Alternate RP You Are My Sunshine (Continued)

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Responding to this here so it doesn't break the timeline, continuation of this roleplay.

Surprises were one of Archie's favorite things, the unexpected air and promise of a gift or new experience always causing his heart to flutter and butterflies to form in his stomach. This was particularly the case when Asher promised not just one surprise, but plural surprises because even before their date night began Archie knew he would find himself entirely spoiled rotten and in the best way. Whether the surprises were gifts or a fun activity planned for their date was beside the point as Archie knew regardless of what the surprises were, Asher always knew how to make him feel special and happy and he was sure that night would be no different to every other night they had spent together as boyfriends. "Of course I'm ready. Let's go. Show me the surprises already." Archie answered, becoming slightly restless and impatient as he wondered what Asher had in store for their date. As much as Archie loved surprises he hated waiting to find out what they were and this caused him to squeeze Asher's hand in his slightly in a silent prompting for them to hurry up and leave so they could get the night started.​
-godmods approved-

Asher chuckled. "Close your eyes," He prompted before he pulled Archie in close, apparating them to the front door of the cabin he'd rented for the weekend. Asher had been by already, setting it up- candles everywhere, a fire going in the fireplace, rose petals scattered all over the room and floating through the air. He'd made sure to have the plushest couch he could get, almost too full of little pillows and a throw blanket, a bucket of ice with champagne and a bowl of chocolate dipped strawberries waiting on the nightstand by end of the couch. He sent their bags to the bedroom, slipping in behind Archie, turning him to face the room and sliding his hands over the mans shoulders. "Open them," He whispered in Archie's ear, keeping close.
Archie closed his eyes when prompted, frowning inwardly as he tried to ignore the swirling disorientation of apparation when it began, and no sooner letting out a relived sigh when he felt his feet were once again planted on solid ground. The air felt different where Archie stood, but with his eyes closed of course he couldn't put his finger on the reason why, could only stand idly and allow Asher to lead him to one of what Archie assumed would be many surprises for that evening. Archie felt his heart swell and butterflies form in his stomach in anticipation of what Asher would be surprising him with, the feeling causing him to fidget slightly in place before Asher finally told him to open his eyes. As Archie did, the butterflies in his tummy began to soften as he smiled, the image of a cabin decorated just for him - for them and their date night being one he could only compare to his dreams. The rose petals, the cosy blankets and cushions, it was unbelievable and exactly everything Archie could have wanted. He couldn't imagine a better setting to simply be and spend time with Asher while temporarily distanced from their responsibilities as parents.

Archie moved one of his hands to Asher's on his shoulder. "I love it so much." He said, his voice faltering slightly in a wisp of emotion. "Thank you." He added, not a moment later stepping forward to the end table by the sofa and picking up one of the chocolate covered strawberries. He took a bite from it and chewed, looking back to Asher and smiling before remembering he was eating and wiping some of the chocolate from his mouth. "Where do we start? Do you want to cuddle on the sofa for a bit?" He asked softly with his hand covering his mouth as he ate, a question more to himself than Asher. He had to admit the chance to melt into a comfortable sofa and breathe with the feeling of home with Asher next to him was all he really wanted, all he could ever want when they had the chance to spend time together.​
Asher chuckled, slipping his jacket off and hanging it by the door. He ran a hand through his hair, walking over to fall onto the couch, wrapping a blanket around himself and holding it open in an invitation for Archie to come into his side. "You know I'm happy as long as I'm with you," He murmured. He couldn't help but stare at Archie, adoration and love swelling in his chest. He hoped this weekend went well, that Archie said yes. Asher found it a little hard to remember how hard it had been to get to this point- all the doubt, the sleepless nights, the longing and the aching. But he was glad he was here, in the end. He couldn't imagine a day without Archie in it somehow, couldn't imagine his life or his heart without this amazing ray of sunshine.
The elaborate and romantic gesture of the cabin and date night aside, all Archie really wanted was just to be near Asher, to feel calm and grounded and make the most of the quietness they had together while they could. All before they returned to the regular chaos that was their lives between Asher's career and raising a toddler. As the months passed it almost seemed impossible in the midst of everything they had to find time to spend together, but Archie was glad they still managed to do so, that they cared enough about each other and their relationship to make the effort to schedule quality time even if it sometimes meant stealing kisses in fleeting moments. Archie of course knew that evening wasn't a fleeting moment and did not need any invitation nor further excuse to join Asher on the sofa and be close with him, smiling to himself as he sat next to the man and snuggled in, resting his head gently on Asher's chest. He sighed softly and closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax while listening to the cozy cracking of the fire place.

