never did, she always had her hair tied back in a loose ponytail that way it was easier when she was playing guitar or quidditch. But as the blonde pulled her dress on all of her doubt over the way she looked seemed to pass with just one glance in the dorm room mirror. She looked beautiful, more beautiful than she ever had and she was going to make Sam regret that he wasn't able to go with her.

Riley felt more than a little uncomfortable walking in her long dress, she rolled her eyes, wishing her mother hadn't sent it. But it had been her sixteenth birthday present and it probably cost her mother more than she had ever spent on herself and it was beautiful, she had hoped she would be dancing with her boyfriend in it, but even though that wasn't the case she wasn't going to let it go to waste on hanging around the castle while the others were all gathering in the great hall. The blonde let her eyes skim over the large croud of dancing teenagers and her eyes first met him. Sam Prince. There he was in a full suit, something the sixteen year old never thought she would see. But her eyes did not decieve her, as she knew at once the boy dancing with Hilde Lindstorm was in fact, her boyfriend. Feeling suddenl so stupid for even coming, Riley tore her hazel eyes from him and looked over to the wall where she saw a much younger student, his eyes on her. Her hazel irises glimmered back at him, completely in the dark as to what was going on.

A warmth in Eli's cheeks reminded him that he was staring. And that she had seen. He tore his eyes away and looked back into the crowd. He would every so often look round to see the girl. Trying to not stare for too long or at all. He knew from the mere age factor that this girl was way out of her league and looking like that it sure seemed like the girl would have a boyfriend. If not then Elijah would wonder if she just hadn't found a right guy. Elijah's eyes glanced round the hall. So many boys standing around without dates, and just staring into the crowd. They had not, unlike him, noticed a girl all on her own. It seemed clear to him what he should do. Talk to her. But each time in his brain where he finally said, right go. His legs just would not move. He could face the possiblity of rejection as he had felt it's bitter sting more times than most. It was the nerves of just going towards her that caused him to be glued to the spot. He turned away and stared in the opposite direction. His green eyes staying fixed on the band playing the music. His own cinderella. Obviously it was more the other way round. She was a beautiful princess, and he was the young, over engertic, music crazy orphan boy. There was not a chance inhell that she would even acknowledge him if he went over. But then he could and would face it. He put his foot down. Literally. And walked straight to the drinks table. He picked up a cup and poured himself a glass of butterbeer. Before downing it in the one.

Hic was the first thing out his mouth as he turned to walk towards the girl. It was not from any form of drunkenness, he was only 12. But rather from a lack of air while drinking. It did not happen often. Elijah wasn't a fan of the overly sweet taste that butterbeer had. He wiped his mouth of his suit's sleeve and ruffled his hair. He stood only a few metres away when he stopped. This was crazy. He would crash and burn at her feet. It took him several deep breaths and the constant rubbing of his hands against his jacket and trousers before he could move any closer. "Erm, eh, exc-excuse m-me." his voice stuttered. Barely audioable over the music. he couldn't place his words. He couldn't find them. They came out jittered. As if Eli had forgotten how to speak. "Beautiful! Are you. You are, you are beautiful. Soooo beautiful." Elijah spoke louder. Hoping she heard. Or it would be awkward for him. Eli knew he would not be able to walk around to face the girl. Words would completely fail him the , and he'd look like a goldfish. And he didn't want defend her by yelling. He hardly wanted to make a worse impression than the slightly creepy one he was sure he was already giving.
Hearing a faint voice Riley spun around and her eyes caught on a boy much younger than her, though she thought her ears must have decieved her she was almost sure he had told her she was beautiful. Opening her mouth to speak Riley hadn't a clue what to say, she wasn't that good at taking compliments but it seemed apparant that with her change in dress she would have to get used to it. The small boys stuttering words alarmed the blonde, he was quite obviously nervous so Riley spoke back to him, hoping he wouldn't bolt. "Oh, erm, thankyou" she said a little uncertainly as she studied the boy. He was so much younger than her, he must have only been a second year and she wondered what he was thinking talking to her. Looking out again for Sam she decided to talk to the boy, she didn't have a date, so what harm could it do?

"Whats your name?" she asked sweetly, brushing down her dress as she looked at his attire and admired how formal he had dressed. Perhaps she was leading him on by talking, but as far as he knew she didn't have a boyfriend, and she deserved to have a little fun tonight instead of pining over her boyfriend who had another date. She smiled at him in hopes it would reassure him a little, he looked so nervous it made Riley want to just give him a hug. "Isn't it a little past your bedtime?" she said jokingly, her tone a little too serious could have easily been mistaken as not a joke at all, but the boy was so young and almost cute, perhaps they could get along, there was no reason why not.

During the seconds waiting for a response Elijah felt more nervous than he has ever done in his life. He could almost feel the beads of sweat rolling down his back and making him feel very uncomfortable. It was a wash of slightly relief when the girl turned and thanked him. He, was stuttered into silence. Knowing too well that this girl could never be his. He was a second year, with a music brain and a dorky way of life. He grinned excitedly as if nothing this good had ever happened to him before. This completely gorgeously super mega foxy awesome Hot girl was even spending the time to spare a glance at him. But he would not try to ruin any chance of further conversation with the girl by saying to himself that he was lucky. "Tine." His spat quickly in response to his name. He was so nervous it was his brain was on a reflex wave length. He blushed a deep red and lowered his head to stare at his shoes. It was pretty embarrassing this. "Elijah Tine. Not Tine, Elijah. Or Eli. I don't really mind you can call me whatever. Tine. Elijah. Creepy. You have name?" It seemed he could barely get out one sentence without falling over his words. It made him blush an even deeper red, if it was even possible. But despite his reddened cheeks he found the courage to look up at the girl.

Elijah knew it was ridiculous him standing in front of this girl in the hope that she wouldn't mind his talking or his company during this night but as far as hr could tell she had come alone. Eli smiled slightly, feeling the redness in his cheeks fade away. It was in no way a comfortable situation to be in but Eli thought that the ball was all about these awkward little moments where someone was making a fool of themselves. "Well actually yes, it is I get up too early so I tend to go to bed early. When I can. I mean I'm no saint. Oh." Elijah said blushing once more upon realising the joking manner of the question. "Sorry, I get really nervous in front of beautiful girls. Well, girls in general. But the pretty new more so. Sorry" Elijah repeated. He was fumbling with his hands and barely able to keep the girls gaze. He felt silly and riduclous that he even thought he could talk to her without making a fool of himself. It was good then that he knew he would probably never meet this girl again. It was that thought that was the only thing keepig Elijah from walking away. He just hoped she would forget all about him after this night. And that they were not in the same house.
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