You Are A What?!

Vincent Chevalier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 15 1/2" Unyielding Redwood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Not too long after his marriage, Alyssa was back in school and Vincent had the house to himself. Though Vincent decided that on a day off of work, he should meet up with his new brother-in-law and see what was going on. He owled Xavier to meet him in a park in Lorraine, France called Un Jardin dans le Saintois. It was spacious and quite nice out though it was snowing. Vincent did not think it was that cold since he was used to this weather growing up. He was bundled up and he could not feel the nippy gusts of wind that begged to send some shivers down spinal cords. Vincent knew better than that. Plus, he had a small spell working on his jacket that way he can stay warm. It worked to his amazement. Vincent glanced around the park, but he could not help but admire the wedding band on his ring finger. He was married to the one that captured his heart from day one. He was in love with her. Alyssa was now in school and he had nothing to worry about. After the honeymoon, he thought that there was no memory in his life that could top that. Nothing in this world could make him feel prouder than he felt when he went on his honeymoon. It made him want to have another, it was that grand.

Let's say that he had gotten better at what he did when it came to intercourse. Vincent did not know where he got that drive from, because it was not from his father. Vincent just could not wait until Alyssa graduated so that he did not have to wait for long. He wanted to be at her graduation. She would be graduating as Alyssa Chevalier. That alone was something incredible. He smiled faintly in the sky and he wondered where Xavier was at, and if he would have a hang over or something. They needed some quality brother-brother time. They seemed like brothers and now through marriage he was his brother. It was so great, Vincent could do cartwheels. Though if he tried that, he would end up breaking his back. The Auror's crystal blue eyes gazed up at the cloudy sky as flurries slowly started to fall. There were no muggles around, and Vincent had cast a spell just moments ago to make sure that muggles were to avoid this area. He was not to sure on what he thought about muggles. He did not like them nor did he dislike them. They were people, just like him, but they freaked out over the littlest things. It was rather ridiculous actually. Vincent did actually gain some amusement from them though, because they had some of the neatest inventions. Despite of that, Vincent still had no idea about a rubber duck.
Sometimes Xavier had to wonder if the world was picking on him. Ever since he transfered away from Beauxbatons and to Hogwarts in the summer of his Seventh year, things had been going badly for him. In his opinion it was all her fault too. Trilby Kiedis was the one who had done this to him and he was sure of it. Ever since she messed with his emotions and played with his heart he had been in this situation and it was only getting worse and worse. He was moody all the time now for starters. People would be snapped at for the smallest reasons these days and it wasn't like he meant to but he was angry all the time now. He had also begun yo care less and less about Quidditch and girls which used to be his ultimate pastime. It was rare to ever see Xavier not playing Quidditch and not with a girl, but honestly these days he was just not into anything. The way she had hurt him just sucked the carefree Xavier right out of the world. He wanted to say he hated her for doing this to him. That he didn't deserve any of it but it wasn't like he had never done anything wrong that would lead up to this. He just didn't understand why this was happening to him and why he wasn't getting any better. He had even gotten bad to the point where his family was considering him to be a budding alcoholic or something. Mostly because Xavier indulged in many drinks at one time and never really seemed to mind getting drunk to the point where his hangovers were murder the next morning. Xavier wasn't what was going to help anymore because he's tried everything, and it wasn't even that he cared for or missed Trilby because that wasn't it. His family had been able to do little to help him out. And now he had a bigger problem on his hands to deal with. So this is why he had asked to see Vincent, he figured out of anyone he could maybe help.

