You'll pay for this, my stolen kiss.

Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Swinging innocently in the branches of trees in the park was one thing, but plaguing her with memories and guilt was another. For the past three days since Art had met Tohoru he had been all she thought about. That wasn't to say she was thinking good things at all. She had been trying to focus on Jareth, but there was a strange wariness hanging about the whole situation with Tohoru. It wasn't as though they were going to kiss or anything, oh no. But she could not deny the strange misty feelings that he gave her. She was quite suspicious, and resolved to let him no closer. Jareth, on the other hand could come as close to her as he wanted, especially if he was to protect her from feelings about another boy. Artemis wouldn't trust Tohoru as far as she could throw him; granted, that would be a fair distance, but the metaphor still stood.

Art pulled at her patchwork dress awkwardly as she passed through the inner doors of the castle and into the great hall. She was tired of being excluded from wearing the uniform and so had added a smart blue tie to the ensemble, throwing off the raggedy-anne doll look. It was rather sweet but certainly not in fashion. Perhaps she would have taken more care with her outfit that morning, if she knew had known who would stand at the doors of Hogwarts Castle in the very moment she walked by.
Tohoru was standing by the castle doors thinking about if he should go outside our not. It was a nice day yes but since running into Eden and her new boyfriend. He just could not seem to be able to talk himself into going outside to often. Getting ready to just give up on seeing Eden even if she did not know he was watching her. Running his fingers through his hair Tohoru turned on his heel and was getting ready to walk away when he saw Artemis walk by. "Hey there Arty long time no see." Tohoru said in a kind voice. "I was starting to think you where avoiding me or something."
Artemis stopped dead in her tracks at the exact moment that she spotted Tohoru. Unfortunately for her, he noticed her as well and there was nowhere to hide, nor should there have been any need to. Art was still nervous but she managed to hold herself steady as she came to a polite stop beside Tohoru.
"Oh, there 'ye are," she smiled, her cheeks glowing with false contentment. "I've been lookin' for 'ye." Another lie. But what else what she to say, 'I'm avoiding you like the plague because you give me butterflies in my stomach'? Never. She was polite, pleasant and guarded, with her cheeks bright red from embarrassment.

"I don't think we have many classes together," she explained as if it made everything alright. "But it's nice to see 'ye again." At that moment, a thought occurred to her and she couldn't help but exploit it. Why there, now? It was a silly decision, but she hadn't been able to help herself.
"I...I don't think 'ye ever told me if 'ye had a sweetheart or not. Out of curiosity, y'know." she said, trying not to look too interested and keeping her eyes downcast.
Tohoru could see Artemis all but stumble over her words. She was lying to him, not that he really cared about that it just made what he was planig on doing after a time ever eaiser than it first started out to be. "I sure have missed you. I was wondering when you would be able to help me fix a shirt that I ripped this morning trying to get dressed. The dress you are wearing. Did you make it yourself? It looks very nice on you." Tohoru looked deep into Artemis's eyes.

"I'm taking all the classes this year if you remember right we have a few classes together." Tohoru was enjoying this to much. He could not help that he was becoming more and more Koshiba like with each passing day with out Eden there to remind him that there was in fact a reason for him to care. "I don't have a sweetheart. Well not anymore. She broke up with me to run after this seventh year I think his name is Chase or something like that." Tohoru looked down at the floor that was a bold face lie he was telling but there was no way for her to know this.
He ... he missed her? Wh-... that's so ...sweet! exclaimed Artemis inwardly, her mouth opening into a little 'o'. Her heart was fluttering, which she knew was an extremely bad sign. Oh Art, stop being so romantic! You know what happens when you go all gooey like this! She knew too well, indeed. As a little girl she'd only ever liked one other person. It was a fellow student at her muggle kindergarten, and he had been nice enough to give her a flower before stealing all of her sweets. It was just an innocent childhood story, but goblins had long memories and Art knew just how she was likely to react to pretty words. "I ... sure. No problem. Rips and tears, simple." she managed, her eyelids fluttering a bit as she tried to clear her head. It didn't occur to her that Tohoru could have just used Reparo. "Thank 'ye," blushed Art when he told her that she looked nice. She turned her face away from his eyes shyly.

