You're joking, right?

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
After taking several meaningful glances at the stack of papers before her, Cyndi sighed. There was just no way she could concentrate on doing work with the sun shining and the birds chirping continuously outside her window. Even from this high up, she could also hear the sounds of students roaming around outside. Reasoning with herself that the students would never know that she had decided to slack on reading their papers and that she would still have plenty of time to get to it, Cyndi stood up from her desk.

Heading toward her private living area, Cyndi quickly changed out of her professor's robes and into more comfortable muggle garb. In a pair of shorts and her favorite Puddlemere United t-shirt, Cyndi pulled on her sneakers so she could head out for a jog. It had been a long time, too long since she had done that last. Stepping out into the bright sunshine, Cyndi headed off towards the forest at a slow jog. She was extremely careful to not go inside because frankly even though she was a professor and all, she still didn't like the place very much. Instead, she jogged near the edge.

After a while, Cyndi made her way to the garden, one of the prettiest places in the entire school. Dropping down onto the soft grass, Cyndi leaned back on her arms and watched the bees buzz around the flowers that were in full bloom.
Being back at Hogwarts allowed the young Hufflepuff to get some normalcy back into her life. Sure she had some things to deal with, like getting used to her new name which she was just about used too but it was still strange writing it down. But the one thing she knew wouldn't be as easy to get used too was the crush she had on Ruki. She still felt bad about letting herself develop the feelings for him because she didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Despite this Patricia knew it was something that she would have to, hopefully, get over and with her boyfriend, Riley, she hoped it would happen. Patricia liked Riley, not to the same extent that she liked Ruki, but he was sweet and Patricia did feel bad about using him to get over Ruki but she hoped he wouldn’t find out.

Throwing on her Heta Omega t-shirt she made her way out to the gardens; it was always a great place to go and just relax. Carrying a few spare pieces of parchment and a pen from her Muggle Studies class with the intention to write a letter to Riley. She thought herself lucky that she had yet to meet Ruki since the new term started - although a part of her wanted to see him and badly. So to help ease this part she thought writing a letter or two to Riley would help. Taking a seat on the soft grass she set her writing equipment aside for a minute she lay back on the grass and soaked in the good weather.

After relaxing for a moment she let out a sigh and sat up again, placing her parchment on her legs. She didn't know what she was going to write and after a few minutes she had just about wrote Riley's name on the top of the parchment. Casting her eyes off the parchment she looked around the gardens for a moment. A small gust off wind came out of no where and looking down again she saw that her piece of parchment had blown off of her lap and landed near someone else lying down on the grass. Getting up she went to collect the 'letter.' When she got over to it she saw who the letter had landed beside. "Oh sorry Professor." she said as she stood over the older woman, hoping she hadn't interrupted her.
The young professor spent the next few moments enjoying the relative silence until she heard the rustle of a paper as it flew toward her on the gentle breeze. As it settled down beside her, Cyndi slapped her hand down on it to prevent the piece of parchment from blowing around any more. Looking around for its owner, the young professor smiled as she saw Patricia Styx making her way over. Cyndi liked the girl a lot and had always thought highly of the girl, even before Patricia had become one of her students. There was something about the girl that distinctly reminded Cyndi of herself. She could fondly recall the time she had given the girl a rune reading and when she had first seen Patricia in her class had wondered what role that event had played in the girl's involvement in Ancient Runes.