Apparating to Un Jardin dans le Saintois, a familiar park that he had been to a few times, he looked around for Vincent. And it honestly wasn't very hard to find him. It didn't take Xavier long to spot him either. Xavier ran a few fingers through his hair before he headed towards his best friend and how his brother-in-law, thanks to the small that that he was now married to Xavier's little sister. "You certainly look happy today. I figured you'd be all down in the dumps with Alyssa being back in school. Hey." Xavier greeted half-jokingly as he approached the man. His blue eyes were cold and not full of life like usual. But he still had a soft smile on his face. He wasn't completely void yet. Things in his life were just strange right now. His sister was even changing. Hopefully Vincent could take the news he had lightly and not kill him or anything, because Xavier was pretty sure his mother could do that for him.
Vincent turned his head to see his good friend, no, best friend Xavier approach him. He was now his brother-in-law and that alone was a hard thing to grasp fully and completely. Vincent laughed at what he said, not really noticing the difference in his best friend right now due to his own blind abyss, “Nah, it is only for a little while so I am happy that the marriage did not cause her to want to drop out of school.” That was when Vincent noticed it. The unhappiness and cold. What was going on with Xavier. Vincent’s happiness faded from his face and became one of complete concern. He narrowed his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets. He would figure out what was wrong with Xavier. How much he would pay right now just to have the power to read minds to avert from asking. Vincent wondered where all the life in his eyes went to, and wondered if the man was just facing reality or something. Vincent stared at his brother in the eyes and he asked, “Okay, there is something wrong, I can see it. Spill.” Vincent was being utterly serious, and hoped that nothing drastically wrong was up. He also hoped that he could help Xavier in some ways. He was only human and would have to do what he knew was best. Which he did not know what that was anyhow. Vincent just had to roll with the flow, and work with what he had. Which was…lifeless eyes.
OOCOut of Character:
Vincent doesn't want me to work with him today. :tut:
Xavier agreed that Vincent had a point when he said that it was only for a little while so it wasn't like he had much to be bummed about with Alyssa being gone at school. Alyssa didn't seem like the type to drop out of school no matter what she had done. Xavier knew that she really wanted to become a Healer and have an actual job to support her and her family with. "I've never seen a couple as lovey dovey as you two. What are you doing to keep yourself busy while she's gone?" Xavier realized that this probably sounded a little perverted or something but he meant well. He was only asking what his friend was up to without Alyssa, like maybe work or spending time with his father and such. Okay maybe he did mean to use it in that sort of way but he guessed that Vincent and his peppy attitude wouldn't pick it up. Xavier had to admit that his friend was probably too in love but there wasn't much he would do about it. It made his sister and his best friend happy, just by the way their eyes lit up he could tell they were happy with one another. Perhaps in a way Xavier was just jealous because Vincent was happy and he wasn't. His best friend was married, had a house, and looked so happy. Why it wouldn't be long before there was a chance that Vincent would have kids or something too, further rubbing into Xavier's face that he had a life and everything was going good for him. Xavier wanted a good life and a good family. He had the career he always wanted but it meant nothing if the rest of his life was in disarray. He was going to be a father soon, but he did not love the mother of his children and he wasn't sure if he was ready to have children. He wanted to be happy, but this wasn't how he wanted it to happen.

Xavier was almost surprised that Vincent noticed so quickly that something was wrong. But then he remembered that he probably looked horrible right now and sighed. Of course he was going to have to tell him, he was family now technically. And he needed someone to help him get past all of this. "I'm...going to be a father." There was nothing more to say and he didn't want to beat around the bush and make this harder to say than it already was. His voice sounded annoyed, tired, and upset. Truly how could this happen to him? Did it matter that he didn't want a family yet? He wanted to get his life in order first and be happy like Vincent was before this happened. What the hell was he thinking when he slept with Cassie? Was he really that stupid?
Vincent chuckled a bit when Xavier pointed out that he had never seen a couple as much in love and acting upon it as he and Alyssa acted around each other. Though what was he going to do without Alyssa there to entertain him, and to talk to him? He could last a while, without her right? She had to graduate school, and he did not want her to drop out just because he missed her so much. He did miss her; he wanted her in his arms right now that was how much he missed her. Vincent wanted to hold her, kiss her, relish her right now, but he would have to learn self-control only until she graduated and that was it. Vincent would have to just breathe a bit and live life a little more, learn more about the Aurors and such. He also found out that he had a few cousins that he did not know about, and he might go and get to know them, he just did not know what he wanted to do with himself while Alyssa was at school. Vincent chuckled, "I think I might learn more about the Aurors and maybe see if I have a few distant cousins alive or something. And probably build her a spa. You did not mean anything perverted by that, did you?" Vincent really hoped not. That would be a little embarrassing to talk about with his best friend. But he did not realize that things were not going too well for his best friend, and Vincent was struggling to see what it was.

