Open You Should See Me In A Crown

Toby Oikawa

pressured ・ oikawa heir
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
February 27th (12)
Toby had been preening ever since he had seen his name on the Slytherin Quidditch team list. He had been sure someone else would have been picked simply because the team already had a seeker and an alternate. But no, there was his name on the list and he honestly couldn't be happier about it. And, ever since, Toby had been walking around the place with air of self-importance, sticking his chin out at everyone and constantly smirking like he knew something they didn't. Now all he had to do was keep practicing and prove he had deserved his spot on the team.

Which was why he was on the pitch bright and early that morning, at the sort of hour most other normal people would be laying around in bed. But not him, he was not a stranger to putting in the work when it was something he actually cared about. He was sat on the ground, legs spread and slowly stretching forward to reach his toes. He wasn't stupid enough to get right into things without a bit of a warm up. Though he was suddenly aware of a presence on the pitch, lifting his head just enough to try and see who it was, and also work out if he should yell at them to clear off so he could practice in peace.

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