"It's no problem, Patricia. I'm assuming this is yours?" she asked in a friendly voice. Cyndi sat up a bit more and held the paper out to the young girl. Without meaning to, her eyes passed over the top of the page where a word, well actually a name or part of one had been written. It was one that was quite familiar to her and her eyebrow lifted curiously, but she quickly dismissed the idea figuring that her eyes must have mistaken her. The curious look on her face went away as quickly as it had come. "Care to join me?" she asked. Even though she was rather young for a professor, Cyndi still wasn't sure how the students took her. She was always afraid of falling into the position that many professors did where the students kept their distance.
Patricia took the piece of parchment from the Professor and after a quick moment her heart starting to race slightly as she remembered Riley was Professor Weasley's room-mate. The Hufflepuff couldn't believe she had forgotten about this small detail but she supposed it was because she didn't have Ancient Runes this semester, Patricia figured she wouldn't actually come into contact with Professor Weasley - how wrong she was. Patricia tried not to let it show in her face, but she hoped upon hope that the Professor hadn't seen the name on the parchment. Sure it would be easy enough to pass it off as a different Riley, but Patricia wasn't fond of lying - especially to her Professors. "Thank you Professor." she said as she folded the letter in her hands slightly, thinking it better to hide the name from the Professor just to be on the safe side.

When she was asked to join the Professor, Patricia seriously considered on making up some sort of excuse that wouldn't involve her lying but simply not having to spend time with the Professor. Patricia had always tried her best to act more maturer than some of her classmates but she did have the tendancy to let things slip every once in a while, things she'd rather not let slip. Although Patricia decided she needed stop running from things that scared her in the slightest. So putting a smile on her face she sat down beside the Professor. "Thank you. So how were your hoildays, Professor?" she asked, hoping it wasn't too a personal question.
As Patricia took a seat beside her, Cyndi wondered whether she should try to find out more about the letter or not. It really wasn't any of her business, but Cyndi knew it was going to kill her to not know whether what she thought she saw was really what she saw. Hearing Patricia's question, Cyndi smiled. "It was great. I went to London and spent the holiday with my family and a...friend" she said easily. She actually hadn't heard from Brayden since the night they had gone out together but she was alright with that. Even though she had been attracted to him at first, after going out with him, she realized that they didn't have all that much in common.

"Then I spent a couple of days home with my pets and my roommate, Riley" she said, trying her best to act nonchalant as she said this though she really was looking to see if Patricia reacted in any way to it. "How about you?" she asked, quite curious to hear about the younger girl's vacation.
Patricia breathed easily as the Professor answered her question without seeming to be bothered about it been slightly personal for a student to know. Patricia nodded along lightly as the Professor talked to show she was listening to what she had to say. Patricia envied her slightly, she sounded like she had such an easy holiday compared to her own, but it was her life and she was slowly getting used to it, and with that she was beginning to like it. Sure there was still times she was upset about her everything ended with her mum and Patricia wanted to write to her so badly to see how her dad and Chris had taken the news, seeing as she didn't even get to say bye to them.

As the Professor finished telling Pat about her holidays her body tensed slightly and Patricia averted her gaze from the Professor. Patricia wondered if Riley had said anything to Professor Weasley. He knew that she was one of Patricia's Professors' and hopefully had the sense to not mention it. "That's nice." she said before taking a breath and wondering how best to go about explaining her own holidays. "Well I spent sometime back at home then I moved in with my dad, Professor Styx, after he and his wife adopted me." She said, shaking her head at how strange it still sounded. "Which you can probably tell by the name change." she added lightly with a small laugh. Patricia had made sure all Professors were told of her name change so they wouldn't be any confusion in class. "Then I went to Hawii for Caysi Finnigan's Wedding." she added on just remembering about it..even though it hadn't ended to well for poor Caysi. "Apart from that not much really. I'm just glad to be back at Hogwarts." she finished, truthfully.
As she listened to Patricia's holiday, Cyndi couldn't believe how busy it had been. She of course knew a little about Patricia's parentage issues, having seen the official name change on her roster and also from some of the rumors she heard being discussed by the students. One of the advantages or disadvantages of being such a young professor was that the students usually didn't realize that it was actually a professor behind them and they would keep talking until they actually saw her face. She nodded. "Yea, I saw it on my roster and that name is pretty that makes you Jaken's sister, right?" she asked, unable to believe that Professor Styx could have such outgoing and friendly children when he was anything but. She couldn't imagine having to live with the man because frankly he scared Cyndi a bit. Well, perhaps not scared her, but she certainly didn't feel comfortable whenever she was around him, which wasn't often fortunately.