He was never good at reading people, and it was frustrating. At least his best friend did not go out and join the Death Eaters or something, or maybe that was what was wrong with him? Vincent waited patiently for the news, and when he heard it, Vincent's heart almost stopped. Xavier was going to be a dad? Vincent knew that Xavier was not ready for that yet! Heck, he was not even ready for kids and he was married! Vincent swallowed hard and wondered if Xavier liked the mother, or what had happened. There had to be a way to fix this, right? No, if the mother was going to keep the children, or child, whichever, Vincent knew that Xavier would not have much luck. Vincent muttered, "A father?" Vincent paused for a moment, gathering words, "Oh dude, man, you are not ready to be a dad. Heck, I am not either. How could this have happened to you of all people?" Xavier must have had a crossing with a black cat or something. He just had bad luck. Vincent released a sigh and he asked, "Better question, what are you planning on doing? You can't just ignore the kid. You may not be ready to be a father, but you will have to man up and face this, because everything happens for a reason." Vincent smiled a bit, letting him know that he would be there for him, every step of the way.
Xavier could see it in his friends eyes that her missed her. Vincent was very expressive with his eyes and right now to Xavier he looked almost looked as if he was a little lonely or something. "You only have a few months before she Graduates anyways. You can last a few months can't you?" Xavier shrugged pointing out a small fact. It wouldn't be too far off before she and Theodore would be taking their NEWT'S then Graduating. He figured that Vincent should be able to hold off just a few more months when he had waited years to get her to date him to begin with. If h e couldn't then there was nothing he could really do if he actually wants her Graduate and stuff. Xavier couldn't see his sister dropping out anyways. "Going through families tree's is always fun, until you find out some really disturbing stuff about your ancestors. No I didn't. Wait...your going to build her a spa? Dude don't do that! Your going to spoil her rotten." Xavier rolled his dark blue eyes before he flicked some of his hair out of his face. As much as he loved his sister he didn't really want to deal with her acting like a big spoiler brat because Vincent gave her whatever she wanted. He saw the good and softer side of her but Xavier could bet ten bucks that his best friend had yet to really get a good look at Alyssa when she's throwing a tantrum or she got really mad. She was one of the better ones but she was still a Snow, all of them had horrible tempers to some point. And they all had different things that set them off.

"Kids, turns out it's twins. But I don't know what I'm going to do man because me and this chick don't exactly get along. We uh, it was mostly lust based so I have no idea if she will even let me see them. Not to mention both her family and my family alike will probably kill me. I just...I need some help...because I can't do this." Xavier buried his head in his hands and lowered it down as he willed himself not to just start screaming in frustration. Or start crying since both actually sounded like something he wouldn't mind doing. In a way he felt embarrassed telling Vincent this, since his friends life seemed so together compared to his. But he also felt comforted because he knew Vincent would also not judge him like his family would. He wouldn't try to wring his neck for being so foolish. So many stupid mistakes were not only being built up by Xavier but by all of Alphonse's older children. What was he going to do to them when he found out?
Vincent could never hide his true emotions that lurked beneath those pools of blue that reflected everything in his soul and on his mind. There was nothing he could do really, he had to go without Alysa for a while. He did not know for how long he would be able to deal being without Alyssa so he had to keep himself busy for the most part. Vincent thought for a moment, and he nodded, "I sure can. I waited years for her, a few months won't kill me." Plus, there was the bright side of being married to her, so she was his and he was hers, forever bound by vows and beautiful bands. Vincent brushed his hair from his forehead because he was tickling him a bit. That was something that he was normally used to, but it was still something that got on his nerves a bit. Vincent raised an eyebrow and he looked at Xavier as if he were crazy, "Family tree? Um, we don't have anything like that... We have photo albums. But she needs to be spoiled, because well, I love her and she needs something to do while I am out doing my Auror duties, whichever they may be." Vincent was not really thinking anything was wrong with giving everything he could offer to Alyssa, because if he could, he would give her the world. He doubted that he would need to do anything too harsh though.

