You, again?

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi was going to be a good daughter today and visit her father at the Green house. She hadn't seen him since he moved in and that was about a week ago, she couldn't go a week without seeing her dad. The blonde had just gotten off the airplane from California, leaving her sisters behind at her house. Caysi didn't have that much energy to apparate back and forth anymore, so plane was the next best thing. Caysi walked quickly to her car, making sure that no one was in the way of her speeding down every street. She was known to be a wild driver, but that's because she had many things to do and little time to do them. It took Caysi only ten minutes to drive to the Green house, making sure that no cops had seen her or anything. The blonde stepped out of her car, walked to the door and rang the doorbell.
Dervish picked Rio up and apparated him to Sam's house. Bella and Rosie were already playing in the living room with Sadie so he guessed that his mum was in the kitchen or something. "Mum. I'm here." He put Rio on the floor to play with the girls when Sadie came over to him and put her arms out. He picked her up and gave her a squeeze. "Hello pudding. Where's granny??" Derv smiled at the toddler's sweet voice. "She's upstairs with grandad. She said we had to stay down here and she'd be back in a minute." Derv smiled and started making conversation with her. It hadn't been that long since she had started speaking but once she started she didn't stop and she'd picked up sentences very quickly.
Caysi looked around the houses in the area were nice, but somewhat expensive, but nothing was expensive to her. The door was unlocked so Caysi just let herself in. She looked around, " Sam? Dad?" She yelled out, not really seeing anyone. She strolled to the living room, she saw Bella and Rosie, and her niece Sadie and the most wonderful, amazing person in the world, Dervish. it hurt everytime that she saw him, but their break up was for the best. It also hurt seeing Sadie, it reminded her so much of her sister, it was like the hole was filled whenever she saw Sadie. " Didn't expect to see you here Dervish." She said.
Derv turned when he heard someone come through the door. He couldn't see the front door from the living room but he knew who it was immediately. He would recognise that voice anywhere. He'd been hoping he wouldn't see her again. She was the reason he'd broken up with Cloe and now he was in love with Melody. He wondered whether Caysi still liked him. If she did then he had to go. Then her words sunk in as she walked through the door. "Oh, um, yeah. This is my mum's house." He narrowed his eyes slightly then said "What do you mean dad??"
Caysi looked at him, how could one of her best friends be dating him? Of course she didn't hate him that much, she was a natural actor and could put on any face she wanted too. " Right." She looked around. " Dad, what do I mean by dad?" The blonde laughed, putting her hands on her hips. " Do you not know that my dad and your mother are somewhat together now, I mean he lives here. Did you not get the memo Dervish?" Caysi looked at him, waiting for an answer.
Derv noticed how Caysi seemed to be trying sarcasm on him and it bugged him some what. "No, actually. I didn't I knew she was dating Sadie's gramp but I didn't know it was your father." He put Sadie down on the floor so she could go and play the looked at Caysi again. "Unlike you, I have two jobs so I am a bit busy to read a memo thoroughly." The only memos that Derv ever read thoroughly were the ones from death eaters because they were so important and he would need every detail for missions.
Caysi was a bit confused, Dervish knew that Sadie's mother was Caysi's sister, so in order for it to be Sadie's grandfather and Sandra's father it was also Caysi's father. The blonde regained her look on him, " And unlike you I have a million and five jobs, literally everything you job you remember me having and add seven thousand to that."He didn't know about the record company she owned with Jacob, or about her real estate business, he probably heard of her singles and albums for singing, not like he cared. She sighed and looked at Sadie, she was just so cute in the clothes that she was put into. " Why can't we just play nice?" She asked, walking closer to Dervish. " I mean, our parents are together, and I think we shouldn't be playing cat and dog."
Dervish raised an eyebrow then laughed slightly. "You may not have noticed but I don't play nice. The fact that our parents are together means nothing. We also share a niece but that means nothing to me. All I care about is if my family are happy. As far as I can see, they are so there is no need for me to act like I care about you." Derv couldn't be bothered to act in the Green house when it was one of the only places he felt like he didn't have to act. It was tiring having to act all day everyday so getting five or ten minutes here and there always felt great and he knew he never needed to act around his family because they all knew everything about him already.
Caysi leaned back on her left arm, he didn't play nice? That was hilarious to her. Did he not know who she was? She would kick his sorry a$$ to the moon and back with one toe. " Acting, you're really good at that one too, don't kid yourself Dervish." The blonde folded her arms together. " Do you expect me to care about you? If you do then you're dreaming high and big." Caysi rolled her eyes. " Like I need you of all people to care about me." Caysi took in a deep breath. " Is that why you're with Melody? To make me angry? Good luck Dervish because it's not working." She shrugged her shoulders, he was going to have to try better than that. " And deep down you probably care about me sooo much that you can't hide it." Caysi had a smirk on her lips. Of course she didn't care for Dervish now, she was with her love, Jacob.