When Patricia described going to Caysi Finnigan's wedding, Cyndi's eyes narrowed a bit. Riley had gone to that wedding. I suppose it could be just a coincidence...but knowing Riley, it's probably not Cyndi thought to herself. She knew that her roommate loved to flirt, he even did it with her even though their relationship had never gone any farther than roommates and friends. It was just a part of who he was. Deciding to beat around the bush no longer, Cyndi finally said, "You must know my roommate then...he went to Caysi's wedding too. I think he was the best man."
Patricia was glad that the conversation had so far stayed of the topoc of Riley, but she wonderd just how long her luck would remain. When Professor Weasley confirmed that she had known about Patricia's name change she laughed a bit at how the Professor had said how the name was unique. Patricia couldn't agree more. She had met so many people with different or unique names since she had started at Hogwarts and her own had always been pretty much plain compared to others; now her name was just as different as some of the other people here. "Yeah, Jaken would be my brother. I haven't met him yet but I've heard of him and he seems nice enough." she said with a small shrug. She would like to meet her brother sometime, she had met Hades and he seemed nice enough. She had met Estrella so maybe she could have the chance to met her brother and her niece sometime.

When Professor Weasley brought up the point that Riley was at Caysi's Wedding. How could she forget that? She had spent most of the night with him and it was where they had made things...official. "Damn it! She muttered under her breath. Clearly she couldn't lie about not knowing Riley, the Wedding had been small enough to not know the best man. "Oh Riley!" she said trying not to sound as if she had forgotten about him. "Yes I know him." she said, feeling her cheeks grow warm.
"He is. He was in my year" she said with a smile. Jaken was a pretty cool guy and Cyndi was pretty glad to know him. She'd always liked Jaken and had even attended his and Estrella's wedding right after they'd all graduated. They were one of the cutest couples she knew, and she knew they deeply loved each other.

As Patricia admitted that she did in fact know Riley, Cyndi's heart sank a bit. She had the feeling that she hadn't been mistaken at all about the name she thought she had seen on the piece of parchment that the Hufflepuff had hidden away. "Small world huh?" she asked as she turned her head to look at a small bird flit by. Riley was the consummate flirt and although Cyndi had a great deal of love and respect for her roommate, she hoped that Patricia wasn't too involved with him. That would certainly prove to be awkward if that were the case. "I'll have to mention it to him when I see him. I wonder what he'll say when he finds out he knows one of my students" Cyndi added, wondering indeed what he would think. Turning back to face Patricia, she noticed that the girl seemed to be blushing and it made Cyndi wonder exactly what Patricia's admission about knowing him meant.
Patricia swallowed hard when Professor Weasley stated how it was a small world, or did she question?, either way Patricia nodded her head to reply and said, "Mhmm." She quickly cleared her throat as she felt how she, for lack of a better term, had a frog in her throat. She knew if she were to actually talk her voice would go slightly high pitched and be a sure sign that she was hiding something. Patricia felt her stomach start to knot out of how Professor Weasley would react if she knew of Patricia and Riley's relationship, or rather they type of relationship.

When Professor Weasley said she would have to mention Patricia to Riley, the young Hufflepuff quickly interjected. "Oh no!" Realising her words weren't the best she quickly added, "I mean, there's no need to do that. Um Riley knows you are my Professor. It was mentioned in conversation once." she said, her face growing warmer. At least she wasn't lying, she and Riley had in fact mentioned Professor Weasley in their first meeting.
Cyndi gave Patricia a strange expression partly suprised and partly confused bemusement as the hufflepuff quickly jumped in to suggest that Cyndi shouldn't tell Riley. "Uh...ok. I won't" she said, a small frown coming across her face. She was now convinced that something more was going on, especially when Patricia mentioned that Riley knew that Patricia was her student. She hadn't been home for long during the yule break, but she figured that the fact that he had met one of her students would be something worth mentioning.

