Open You Have a Rose Potter!

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Open After. Yellow Rose for @Jemma Potter
The surname had peaked her curiousity slightly, but she'd been told that she had to be quick to catch the next. Cyzarine was rushing through the grounds towards the older girl with a broom who was clearly heading towards the quidditch pitch. The young gryffindor was able to catch up easily, since she was running and the girl she was chasing was just walking, "Are you Jemma Potter?" she asked, taking deep gulps of air, Cyzarine was active enough but a moment of intense running would hard for anyone, not just her.
Jemma practically lived at the Quidditch Pitch when she had any free time at all. Today, she had no classes and she wanted to escape the news of her grandmother and Professor Styx getting engaged at the Valentine's dance. Jemma was surprised as a girl, out of breath, stopped her and asked for her name. The redhead nodded in response to the question. "Yeah, I am. Can I help you?" she asked, curiously.
Cyzarine smiled easily at the other girl, pretty pleased that this person was the right one that she had been looking for. "I have a rose for you!" Cyzarine told her with a happy smile, pulling out the yellow rose from her basket and holding it out to the other girl. "It comes with this note," she took the note and held it with the flower out to the girl. A wide and happy expression written on the young girl's features.

Meet me in the dungeon later. I've gotta show you this cool room I found!

Jemma looked curiously at the yellow rose and the note that younger girl handed to her. "Oh thanks! I didn't expect to get any roses today." she said with a smile as she opened the note. The note made her grin larger as it was from Jake, asking her to meet him later. Of course she would. Jemma was already dying to find out what it was Jake wanted to show her. Jemma looked back at the other girl. "I hope you get a few yourself since you are doing all the hard work delivering them."
Cyzarine grinned, "That's good that you got one, everyone deserves a rose," the girl knew it might be a bit impossible to give everyone a rose but she wanted to do that maybe some time in the future, ensuring that no student went without a rose on this day. "Thanks Jemma!" she grinned at the girl's kind words, "I've already got one, so that's more than enough," Cyzarine told her, she took a small step back from the girl, "Okay, I'll leave you to it! have a magical day Jemma!" Cyzarine giggled lightly before skipping happily away from her in search of the next person she needed to find.

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