The Auror raised his eyebrows when Xavier pointed out that he was having twins. How in the world did Xavier manage to put himself in that sticky situation? Better yet, how was he going to deal with it? But it was mostly lust based, and he figured that it was still something wrong anyhow. Children formed should be based on love, not lust. But he did not know what he was going to do actually. Vincent cocked his head slightly to the side and he said, "If you ask her, she might let you. But why you haven't contacted her yet won't make it any easier. The sooner you confront everyone about this the better, but what is so bad about it, and just tell me the basics. The only thing I can help you with really is support, because I am not exactly the right one to talk about it, since I don't have any kids formed from lust..." Vincent scratched the back of his head and he was just shocked that Xavier was going to be a father. Vicnent did not know what to say about it, but he would be there to support him somehow, in some form. Vincent really did not understand the complexity of having a huge and strict family. Vincent was used to having a small family, quiet and happy. For years, it was just Amauri and Vincent.
Xavier was relieved a little bit that his best friend could wait a little bit to wait for Alyssa to Graduate, her dropping out would be the last thing that anyone who actually cared about her wouldn't want. She needed to get the proper marks she needed to become a Healer. But the thought of his sister completely went out the window for a moment as he watched Vincent brush some hair from his forehead and begin to speak to him about family tree's and that Damn Spa that he wanted to build his wife. Sometimes Xavier honestly missed the days when his life wasn't pure hell and he had this youthful innocence that Vincent was now displaying. It is something that he knew he could have kept if he had just kept to himself and never bothered to get involved with those girls like he did so long ago. Now Xavier's life was ruined and now he was hear completely envious of Vincent and the life that he had. Oh how he would trade it all in for just a day or two of a peaceful life that didn't make him wonder how it had gotten so bad. "You should get one, Family tree's are extremely useful. Pretty soon you'll appear on the Snow Family tree yourself. And no she doesn't need to be spoiled. Whether you love her or not, your just supporting her acting like a snot all the time. While your gone she could do something productive like sew or cook, or clean the house." Xavier rolled his eyes. He didn't know if he would even make any woman do all of that but he knew right away that Vincent was support his little sister's spoiled behavior. He treated her like she was a queen or something. It made her impossible to deal with when she was at home and was able to speak her mind.

