Closed You’re My Bestie

Corey Edogawa

tengu seeker • things should be simple • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Corey Edogawa was in cloud nine. Things had been going rather well in the last few weeks that even with the rigorous training under the Tengus in preparation for the next season, the seeker felt like he always had energy to spare. He was finally engaged to the love of his life and they had already begun planning the wedding. Nothing too overt but bits and pieces here and then. They had started after both of them had managed to let their families know. Corey thinks it all went rather well but he rather did have a low standard for what constituted as well and great so perhaps he was not the best person to judge the corcumstance that went on with the family announcements. Now though, Corey intended to let his best friend know about his upcoming nuptials.

It was only unfortunate that Corey’s best friend lived a continent away. It was just lucky that he had enough connections that he was able to get a regular portkey for his visits to New Zealand, especially ever since the Raven twins started residing here which was ages ago. Even so, he had to limit his visits to once a month. Maybe twice if he had the time for it. After all, Corey did enjoy hanging out with his best friend even if he could get quite grumpy. It was okay though since sometimes they ended up sparring which was always a good workout so he now usually brought a bag with a change of clothes whenever they hung out. The former Hufflepuff was actually looking forward to this, which is why today he found himself outside the homenof Kalif Styx II, knocking, yelling, and waiting to be let in. “Hellooooooooooo? Kaliiiiiiiiiif, are you theeeeeere? I know you’re theeeeeeere!” Kalif always did take long to open the door.

@Kalif Styx II
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Ever since the news of Liusaidh's pregnancy, Kalif Styx the Second had been in a better mood. He started working with Liusaidh's family business, and honestly, life was going well for him. That is, his thoughts were interrupted as he was setting up the nursery - a bit early but eventually they were going to fill it anyway. There was a knock at the door, and constant yelling. He knew that voice. Of course he knew that voice. What was it with people annoying him suddenly becoming the most vital people in his life? He never would have thought that he and Liusaidh would have ended up married ten years ago. Although, he did have a mental bet on which triplet Corey was going to end up with. Of course it was the Hufflepuff. Kalif let out a sigh, and exited the nursery, closing the door behind him.

Kalif finally managed to get to the front door and open it. He was glad that his wife was currently out, because this would have been stressful during the sensitive trimester. After all, miscarriages could happen during the first couple of months. "Do you have to yell so much?" Kalif shook his head as he stepped to the side to let Corey in. "I'm in a good mood so let's not ruin it with something trivial." Kalif was not sure if he should share the news of his new heir yet or not.

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