You're on Thin Ice, Mate

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Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Why she had come today by herself, Artemis had no idea. In the end she just needed to escape from her bed, just once, and rid herself of the nightmares. A full body suit would be disguise enough, for she knew she would get many looks from people if not. She'd sewn her Kirby costume herself and it fitted her perfectly. Through the see-through black material over her eyes, she saw many people pass and 'aww' at her, but their looks were full of curiosity as well. Who on earth was able to fit into such a small outfit? More than one first year had scrambled over to cuddle what they thought was a doll. Art grinned at the memory of their faces when the happy Kirby doll exclaimed 'Bugger off!" at them and a rude tone. It was unnerving coming from the fixedly cheerful costume. She toddled around in the hallways and made her way over to the staircase to get to the feast. She wouldn't be eating anyway, so there was no point taking off her costume for that. Underneath she was only wearing a white singlet and undies, anyway. Not a force on earth could make her give up her disguise.

Unfortunately Artemis forget to look at her feet as she walked, and the stairs came as a surprise. The tiny goblin girl went head over heels down the stairwell, rolling like a giant muffin and bouncing from post to post. She was not hurt, thank goodness; Kirby was well padded. But if she had gone over a balcony she may not have been so lucky. As it was, she did not walk so much as roll into the Great Hall, where people burst into giggles as the tiny Kirby flopped onto the foot of the stairs. Picking herself up with as much dignity as she could muster in a round pink suit, Art stationed herself beside the banister and stood silently, watching the proceedings without a movement. It was a very comfortable suit, she thought.
Of course, Angus would be late to the Halloween Feast. When was he ever early? Though he had good reason this time - gelling up his hair, which, as his family constantly told him, was getting way too long, had taken an awfully long time. I have to work out a spell for this, he thought, sighing as the last strands were put in to place. Then, getting his sunglasses, he slid on his jacket, looked at himself in the mirror with a grin, then walked up the stairs to the Great Hall, glad the hairgel was pretty strong. It was an odd feeling, having his hair in a mohawk, but it was rather cool at the same time. He wondered how odd he'd look next to Luna, who no doubt looked as pretty as always, and chuckled to himself at the thought of the bizarreness.

Entering the hall, he was intending to seek Luna out straight away, but instead his eyes caught on a small person dressed in a Kirby costume. The only person he knew who was that small was Artemis - but he supposed it could be a very small first year, too. He wanted to find out, though, because it was an extremely awesome costume and whoever had come up with that deserved praise. He noticed a Link walking around too, as well as his cousin Charlotte, who was dressed as Prince Marth. He was almost wishing he'd dressed as Luigi or Ganondorf or someone, so they could've re-enacted some Brawl, but it didn't matter. "Hey there, Kirby, nice costume you've got there," he said as he approached the small person, bending down to hug them, then picking them up with ease. Even if it wasn't Artemis, the costume was pretty huggable anyway. Though the person was pretty light, so Angus was pretty sure...
There Arty stood, minding her own business, when out of the corner of her eye a person began to approach. She knew he was headed for her since he was looking straight at her costume, and Artemis shuffled back a few steps. It was hard to see just who it was through the black gauze over her eyes, but she did not wonder for too long; who else would dare pick her up? Artemis squealed, her voice muffled in the suit and began to wriggled in her assailant's grip. "Angus, you dolt, it's me! It's Arty! Pumme down, pumme down!" she said, battering him with the stubby, fluffy fists of her Kirby costume. Of course she was only half serious; it was hard to be serious at all as a pink balloon. Despite her usual no-contact scowl, Artemis quite liked getting a cuddle from someone that she knew, so her wriggled turned playful. The Kirby began to giggle, scrunching in the middle at it squirmed all over Angus. "Goofball. What if is wasnae me, eh? I pit th' first year 'oo might have been in mah place had 'ye picked up someone else."

Artemis went to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek and Angus found himself smothered in fluff. Such was her enthusiasm that they tumbled to the floor. The life-sized Kirby promptly sat on Angus and refused to budge. "Serves 'ye right!" it exclaimed, pinning him with the nubs (arms). "Didn'tcha know that Kirby was th' toughest of all the Brawlers? Fight yer way out of this one, pointy!" said Artemis heartily, grinning at his hairstyle.
Luna was a whirlwind up in her dorm, she had a book cracked open with a hair dying charm and after getting the rest of her costume ready, her makeup comically thick with giant rosy cheeks and bright pink lips to match the rest of the doll appearance, she read the directions on the book several times. Pointing a wand at her head was not something she felt 100% comfortable doing but it wore off after eight hours instead of having to wash her hair out about ten times. After putting the final touches on her costume she quickly made her way down to the great hall. She opened the large double doors leading into the great hall and was stunned by the sights as always, the costumes seemed to get better, yet sillier every year and this was no exception.She didn't see Angus around anywhere yet so she decided to instead go over and raid the candy bowls, popping a few pieces of her favorites into her mouth and shoving the pockets on her dress full for later so she wouldn't have to keep walking back and forth between wherever she was at at the time and the table. She got a goblet of pumpkin juice and quickly downed it, it wasn't until she caught her reflection in the empty goblet that she realized just how blonde her hair was, it was quite shocking to the normally brunette sixteen year old. She really did look like a doll.

Now that she had had some candy and juice she was ready to stake the place out for anyone she knew, preferably her boyfriend first. But she wasn't picky as long as she got to spend some time with him before the night was through. She soon spotted her boyfriend alright, he was sneaking up on the adorable kirby costume she had seen earlier. Apparently he knew whoever was in there but they didn't seem to take too kindly to him picking them up. Wriggling around and looking quite adorable before knocking them both over into the floor. Luna couldn't help herself as she made herself over to the pair of them, snickering. She felt no jealousy as she might have normally have had Angus been pinned under some other girl, that costume was just too cute! But she could definitely laugh at her boyfriend in this situation. "Okay, You are officially my new best friend." she said with a laugh, pulling out the camera she had brought to get a picture of Angus's crazy hair. "I really hope you don't mind, I have to get a picture of him like this." she said before puching down the little button.
Angus chuckled. "I was at least 87% sure it was you, possibly more." She squirmed, but Angus kept hugging her all the same. Truthfully, he was really worried about her. Considering what happened with Jareth and all, he wasn't sure how she'd be coping. But Angus wasn't going to bring that up. Not on a night of celebration. So instead he kept smiling and looking jovial. He figured he'd have to be in a good mood, considering all the time he'd spent gelling his hair. "Goofball, am I, you puffball?" he laughed, as she went to - he presumed - kiss him on the cheek, knocking him over. Luckily, Angus was a hardy sort, so he wasn't damaged by the fall - although perhaps a little sore on the backside. Oh well, he'd be alright.

"I'd contend that," he laughed. He took on his dad, Lucy, Violet, Charlotte sometimes...anyone he could in Brawl, back home. Apparently Violet had got to have a lesson on video games in Muggle Studies. Angus was jealous. But he didn't have time to dwell, when he saw a pretty blonde girl approaching them - Luna, of course. Grinning - despite the fact he was pinned under Kirby - he raised one in a small wave. "Glad you like the hair, love. Like yours too, blonde suits you," he said, with an honest smile, before turning back to Artemis. "Pointy? Why I oughta..." he began, before collapsing in a fit of laughter.
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