You're finally home

Moriarty Darkhart

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OOC First Name
Moriarty adjusted his shirt collar in the mirror, trying to get it to sit right underneath his jacket. Flattening it down he looked up, studying his reflection. His cheeks were flushed with excitement for the days upcoming events. He and Cashlin were adopting a son. After Annalie's disgraceful behavior after her expulsion and the fact that she was thrown out, Moriarty had been feeling apprehensive about having another child in the house. Both his daughters had had some serious problems and his confidence as a father was severely effected. Running a hand through his just showered hair he sighed, maybe he wasn't cut out for this fathering business, some people weren't maybe he was one of them. Hopefully adopting Tate would change that. Cashlin had suggested the idea that they try again at being parents and after a bit of convincing Moriarty agreed. Tweaking his hair to make it look presentable he turned from the bathroom mirror and left the en suite.

Walking through his and Cashlin's bedroom he quickly walked down stairs into the lounge of the house. Sitting down on the couch he put his feet up on the coffee table, a habit that his wife didn't approve of and one he hadn't been able to kick. Leaning back on the couch he tried to calm himself down, he was getting the nervous jitters now. Checking his watch he sighed again, time was ticking by so slowly. When the doorbell rung Moriarty jumped to his feet, "Cashlin, honey! He's here!" striding to the front door he took a deep breath before he opened the door. A smile spread across his face when he saw the boy at the door. All his fears of being a bad parent flew out the window, maybe it was going to be alright after all. "Hey Tate, I'm your new dad Moriarty, come in." he said cheerfully holding the door open for his new son. It was nice to finally have him in the house it made it real, and Moriarty couldn't stop grinning.
Cashlin was nervous, very nervous. Just recently she lost her own flesh and blood, and that had caused her to cry into the couch in despair. But now she was adopting a boy, a lovely boy if what she had heard was true. The poor dear had been dealt an unfair hand in life, and with their adoption it finally stopped the poor thing being taken from household to household, not having a stable family. But now he was going to have a lovely, stable family, and no way was she going to let him end up like her other kids, not that Aimee was too bad, she had started rough enough for a life time. It had taken a time to get Moriarty to agree, but he had eventually come around and now Tate was coming any moment from England. She was excited to see him, see what he looked like since it had bee awhile since she had seen him in person, and she wanted to hear his lovely little voice again. He seemed like such a doll, she was so excited for him. The excitement rivalled the the excitement she felt on her wedding day.

Cashlin was fixing her hair so it was perfect, she didn't want anything out of place. Her beloved husband was downstairs doing something. Probably stressing out as much as she was about being a parent again. When Moriarty called out to her, saying that little Tate was at the house, Cashlin literally squealled and ran to the lounge room, using the door as a leaning post so she could catch her breath, she dashed out the front door and straight past her husband. Cashlin was a very fast woman when she wanted to be. Once she saw the small blonde and tackled into him, picking him up into a hug. "Welcome to the family Tate!" She greeted, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
Tate was nervous. Once before he had been adopted, but they took him back because they realised that they couldn't handle a child, after that he was in foster homes and he missed his original parents, which was weird because they were the worst parents a child could ever have, Tate was still scared of his father, even though he'd never see the man again. He'd never known his mother, so he didn't really have an opinion of her, except that she left them, him and his brother, with that horrible man. She must have been scared too. Taking a deep breath, the small blonde tugged on his suitcase when it got stuck on an uneven pathway and stopped at the steps. The social worker was nearby, he was the one that aparated Tate here in the first place, but since Tate had wished to do this solo, the man was kind enough to give a bit of space.