Now it just seemed as though she had been caught out in a very obvious fib, and her nose wrinkled slightly with displeasure. He was a little too suave in that for her liking, and she scrambled around mentally for her gooey-eye shield. Once again, she was thrown off when he spoke about not having a special someone. Well waddaya gonna do, snog him 'cause of it? Hardly. her mind told her snidely. Then she recognised a name which blew everything out of the water. "Wait ... Chase? Eden? You mean third-year-Slytherin Eden? With Chase?". Artemis' eyes flashed darkly and her entire demeanor changed to one of abject hostility. Her eyes sharpened, and the effect was unnerving. "I'll be having a word with Chase." Artemis had been sufficiently distracted. For now ...
Tohoru smiled softly at Artemis. "Your very sweet for helping me. It would be great to learn a very usefull from such a nice girl as yourself." Tohoru spoke softly making it seem like there was a great sadness in his voice. "No thank you for being such a good friend." Reaching into his pocket Tohoru pulled out small butterbeer candies. "Would you like one? My mom mailed me these just this morning she knows they are my fav."

Watching the way her face changed when she realized that she had been caught in a lie Tohoru did not press it. He would act like he noticed nothing and act like he had not done that on purpose. Letting his face look sad when she mentioned Eden and Chase. "Yes the very same Eden and Chase. She met him and they kissed and she came to me and confessed what she had done and broke up with me to be with him. A few hours later they where caught in the North Tower by Professor Styx and our headmistress. I dont know all the details but he got her into a lot of trouble. I miss her so much. I did love her with my whole heart." Tohoru did not have to fake the tears that had started to buid in his eyes. Letting them free Tohoru felt the first one start the path down his cheek.
G...Good friend? mumbled Art in her mind. I doubt anyone's ever called me that before. Alex, Shalamar, maybe ... but I didn't think ... she patted her red cheeks, trying to cool them off as she shuffled from foot to foot. Tohoru really was the nicest thing. Suddenly Tohoru pulled out a few candies and offered her one. Art wasn't a sweet tooth, but the gesture was too nice to pass off and she took one politely. Art grinned at him, her head tilting to one side as she did. "Thank 'ye!"

Soon she was overwhelmed with anger at Chase and empathy for Tohoru. Truly, she had been quite sucked in by what he had said and almost completely forgot that Chase was one of her best friends. But then, she had also neglected to account for the fact that she thought Eden was an untrustworthy person who wasn't worth the fuss she was putting the two boys through. Tohoru was upset about losing her and Artemis had been moved by it. Her wide hazel eyes only went wider when her 'friend' did not hold back those few tears. The look on her face may have been even more tragic, if only because it was so animated. Perhaps the boy would feel bad, knowing now how much she cared for him.

Without hesitation she moved forward and wrapped her little arms around his waist comfortingly. Artemis was well known for being one of the most huggable people alive, for she hugged with her whole body and with such joy and empathy that the other person could practically feel it running through to them. She pressed her cheek against his stomach (which was the highest place she could reach) and hugged him softly.
Tohoru felt as Artemis hugged her. Placing his arms around her he hugged her back. Slowly letting her go Tohoru gently took her hands in his and spoke softly. "Thank you for being such a sweet and wonderful person." Just as softly Tohoru bent down and gently pressed his lips to Artemis's.
When Tohoru took her hands, she couldn't help the little thrill that ran through her. Despite its tingles, it was a sick feeling born of her treacherous feelings and her guilt. I don't want to be happy when he hugs me, said her mind in despair. I don't want to feel as though I am being used. Artemis closed her eyes and tried to turn her face away again,which she felt was her only shield against him, but Tohoru spoke and pulled her glowing hazel eyes back to him again. Art was shocked; since when was she a 'sweet' and 'wonderful' person? As far as most people knew, she was a mad little squirrel who hurt those that called her names. She had rare outpourings of kindness when with her closest friends and she could be her true self, but how ... how could Tohoru say such things when he was so upset? She didn't deserve the compliments, Art believed.