"You want to know so bad, fine! Her family, and my family is filled with life hating murderers okay? They will not resist at the chance to tear me up okay? I'm not about to go in there and risk my life like's stupid. And you better not have any children formed at all." Xavier refrained from using the words Death Eater but put in the closest thing he could to it that would cause Vincent to understand but wouldn't send the poor man into a panic. He was trying to play hero enough already and Xavier didn't want his best friend running in there and possibly making a fool of himself or getting himself killed. The Snows, Lefevre's, and Zhefarovich's were filled with some nasty cruel hearted people. Xavier would be dead meat once this all hit the surface, and the last thing Vincent mentioned made Xavier shudder. Him becoming a father was creepy enough. He didn't really want to think about his friend having kids at all, let alone him having a kid with Xavier's little sister.
With that being said, Vincent really wished that she was his own age so that she would have graduated all ready. Vincent brushed his hair with his fingers as he thought that it would have been a little better to have wait, but this was a real test. He was a loyal husband, and a boyfriend previously so he knew that it would have lasted anyway. Just waiting for her now was the real hard part. Vincent could not wait for things to just slow down and he could do things to and with her. Vincent was almost glad that Xavier did not continue to talk about the spa that he was going to be building, because he did not know what kind that he would be building just yet anyway. Vincent just wondered what Xavier would think if he had a girl that he could actually love and cherish and be married to. Vincent was sure that his life would turn out the current hell that it seemed to attracted to and turn into a slice of heaven. However, Vincent narrowed his eyes when Xavier somehow turned the whole treating Alyssa like a housewife. Perhaps that was why he could never actually keep a girl, because of the way he treated them. Vincent said, his voice lacking any sort of humor, "Yes, and keep her an unhappy housewife. And why not add onto that giving her a good punch or smack in the face for not obeying any and every little word I say? Should I do that to your little sister, Xavier? Don't you think I should give her freedom and let her have the happiness that every woman out there deserves? If she is happy to cook, sew or clean, let her. But hell, if she doesn't like it, I won't force her to do that. You sound awfully sexist, Xavier."

Sure, Vincent got a little riled up, but who could blame him? Vincent absolutely hated people like that. And he ended up giving his best friend a rather good speech. He believed that women, like men, should have the same rights and such. But both sexes needed to keep out of some topics to talk about. Such as women and their lady problems and men and their men conversations. Both knew their boundaries. Vincent glanced down and he shook his head. Vincent said, "Look, nothing is worse than a deadbeat dad, but you know, it would be a lot worse than not letting them know, especially if they are going to find out anyway. Kind of hard to hide that you are indeed a dad, man. But if they try to harm you, just apparate away. And as far as I know, we shouldn't..." Vincent shrugged lightly, and wondered that himself. He did not want to talk about his sex life with his brother in law, because he was sure that he did not want to hear it either. Who would really blame him? Vincent wanted kids eventually, but he did not think that he was ready for one right now. Not that he could think of. Vincent glanced at the ground and hoped that things would clear up for Xavier. Maybe someone could enter into his life and get him into shape. It could be anyone, even the woman that ended up baring his twins anyway.
Sometimes Xavier wondered what happened to Vincent the say he met Alyssa. It was hard to imagine him being any different than he was today but Xavier tried to remember if there was ever a time where he was less whipped then he was now. Because right now it was as if Alyssa was dangling him off a leash that she had a very tight grip upon. Because it seemed like everything he did was for her now. Although perhaps if Xavier was in love himself then he wouldn't think like that, but since he wasn't he felt like he had every right to think that Vincent was being unreasonable when it came to Alyssa and anything that could possibly deal with her life, her happiness, and her future. Xavier had never seen someone get so worked up over a girl before, his parents never got along and he never stuck with girls himself so it was hard to believe that he had even heard of the emotion of love before. When he saw Vincent narrow his eyes at him for what he said Xavier rolled his own, god forbid he just said something horrible about his own sister. "You said it, not me. My point is you can't let her have everything she wants because let's face it, she's a spoiled brat who probably needs a good kick in the a** for once in her life. Man Vincent you've been completely whipped ever since you met her. FYI, she's just a stupid girl. Chances are if she didn't even have that stupid Veela charm you two probably wouldn't even be together." Xavier was stood up by this point and his tone wasn't as nice as he probably intended it to be but he was angry that he had just been told off by his best friend over his sister.