Derv rolled his eyes and looked away from Caysi. He knew she was just trying to wind him up and he knew what he did to people who pissed him off. He may not have cared about Caysi but he cared about his mum and he hadn't seen her in love like this since his dad. He wanted to make sure she was happy and that wasn't going to happen if he hurt his future step-sister. "I never said you cared about me. I said I don't care about you. There's a difference." He really didn't give one tick whether she cared about him or not. If she did then fine, that was her problem. If she didn't then she'd just be joining the huge group of other people who also didn't care about him. It didn't make much difference to him how many people were in the group. Derv's eyes met hers with a hint of anger in them when she accused him of using Melody to get to her. "I would never do that to Mel. I love her and she is pregnant with my child. I am going to look after her and the child and I don't care what it takes because she's my life." He wasn't about to say too much to Caysi but she had pulled a string in him and he wasn't happy that she'd managed to get to him so well. "I've already told you I don't care about you. I seriously don't give a flying f**k about you or whatever you do in your life or anything to do with you really. The fact I have to put up with you for my mum is probably the only reason I haven't kicked you out the house already so don't push your luck or I won't hold back." Derv wasn't used to holding back as he never usually cared about consequences.
Caysi stared at him, somewhat with wide eyes. " Dervish, do you think that I really care? You're making all this talk like I'm writing this down and really analyzing this. I don't give a f*ck." She shrugged her shoulders, it was plain and simple. " Please Dervish, I know you better than you know yourself." She walked to his side. " You want people to like you for the tough guy that you are, but on the inside your hurting." Caysi lowered her eyes and had a small laugh, " You really think that I'm taking this from you? You're sadly mistaken." Dervish should watch his back, Caysi could be crazy at times. " You've put up with me? Do you really think this is dandy and beautiful for me? Go ahead, kick me out. I'll make sure that you pay for it. Your the one who should consider himself lucky for not having his a$$ kicked already and beaten." Caysi snapped back.
Dervish shook his head with anger building up inside him. He couldn't believe that he had actually liked this girl at one point. She was a stupid tw@t who needed to realise that she knew less than she thought she did. "I am not hurting. I have the people I want and need around me and I don't care about anyone else." Dervish had felt pain growing up on his own. He never had any friends in school. He was used to it now though. He put people in danger when he was around them anyway. It was bad enough that he trusted himself around the toddlers. Especially when they were as trusting as Sadie and Rosie were. Derv heard his mum shout down the stairs to him. "Dervish Green Jr. Don't even try to start anything down there by those children or I swear I will kill you where you stand." Derv ignored his mum knowing that she could never kill anyone, especially him. "If you don't like it here then why don't you go. It's not like you belong here." Then he couldn't help but laugh. "My a$$ kicked?? By you?? You've got to be joking. I'd like to see you try."
Caysi laughed, she knew that deep deep down somewhere in his body, there was a part that was hurting and that needed some attention from anyone. " Really? I'd beg to differ." She sighed and looked at her nails. Caysi literally laughed out loud when she heard Sam's voice from upstairs, she could only imagine what he father was thinking. Caysi was probably the rowdiest sibling of all, yes she was sweet and all but very very crazy. " Who says I don't like it here? I just don't like you." She shrugged her shoulders as she spoke. " Really? You want to see?" Caysi tiled her head back and laughed. She took off her shoes and jumped on his back, grabbing at his hair, " See I told you!" Caysi crossed her feet around his waist, and grabbed onto his head.
Dervish was really starting to wonder where Caysi thought she knew him from. "How well do you know me?? What did we have?? Oh yeah, that's it. We slept together a few times. You know nothing about except what I'm like in bed. So don't start making accusations about me when you know absolutely nothing." She was getting on his wrong side and that was never a good thing to do when you wanted to be welcomed into the family. Derv had two little fourteen year old friends who had been told they weren't allowed to play anymore pranks. The minute they were told there was someone in the house worth pranking, he was pretty sure they'd be happy to help. Derv narrowed his eyes when Caysi started tying back her hair and taking off her shoes. He hadn't expected her to take the challenge seriously. He'd been up against some of the strongest witches and wizards there were. She'd been up again her siblings and maybe a fling or two. It wasn't that difficult to work out who would win in a fight between the two of them. Then she jumped on his back. "What the hell are you doing woman?!" He lost his rag. Derv jumped up in the air and landed on his back with a loud crash. Well...he landed on Caysi with a loud crash. Immediately, he heard his mother's shouts again. "Junior!! That room better be in one piece when I get down there!!"
Caysi wanted to growl at him and rip his ear off, but she was not a wolf nor a dog. It just would've been fun seeing him in pain. But she was in a bit of shock that he dropped on her, " You've gained a little weight, now get off my feet before you break them." Caysi said, slapping the back of his head. The blonde then pushed half of his body off of her, " Never mind little, try a lot." She breathed harder and harder. Finally she was able to get up. But instead of standing, she just sat on his stomach, making herself nice and comfy.
