Closed You Move or I Do

Lille Vittori

obliviator • burn the world for you • ruthless
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Lille Vittori had been living in Japan for more than two years now. She had packed up and moved from France to Japan after graduating Beauxbatons, and it was not a decision she had ever regretted. Being away from her family as a whole wasn't weird. Her parents hadn't batted an eyelash when she'd told them of her plans the day before she left and they just bid her goodbye, good luck, and be safe. Being separated from Cal and Vers took some adjustment since she'd been with them her whole life until then, but she eventually got used to it. It had been easier since she was kept busy so soon after getting employed. Apparently, there was no shortage of jobs for people of her skill set considering the advanced technology of muggles these days. Especially in Japan. Lille found little time for herself at first as she adjusted, but that was also when she met Tiz.

Walking hand-in-hand with Tiz tonight, she'd barely realized how time had flown once he'd entered her life. She hadn't even realized they'd been together for eighteen months until he pointed it out. Everything was a blur with him, and she sometimes wondered what it was like for him to be with her. They both had time-consuming careers and had to consistently put in the effort to make time for each other. Lately, she had realized that she was slowly getting tired of that. Of not seeing him for days to weeks at a time that she'd heavily contemplated on them taking the next step. She knew he lived with his cousin, having already met Yukiko several times, while she lived alone. "Hey Tiz," she said breaking her silence as they walked. "Let's move in together."
So much had happened.

Tizi wouldn't have even known where to start with someone who knew most of it let alone with someone who knew none of it. He didn't know how he could ever begin to explain some of the things that had happened in the last several days let alone like ninety percent of his life. He knew he would have to, one day, eventually, explain to Lille what was going on, but the longer he could pretend that nothing was happening the better. He could pretend with Lille because she was so far removed from any of it that it needn't matter. He wasn't going to be able to pretend for ever, especially not after asking him to move in together, which wasn't really something he'd been planning one for today's discussion. Not that he'd really had any topics specifically picked out. "Uhm, okay, but why?" He didn't mind living with Yuki because he didn't see her often anyway, he liked Lille popping over whenever she was able or for him to head over to her place. Was she going to move in with him and Yuki? They didn't have a big enough apartment for that. "I don't know if my bedroom is big enough to fit both of us full time." he said gently.
"I miss you," Lille replied easily. It was probably a silly thing to say since they were currently spending time together but she does. She misses him on days they couldn't see each other because he was busy with Quidditch season and then she would be busy with work. She loved him and she wanted to take the next step and she hoped that he would be up for it too. At the very least he didn't seem against the idea. Mostly, unsure. She could work with unsure. She squeezes his hand, amused. "You can move in with me," she said, bumping shoulders with him. "Or we can get a bigger apartment with Yuki," because did want to give him the option of staying with his cousin. All Lille really wanted was to have more time with Tiz while they tried to balance their lives and careers, and moving in together seemed like the way to achieve that. She wanted to think that they were ready for that and she really didn't want to think of the possibility that he was not.
"I miss you too!" though as he says it he gets the feeling she's not finished, mostly because she keeps looking at him. He wants to spend more time with her too, honestly he does, but if he's being fully honest here he doesn't know how to be alone with people. He's not used to it. He's never been on his own, he was born after Jai, so he always had both Jai and his mum and then when he was at school he had Corey and Yuki as well, then he had various other siblings as the years progressed and then when he graduated her moved in with Yuki pretty much immediately, which had caused his mum a bit of distress, but he's still pretty annoyed with her, so he's trying to not think about her - naturally his mind tends to turn straight to her, because that's how the universe works apparently. "I love Yuki, but I don't really want to live with her for the rest of my life either," he says lightly, frowning slightly to think more on what he really wants. "Where would we go? Would we stay close by?"

@Lille Vittori

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