Tate timidly knocked on the door. Would they still like him? Would they send him back because he wasn't good enough? With a deep breath, Tate knocked on the door and took a step back, conscious of the steps behind him. A smile crossed his young face when he saw the man that he adopted him, he was nice as far as Tate knew. "Hello Mr. Darkhart, I'm-Wow!" It was shocking to be picked up and crushed towards someone like Tate just was. Mrs. Darkhart seemed to be very happy to see him. Once he was released, Tate straightened up his little jacket and smiled slightly. "Hello Mrs. Darkhart, I'm pleased to meet you both." He greeted, being extra polite so they wouldn't send him back. "Your home is really pretty." He added.
Moriarty laughed quietly, his wife was so adorable when she got excited. Given that he was also exciting he couldn't talk but it was so great to see her so happy after what had happened. Coming home after work to find her in tears on the couch broke his heart, he never wanted to see her like that ever again, and to see the grin on her face made it all better. Placing a gentle hand on Cashlin shoulder he rolled his eyes, "Don't crush the poor kid" he joked, winking at Tate. I'll grab your bag for you." He offered moving past his wife grabbing the bag and bringing it into the house and shutting the door quietly behind the adorable little boy. "No need to be so formal Tate, you can call us mum and dad if you want to or if you aren't ready for that Cashlin and Moriarty is fine. Right honey?." He asked setting the bag down just inside the door away from the doorway, they could take it up to Tate's room when he was settled.

"Thank you, it's your house now too." Moriarty said, leading Tate and his wife into the lounge he offered the couch to Tate and he threw his self rather unceremoniously onto an arm chair. He was all for making Tate feel as comfortable as possible in his new house so being as normal as possible was hopefully the way to go. "Do you want something to eat or drink? It's nearing lunch time and you've come a long way. Or we can show you your new room if you want to get settled first?" He asked. The grin on his face was still there and it seemed it wasn't going away any time soon. Maybe he was going to be an alright father after all. It was still too early to tell but there was some good signs.
Cashlin smiled and put the small boy down before she ended up crushing him to death, and shook her head at her husband. She had been careful, sort of, she was conscious of his bones and made sure she didn't break them. "I'm very pleased to meet you too, Tate." She said soothingly. From now on this boy was her son and that was that, hopefully he wouldn't end up being like her daughters. She still loved Annalie, but it was harder to admit that she cared for the girl since she had been so rude and... Cashlin wasn't sure if she knew her anymore, it was just so strange. Annalie had never acted like that before, not to her knowledge, and when she got the message through the toaster, she was sure the school had mistaken, but Annalie's behaviour that day proved to her that her little girl had changed drastically. So from now on she was going to pay attention to Tate and make sure he had everything he needed, she didn't want him to change and her not realise it like what happened with Annalie. Looking adoringly at her husband, she nodded. "Yes, you are free to call us mum and dad if you like, but Cashlin and Moriarty is just fine." If Tate called her mum, she was sure she'd hug him again.

Cashlin went into the kitchen and pulled out the tray of sandwiches she had prepared. There were many cut up triangle sandwiches, all with different fillings. Some were just cheese, others ham, chicken, salad and even just jam. She didn't know what Tate would like, so she basically made every sandwich she could think of. "I think you should have a little something to eat first, and then you can see your room. It's painted periwinkle." She explained, offering the tray to Tate.
It was nice to be part of a family again, he'd ran through so many and he wasn't sure why, he was pleased to be in such a lovely house. Did he have siblings? He'd always wanted a big sister, they seemed like fun. The hug was a very big, warm one, it was comforting. He was grateful that no bones had been broken while in that hug, and he let go of his bag quietly, looking up at Cashlin and Moriarty Darkhart. As far as he could tell, they liked him, they really liked him.

Everything was going quite fast and Tate simply nodded to everything. Before he knew it, he was in the lounge room, sitting on a couch, he wasn't sure how he got there, but he was there now. Smiling slightly at the huge tray of assorted sandwiches, Tate picked out a salad sandwich and nibbled on it. He was not extremely hungry like he thought he would be, he was just a little too excited to be hungry, it just didn't feel like the time. Although, Tate did have no idea what a periwinkle was. "What's a periwinkle?" He asked curiously, looking at the older woman he was going to learn to call mother. He had to be his very best, so they wouldn't send him away like others had.

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