"Hmph...he didn't mention that to me" she said as she looked down at the grass and pulled a blade up. Twisting it around her finger, Cyndi debated for a long while whether she should just outright ask Patricia what was going on. She was definitely acting strange, and Cyndi knew that when she acted that strange, it was because she was hiding something.

Letting the first piece fall and pulling another blade of grass up, Cyndi sighed heavily. "I know it's not really any of my business..." she began though she felt it certainly was at least a little bit of her business if her roommate decided to get involved with one of her students, "but how friendly are you two?" Cyndi bit her lip as she waited for the reply, hoping that Patricia's response would reassure her that there was nothing going on between the two.
Patricia breathed a sigh of relief when Professor Weasley said she wouldn't mention anything to Riley. She was also glad that Riley hadn't seem to have mention Patricia during the holidays, he must have realised how awkward it would have been just as she was now. Patricia's heart was racing now, surely Professor Weasley knew something was going on by now. Patricia wasn't a very good liar; ok she was horrible at lying but that was because she didn't like doing it; and even though she wasn't exactly lying to Professor Weasley right now she was keeping the truth from her and was so hard for the young Hufflepuff to do.

When a silence came over the two Patricia keep her gaze straight ahead, avoiding Professor Weasley. Patricia was very tempted to excuse herself and just leave, this was awkward enough and Professor Weasley didn't even know about Patricia and Riley yet. When Patricia was about to do just that she heard Professor Weasley sigh, looking back at the older woman Patricia swallowed hard when she heard the words that came out of her mouth. When the question was completed Patricia knew that Professor Weasley had caught on to it, was there any point lying to the Professor when she could ask Riley and he might tell her. Sighing, Patricia dropped her gaze from the Professor. Closing her eyes she thought for a moment. "If you're asking if we're dating then the answer is yes." she blurted out. Patricia thought she might feel a bit better for actually telling her Professor, but she felt just as bad; worse if that was possible.
Cyndi looked up sharply at Patricia's response. She didn't know what she'd been expecting but to hear that Patricia and Riley were dating was not it. She had half expected to have Patricia tell her that Riley had flirted with her, danced with her, asked her out on a date or something of that sort, but nothing close to dating. Her mouth opened and then closed, as she looked at Patricia to see if this was some sort of joke but she knew it wasn't. There was no reason for Patricia to joke about something like that and as far as she knew, the girl was honest and obviously had no reason to lie either.

Continuing to rip blades of grass from the ground, Cyndi stood silent until she began to feel uncomfortable, which was fairly quickly considering the situation she had placed herself in by opening her big mouth and asking about it. She couldn't believe that Riley hadn't mentioned it, though to be fair, she hadn't been home for that long. "Oh...I see"Cyndi said awkwardly, feeling bad that she had pushed the girl into revealing information that seemed to be a secret.

I did it!!! 2000!!! :woot:
Patricia felt like absolute crap. For this once she could have just lied and not said anything to Professor Weasley. She could have left it at she and Riley knew each other, and were friends, but she really didn’t have to tell her the true extent of their relationship. Patricia began to chew on her gum, avoiding Professor Weasley, not wanting to look at the older woman. Patricia didn’t know if she was angry, upset or what she was, but she couldn’t be exactly overjoyed that her flatmate was dating one of her students.

Patricia looked at Professor Weasley out of the side of her eye as she began to talk. Patricia took a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh, being in a relationship wasn’t meant to be this much trouble, true the situation made it a bit awkward but that shouldn’t matter much, right? “I’m sorry for just coming with it like that Professor, but…You were probably going to find out sometime anyway.” she said as she kept her eyes on her feet.

