
Lestat Styx

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Lestat Styx had a few things on his mind, but majority had to do with his best friend, Zared Katsaros. Where was Zared going a lot of the days? Lestat had been so caught up with Agrippina that he had, shamefully, neglected his best, and likely only, friend. Lestat needed to fix this and fix it now. There were some things that Lestat felt were off. Elysia had been spending a lot of time in the prefects common room, around the same time that Zared did. He thought that the two hated each other with a passion, so were they dueling in there? Was that why Zared often had his hair messy afterward? Nothing else really ran through his head. Although, maybe the prefect's hair was always that messy. Lestat never really noticed hair anyway. It was not his thing. So, after a bit a thought, Lestat sent a note out via a frankie first year, to have Zared meet up with him. All it took was a scary face and the kid did what he wanted.

The sixth year leaned against the cool, dungeons walls and pursed his lips together. Lestat needed to know what was going on, and he had a feeling that it had to do with his sister being a little on the distant side as of lately. The two barely spoke for a year now. Why? Elysia was hiding something, and there was something wrong with Zared. Could it be...? Lestat shoved his hands into the pockets of his robes, and closed his silver eyes. No. It couldn't be. It just could not be true! Were his best friend...and his twin sister... were they involved romantically? If so, why was this all a secret? Was it because of him? Or did they hate each other so much, they had to leave Lestat in the dark? Lestat groaned as he pondered and pondered.
Ever since he had started seeing Elysia, Zared had been somewhat avoiding his best friend Lestat, and it was purely because he was daunting his best friend’s twin, but as his feelings for her grew to the point when he knew that he loved her, that spending a moment with anyone else seemed rather stupid, but eventually he realised he would have to tell him, he would need to tell the other weird kid brother of Elysia, and at the very least if he was very serious about her, he might need to talk to Professor Styx. Though the boy was unsure about the direct relation behind them, he didn’t want to go into anything and have a chief Styx be annoyed at him. Even if, he figured that Elysia could stare the man down into letting them be together. He had been keeping it a secret but, now he felt it was time to tell him, however seeing him in the dungeons didn’t feel like the right time, but he’d literally just come from seeing her so perhaps while his courage was high he could talk to him and tell him about it.

He’d been sent to him from a note from a first year, perhaps that did mean the other boy knew about what was happening. Zared approached him, he stayed silent, his gaze remaining on him, ”Gotta talk,” the boy muttered quietly, knowing there was little avoiding it now, Lestat would be annoyed if he did, and Zared didn’t have the patience to deal with his anger. He didn’t know whether to come out and say it, or to just let Lestat accuse him of it. The latter seemed easier to him so he waited, keeping his gaze on him. Maybe Lestat wouldn’t mind so much about it, maybe he would be happy for them. The boy hadn’t imagined that Lestat and Elysia were that close but he couldn’t imagine the feeling of a best friend being with any sibling of his. If he didn’t punch him or kill then this would a victory.
Lestat finally laid his eyes on the best friend, his only male one besides his girlfriend. His silvery eyes narrowed toward the prefect as he said two words, muttering it. “Gotta talk, huh,” mocked the Slytherin, before he pointed his finger toward Zared. “You have been spending a lot of time with my sister, and you two hated each other. What the hell is going on? She’s been acting strange. I swear to Merlin, if you have been hurting her…” Lestat faded off, not really knowing what else to expect from the two of them besides pain and despair. That was how enemies worked. Lestat had a fair share, but he did not go out of his way to spend time with them. He avoided people for the most part. He did not care about many, and it was evident with how he was treating others than his close circle, which had very little people to begin with. Lestat was annoyed and heated up, even though he did not know the truth. That is, until it dawned on him. “Wait. Do you two like each other?” Lestat asked with an incredible look on his face. Surely, that was not it. Was it?

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