"Oh, I-" began Art ... but it was too late. She had not foreseen his next action that literally took her breath away. For the first time in her entire life, she was being kissed by someone who was not Jareth. Artemis fell under the tide of shock and happiness, and leaned up to enjoy what was being offered. But inside ... inside she cried. Jareth! Jareth please come and get me. I want to go home, I want to be with you. Help me!
Jareth had been on his way to the Great Hall, humming a merry tune for once, a smile on his face.
He wore a white shirt with loose sleeves, a small, black waistcoat, a pair of black trousers and some sharp black shoes.
He had wanted to tell Artemis about some good news- He had discovered that his grandfather- a goblin- was still alive.
But Jareth's cheerful was soon to drop as his eyes saw something to make him jealous, then something to anger him;
Some boy and Artemis- some boy and the girl he loved were hugging.
Don't be jealous, he thought to himself, Arty is just a very friendly person.. But then he saw something that bolted him to the ground with anger, his heart filled with a poisonous venom for the boy he now saw kissing his fiance.

Jareth stormed towards Artemis and the boy, unable to contain himself and not having his wand present, he pulled Artemis from the boy.
He may have been short but his fists were strong. And Jareth, his anger now uncontrollable, his eyes filled with fire, swung his tight fist directly at the boy's face, smacking against him.
"You absolute bastard!" He screamed in the boys face. And then he swung his fists at the boy's stomach.
Tohoru could believe that he was doing this. He was kissing this girl and she was not pulling away. Before Tohoru could pull her closer. She was being dragged away from him. Looking down he saw a very pissed off part goblin first year. Moving his head out of the way as he went to hit him in the face. Tohoru started laughing as the boy called him a bastard. Stepping back so to not get hit in the stomach. Pulling out his wand Tohoru pointed it at the boy and said. "Petrificus Totalus." Turning to Artemis, Tohoru pointed to the boy. "You mind explaining this? What is your little brother doing attacking me? Has he never seen a boy who fancy's his sister kiss her before? Or is there you would like to tell me before I release him from my spell." Tohoru was angry with how this was going. He had almost forgot about Eden for a second and this child had come and ruined it for him. If someone did not start explaining what was going on there was going to be hell to pay.
The spell had not worked fully and though Jareth froze and fell to the floor, his eyes could still move and he could still speak.
"She is not my sister!" he shouted, the anger tearing through him, "She is my fiance and you keep your filthy hands off her! I'll kill you!"
Fire was brewing up inside Jareth; there was nothing he wanted more than to kill this boy.
But for the time being, Jareth could only use his acid tongue.
He began swearing loudly. "You will pay for what you have done!"
Tohoru looked down at the boy. "Wait you mean to tell me that you and her are to be married? Well this is news to me. If I had known I so would not have done this. No no I would have kissed her in front of everybody so that they all would know that you can't keep her happy if she is letting me hold her and kiss her." Tohoru laughed. "This is to much. You think that I will pay for what I have done? But what about you? You must pay as well. If your girl is letting me kiss her than that must say something about you. Does it not? I think it says that you do not treat her like she should be treated and so she went and fall for the first boy who bought her a drink and called her pretty." Tohoru stood there looking at the boy not even looking at Arty who was just standing there in shook about getting caught he guesses. "Well do you have anything to say to that? Or can I let you up so I can be on my way I have a few more girls on my list that I would like to kiss today and this is taking up more time than it really should be."
Tohoru was right about one thing; she was standing there in shock, her mouth slightly open and her eyes as wide as saucers. One moment she was kissing him but calling internally for her sweetheart, the next he was there and she went sprawling to the floor as he pushed her aside to defend her honour. Or at least, what was left of it. Complete and utter mortification beyond anything she had ever felt before in her life swept through her as she watched Jareth hitting Tohoru, being hit with a spell and his angry curses and shouts. Her eyes filled with tears that did not fall and her bottom lip trembled as she removed herself from the floor and stood well back. Perhaps she would have waited till it was over, but there were some things said that did not sit well with her at all.