:woot: Yay! Congrats :D
Cyndi nodded slowly and looked up at Patricia to see that the girl wasn't looking at her but instead was looking down at her feet. "You're right, Patricia. I'm just a bit surprised...and upset I guess that Riley didn't mention it." She shrugged briefly and then bit her lip. She knew that wasn't a reason to act mean or give Patricia an attitude, especially since the girl had been completely honest with her. She admired the girl for that, not knowing if she would have been able to do the same if she had been in the Hufflepuff's shoes and her professor had asked her about her relationships.

Cyndi smiled a little to show the girl that all was ok between them. "Actually, I think you'll be good for Riley" she began, " the other girls he's dated have been..." bi****, sl**** she trailed off, knowing that there were a number of ways she could finish that sentence, but knowing that none of them were appropriate for her to mention in front of Patricia. A few of the girls had been nice, but then there was always the one that he brought home just for the night and then thought the house belonged to them. Sometimes, Cyndi was glad that she didn't stay in her home more often because she had the feeling that if she did, she would have had more problems with some of Riley's 'girlfriends.' "Not as nice as you are" she finally finished.
Patricia simply nodded her head at the words the Professor had to say. Patricia was seriously scared of what the Professor was going to say about Patricia dating her 18 year old flatmate. As his flatmate and her Professor, she had every right to have a say in it. Patricia couldn't believe that she was actually dating, let alone a boy who was three years older than her. Sure three years wasn't really a big deal but for her age she found it a bit weird, even more so that he was considered an adult and Patricia was still, technically a child; even though she was mature enough for her age to make up for those few years she was short of becoming an adult.

Patricia frowned her eyebrows at what the Professor said next; it really wasn't something she hadn't expecting. Turning her head sharply she looked at the Professor to see that she was smiling...she wasn't angry. Patricia listened to the Professor explain her words, she was a bit curious as to hear what she was going to say about Riley's past girlfriends but when she continued her sentence by saying they weren't as nice as her Patricia could take a wile guess at what she was going to say about them. Then it occurred to Patricia that she wasn't Riley's first girlfriend, like he was her first boyfriend. For his age and his attitude of course Patricia had figured he had had a girlfriend or two beforehand, but she never thought of the extent. "Professor, just how many girlfriends has Riley had before me?" she asked, her voice low, and giving away that she was almost afraid of the answer.
Cyndi realized a little too late that mentioning ex-girlfriends to the current girlfriend was probably not one of her smarter ideas. It was a little too late now though, especially since Patricia was now asking her to say even more about it. Her cheeks growing slightly pink, Cyndi closed her eyes for a fraction of a second and then re-opened them. Now look what you've started she thought to herself as she gave Patricia a weak grin.

" or two" she stated as casually as she could, although she knew the number to be higher than that if you counted all the girls he had simply slept with. The professor wondered whether Riley had mentioned anything about Ana to Patricia and figured that he hadn't. It was a very long story and likely to scare away any potential girls. Since Patricia had asked about girlfriends though, Cyndi felt it was alright to omit the rest of the information. Riley's going to kill me she groaned to herself. "Please don't tell Riley I mentioned his exes" she begged with a nervous chuckle.
Patricia held her breath while she waited for Professor Weasley to tell her what she wanted to hear. Breathing a sigh of relief at the answer Patricia nodded her head. Even though one or two didn't sound too bad, Riley was older so it was expected for him to maybe have had previous girlfriends. Despite having been told by his own roommate how many exes he had something was nagging in the back of Patricia's head; something about the Professor's tone of voice wasn't very convinceing for the young Hufflepuff. When Professor Weasley asked her not to mention anything about what they just said to Riley, Patricia knew something was up. Just how many girlfriends had Riley had before Patricia? Patricia felt sick to her stomach, what if she was just another girl in a string of girls that he had or will have. For Patricia knew in her heart she couldn't see herself with Riley for the rest of her life, she just didn't like him enough in that way and she knew she never would; not while she had feelings for Ruki. "Sure." she said, her voice low. With the sick feeling not getting any better she said, "I think I better go, Professor." As she began to stand up, making sure she had the letter for Riley. "Sorry about this." she said, feeling bad for how things had turned out today.

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