Derv laughed at her comment. "Muscle weighs more than fat." He didn't really care much for his figure but he knew for a fact that he was not fat. He had a healthy diet (not including alcohol) and he spent lots of his free time body building to keep himself in shape. Then she sat on his stomach. "Which just proves that you must be fat." Derv put his hands on her waist and shoved her off of him with one easy motion. He got up and saw that the toddlers had all left the room. He guessed they'd probably gone up to Sam which would mean she would be down in a minute. "Next time you try taking me on, try years of training before you even attempt it because that's what I've had so far." Self defense was Derv's strong point. He knew how to defend himself from most things. It wasn't always successful but he was only twenty four. He still had a whole lifetime to learn all the ins and outs.
Caysi laughed, getting back on her feet. " I don't think in your case." Caysi untied her hair and held her shoes in the other hand. " Dervish, next time I'll beat you with my shoe and then we'll see about self defence when there's a heel stuck in your skull." She showed him her shoe. " And I'll bring my boxing gloves next time, then I'll show you what pain is all about." She looked at the stairs, she knew what they were thinking upstairs.
Derv made a fake yawn as if to say I am getting seriously bored of this so hurry up and get out. He couldn't be bothered to deal with someone who acted like a five year old and pretended they knew everything about everyone. "A boxing glove is going to feel like nothing compared to the torture curse." Dervish meant that he had felt that pain and in comparison a boxing glove would be nothing but he realised that what he said could be taken like he was threatening to use the curse on her. He didn't care. He wanted to after all. It wasn't like he couldn't cast it. Once again he was held back because she was soon going to be family.
Caysi rolled her eyes, " No need to put the torture course on me, you're living proof of it." Caysi sighed. Was she actually going to have to put up with him for the rest of her life. Of course it would be entertaining, but she didn't need to get mad every single week. The blonde put her shoes at the entrance. " You've got to admit, your going to love having me as a step sister." Caysi winked and summoned herself a waterbottle from the kitchen.
Derv frowned at her. She was being so pathetic towards him. "Perhaps you'd like to feel the true pain of it. Then you might realise that life's not a bundle of games and there's cr@p at every corner you turn." Dervish had never been fond of the way he lived but the first time he felt the torture curse was the time that he realised for sure that his dad was right about every lesson he'd given Derv. "No, I wont. I'm going to love seeing your rotting corpse at the bottom of a ditch. I can help you with that one." Derv walked to the fridge in the kitchen and grabbed a firewhiskey.
Caysi narrowed her eyes, " Do you not remember my life Dervish or was it the bedroom you were more concerned in? I had a fu**ing crazy mother, not to mention my sisters who just died. Learn your sh!t before you say something." Caysi sipped her water and sighed. " Too kind Dervish, see now your thinking of me." She nearly choked on her water from laughter.
Dervish smirked. "As a matter of fact, no I don't. I was more interested in getting you in bed with your clothes off. I didn't really give a f**k about you or your family. I don't give a sh!t about your mother and the only reason I care about Sandra is because her death hurt my brother." Then he shook his head. "And stop being a stupid f**king hypocrite. Like I said, you know nothing about me so you can't moan at me for talking without knowing when you've just been doing the exact same thing." There was no way Derv was going to be able to put up with that...thing as a sister. "Yeah, thinking of you the way you should be. How about I throw you down a ditch so I can take a picture of your corpse and keep it as a souvenir??"
Caysi yawned, he was boring her with his stupidity. She didn't have to take this nonsense from anyone especially from this piece of cr@p. " One day you're going to be at your weakest, when you're going to need help. No ones going to be there, and you're going go to be all alone. Then maybe it's going to be you that's going to be pushed into a ditch. Oh don't worry I'll be there, filming this all of course." She shrugged her shoulders, she didn't really care at all. Did his words affect her? Not at all, someone who you hate and could care less about had no use being in your mind at all. " Really? Too kind Dervish. This is going to be exciting, doing this for the next fifty years. Sure hope you're up for it." The blonde winked.
Dervish shook his head. "I know what to do if that day ever comes. In fact, it's already happened once. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened again." It wasn't unusual for people like him to be put into that sort of position and he knew how to deal with it. Then he laughed. "You think it's going to be going on for fifty years?? You'll be lucky if you last the next fifty days." Derv couldn't see how he would be able to hold him self back for much longer. He knew that he would lose it at some point and then she'd regret getting on his bad side. It wasn't like he had much of a reason to hold himself back. Only his mum and seeing as she had been a victim to Dervish in the past he was pretty sure she would be understanding.
Caysi sighed and looked around, it seemed like everything was quiet and everyone had gone away. " I won't last? We'll see the who's the one that runs out first." The blonde threw out the bottle that was now empty. Caysi sighed and put her shoes back on, she didn't have too much time to spend at the Green house. The only reason why she hadn't killed him or tourtured him was because of their parents, not that they would kill then but for the reason that they liked eachother.

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