Swinging innocently in the branches of trees in the park was one thing, but plaguing her with memories and guilt was another. For the past three days since Art had met Tohoru he had been all she thought about. That wasn't to say she was thinking good things at all. She had been trying to focus on Jareth, but there was a strange wariness hanging about the whole situation with Tohoru. It wasn't as though they were going to kiss or anything, oh no. But she could not deny the strange misty feelings that he gave her. She was quite suspicious, and resolved to let him no closer. Jareth, on the other hand could come as close to her as he wanted, especially if he was to protect her from feelings about another boy. Artemis wouldn't trust Tohoru as far as she could throw him; granted, that would be a fair distance, but the metaphor still stood.
Art pulled at her patchwork dress awkwardly as she passed through the inner doors of the castle and into the great hall. She was tired of being excluded from wearing the uniform and so had added a smart blue tie to the ensemble, throwing off the raggedy-anne doll look. It was rather sweet but certainly not in fashion. Perhaps she would have taken more care with her outfit that morning, if she knew had known who would stand at the doors of Hogwarts Castle in the very moment she walked by.
Art pulled at her patchwork dress awkwardly as she passed through the inner doors of the castle and into the great hall. She was tired of being excluded from wearing the uniform and so had added a smart blue tie to the ensemble, throwing off the raggedy-anne doll look. It was rather sweet but certainly not in fashion. Perhaps she would have taken more care with her outfit that morning, if she knew had known who would stand at the doors of Hogwarts Castle in the very moment she walked by.