Finally having the wit to move, Art pulled out her wand and pointed it at Jareth firmly. "Finite Incantatem," she said, watching carefully to see if the spell flew true. Even if it did, there was no way she was letting such an angry goblin boy loose on what she had considered to be a friend, and swept Jareth up behind her and locked her arms backwards around his waist. She did not look, could not look at him, so she focused on Tohoru.

said Artemis, holding on tightly to what was probably her furiously thrashing fiance. "I hadn't seen a need to tell 'ye about Jareth yet, 'cause I was under the impression that we were friends." She would not let him see how hurt she was. She wouldn't! "For kissing 'ye back, the fault is mine. But 'ye..." she paused, shaking her head in shock and outrage. "What was this about 'other girls', hm? Having' a snog with a whole lot of hapless victims is not going 'ta help 'ye forget Eden, because in the end she'll still be with Chase and they're going 'ta live happily ever after, with or without 'ye." she said firmly, her shame-filled eyes now growing sharper. "And after all this, I'll still consider 'ye my friend. Someone I gotta watch out fer. It's the least I can do, 'cause if I see any more scenes like this or with sobbin' girls, 'ye can bet which direction I'll be headed in." she jabbed her wand in the air at him, her eyes narrowing into slits.
Artemis freed Jareth from the spell but he was immediately forced behind her.
At first, Jareth struggled to try and escape, his anger filling him, bursting from it.
As he began to give up the struggle, he swore and listened to what Artemis was saying.

Jareth decided to call out "Yeah, and if I ever catch you lip-wrestling my fiance again then I'll stick my wand straight up your-"
Fortunately, Jareth choked on his tongue at this point and the words were lost.
But he still managed to conjure up a few choice swearwords to throw at Tohoru.
Tohoru watched as Arty freed the boy. "I can do whatever I please to try and push Eden's memory from my mind. Never forget she did me wrong and that boy is dragging her down the wrong path. That I know for a fact. Because when she was with me she was in her common room at night not kissing a seventh year in a place she has not reason to be in the middle of the night." Tohoru pushed her wand out of his face. Turning to the boy Tohoru said. "If you had kept your fiance happy than maybe she would not have kissed me. Think on that one. You have nothing to worry about I will never kiss her again. Inless she kisses me first than I will be more than happy to continue what I started here today."
Artemis let out a huff of impatience, appalled at how Tohoru was acting. Had he not listened to what she had said? Kissing other girls would not help him to forget, nor would it make Eden love him again. In fact, it wouldn't help in the slightest, except for perhaps ruining a few other girl's lives. "You are a selfish boy," she snapped, unable to contain that last outburst. She couldn't believe how little respect the people involved in this situation were being shown. But she would say no more about it, for the middle of the entrance hall was not the place for a scene.

Unfortunately, Artemis couldn't help but feel that Tohoru was right about Chase and Eden. She hate, hate, hated the fact that they were together. Perhaps it was selfish of her to want her best friend back, but in her mind Eden was corrupting Chase far more than Chase was corrupting her. Artemis bit her lip, unable to retort when she believed that Tohoru was right in that aspect. In some sick way, she wanted to help Tohoru push them away from each other, but she smothered the urge by deciding to keep as far away from the entire situation as possible. Art had more pressing matters to deal with, specifically the matter that was pressing against her back. Jareth ... I'm so sorry, lamented her mind.

Then Art's head snapped up, and she released Jareth from her hold. "Don't ... you ... dare drag any other girls into your pity party. And ... if you ever kiss me again-" Within seconds she was standing in front of him. "This will be the least of your worries!" At this, her tiny fist came swinging out of nowhere and cannoned into Tohoru's stomach at full strength. The impact made a muffled smack against him, and the boy flew several feet in the air before returning to the ground with an unceremonious jolt. Art rubbed her knuckles in satisfaction, then turned to attempt to drag Jareth away before he joined in on her revenge.
Tohoru was not really listening to what was being said until he got punched in the stomach. It did not hurt but it did send him flying. Getting up and strighting his shirt he looked over at her. "You hit like a girl. Just like your little toy." Tohoru called after them as he pushed open the castle doors and walked outside.

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