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Diego Jakeman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Diego "DJ" Jakeman

What he's <I>like
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DJ is a nice boy. He is friendly, he likes abstract people and is a photographer. Now, I haven't been on him in a while so I need to talk to everyone I was roleplaying with as well as new people.

DJ is a kind and caring lad who doesn't like to see people distressed. He is currently living with a girl he met in France, they are not dating and she is heavily pregnant with another mans child. They are very close to each other. DJ could be easily manipulated as he believes in the best of people, plus, he doesn't really appear to be rich or anything (although he is pretty well off).

What he's needing
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<U>Models - They need to have something special about them, something abstract and different. Possibly a strange eye colour, hair colour or a certain style that would attract him.

Flings - There isn't really a specific thing he looks for with flings. Basically she has to think he's good looking and be okay with the thought of a one night stand or just a fling. He will never lead a girl on.

Friends - They have to be slightly odd or fun to fit in with his lifestyle. It doesn't matter if they are male or female.

Final - I am hoping his final will be his friend first. You know the old story, where she's in love with his but he has no idea. Well, my idea is similar, They start off as just friends but they take it in turns liking each other. For example, she might begin to fancy him but, just as she starts thinking she doesn't, he starts liking her. It would take a while for them to get together though. The theory is that one likes the other when they are in a relationship and, I'm going to say around ages 25-30, they start dating properly.

Enemies - Okay, DJ being the type of guy he is, doesn't usually make enemies but, like all people, he has to have a few. He already has one but I think some other people he has managed to annoy would be good for him. The most likely way I can think of would be through a friend, he is very protective of people he likes.

Hoping for replies
Summer x​
I'm a bit confused-what age for models and what type of "style" ?
Hey there.

I have Abby Hayes here if you would like.
Personality said:
Abby is a kind and sensitive person. She likes to have fun and she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Though she is never mean to anyone. She loves to say that she is an only child, even though she loves her brother. Some times he can put people off. She is Smart, and she loves a good conversation. She is also quite athletic as she always has to chase after her brother, she is also used to clumsy people, she lives with two of them and she does not know too much about sport but she does enjoy watching it. She is the kind of person that wont put up with anyone's shiit and she loves to cook. She is quite a good cook.

So yeah just let me know, she could be a final, or she could be a fling, but she isnt really the fling kind of person.
Also the link to her bio is in her siggie for you to read at your own leisure if that is what you wish :)
Timothy Van
"I can make enemies with anyone."

Whadda yah say?
I can offer Belinda Ramos... maybe they can b idk childhood frnds and fall in love later on?
Sara - Their age doesn't really matter, they have to be over seventeen though. Preferably around 20-27 but older/younger people are welcome as well. The style is simply something that is interesting. Nothing that you see everyday. The model he had so far, for example, dresses like this :

Abby - She sounds good. I think they'd make a nice relationship. I can't really see her as his final but I see no reason they couldn't date before hand. Possibly a long term one that simply doesn't last?

Timothy - Alright then. How do you want to make that happen?

Belinda - What's she like??
Shes from Spain and is currently in New York, she's a broadway lead singer, actress.
Sweet, nice, ambitious.
Right then. Well just let me know when you want to have them rp together. And we can work it out from there :)
Me thinks we'd have a little run in. I'd run my mouth, you'd tell back what I'm doing is wrong and such.
Maybe I could be about to kill a street wizard? Then youz stopz me and we go from there.
Well, I have Maia here. She can basically do anything. I don't see them as a final, but I need her to take part in some rp's. So, what do you think? <I haven't got her bio/CD up as I am waiting for her to get a job>

She loves drama, and I am planning to get her taking part in more acting-she's good at it. She grew up in England, holidaying in France and Ireland. As a result of this, she speaks fluent Irish, English and is quite good at French. She loves animals, but is paranoid and can be aggressive. She has a very strong social consience and is very into justice.
She can be easily angered, and has a firey temper. She calms down, and realises her wrongs, but if she is right, she will stick to her guns. She also is a bit insecure, has no siblings and is very,very paranoid (In ways) which I have already mentioned.

So, what do you think?
Well, I have Maia here. She can basically do anything. I don't see them as a final, but I need her to take part in some rp's. So, what do you think? <I haven't got her bio/CD up as I am waiting for her to get a job>

She loves drama, and I am planning to get her taking part in more acting-she's good at it. She grew up in England, holidaying in France and Ireland. As a result of this, she speaks fluent Irish, English and is quite good at French. She loves animals, but is paranoid and can be aggressive. She has a very strong social consience and is very into justice.
She can be easily angered, and has a firey temper. She calms down, and realises her wrongs, but if she is right, she will stick to her guns. She also is a bit insecure, has no siblings and is very,very paranoid (In ways) which I have already mentioned.

So, what do you think?
I have Sawyer Franklin that I could offer up as anything that you would need. She's 19 years old and graduated from Beauxbtons and now lives in New Zealand. I'm still working on her biography, but once I'm done with that then I can post you a link to that so you can see what you'd think. I also have Dominik Marinescu who could be a friend if you wish. He's married and has a new baby at home. He really only has one friend in New Zealand so it might not be a bad idea for him to have some other male friends.
Belinda - She sounds nice. Possibly a fling?

Abby - Okay. I will set one up within the week for them. That okay??

Timothy - That sounds good to me. Can you start this one?

Maia - She sounds good. Can I ask who her playby is?

Sawyer - Who is her playby? She sounds like a good as a friend and, if she has any good pictures, maybe a model.

Dominik - That sounds like a good idea. Maybe they meet through the children as his best friend that lives with him has just had her baby?
Diego Jakeman said:
Abby - Okay. I will set one up within the week for them. That okay??
Yehp that is fine... tell me though, are they already going to have been dating, or shall it start in this thread? Or do they not know eachother?
(Is DJ)

Abby: Shall we say they knew each other from before? Maybe they already had a fling or something or just knew each other, and they start dating in this one?

Maia : I can see her as a friend of his. Maybe a close friend or a friend as a result of a fling. Can you start one please?
Sawyer's playby is Shantel VanSanten. And as for Dominik that would probably be a good way for them to connect. I'll have to get in contact with my Mini-Me who is the brains behind Rhyspa, Dom's wifey, and see if she would like to get in on some RP time with this as well since she's on break from school :)
Benson Kalforovich said:
Abby: Shall we say they knew each other from before? Maybe they already had a fling or something or just knew each other, and they start dating in this one?
Yeah that works for me, either of them :)
Abby: I'll go with the fling one, should be able to post you a link today :)

Maia: Thank you, I will reply now :)

Sawyer: Her playby doesn't have the kind of pictures he takes so I think it would just be friends for now. Do you want to start one or shall I?

Dominik: Sounds good. I'll have Noemi in the first one as well (it is her kid after all :p). Do you want me to start one or do you want to?
Diego Jakeman said:
Abby: I'll go with the fling one, should be able to post you a link today :)
Awesome ^_^
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