You know you want to look ;)

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Adrian Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
So this is Adrian, Rileys big brother although they havnt met yet. Adrian knows that he is adopted and knows that his real Family live in New Zealand. he moved there to be able to start a new life and to also meet his family out of curiosity. He wants to be successful in life and has pinned his options on either the ministry or Professional Quidditch as he used to play for his school. He knows that he can do well with his grades and good work traits because his parents raised him strict and taught him constant life and work skills.

So a bit about his personality. He is a nice guy on the whole really. He is very level headed and thoughtful. He likes to think things through before acting them out, even if its only planned for a few minutes he doesnt like to do things out of the moment sort of thing. He is mature and like to help people who have problems in their life. he is good with giving advise and like to give it out as much as possible as he likes to help people. He can be stubborn from time to time when he knows that he is right but usually he is very laid back and open to other people's thoughts. Adrian is also a very determined kind of guy. When he sets his mind on something he wont stop until he gets it. This goes for a work issue or just a personal goal. Being part Veela also he gets a lot of attention from girls which although he likes a lot of the time he doesnt like the fact that he gets so much unwanted attention. He doesn't like it because it had caused him a lot of problems in past relationship so he just tries to ignore it now and try to blend in. he doesn't usually use his charms to people but now and then he will do it to get what he wants but not on huge proportions.

So what im looking for him really is friends, enemies, girls to have a crush on him. Just anything really as he just needs developing more so i can get to know his characters more. As he already has a final coming up im not looking for him to date anyone.
Hello there my dear.

I have (well, I will soon) an 18 year old called Persephone who is very flirty and, with his Veela traits, would be very flirty towards him.
If you want drama for him she also has two older brothers who really don't like the thought of anyone so much as touching her and they aren't afraid to go back to jail.

Teehee. That sounds like a good plan, poor Adrian though getting all threatened for it xD when do you want to do the plot?
Ummm, well we'd have to wait for me to make her :p.

I will finish off what I have for tonight and start one when I can yeah?
Yeah sure sounds good to me. Once you have made it just pm the link :)
I have Maia Purdue-terribly undeveloped, but she is basically me. Argumentative, passionate, loves drama etc. Would be a friend as she has a boyfriend (coming up)

I also have, and this could be a very strange plot. Sara here-better developed. Now bit weird huh-eleven year old- plotting with a twenty year-old. HERE's the catch. She is an old family friend of Michael Glass-he is like a big brother to her. she recently was told by her sister what happened with Michael. She would HATE Adrians guts, which could be interesting, as she is a shild, and will have no problem telling himwhat she thinks of him. hehe (I'm evil) Well, Sara isn't evil, she's nice, but is capable of hate.
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