Yin and Yang

Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
There was a feeling of guilt in Enzo's system, he knew that hiding the truth of becoming an Auror would make things worse with his sister. Ashe despise the Auror and unlike him was very much different, as she wanted to be a Death Eater. Perhaps they were really the opposite, which was why it was best to hide the secret from her. Still Enzo wanted to share the good news to his parents, especially to his father. And so he decided to drop by their house in London to tell the news to his parents. Enzo knew this was the best thing to do for now, growing up in the mansion was a lot different than he did now. Still he was used to the whole gate system they newly updated, Enzo got pass by the gate and into their main door. Enzo didn't managed to knock which alarmed his father. He entered and saw his father in shock pointing his wand on the door as her mother was busy cooking lunch for them. "Hey Dad, sorry for storming in like this. I mean this is still my home right?" he asked waiting for his dad to see him clearly. Enzo's father Ludwig decided to lower his wand as he wore his eyeglasses, he was getting older each year and his eyesight wasn't the best.

"Hey Son, what brought you hear? and How was your trip? vacation?" his father Ludwig replied. Enzo knew he needed to share the good new immediately as he set up a meeting for him and his sister Ashe later on. He looked at his watch and saw he only had thirty minutes left. "I'm in hurry dad so I'll make this brief. Well, I got accepted and I'm Auror. Anyway, I need to go and meet Ashe like now. I'll try to come home tonight and and share everything." he said as fast as he can. Enzo knew he must be the one to arrive first, as Ashe didn't liked waiting for him or anyone at all. "Don't tell her the good news Enzo." his father spoke in straight and bold words. He knew it was the best thing to do, Enzo assured him he wont and nodded. In a minute the new Auror apparated and arrived in an old coffee shop, the sibling knew the place and spend their free time mostly there.

"Hey Enzo!" the shopkeeper saw him leaving the restroom cubicle, he was a muggleborn and understood that the sibling would meet up. "Hey Diego, need to go before Ashe storms in." he replied and glanced at the mirror before leaving the restroom. "Say Hi to Ashe for me!" Diego yelled as Enzo got out of the restroom. He raised his hand in assurance and made his way in the same table they would sit at. Gladly, he was the first one to arrive and decided to sit down while waiting for his sister Ashe to arrive.
Though this day was much warmer than the last, Ashe felt that she needed to wear a sweater. For a girl, she never sweats like literally. Ashe hated the liquid dripping from her face down to her body so she decided not to sweat at all. She managed to arrive in London just in time, hoping Enzo was already in the coffee shop. It's been a while since the last time she saw her brother, perhaps it was the time she was still in Hogwarts. Knowing her sibling didn't like the idea of her entering the Durmstrang, Ashe just didn't cared at anyone's opinion including her parents. She was far different from her family, the feeling that she needed to be different from them was taking in. Perhaps she got the side of her mother's younger sister, Aunt Margo was different more like evil. She believed that blood purity was important and decided to become a Death Eater as she is a pureblood. This was the thing that Ashe hated the most, being a mixed blood atlest she wasn't a mud blood by any chance.

Ashe arrived at the old coffee shop, she and Enzo used to go to. Pulling the door she saw his brother stating at a window or something, maybe it was a girl again. As she entered the shop, Ashe saw the shopkeeper of the shop Diego and just looked and him and ignored the hell out of the man. She didn't cared nor was she even friendly. "Brother, it's been a while and I hope it's your treat as you were the one who called this meeting." Ashe said as she took a sit in front of Enzo. He hadn't changed a bit, still ravishing like she knew he was. "So I've heard people call you Mr. Big shot, for being the keeper of the Falcons." she teased him with a slight smirk on her face.
It seems so calm and quite that was until Ashe entered the shop, Enzo loves her sister though at times there was just too much negative energy about her. "Hey Ashe, How you've been? specifically in Durmtrang?" Enzo asked knowing that it suited her sister. Though perhaps she was just too much to handle there, as she heard some rumors that she'd been an itch on the neck. It's been a while indeed, Ashe was looking different. She'd got their mother's hair color after all, especially her eyes. Ashe was finally looking like a lady, as she's after all fifteen. It seems like they were in their younger years, chasing each other and playing tricks on the neighborhood. "O f course it's my treat, order anything you want except for any liquors." he replied with a wink.

"I guess it's not that public yet." Enzo thought wondering if the news got to Ashe by any chance. But it seems like it was still under the rope. "And where did you heard that sis? No, not really. "It's Mr. Enzo the Big Shot." he relied chuckling. "I'm joking, of course not." he continued on. Ashe was the only person where Enzo could be himself and nothing more. There were no secrets for them at all, though everything would change in an instant glimpse as he'd become an Auror. It was the sibling dreams to be a Death Eater, both of them. Though the truth was that, Enzo didn't really dreamed to be one as it was all his sister's idea. Still he was afraid to offend in any way Ashe and hurt her feelings as possible. Good thing he was great at pretending around people, thanks to his acting career before entering Durmstrang.
Ashe raised her eyebrows hearing her brother's words, "I've been much better, though the some students there are just pitiful...then again I'm just fine." she replied shortly. The fifth year smirked upon hearing she could order anything except for any liquors. Unlike any students, Ashe wasn't an alcoholic at all. She was far different, though that was for now. Ashe was the type of person who could be easily bored, so she wanted to rap up everything up. "Okay then, so tell me what do you want to talk about? I mean there must be something you want to tell me." she replied crossing her arms while glaring at her brother.

The truth was Ashe was really getting bored at some point, so she called Diego's attention and ordered a butterbeer. As she knew it was the only so called liquor she could have, though she never thought of it as an alcoholic drink at all. Beside it was the two's favorite drink to begin with, Ashe was getting hungry and so she decided to take a peek at the menu to see what to order. After all it was almost lunch time, and she was just really starving. Ashe hated the foods in the castle back in Durmstrang, they somehow tasted like dirt at some point.
"Good to hear that." Enzo replied knowing he should let that topic stay as it is. He didn't want to barge in Ashe's life, it was her decision to attend Drumstrang after all. " I just want to see and to know how's my little sister? I that so bad?" he asked him. The truth was Ashe was far taller now, unlike the last time Enzo saw her. She grew around three inches, after all their genes were like that. All Enzo wanted was to make sure that Ashe wasn't aware of the news of being an auror by any point. And hopefully she didn't suspect anything. As he noticed that Ashe was going to oder a butterbeer, "..make that two please." he spoke with a slight smirk. It was the siblings favorite drink ever since, the two shared common interest as well but not all. "So any by chance you're interested in Quidditch sis?" Enzo asked him, he was curious if Ashe found the game fascinating.

It would be awesome to be in a Quidditch team like his sister, then again he'd knew she wasn't the athletic type. Enzo remembered that Ashe wanted to be Professor years ago, he wondered if she was still up for that or totally changed her mind to be a Death Eater. "Still want to be a Death Eater?" he continued. He knew this was all he could ask for now, as Ashe didn't like entertaining any questions at all. As the butterbeer arrived, Enzo took a sip and checked out for the menu as he waited for Ashe's answer.

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