Xavier didn't like being all riled up. But he was scared and he didn't want to do this because having children with someone he didn't love or like very much was like sucking away his freedom and making it so a large part of his life was never going to be gotten back by him. Now he had two children on the way to worry about. "You have a point. I'm willing to step up..I'm just scared. And this women and I don't get along so it's like..raising a family with the enemy. As far as you could you not know for sure? Did you use protection?"
Vincent could not help but wonder if Xavier was in love, if he would feel any different. Vincent did not think that things would be like they were if Xavier would have fallen in love like he would. Vincent had a mind of his own but he did not think that any sort of sense was going to really matter to Xavier. He just seemed so moody right now, like something was really bothering him. Well, he was a father so that might explain it actually. Vincent reached around and he scratched the back of his head and he closed his eyes when Xavier went off about his sister, and Vincent's wife. Anger boiled in his system, and he sneered, for the first time, Vincent was actually pissed off and he did not know what to really say other than what he had on his mind, "The one that sounds like a spoiled brat is you, Xavier. It is almost like you don't want anyone to be happy. Now that I am finally happy with someone I love, if they have Veela blood or not, I am not a prejudice man so whatever, you seem nothing more but a thorn in my side about my marriage. Say what you want behind my back about my wife, your sister, but not in front of me."

The Auror took a deep breath, and he took a step away from Xavier. Vincent pointed out, "Just because you had girl issues, don't throw them in my face and compare my life to yours. One more word about Alyssa, and I am apparating out of here." Vincent had managed to stick up for Alyssa, but he might be losing a best friend in the process. Mates over chicks, was it not? But then again, this was completely different. Vincent was married now. He was happy. He was getting a family he never had really. His father was a full time Auror, and he was just gone a lot of the time when he was at home. Vincent could only offer as much advice as he could right now when he was trying to calm down right now anyway. Vincent scratched the back of his head, and bit his lip, "But if you don't have to, then I wouldn't do it, especially if you and that woman does not get along at all. We do a lot of the time, but um, sometimes you just forget." Vincent figures that he was not to be a father soon anyway. What was the rush?
Xavier was surprised that Vincent had blown up like he did. In all of their time of being best friends it was never ever actually Vincent that blew up about anything. But this time it must have been a sensitive subject because he was looking far angrier than Xavier would have liked him to look. All the words he spoke hit him like a sledgehammer too because he knew that almost all of it was dead true. That he was acting spoiled and he didn’t want to see anyone be happy. As he was feeling lonely and it stung every time he saw how happy Vincent was and he wasn’t it made him so angry inside. He wanted happiness but his best friend was hogging it all on him. If that wasn’t the worst of it, then the fact that he was pretty much doing Xavier’s baby sister should have been. But he let his best friend rant and say what he wanted. It wasn’t something he wanted to hear. It brought him back to reality and reminded him that he had other things going on in his life besides those two babies he was soon to be responsible of. ”Of course I want you to be happy. I just don’t like the fact that your loving all over, sleeping with, and spoiling my baby sister. Ever since our Fifth Year of school it’s always been about her. I’m tired of it. Honestly with the way our family has reacting to your marriage anyways, I don’t expect it to last. I hope to god that they actually kill her. Then you’ll see what a fantastic idea it was to fall in love with her.” Since Vincent said he was leaving after this Xavier didn’t wait for him to leave first. He let the man say what he needed to say before he stood from the bench angrily. Then he adjusted his clothing and Apparated away. Doubting that him and Vincent would be on good terms with one another for awhile.
Vincent rolled his eyes and he shook his head. "You really are a spoiled brat. I can have other people in my life, Xavier, not just you. I did not bring her up much around you, because I know how you are, and how you act. I hope you love it that you are acting like an ass, because if your family has an issue, fine, they can kill me too, and whatever. Xavier, you have issues, and go seek help because while you are acting like this, I don't want you around me at all. Having me feel like I have to choose between you and your sister, you aren't that good of a best friend. When you get married, you will understand, mark my words, you will know how it feels, and you will regret losing the one that was willing to help you out." Vincent stood up as well, and he glared at Xavier for a moment, and he turned and apparated off because he could not get the thoughts of losing a best friend off of his head. He let out a sigh and he apparated home. Home, the only place he could think of before he could really do anything.

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