Archie wasn't keeping track of the time but knew it had been a little while before he opened his eyes again, shifting to look up to Asher affectionately. "This is amazing, thank you for this." He uttered, soon reluctantly shifting to sit up and stretch his arms above his head. He turned to face Asher a little more, reaching over him to pick up the champagne bottle and pouring each of them a glass. Archie then picked up one of the glasses for himself and raised it in an unspoken cheers. "I'm glad to be with you tonight, and every night." He said before sipping, and resting his side into the sofa and his arm on the back of it, using his free hand to prop up his head as he gazed at Asher. "How have you been feeling lately?" Archie asked, realizing they hadn't really had too much time recently to talk about how they were and how they felt and hadn't found the opportunity of the calm in the middle of the storm that was their lives to really open up about their feelings since their last date night. Archie both wanted to make up for the time lost and simultaneously wanted to make the time they had together worth the wait, for them to have the chance to talk about how they had truly been.​
Asher fell into a comfortable silence with Archie, rubbing his hand in slow, mindless patterns against Archie's arm. This was nice- the soft peacefulness of the crackling fire, Archie's warmth and weight against him. Asher was half dozing, just content and happy where he was, when he felt the man shift. Asher yawned a bit and gave his love an affectionate smile, turning to look at him as Archie sat up a bit more. He took the offered glass and clinking it against Archie's. He sipped his drink, sitting up a bit himself. He was glad they'd cuddled a bit, it made everything else feel so much easier for him. "Actually, I have had something on my mind," He started, choosing his words for a moment before shifting.

"Come here," He tried to guide Archie to sit more on the edge of the couch, before sinking down to one knee in front of the man, keeping Archie's hands in his. "Archie baby," He started, speaking slowly. "I never thought anyone could really love me, or want to keep me around for anything serious," He chuckled, bringing Archie's hands up to kiss the back of them. "I've never felt so whole in all my life, so loved or welcomed or warm. You are my home, sunshine, my heart and soul. I cannot imagine my life without you in my arms, by my side." Ash had rubbed his thumb over Archie's knuckles, but he withdrew his hands now, taking the box out of his pocket. He held it open, showing Archie the ring and giving him an almost bashful smile.

"Archie Renner... I love you with every fibre of my being. I can't imagine a moment of my life without you in it. Sunshine, will you marry me?"
Asher revealing he had something on his mind caused Archie smile gently, humming quietly to show he was listening and sipping from his champagne as he watched Asher intently. The sound of the fire and feeling of contentedness in Archie's chest were everything he could have wished for and something he wanted to hold onto when they left, though it was a feeling he realised was quickly fading as he watched Asher shift away from the sofa and Archie shifted in turn as his heart began to sink. He worried in that moment what Asher had on his mind and if Asher had been feeling unsettled; if he had been distanced or troubled in some aspect of their life and Archie had been too caught up in everything else and making it through each day to truly notice. Archie reached to place his champagne glass down on the end table and allowed Asher to hold his hands while trying his best to understand what was unfolding in front of him, nodding and keeping his eyes on Asher as he listened to the man's words.

As Archie listened he began to feel his heart swell all over again and butterflies resume their fluttering in his tummy as he realised he had nothing to worry about. It made sense then to Archie that Asher had been unsettled, not with anything in their life but instead with his preoccupation with the proposal he would be making. The proposal that caused Archie's jaw to drop as Asher revealed the ring he had chosen and finally uttered the question. Archie felt tears form in his eyes from happiness as he nodded, his actions revealing his thoughts and answer before his words were able to. "Oh my god, yes!" He managed to say after a few moments of taking in the sight of the ring, of his mind processing the reality in front of him he hadn't considered until that very moment. Asher was his person, and he had been for so many years. His person who he couldn't imagine raising a child without, couldn't imagine spending his life without. The person he imagined he would grow old with but simultaneously hadn't thought he would marry. Only in the sense he already thought they were one enough in heart and mind that they were already married and he hadn't considered wanting anything more. He realised now that in loving Asher with his entire heart marriage was everything he could have wanted and the perfect way to represent his commitment to Asher in every way he already was.

Archie shifted to kneel on the ground with Asher, leaning forward to kiss him gently and lifting his left hand away from Asher's, so Asher could slide the ring onto his left ring finger. "It's the left hand, right? Or is it right?" Archie asked gently, feeling a tear fall down his face at how happy he was. He moved his other hand to wipe the tear away as another fell. "I love you." He said softly, sniffling gently as he tried to keep himself together. He was so happy and overwhelmed he was finding it hard not to cry hysterically.​
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Asher didn't realize he'd been holding his breath in that few moments of silence, until Archie finally spoke and the breath escaped him. He let out a happy laugh, feelinh his heart swell as Archie agreed, and he slid the ring onto Archie's left hand. "It's the left, traditionally, people used to believe the left ring finger had a vein directly to the heart." He brought the mans hand up and kissed the ring on his finger, before pulling Archie into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I love you too, Archie baby," He whispered, a hand moving into the mans hair and holding him tightly.

"Always and forever." He promised, leaning his head against the mans, cheek against Archie's soft hair. Asher couldn't help but smile widely. He'd never let himself believe in marriage, or happily ever afters, but that was before he'd met Archie Renner, and the man had turned his entire world upside down. Asher couldn't wait to start their lives together, to write their stories and sing their songs. He kissed the mans temple. Forever sounded perfect to him.

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